Bᴇsᴛ Fʀɪᴇɴᴅs, Rɪɢʜᴛ ?

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With Rudy flying down the freeway, Angie keeps her eye on Jaime as he laid beside her.

"Is he okay ?" Rudy looks back

"I don't know." Angie says

"Jaime ! Jaime !" Rudy says before turning back around, "Jenny ! Snap out of it !"

"Okay." Jenny sighs. Angie looks over as a blue light shines beside her. Her eyes widen before she turns away. Jenny turns around.

"Don't look, don't look !"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Jenny says turning away

Jaime pants as he covers himself and sits up. "I'm fine, Rudy. Thank you."

"All right. I got a T-shirt. On the side."

"All right. Okay." Jaime reaches over and grabs the t-shirt.


"Oh, that psycho almost killed me." Jaime says putting the shirt on. He groans as he finally gets it on.

"You got the key ?" Rudy asks. Jenny holds her wrist up, "All right."


"Good. Now, let's go get that Scarab taken out of you."

"Khaji-Da." Jaime mutters

"Khaji que ?"

"The Scarab's name is Khaji-Da."

"How do you know ?" Angie asks as Jenny turns toward them

"I... Something happened back there. My..." Jaime starts, "It's like I feel it in my mind. Is that crazy ?"

Jenny sighs as she turns back, "You're becoming symbiotic."

"What ?"

"Okay, where to now ?"

"Take that exit." Jenny points

"What ? Hold on !" They jerk to the side as Rudy crosses multiple lanes.

"No, no, no !" Angie says

"Does anybody in this town know how to drive ?" Rudy says


"They're not gonna look for you here ?" Jaime asks

Jenny sighs, "No one's been here since I was eight."

Angie looks up as Jenny opens the door. They walk through the home before stopping in the middle of the hallway. Angie looks down and sees a beetle design like the one in Jaime's back.

Jenny presses a button on her watch and Angie jumps back as stairs come up out of the ground. Rudy's eyes were wide as Jenny is the first one to step down. Jaime looks to Angie who was hesitant to follow them. He steps over and gently places his hand on her lower back.

Angie tenses at the contact before turning to Jaime. He gives her a small smile while nodding. Angie looks down at the steps before slowly following Rudy.

"So, your dad was all obsessed with Scarabs, huh ?" Rudy says as they make it to the bottom. Jenny stays quiet as she flips another switch. "Where are we ?"

As they keep walking forward, they hear the machinery turn on and lights flash. Angie looks around at the purple and blue lights. They were standing above another level with computers and different tech.

"No way. Wait." Rudy says, "Ted Kord was Blue Beetle ? Wow !"

"What the hell is Blue Beetle ?" Jaime says as he rubs the back of his neck

"Oh, you were a kid." Rudy's says walking down to the next level, "It's like Palmera's superhero. Like Superman in Metropolis or the Flash in Central City. But just, uh... I don't know, maybe just not... not as good."

Angie walks over to look at the three suits in the middle of the room. Jaime looks around as Jenny trails behind them.

"I can't believe he was the Blue Beetle. Oh, I get it though. Eccentric billionaire, a genius. El Escarabajo Azul. Your dad was a great man. I had no idea." Rudy says turning to Jenny, "You can call me Cesar or Rudy. You can call me whatever you want, I don't care."

"Hey, how come all of this..." Jaime starts, but his face falls as he looks at Jenny, "Are you okay ?"

Angie looks over and notices Jenny's eyes were watery. Jenny's head snaps over to Jaime, "I'm fine. Um, what were you saying ?"

"Yeah, how come this stuff doesn't look more like..."

"Nicer ? Less ridiculous ?"

"No. But I mean..." Jaime smiles as he picks up one of the inventions, "Like, look at this. It's like Batman's stuff, but... like if he had ADHD or something."

"Batman's a fascist." Rudy exclaims from by the computers. Angie's brows raise as she keeps walking around the room, "The Blue Beetle, he had a sense of humor."

"My dad was never able to unlock the Scarab." Jenny says as she and Jaime walk over to Rudy, "So instead, he built his own tech to fight as Blue Beetle. If there's a way to get it out, it's in there."

Rudy cracks his knuckles as he turns on the computer, "Let's crack into this sucker." Rudy leans over and sniffs, "Damn, you stink.

Angie's giggle is heard throughout the room as Jaime frowns, "This is your shirt."

"Come on, I think there's some of my dad's clothes upstairs." Jenny nods

"That's a good idea. This is gonna take a minute." Rudy says as he types away at the keyboard.

Jaime looks back as he follows Jenny. His eyes land on Angie who still had her eyes on the tech lying around the room. "Angie ?"

Angie quickly looks up and furrows her brows. Jaime nods toward the door before walking up the steps. She walks around the table and follows him out.


Angie was sat on the bed of a random room that Jenny had led them to. Jaime was in the bathroom freshening up when she heard him exclaim.

"Is everything okay ?" Angie asks

"Um, yes. Yeah. Yeah, I'll be right out." Jaime says before the door opens, "Yeah, I think they, uh... I think they fit. And they're comfy, too, so..."

Angie's mouth goes dry as he looks down. His chest peeking through as he zips it up. To say he looked good in the tracksuit would be an understatement. Angie looks away before clearing her throat, "Good."

"Where'd Jenny go ?" He asks as he sits beside her

"Oh, uh, she went to see if Rudy needed help with anything. She said whenever you're done, we can walk back."

"Cool." He nods as he looks around, "It must have been so cool growing up in a place like this, no ?"

"Yeah." Angie chuckles. Jaime looks over, but can only see the side of her face.

"Angie ?"

"Yeah ?" She hums

"Are you okay ?" He asks softly. Angie turns toward him, "Yeah. Why ?"

"It's just, the past couple of days you've been extremely quiet. If there's one thing I know about you it's that you're not quiet."

Angie chuckles, "In the past couple of days, I've found out that my best friend is becoming symbiotic, so..."

Jaime's smile fades slightly, "Best friend ?"

"Yeah." She says furrowing her brows. She watches as he looks down. "Did I say something wrong ?"

"No, no, no. I just..." He pauses. Angie's brows raise as he sighs, "Do you think best friends is all we'll ever be ?"

"Meaning what ?" She asks slowly

"Meaning..." He trails off as he looks down at her lips. Angie catches this and can feel her heart rate pick up immediately. "Meaning what if we could be more than that ?"

Angie smiles, "I'm pretty sure best friends is the highest level we could achieve." She notices Jaime's eyes were still on her lips, "Right ?"

Jaime's eyes snap up to hers. She nervously searches his face before noticing he was leaning closer to her. Her eyes flutter down to his as he continues leaning closer. The both of them were so caught up in one another, that they didn't notice the footsteps getting closer to the room.

"Hey, guys, I found something that..." Rudy says causing the two to jump away, but it was too late. "Ho !"

"Nothing happened." Angie says quickly

"We're best friends." He exclaims. Jenny brings her hand up to hide her smile.

"I found something you guys need to look at." Rudy points

"Uh, great. That's great. Let's go." Angie rambles as she pats Jaime's arm. She rushes out of the room with Jenny behind her.

Rudy turns to Jaime, "Nice jammies, guey."

As Rudy walks out, Jaime shuts his eyes. He adjusts his clothes before standing up and following them out.


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