𝘋𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘥 > 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘺 {72}

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"Hey honey..." A voice called out. A beautiful and soothing one. You turned around only to see an absolutely gorgeous woman who looked very much like you. She wore a purple floral top with mom jeans.

"M-Mom? Am I dreaming?!" She chuckled.

"Yes you are, sweetie." You sighed.
"No wonder...where's dad?"

"Right here!" You turned around and saw a well built man who wore formal attire. 

"Daddyyyy!!!" You ran and hugged him tight.
"I miss you guys so much!! I wish this wasn't a dream..." You pout.

"We miss you all too baby" Your mom caressed your cheeks.
"You've grown up to be a beautiful young girl, Y/n-ah...I wish I could see you in flesh...
...are oppas taking good care of you?" Your smile dropped.

"Y-Yes" You forced a new one.

"Lies...I told both of them to take good care of you...If I was down there, I would've whacked their asses-

"Language, honey!" You laughed at your mother's statement.

"Daddy...Am i wrong? Because...I love him..." You looked down. 
"I mean, you could do bette-" A little smack on his arm from your mom shut him up. You chuckled through your tears.

"No, you're not wrong. Follow your gut, Y/n...let your heart win...I know you can do this, sweetie...I know how much of a  perfect and strong baby I gave birth to. I love you, honey...and I know you love Jungkook...his intentions are pure...and he loves you...Don't fight your brothers but fight the situation."

"I-I can't mom...I'm tired...I need you...I need you both..." You sobbed.
"No you're not...you're strong, independent and never give up..."

"And we're right here, baby...close your eyes whenever you need us" Your dad says.
"I don't wanna wake up..." You close your eyes...and they walked away. You stopped them...called them...but they walked away...


Your eyes opened, and you found yourself glued to the bed. You didn't wanna move...attempting to close your eyes again, to find your parents...you wanted to beg them for help. Help with your relationship, help with navigating your life, help with your brothers. But they didn't come back."

"You're strong, independent and never give up" 

Her words echoed in your mind. You pulled out your phone and connected the AirPods. 

The first song on your playlist was 'Wildest Dreams'. You pressed play.

I can see the end, as it begins

    my one condition is...

It was true tho. The moment you started dating Jungkook, you were sure that his roots and your roots don't match. Who you thought to be, a simple, innocent teacher was actually a merciless mafia. But you didn't know that. You thought that the moment he finds out, it's over for you. He wouldn't date a girl who's brothers are killers. But when you found out the truth, there was another problem. How could you date someone who MIGHT be your brother's enemy. 

Everything was perfect. The person and time, too. What went wrong? Why can't I just be happy? 

A tears escaped your eyes, as you stared at the ceiling. You heard a knock, which you ignored.

The door opened.

"You're up?" Namjoon mumbled.
You didn't say anything. He noticed the teardrop. He didn't say anything. He sighed.
"Breakfast will be ready in 10. Get ready."

Wow...is he not gonna acknowledge whatever happened last night? Is he gonna ignore? But that's what they always do. They airbrush everything. No matter how much it hurts them. They suppress their feelings. But honestly, I was in no mood of talking about this either. 


A few days had passed. Nothing was normal. But ideally, living without Jungkook should've been the new normal. Who knew what fate had planned? Who knew what my brothers had planned? The only good outcome was that your wedding was cancelled. Yoongi, Hoseok, Jin and Namjoon somehow convinced uncle, that indeed, I was too young and that now, it's their responsibility that I never ever, ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever see 'that boy' again.

All I know is that my brothers won't kill him. First, because they have absolutely no information on them. And second, as much as they are upset with me, they know how much Jungkook means to me. It can leave a huge impact on me, since my therapist told them that I won't be able to handle any further traumatic events.

Yes therapist...When your aunt died, in front of you, it left a huge scar on you. So to cope with it, your brothers had appointed a therapist, when you were about 10. Now they pay her 4 times her original salary to be only your therapist.

You were in your room while your brothers were in the meeting room and the guards. A knock suddenly startled you.

You rolled your eyes, stood up and opened the door.

"I don't wanna eat op-, Eunjin?" You frowned.
"When'd you come bac- wait are you okay?!" You stared at the girl who was panting, had tears in her bloodshot red eyes.
"How dare you ask me that, Y/n?" She sobbed.
"What...?" Your eyebrows crashed in confusion.
"Did I do something?"

"Did you do something?" She chuckled bitterly.
"Drop the act...everyone knows what kind of a backstabber you are" She harshly wiped her tears.
"Eunnie, you need wat-,"

"Eunjin shut up! Me and Jungkook started dating long before you even lay your eyes on him!" 
"I love Jungkook more than you ever could...I can give him things you can't. So back off" She snarled.

"He was so close to being mine before you entered the picture, Y/n...he was so close to being mine" She whispered.

"You didn't even know him before he became our teacher..."
"Yeah well that's what you think. I knew Jungkook before I knew you." You frowned.

"What...?" You scoffed.

Eunjin sat down...she couldn't handle the pain she was going through.

"W-We met at a bar...we were drunk...things happened...and the next thing I knew, I woke up in a hotel room, naked...next to a stranger. The bar was my friend's...and apparently he came there every weekend. I started going there too, Y/n...hoping I would see that stranger again. I wanted to be his so bad. He thought our feelings were mutual, about the whole 'no strings attached' thing. But I had hoped way too much. I wanted his love, he wanted one night stands...Dude...I never got to tell him. And we stopped meeting. I asked daddy to look for him...he failed. I looked for him myself...and I failed. I waited every night and every day for him to come back. But he didn't...until I saw him again...at school. I tried my best but he didn't even wanna see me anymore. You ruined it for me, Y/n...you ruined everything for me." She sobbed.

"Eunjin, I am so sorry...but how could you say he was so close to being yours when he had absolutely no feelings for you...heck, i don't even think he knows your name..." She stood up again. Her almond shaped eyes burning with rage.

"I...fucking...hate you!" She screamed and grabbed your collar.

"Eunjin stop! You're going insane!! Leav-

"WHAT'S GOING ON?!" The door swung open, revealing your brothers. Eunjin immediately released you and realized what she was doing.

"O-Omg..." She whispered.
"My office...now" Jin said and walked away.

She followed.

Once they were out of sight, I tiptoed out.

Are they gonna yell at her? I don't know how to feel about it. To be fair, if my brothers didn't reach on time, she probably would've killed me...


"Sir...Sir, I am so sorry about what happened, I wasn't in the right mind, I was loosing it, I will apologize to Y/n too...please don't fire my father...please" She blabbered on and on.

"Oh we wouldn't, Miss Eunjin...we would never" Namjoon chuckled.

Not fire him? so what? kill her? Nah...they wouldn't 

"We're gonna offer him a promotion." Jin said.

Lol, they sound so serious...sarcasm isn't their thing. They should probably leave that bit to me...

"And mind you, this is not sarcasm"


"We didn't exactly appreciate what you did with our sister back there...Heck, I felt like throwing you out of my fucking house" Jin chuckled.
"But we heard what you want...half of it is upto us, and the other half is upto you" Namjoon stated. Jin took Eunjin's confused face as a signal to elaborate his point.

"I'll give your dad a promotion, a raise, 2% partnership AND a new car..."
"You're gonna give me all this, after I practically fought your sister..."
"There's a catch, Eunjin...there's always a catch."

"You're supposed to make her little boyfriend fall for you. I don't give two shits about how you do it...but make sure he forgets Y/n" Eunjin frowned.
"And you're okay with the fact that it will hurt her?"

Namjoon let out a breathy chuckle.

"She's 19...she will cry for 2 days and then move on. That's our problem...you do what you're asked to. Do we have a deal?" He answered.

The door burst open, revealing you.

Your breathing rate was heavy, tears were threatening to leave your eyes, and a look of betrayal was painted across your face.

"Y/n, what you heard wa-

You cut Namjoon off.

"Was a very cheap trick you tried to pull..." You harshly wiped your tear and looked towards Eunjin.

"Listen up, you can try all you want to trick him, manipulate him and instigate him...but I trust him more than enough to know that he's loyal to me. He will never do anything that hurts me...He loves me Eunjin...you never had a chance. It'd always been me. He would never fall for a fake, 2 faced, characterless wo-"

You stopped that sentence midway as you pinched the bridge of your nose, and sighed,

"It won't work oppa...it won't work...I know it won't because I trust him more than myself..." You whispered.

"Eunjin, leave my house...please...leave." She looked at your brothers and started moving when she got a subtle signal from Jin.
"Guys...why?" You whispered.

"Because we don't trust you one bit, Y/n...sorry but straightforwardness with the straightforward, crookedness with the crooked."

"You've formed alliances with people before! Why not him?!
"That has to be, by far the stupidest question you've asked me. Y/n, when we form alliances, we keep tabs on those people 24/7 before taking steps...without them knowing...so they're basically clueless. Plus they're some way or the other related to our previous partners...we can't make a total stranger who we probably rank negative on the trust scale, an ally." Jin rolled his eyes.

"I don't know anything...but the fact that I've been through a lot. My parents died when I was 2, I was sent far away from my only family when I was hardly a teen...I am the friendless freak in highschool, my boyfriend cheated on me...and just when I thought I found the one, you guys just wanna take it away from me! I deserve to be happy, oppa! I DESERVE TO BE HAPPY!"

"For once, I deserve happiness" You sobbed.

"You do...and that guy isn't the only thing that will bring you happiness, Y/n...try being mature once in a while" Namjoon replied.

"Oppa...please try to understand us...We're not wrong-"
"You're not right either, for that matter" Jin spat.

"What's it gonna take for you guys to accept us?!"
"A parallel universe" Namjoon scoffed.

"I know there's more to this hatred than I know" You said, making Namjoon's head turn towards Jin. It's like they communicated with their eyes.

'Calm down...' That look was given to Namjoon by the oldest.

"Here comes the overthinking" Jin said, sarcasm lacing in his tone.
"Not this time. I know you well enough to know that there is something you know that I don't...I need to know what that is, Oppa...please tell me"
"Y/n...Eunjin left...everything is back to normal...go back to your room" Namjoon pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed.

"Normal? I'm sorry but you're in for a toss if you think everything's normal. My life is a mess, and my brothers literally just bribed my best friend to seduce my boyfriend so he could leave me. That's another level of toxic" You rolled your eyes.

"You call it toxic, I call it looking out...Y/n, we're doing this for you....just shut up and don't question it." Jin replied
"Why do you hate him so much? just tell me!" You retaliated.
"None of your business?" Namjoon blurted.
"None of my business? This conversation is literally about my boyfriend"

"Correction...ex boyfriend" Jin snickered.
"In your dreams" You scoffed.

"Listen...I have so many questions...to which, you have the answers...but apart from this one question, I'm not interested to know crap...so just go ahead and tell me, why do you hate him...and I know...that there's more to it than just me 'disobeying' you." You sat down.

"Y/N, I SAID, GET UP AND GO TO YOUR ROOM" Jin lost his temper and raised his voice.






"ENOUGH!! Enough you too! You want answers huh? Fine...so liste-"
"Namjoon shut up, we can't do that!...Y/n don't listen to Namjoon oppa...just go to your room..." Jin interrupted.
"No...Joon oppa...tell me...what has he ever done to you?"

"Y/n he-"
"Kim Namjoon! I said no! I'm not letting you tell anything to her!"

"Oppa! Just tell me!"

"Y/n...he wants to kill us"

_To Be Continued_

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