Female Capricorn X Male Leo

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It was a rainy morning, but that didn't make Aires spirits any higher than they were. His best friend, Leo, was trying for a date for the dance this week. His original date, Libra, dumped him for Taurus. Aries felt bad for Leo and wanted to find him a date.

They were in the main hall during lunch when Aries found Capricorn sitting down on the ground on the opposite side of the hall eating lunch while reading a book. He nudged his best friends elbow. "Dude, I don't think Capricorn has been asked out yet."

Leo looked up from his lunch, trying not to spill food over his soccer jersey. "Cap? Really? Do you think she would want to go to the dance? Half of the time she's either stuffing her face into her books."

"I guess she's shy. I mean, I was paired with her in science class in a project, but she didn't talk much and sat down doing the work with us."

"Huh. Are you sure though?"

"Might as well have a shot." He took his plate from him and pushed him up, "Go get her lion!"

Leo rolled his eyes at Aries pun as he slowly walked over to Cap. Her eyes memorized inside her book reading every single word that came into her mind as it transformed into some kind of scene. He coughed as it caught her attention.

"Hey... what are you reading their...?"

Cap stared up at Leo, registering that this was really happening. "U-Ummm... just about the sign... L-Leo..."

"Oh, really?" Leo voice rose as he bend down and sat next to her, "Can I see?"

She nodded and let him see the book. "It's about the zodiac signs. I just got finished with Cancer and I just started on Leo."

"Wow... this stuff is pretty good." He flipped through the pages as everything he was reading was just right about him.

"That's why I like this book! I love it! Do you like books, too?"

"Not much but I tend to read here and there. Say, when you're done with this do you think I can borrow this?"

"I-I don't know..." Her face turned serious as Cap was known to be sober, "I really do like this book."

"I promise to return it back."

"A-Alright, just this once though."

A kind smile spread across his features. "Thanks Cap."

Leo looked over to see Aries motioning him to get it over with. He took a big sigh and grabbed Cap's hand suddenly, making her face turn a slightly pinkish tint. "W-what are you doing...?" Cap mumbled shyly.

"Ummm Cap, I know we've only had a few classes together, but will you go to the dance with me? It's okay if you don't want to go, I understand if it's just me or something else."

Cap's green eyes grew wide with surprise. "Y-You want to ask me? B-But... a-alright! I'll go with you! I've been sad lately because no one has asked me to the dance, now I can finally take out that green dress out of the closet!"

Leo chuckled at the bright light in Cap's eyes. "You're really cute when you get all excited."

"I-I do...?"


The bell rang to signal lunch was over. Leo stood up and helped up Cap, but didn't let go of her hand. "If you want I can walk with you to class."


Aires watched with pride to see his little Leo becoming a man, but he suddenly realized he was forgotten about.

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