𝘌𝘶𝘳𝘰𝘱𝘦?! {67}

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"Y/n, no time. sorry. 

Yes, Yes, Mr. Park. I've looked through..." Namjoon's voice faded as he walked out of the house slamming the door behind him shut.

"Uh Yoongi just deal with our client from yesterday. And ask Hoseok to  lead today's meeting" Jin dashed out of his room talking to Yoongi on the phone"


"No thanks princess" He grabbed an apple, bit into it and rushed out the house after placing a quick kiss on your forehead. You rolled your eyes and plopped yourself on the couch. 

These psychos even work on weekends! 

You chuckled to yourself, opening Netflix and clicking on Riverdale.

17 minutes into Chapter-55 and Toni Topaz was interrupted by a phone call on my phone.

"Babe! I just finished work. Wanna come over?" 

"Hey Kookie. Yeah okay, I can come. My brothers are so busy with work anyway. They'll probably come home by 3" You rolled your eyes, meaning every single word.

"Okay great! I'm waiting."

"Oppa can I go o-,"

"Yes just come back in time. And please don't call again, princess, we're in the middle of a meeting"

"Ok oppa bye Love y-,"

You rolled your eyes and walked upstairs.

You wore a cashmere sweater with skinny jeans and put your hair up in a high ponytail with two pieces of hair dangling in the front. A very small bag slung on your right shoulder that had your phones, pads, tissues. lots of them. Baby wipes and emergency meds. 

Finally, you walked out of the house and went towards the car as you asked Danwoo to drop you near the Starbucks below Jungkook's house, obviously eliminating the 'below Jungkook's house bit'.

"When should I pick you up?" He asked starting the car. 

"Uh Around 8

"And at Starbucks?" You nodded

"It's 11. And you'll be at Starbucks for 9 hours?? That doesn't sound right, Miss Y/n" You gulped.

"O-Of course not! Umm Starbucks is just a pick-up point. I'll be out with my friends"

"And your brothers are okay with that?"

"Yes! I asked them before leaving" 

You walked into the house and were greeted by Jungkook in the living room, working on his laptop with an awfully familiar figure sitting across him.

Is it just me or he is always here when I visit?  It makes shit so awkward and then I have to deal with 2 jealous men.

"Hey baby!" His gaze averted to you as you passed an awkward smile.

"Hello Kookiee!" You chirped, making the third person jump in 

"Hi Y/n" 

"Hi Xiumin" You mumbled. 

"Um Sorry I got stuck with work last minute. But go to my room, I'll be right there" You nodded as he blew a kiss, as a subtle smirk captured his face. You chuckled at his kiddish behavior and thought about the cold war between the two men, as you went to his room.

"It's like...I don't even know what he did! But every time he breathes, it makes my blood boil! Oh good heavens! I...I hate that man!!" You laughed as Jungkook vented out his meaningless exasperation towards Xiumin.

"You hate him so much but why does it feel like you call him over when I'm coming so you could make him jealous" You asked, chuckling.

"No come on! He had to discuss something with me. Some court stuff and all. I didn't even know he was coming!" 

"If you say so." You turned around and looked out the window.

There was a pearly glow in the sky. The dawn chorus of melodic birdsong drifted in. The dreamy clouds were outlined and well-defined. Early flowers pushed through the Earth as the rest blossomed gracefully.

"Dreams are so unrealistic. When you sleep, the dreams feel real as heck. It feels like you're actually being chased by a monster or sitting on a cloud, drinking slushies with a unicorn. But when you're awake, with all senses working, even reality seems like a dream" He came and sat next to you. 

"That's that. But everything's going great, so there is nothing that can ruin our 'real dream'" Jungkook responded to you.

"You're right...everything's going good. So good. Way too good. Some might even say 'too good to be true' type of good. Right?"

"Wrong. Babe...what's gotten into you. I know that even thinking about our future scares you but just live in the moment?" He pulled you closer, as you sighed.

"You know, I had one dream. And I got it. So to be completely honest, I really don't want anything else. You, me, hyungs, Hwanji...it is enough"

"You're so cheesy" You whined as he rolled his eyes and chuckled.

"I just wish..."

"Wish what...?"

"One day, I want to live in the house I grew up in. But this time, with you, Jimin and Tae hyung, Hwanji and just fresh new memories. You know, Y/n...our house had a huge backyard. Me and Jimin hyung were 6 and basically fooling around. There was a hose and Jimin hyung picked it up, trying to spray water on me but Tae came in between and he was drenched! Holy shit that was funny!" The excitement and timely giggles in his tone spread a wide smile across your face. 

"One day I will show you that house"

"One day..." You smiled.


"What are these numbers?! Huh?! Yoongi, wasn't this your responsibility?. And Namjoon you...how could you not handle such an easy task? Seokjin...you're the oldest! This is not what I expect out of you. Hoseok, these charts are just disappointing. You guys are so lost in your own sweet world, you guys are forgetting work!" He pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Uncle, I swear we're tryi-,"

"No Namjoon...I don't want you to 'try'. I want the results"

"Yes, sir" He sighed.

"Uncle? When did you come?" You kept your bag on the couch and put your hair up.

"Not too long ago, dear" His aura changed. He went from boss to dad, real quick. He smiled and welcomed you home.

"Hi oppas! Everything okay?"

"Yes, princess...um, we're busy tho...go to your room...I'll be there in a whil-,"

"No you won't, Jin. I want all 4 of you to complete the task tonight. Sacrifice your sleep, I don't care. But work"

"But uncle, they have been working so much that they barely get time to even eat-"

"Y/n...stay out of this..."

"But Joon oppa-"

"Princess...please?" You huffed.

"Fine. You're not able to handle this from here, right?"

"No, sir...we will mana-,"

"If you could, you would...isn't that right, Hoseok"

"Now stop talking and listen up. All of you are going to Europe. For 2 weeks. No buts and ifs" He made it clear, shutting up Yoongi who was about to open his mouth.

"What?! 2 weeks?! Uncle when we went on a mission for 2 days, Y/n got lost. in 2 weeks, she will probably get lost on Jupiter!" Namjoon opposed.

"Yes uncle! We can't just leave her here alone!"

"Exactly. So she will live with me. You can come take her when the tasks are done. Yoongi, Hoseok, you both switch roles this time. And make sure your approach is well done. Hear me? Seokjin, Namjoon...start preparing immediately."

"Yes sir" They all said in unison, with a hint of hesitation, as Uncle nodded

All of this was so sudden. They were going to go to Europe for 2 weeks and you were going to live at your uncle's. But this could also mean more quality time with the girls, your cousin and...


--To Be Continued--

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