Chapter 13 (Compromised)

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While looking around using their mounted flashlights, they could assume the room they were in are some kind of alien yet futuristic.

Capsules in rows, while the glass was glowing in dark blue.

Ramirez tried to use his radio, but it was useless.

"Tch. I have signal earlier, maybe the walls that keep us from the outside world."

Ramirez thought frustrated, he turned to face his squad then giving them orders.

"Nishko, check the capsules. Sato, warned the others. Kiril, you're with me." He ordered.

The two nodded and move to their assigned orders.

Kiril and Ramirez move to their left with a door that seem to be the control room. Ramirez signal Kiril to use his crowbar which the Russian soldier obligated. After breaking the door, they both entered the room with weapons drawn.

Meanwhile, Nishko check the capsules one by one using his hand to wipe off the dust to the glass separating between him. Only to see... Bones of a human.

"Blyat." He mumbled through his gas mask.

Moving to the nearby capsules he encountered the familiar bones all the way.

Moments later of checking the capsules, he noticed something, one of the capsules was now opened, he cautiously approach the capsule the notice something fresh to the ground. Moving into crouch position while opening his helmet mounted flashlight, he was surprised of what he was seeing.

"Captain Ramirez. You should see this!" He yelled.


Ramirez and Kiril were randomly pressing the buttons on the desk with caution.

Ramirez was alerted when he heard calling his name.

"Kiril, keep working on the controls." He ordered.

"Da." Kiril replied.

Ramirez exited the room then jog his way to Nishko who was in crouch position looking to the ground.

After Nishko heard footsteps behind him, he immediately point his finger to the ground, while Ramirez crouch beside him.

"Blood. Looks fresh." Ramirez mumbled while running his finger to the crimson blood and examines.

"Yes sir. From looks of it, whoever is in that capsule is not far away from here." Nishko said.

Then out of nowhere, lights illuminated the entire room to see, the entire room was very large than their expectations.

Moving further into the rows of capsules, all of sudden they heard multiple footsteps to see several soldiers, these soldiers came to Ramirez and saluted.

"Captain. Sato, warned us about the capsules. Should we call in for pickup?" The Chinese soldier asked him.

Ramirez nodded.

"Yes. Call them in."

Meanwhile outside, the team of scientists and small group of soldiers wearing their started to move into the main facility's entrance, dragging large set of bags.

"Let's go people, LOS LOS!" One of the German soldier yelled, which seem to be a rank of a sergeant.

The mammals that were hidden all the time, started to become confused.

"Looks like they are going to bag all of their 'belongings' from that building." Chloe said to her friends.

"We should get out of here. We can't stick any longer." Paolo pleads.

"Agreed." Chris and Isaac said at the same time.

After that Paolo turned off his recording and they began to leave the site with caution.

"The whole Zootopia should know about this." Paolo thought while looking to his phone.

Meanwhile back to the humans, they started to take some samples from the capsules after they figure out how to open them by the control room.

One of the scientist noticed something above the table, looking to it, he scans every detail of the picture.

The picture was very odd, it looks like a blueprint from a some kind of a new type of drone called 'NSD - H or Nuclear Survey Drone'. It's structure was very terrifying, it have multiple razor teeths, tentacle arms and sharp claws, multiple red eyes, cords and a long tail, he couldn't understand what is the purpose of any of this.

Bringing out his camera, he took multiple shots of photos in different angles.

He caught a glimpse of a another blueprint underneath the notebook beside the first one, moving it aside, he saw a vulture bird like drone with a letters written to its chest 'K1-TE', he don't know what those letters stands for.

Whatever this was, he was sure this place is some kind a factory and a preservation facility.

As the entire research team began to extract important documents and equipments from the facility.

One soldier in particular was separated from the group, and enters to a dark unexplored area. He open his both mounted flashlights and looked to his surroundings to see... Futuristic battle armors, stacked by rows.

His eyes widen in shock, before he could call his comrades, he was choked and lift up in the air by an invisible force as his assault rifle drops to the ground with a loud click.

He tried to remove and kick the invisible figure that was choking him as he fight for his life.

Moments later, his eyes turned in complete white as his body drops to the ground with a loud thud.

The figure appeared disabling his cloak, this figure's armor was similar to the ones that was in the storage, and from the looks of it, this was a male.

The figure kneel and put his finger to the neck of the fallen soldier to check it's pulse, which he sighed in relief behind his mask, then he checks the flag patch in the shoulder of the unconscious soldier to see...

50 stars arrange neatly inside the blue square, red and white stripes.

The unnamed figure stood back up in complete shock then heard a voice in the distance.

"Captain Ramirez, are you all right in there?" A rough accent asked loudly.

In panicked, he immediately pressed his chest to cloak himself as he disappeared out of thin air.

As the footsteps come closer revealing the Russian soldier named, Nishko.

When he reached the dark area, he was surprised to see dozens of futuristic battle armors, until he sees the unconscious body of Ramirez.

"CAPTAIN!" He yelled in shock.

Running beside the fallen soldier, he immediately check immediately for any signs of life. Upon checking the neck, he sighed in relief.

Since their radio wouldn't work inside, Nishko began to call out for help.

Few minutes later. Multiple footsteps was heard heading to the direction of where Nishko and Ramirez.

The soldiers immediately formed a defensive perimeter around the duo, meanwhile some of them launch series of flares in order to locate or even caught a glimpse of their attacker.

Until... They see a silhouette move at one of the flares as their attention focus to that area, aiming their automatic rifles and immediately open fire.

Multiple casings hit the floor and flash of muzzles rang throughout the room.

"Nishko! Get Ramirez out of here!" Sato said despite the loud gunshots, meanwhile firing his Type-89 rifle in full auto.

"Copy!" Nishko said.

He started to carry Ramirez by his shoulder then run out of the scene followed by one other soldier to guard them.

As they continued firing on their target that seem to be unfazed.

Ceasing their attack, they reloaded into fresh mags and immediately aiming back their sights back to the figure who was now visible.

"Get down to the ground with your hands up!" One of the Chinese soldier warned the figure.

The figure looked at them before slowly advancing, menacingly as the boots make a loud thud.

The international forces moved back as the figure starts to make their its way to them.

One German soldier armed his mounted grenade launcher, M203 mounted to his HK416.

Aiming, he let out some couple of words.

"Du wirst nicht aufhören, dann iss das! (You won't stop, then eat this!)" He mumbled before pulling the trigger.

As the projectile flew towards the figure in medium speed then hitting it's mark, sending the figure towards the wall.

The explosion was powerful sending some of the armors out of their nest.

Some of the soldiers was forced to duck for cover to avoid being thrown out by the powerful wave.

After the smoke starting to cleared off, they aimed their rifles to the last scene of the figure, upon noticing, the area where it landed was never to be seen.

They started to feel the ground shaking and some concrete started to fall off.

"Hans! You drooling idiot!" One of the American soldier yelled.

As the place started to collapse from itself, they exited the room and head towards the first room where they first came in and started evacuating the scientist back to the Stallions.

The propellers started to spin as they make final preparation to takeoff.

Nishko secured Ramirez's unconscious body from his seat, and he looked to the scientists that was still in their NBC suits, while hugging tightly to their belongings or the evidences that they gathered from the abandoned facility.

The heavy lifting helicopters started to took off from the helipads, as they gained altitude, the passengers look below to see the facility started to fall including the ones that they didn't explore.

After they where getting far from the site. In of the the Stallions, all of the soldiers, scientists, and crews glared towards one particular German soldier whom lowered his head in shame.

"Hans... Be ready once we get back to base." Sato said.

Somewhere else...

In the forest, there was a white armored figure running relentlessly.

Then it stop at one of the tree to rest, looking to his chest as the nanites starting its process to repair his damage chest.

Few moments later. His chest was fully recovered from devastating damage.

Sighing in relief, he began speaking to himself.

"Kestrel. Status report?" He ask in his deep robotic voice.

<<Your suit is 90% functional.>>

A robotic female voice replied to him.

"90 percent?" He asked.

<<90%. Due to your cloaking system is still damage from the explosion you received earlier. I highly recommend to you to keep a low profile for a while.>>

Resting his back behind the tree, he looked to his hands then clutching his hands tightly in anger and regret.

"What I've done."

<<You've done it, because you want to defend yourself.>> The female computer tried to comfort him.

"No. I almost killed him, I am a monster."

<<Don't say that->>

"I am a monster, okay! I've killed to many people 2,000 years ago! Just to protect the humanity, against my own kind!" He yelled.

Silence followed after that, sighing in frustration. He stood up from the ground and began to continue to walk.

"I still don't know why they are not dead. They even wearing modern combat uniforms from 21st century and primitive weapons."

<<There are many possibilities.>>

"What possibilities?"

<<They could be survivors with 21st century technology.>>

"Then how could you explain the flags and insignias?"

Grinning ear to ear, the computer couldn't answer his question.

<<You know, James. Even super computers can even make mistakes from their calculations.>>

She replied deadpanned, meanwhile the now known creature, which is a human named James chuckled.

After walking, he stopped near a cliff to see at the distance far away a city, similar to New York.

"It can't be, It can't be!" He mumbled in disbelief.

"I saw, I saw the bombs fell off. How could this be happening?!"

<<James, pull yourself together. Your high rate is increasing!>>

"I know, Kestrel. I can't believe this, hahaha!"
He laughed happily.

<<James. I'm detecting 4 heat signatures, below us.>>

After James heard a warning from his friend, he looked down below and zoom in his optics to see... Animals in clothes, a raccoon and 3 bears from different climates.

"What the hell?!"

<<According to my estimate, those mammals below us seemed to be intelligent... Interesting.>>

"I should follow them. Kestrel, could you patch me in to their cellphones?"

<<Will do.>>


When the mammals entered their van. Chris immediately turn on the keys and hitting the gas as they took off into the road heading towards the city of Zootopia.

"Guys, do you think they are following us?" Chloe asked worried.

"Calm down, Chloe. I'm sure they didn't caught a glimpse of us." The Polar bear comforted the raccoon.

She looked back at Paolo to see him on his phone.

"You doing good back there, Pao?" She asked.

"Yeah." He replied.

As the silence took over them.

Unknown to the trio. Paolo on the other paw was secretly uploading his video to the internet.

"I'm going to be famous for this." He thought excitedly.

After he noticed the percentage hit 100, he closed his phone and focus himself to the window, watching the treeline vanished as they change into river before seeing the city of Zootopia.

To be continued...

Hello guys! We are now in season 2! So expect longer chapters than usual...

See ya on the next chapter!


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