𝘏𝘪𝘴 𝘱𝘢𝘴𝘵 {56}

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"Mom!! Dad!! I'm home" The teenager walked into the room.

"Mom and dad are not home, Oppa" The girl continued reading her book as she replied to her brother.

"Where's Hwanji??" Jungkook asked looking for their 6 year old sister.

"Playing in her room. Now go and stop disturbing me"

"Ok nerd" Jungkook stuck his tongue out at the 13 year old and ran towards a room that was almost entirely blue.


"Oppa!! look I made this Seoul tower" Jungkook gasped, pretending to be shocked. 


"Really oppa??"

"of course Wan!! do you want Ice cream??"


"Don't tell mom tho" Jungkook placed the younger on his shoulders and walked towards the kitchen.

"Jungkook oppa! what are you doing, you'll drop her!" Saemi gasped.

"No unnie! don't worry this is so much fun!!" Hwanji squealed.

Hwanji ate ice cream while Jungkook kept everything back in the fridge. 

Saemi pouted.


"Even I want Ice cream"

"So take it" Jungkook shrugged

"But you gave it to Hwanji!!"

"Because she's little" 

Saemi whined making Jungkook giggle.

"Okay nerd" Jungkook pulled Saemi into a side hug before reaching out for the ice cream.

"We're homee!" A sweet voice that could light up Jungkook's day echoed through the entire mansion.

"Mommyyyyy!! Daddyy!!!" Hwanji ran with Ice cream on the corner of her lips.

Saemi kept her ice cream in the deep-freeze and along with Jungkook, went towards the living room.

"Which naughty little bear was eating ice cream" Their mom playfully glared

"THIS NAUGHTY LITTLE BEAR" Hwanji screamed and hugged her mom.

"Jungkook, Sae...how was your day??" Their dad asked, ruffling Jungkook's silky locks.

"It was fun dad." Jungkook smiled.

"My day was good too dad!" Saemi passed a wide smile.

"So any plans for the weekend?" Their mom asked putting Hwanji down.

"Mom can we go for a movie?"

"Mom can we go for bowling?"

Jungkook and Saemi both said in unison.

"Nooo mom! let's go for bowling" Jungkook huffed.

"Mom we went bowling last month! Let's go for a movie!

"Mom you always listen to her"

"No she always listens to you! Mommy's boy!"

"YOUUU" Jungkook was ready to chase her when thankfully, his dad interrupted.

"KOOK!!" A tight grip was felt on their T-shirt.

"Saemi, Jungkook, we can do both! stop fighting now" The duo huffed and glared at each other.

"Hwan...it's pretty late...let's get you ready for be-


The kids flinched and the couples' eyes widened as they heard a gunshot outside the window.

"It can't be!" The male gasped.

"How'd they know our adress?!"

"Jungkook! Go take Saemi and Hwanji somewhere safe. Keep hiding. Don't come out till I tell you" Their mom instructed and turned around but felt a firm grip on her wrist.

"Jungkook what are you doing! Let me go-

"Mom, you and dad will be back right?"

"Of course we will honey" She hugged him tight and kissed her daughters before leaving.

Jungkook picked up Hwanji and grabbed Saemi's hand and ran towards their basement.

Hwanji couldn't stop crying.

Jungkook locked all the door and sat down.

Saemi kept sobbing and pacing around the room.

"Sae. Come here" Jungkook said with authority in his voice.

"Saemi" Jungkook said again, but this time, his voice more stern.

She walked towards him and hugged him tight.

"Oppa...Oppa, I'm scared. She tightened her arms around his torso as he caressed her hair, while he comforted Hwanji with the other hand.

"Don't be. Mom and Dad are strong. They will come back" Jungkook whispered kissing Saemi's head.

"I love both of you so much" Jungkook whispered.

He freed himself from their grip.

"I need to call uncle. Saemi, Hwanji. Don't move from here, okay?"

A grip on his wrist stopped him from going any further.

"Saemi leave me. I'll be back. Just be with Hwanji." 

"Unnie, Mom, dad and Oppa will be back right" Sweet little hiccups that belonged to Hwanji were heard across the room that made Saemi burst into tears.

"I don't know wan...I don't know" Saemi cried.


"Saemi what the hell!? I told you stay there! Where's Hwanji?!" Jungkook whisper yelled.

"She's in the basement." Saemi whispered back.

⛔️  Tw: G!nsh0ts, mentions of d3ath, bull3ts, mental health issues ex: EDs, d3pression, anx!ety ⛔️

A loud bang was heard across the room as Saemi flinched. Jungkook held the younger's hand and his under the huge dining table.

"Why did you come here?" Jungkook breath out"

"I...I was scared oppa...how would I handle everything if something h-happened to y-yo-,"

Jungkook placed a finger on her lip and kissed her head. 

"I'll fix this...I promise"

A man wearing a black suit ended up in front of the couple.

"Shit. Saemi. Please don't move from here. Please. I beg you" Jungkook went from the other side of the dining table to grab a hold of the phone.

Their mom threw a man on the table as Saemi flinched and shuddered at the sight of the unconscious man. She then noticed a knife--that was stabbed in an apple--had fallen down on the floor due to the impact of the man falling. She quickly grabbed it, and was ready to help her parents when--

"No!! Let her go!!" Her father begged, seeing the sight of his wife being held at gunpoint by the man.

"MOMMM" Saemi crawled out and showed the man her knife.

"Saemi! go away from here! run!" Her mom begged.

"Saemi please go! Please" Her father sobbed.

"So this is your little daughter?" The man whose face was covered, laughed.

"Do whatever you want with us, leave her out of this!!" Her mom cried,

Right when Saemi was about to stab the man...


She collapsed. Blood oozed out of her body.

"SAEMIIIIIII" The couple cried out loud.




A photo frame fell down, earning a crack, unknowingly portraying the broken family. 

And all the men--who were left alive--ran with their boss, knowing that staying there was too dangerous.

"MOM DAD SAEMI" Jungkook screamed on top of his lungs once he came downstairs. He knees gave up as he fell down and sobbed next to Saemi's body.

His loved ones lying in pools of blood with other dead bodies lying around.

★彡[ᴇɴᴅ ᴏꜰ ꜰʟᴀꜱʜʙᴀᴄᴋ]彡★

Tears fell from your eyes as Jungkook looked down, sighing.

"Uncle came after some time. He disposed the men and we held a funeral for mom, dad and S-Saemi. Those same men came a month later, and took my house away from me and Hwanji. They forced us out, and threatened to hurt Hwanji. I ran away with Hwanji to uncle's house.

Uncle started training me. Days of endless practice, sleepless nights, with depression and trauma lingering around me 24/7.

Uncle also died because of cancer one day. And I was left all alone again. I stayed in uncle's house. The maids helped me alot. But I couldn't have lived like this any longer.

I needed help but how? Jimin and Tae hyungs' families were on missions and contact wasn't allowed.

I started earning. and soon enough bought a small apartment. Then once I got the hang of the business, I expanded everything. By the time I was 17, Me, Tae and Jimin hyung bought this house, and transferred all of Uncle's maids here. Just 3 years back..."

"W-Where's H-Hwanji now?" You yelped.

"While I was training, we sent her to a hostel--

There you remembered how you too, were sent away when your brothers were training.

--But I didn't know how to take care of Hwanji properly. Uncle died during those few months she was sent away. So I never brought her back. I kept her identity as hidden as possible. I was scared, I wouldn't be able to give her what she needs. So I payed that hostel extra so Hwanji is taken care of. I used to go meet her but she always wanted to come back which was unsafe since I have too many enemies."

He clutched the photo frame.

"This crack reminds me of how those bastards broke my family in no time. It makes me angry enough to avenge their deaths"

You burst into tears, making him frown.

"I-I'm sorry you had t-to-," He pulled you into a hug and caressed your hair. He knew it soothed you and was a great way to calm you down if you were crying. He hoped it worked this time too.

And it did... 

You calmed down soon.

"Do you wish you had that house back?" You hiccuped.

"I really do. I grew up there...but it's no point. It is a long process. Including court and all. I don't think I can handle so much burden"

"Is this why you've been stressed lately?"

"Well, not exactly... during those fights, I had with her--about getting her home--Hwanji swore she will not come back home now. But now I really need to get her back because one of my enemies found out about her. I need to get her home. I've been trying for a while. Even Jimin and Tae tried. But she's too stubborn.

This is why I've been way too stressed for the past few weeks."



"How about...

"I try...?

_To Be Continued_

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