Chapter 17 It is About Time!

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            Kagami tries to make a run for it!  However,the police chose just that moment to arrive at the place where she is right now.   She sees them and panics!  She thinks, what will I do?  What will I tell Cage 12234 if they catch me?   She turns in the opposite direction.  She runs!  She does not pay attention when they call out for her to stop. She just runs.  She sees a fence, climbs over it and gets stuck!           

            The police see Kagami climb the fence.  One officer shakes his head in annoyance at once, and the other one grins.  He points to the sign on the fence.  The first one reads it and laughs. Both think, that is really going to hurt.   Here is what the sign reads, Warning!  Watch out for bobbed wire!  Take heed!  If you do not you will regret it later.  Also, guard dogs are close by! 

      Kagami can not figure out why she is stuck.  She does know her leg hurts.  She feels something grab her.  She thinks, well at least I am off the fence now. She does not look to see who or what took hold of her.   If she would pay better attention she would realize how much danger she finds herself in right now.  She just breathes a sigh of relief.  "Thanks, for getting me off the fence, I appreciate it."  Kagami says.  She hears someone laugh.  She looks up to see a man with a huge stick in his hand.  He shakes his head at her,  "Let me guess, you either cannot read or you just ignore the sign on purpose!  Now, which one is it?"        

     "Sign, what sign?" Kagami says.  She does not recall any signs. She feels something tug at her arm and gasps in pain.

      "Bad dogs!  Let go of the poor, defenseless, foolish girl!  Now, I mean it release her!"  The man says.  He hits the dogs with the stick and they loosen their grip on her.  

     Kagami whinces in pain again. Her leg really hurts now. She is not sure if it is from the fence or the dogs.  She supposes it could be a little of both.  

      The man grins.  He carries her inside a small shed like area. He tends to her wounds.  "Now, you are as good as new.  Though, I do suggest you take it easy for a few days."

      The police knock on the gate to the fence. The man answers it.  "Yes, how may I help you officers?"  He ask.

       "The lady who got caught up in your fence, she is in trouble!  She is a criminal.  She is been accused of  kidnapping and holding three people hostage against there will.  Now, granted they did escape,but she is also accused of  the attempt on one of the hostages lives. This is something we take seriously."  The police officers explain.

        "Wait, you mean to tell me the woman who was hurt and whom my dogs were about to turn into dead meat is a crook?   Are you serious?"  The man appears to be in shock about the whole thing.

          "Yes, we are serious!"  The first officer says.

        "Here is the report!"  The second one replies. He shows the man the proof he needs.

           The man nods his head, and says,  "Come on, right away!"  He leads them to the shed.  

             The police enter the shed, and handcuff her!  Then, they leave.  The man just stands their is silence.  He still is taken aback, by the fact his dogs  were the ones to help the police nab a bad woman.

           Once at the station, the police question her then take her to the jail.  They lock her up.  They decide she will remain there until her trial after this the judge will decide if she needs to stay there or transfer to the prison.  Then, they go to search for this Cage 12234 person, who they know uses an analysis since this is not his real name.  

          A few hours later, they spot him!  He is about to steal an elderly woman's  purse. The police arrest him for assault on an elder, along with multiple other charges.  They take him with them to the station for questioning.

       "Now, Mr. Cage 12234, or should we say   Simon Hanks Phillips?   You were brought here on many charges.  One includes murder, another assault, and several charges of  which are to horrible to describe.   We also have you on threatening lives, hiring someone to kidnap, Nino ,Luka and Chloe.  We have you on using a false name to avoid arrest, and on the usage of  weapons with intent to  kill."  The police says.

        "Murder, ha!  What makes you think I did this? Hmm, there is no proof!"  Cage, or rather, Simon says.

         "Oh, believe me when I say this more than enough proof for this.  There is even a witness and everything!"  The police remarks.

          Simon's face turns a  bit pale at the mention of a witness. He is not to happy to be found out.  Not to happy at all. He cannot help, but wonder though which murder the police mean since he has killed many people over the years.  He does not recall any witnesses to them though.  How could he not remember a witness?   For that matter, what did the witness see anyway ?  What could it possibly be anyway? 

           The police smile. They figure all in days work.  It is about time they caught him!  Now, they can only hope he really is Chat Noir's killer.  They do not wish to search again for someone else, or to have to witness remain hidden for much longer.  They do some research when it comes to what the witness claims the killer to look like just to be sure.   As they wait, they think about quick the whole thing actually was in comparison to many other cases from the past.

            Simon sits and waits.  He thinks, the strangest thing ever is that they do not say much about my supposed victim?  Now, why is that I wonder?

          to be continued in Chapter 18  Zombie Chat Noir and Ladybug Haul Him In?



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