𝘐𝘯 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦? {61}

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Jungkook calmly threw on a hoodie and walked out. Totally opposite of how you were when you first met his friends.

Welp, Ladies and Gentlemen. Today was the day. The day when your best friends met your boyfriend. It doesn't SOUND all that huge but as a girl...it IS!

You just really hoped that the whole 'my bff hates my bf' was a myth. You'd love yourself a protective bestie, but not if she didn't like your boyfriend.

"Kook wait!" You stopped him before he could step out of the condo.

"What?" He turned back, confused.

"Your mask!" You walked towards him and handed him.

"Look, whatever this is, you WERE my teacher. I can't just drop the bombs on them. They'd freak. Plus...Jungkook...this is something you need to have with you the entire day at the prom. If anyone finds out, it won't take long for my sisters to." You sighed, holding up the mask." He shook his head and put it on.

"As cute as you look when paranoid, you need to stop." He walked out, chuckling.


"Hey Y/n!!" Yeji hugged you before Ryujin could yank your tiny body from her and hug you herself.

"Guys calm down!" You whined.

"So...kookie...this is Yeji and her girlfriend, Ryujin" They smiled.

"And this is my boyfriend..." Jungkook shook hands with Ryujin before he turned his arm towards Yeji.

"I thought your friend group had 3 other people excluding you." His voice was muffled behind his thick mask.

"That's Eunjin. She's gone out of town with her parents for some work" All 4 of you sat down.

"So what's your name?" Ryujin asked. You sighed.

The moment of revelation, everyone!

"Ok guys. Please...PLEASE don't freak but...you already know him."

"What?! How would we alre-," Ryujin was cut off by her girlfriend. 

"Y/n, how would we already know your boyfriend?!" Ryujin mumbled a "that's what I was gonna say" turning her head towards you.

"Look, you guys. You just do okay. Trust me on this one. And control your emotions. Don't freak.

This is...


Jeon Jungkook..."

If you weren't in this situation, there was no way you'd miss a chance to capture their look on their faces and laugh until your organs begged you to stop.

But it wasn't...

You were paranoid.

Their eyes were like discs. They were rooted to their places with knots in their stomachs. What if they just go tell your brothers? You'd be dead meat.



"Woah..." Yeji whispered.

"The name's Jungkook, ladies. Formerly known, as your teacher. And by the way, Ryujin...you did not do great on that formative test..." He slid his mask to his chin before swiftly sliding it up again.

"You're dating our teacher?!?" Ryujin whisper-yelled.

"Hey! I WAS your teacher"

"But this is so awkward!!" Yeji mumbled.

Yeji laughed at a pouting you.

Wasn't so awkward anymore. Actually, Yeji and Ryujin had approved of Jungkook. They did seem skeptical but accepted him anyway. Great news for you.

"Y/n...you are coming to prom now right?" Ryujin sipped on her fancy pink drink.

"Yes! We'll be there. And obviously, as the best couple" You cheekily smiled.

"Oh really? Which Disney couple are you dressing as." Yeji asked.

"Cinderella...and Prince Charming." You smiled.

"Dude, I still can't believe your sisters allowed! It's shocking!"

"I know!! It's crazy" You huffed.

"But they can't know she's going with me. So we need to be safe" Jungkook stated.

"Agreed. Yeji and I can pick Y/n up fr-," Jungkook's phone interrupted Ryujin. 

At least this time, It wasn't Lisa...

"Excuse me..." Jungkook mumbled and went outside the restaurant.

"Ok! Let's make this quick now that he's not here!" You frowned at Yeji.

"Y/n look, this makes no sense but Eunjin's obsession with 'Mr. Jeon' is getting out of hand. She's in love with him!" 

"IN LOVE?!" Now you were the one with a perplexed look on your face.

"No way! Why?!" You whined.

Eunjin was the best. She was there for you whenever you need her, and alongside Yeji, and Ryujin, she was your best friend.

"Did she tell you?" You asked.

"No" Ryujin replied.

"Eunjin has this book called 'fantasies' and it has the same cover as my diary. Our diaries swapped last week, and thinking it was mine, Yeji read it. It caused this whole misunderstanding between us but we're fine now. Anyway...that thing had many things about Mr. Jeon. Things, I wouldn't tell you." Ryujin but her lip.

"That's why we were a bit shocked, Y/n. And listen. Eunjin has had a bit of a past. Her ex got one of her childhood best friends pregnant. So she might go crazy if you tell her about Jungkook. So no matter what...she can't know" You sighed at Yeji's words.

"I can't believ-,"

"hey! What'd I miss?" Jungkook pulled out his chair and turned his gaze to you.

"Babe...are you okay?

"Yeah, Kookie, I'm fine" You faked a smile and pecked his cheek.

Now apart from the rumours with Sangmin, Lisa's letter and your brothers, you got one more thing to worry about. Awesome!!


Jungkook plopped himself on the bed after he came back from "you introducing him to your friends but Ryujin pointed out it was like a double date and your hangout sesh turned into a double date- double date"

He put his apple watch on charge before gulping the water on his nightstand and made himself comfortable. 

"Where's my airpods" He groaned and mumbled before flapping his arm on the table, in an attempt to find airpods. His hand accidentally knocked off the alarm clock and suddenly...everything on his nightstand was on the ground.

He groaned.

"Ms. Park!!"

"Ms. Park!!"

Darn these soundproof walls and doors.

He got up from his super comfortable bed and picked stuff up himself.

A piece of paper caught his gaze as a smile captured his face. Oh the things the girl could do to him.

"I love you, Y/n..." He mumbled, keeping the printed selfie of both of them, back on the nightstand. 

"There you are" Jungkook rolled his eyes at the airpods and plopped them on the bed.

Next, a pink envelope with red hearts on it was in his hands.

He was clearing out his junk drawer when he found this. And, he forgot to keep it back, just like the bill from Baskin Robins, and the pen without ink, and a few other things.

Unknowingly, his fingers ripped the envelope open as a white paper popped out.

He opened the folded paper and neat, understandable handwriting was presented. The date was set WEEKS back. Maybe a few days before you were ungrounded

Hey Jungkook!

I'm not supposed to be doing this but I can't help it.
I am so madly in love with you.
Your girlfriend is lucky. She's basically living my dream. 

I tried therapy. Nothing works. I need you, Jeon. So badly need you.
But I guess you have the right to love too.
I hope she takes good care of you. 

If she doesn't...then tell her I'm stealing you.
Sorry. Call me desperate but even I hate me for loving you.

Okayyy enough with this. I have to tell you something. It's about your revenge. 
I've never really helped you when i worked under you. And I know how much this means to you. 
This is the bare minimum I could do.

Call me when you're free. I have some information. Bye

I love you


He picked up his phone to call Lisa, eager to know if she's found out the real identities of RJ and RM.

Until...he got a phone call.

"Hello?" His partner checked to see if the other side had answered.

"Ah! Tell me, Yugyeom! What's up?" The words were casual. But tone was too formal.

Yugyeom was his most trusted ally and partner in crime. LITERALLY.
Their same age was a factor that made them close to each other and helped them understand each other's way of work.

"Jungkook!! Hey, How are you!" 

"Good! So what makes you call?" Jungkook sat on his bed again.

"Our next destination...and company where we attack, is the headquarters of "Death Snarl". Location...Paris. We'll leave tomorrow evening and come back after 2 weeks. Maybe next to next Saturday. This is our only chance, Jungkook"

"But Yugyeom, everything is so quick, we can't do this tomorrow."

"But we don't have another chance. If we attack headquarters, then we can have access to everything. Moreover, Majority of Death Snarl's team is on the ship with HRI. And their ship is dislocated. They won't be on land for another 3 months. And the captain of Death Snarl is in HQ Till the end of the month. Everything is planned. We have 189 people from your team and 144 from mine. These people will be reporting from Seoul. We have around 300 men in Daegu who will be flying to Paris today. I have booked an entire hotel for 2 weeks. We will go by your private jet and the team will go by the flight leaving tomorrow. Inform Mr. Jimin and Mr. Taehyung so we can execute our plan day after tomorrow" 

"Hm. Seems good. I'll let them know. We can discuss this later...tomorrow."

"WHAT?!" Both men said in unison

"Jungkook! all of this is too quick! And! What about Hwanji?!" Taehyung reminded.

"Shit! I totally-," Jungkook was interrupted when Jimin completed his sentence.

"Forgot about her. WE KNOW. But Jungkook, if we do leave her, then we should ensure she's safe." Jimin placed a hand on Jungkook's shoulder.

"Kook! We could leave her at Jaebyun hyung's. he has a daughter her age. They will gel well." Taehyung suggested.

Jaebyun. Hong Jaebyun. Jungkook's second cousin, as well as his employee. Trust worthy. Plus, he is close to Hwanji too, even tho she was in a hostel.

"All right, we'll leave her at his place."

"Okay...Let me take care of tomorrow. Jungkook, Tae...c'mon, pack your bags now, I don't want that last minute fuss, you guys always do." Jimin instructed.

"And Taehyung, work on Death Snarl's file tomorrow and Kook, you do HRI's docs then both of you combine your work. I will take care of the teams." Jimin left.

"Kook, just email it to me, I-,"

Jungkook's phone interrupted Taehyung.

The name "Milky Way 💜" flashed on the screen.

Jungkook was about to answer the phone when--

"I WILL TALK FIRST" Taehyung snatched the phone from Jungkook's hand and answered.

"Hey babe. How come you called at this hour." Taehyung increased his pitch and tried faking a Busan satoori.

"Hi Tae oppa, this won't work on me!"

"Y/n!! How did you knowww" Taehyung whined.

"Uhh you pulled off the voice and dialect pretty well. But Jungkook and I just have a connection." Jungkook snatched his phone back.

"See hyung, she knows" He rolled his eyes and pressed the phone against his ear.

"Yes, Y/n?"

"Baby listen, I went for accesories shopping with Yeji and Ryujin in this disney themed store. And I found the perfect prince charming suit. I sent you a picture. Will you stick with the blue suit or wanna give it a try? Wear it only if you're comfortable, okay?"

"Yeah okay, I'll wear it. Anything for Cinderella" He chuckled, waving Taehyung a bye.

"Aww...are you sure tho?" You confirmed again.

"Yeah" He reassured.

"When's prom again?"

"Uhh...it's on 24th of this month. Saturday" Jungkook choked on his water.

"That Saturday?!"

"Yes, why?"

"N-Nothing...uhh...I just have less time to p-prepare"

"Don't be silly, Kook, we have alot of ti-,"

"Ugh, Kookie, my sister's calling. I'm gonna hang, ye? Bye, love you"

"Love you too "Jungkook whispered after you hung up.

How was he supposed to tell you that he's going on a business trip. It would crush you, especially since, one of the best high school moments of your life were at Jungkook's stake.

Hey uh I know we just talked but can we facetime...it's urgent...

Milky way 💜

Within a few short seconds, you answered his call. You had moni in one hand and a brush in the other while the phone rested on the blanket that you used as a stand.

"So...Y/n...listen...umm...I have this business trip" You brushed moni's fur, to which he whined and whimpered.

"Awh...when? I'm gonna miss you" Assuming, it was 4-5 days, you pouted.

"I'm leaving tomorrow."

"And you'll be back when?" You released moni from your grip as he ran away.

"Twi sur" He mumbled, incoherently.

"What?" You asked, clearly confused.

"Is the Wi-Fi glitching or are you?" You asked, taking the phone in your hand.

"I said! Twi sur" He mumbled, yet again.

"Kookie." You narrows your eyes and looked at him right in they eye through the screen. He avoided eye contact.

"Twenty fourth..." He whispered.

"What?! But babe that's the day we have prom!" You whined.

You didn't want this to happen but again, his work was more important than some prom.

"I know!! I'm bummed about it too! But promise me something"

"What?" You asked, sighing.

"If I'm not there in your school by the time prom starts, I want you to go, either way"

"What?! No!" You rolled your eyes. He sighed.

"Babe, I wouldn't want you to miss your first high school prom because of me!" 

"Yes but I wouldn't want to go to my first high school prom without my boyfriend..."

"Ok you know what...Prom starts at 6, right?" You nodded.

"I'll be there before it starts. I'll leave early before my team and business partner, just to be at prom with you" You squealed and clapped. If he was standing in front of you right now, you would probably squeeze him like a squishmellow, and kiss him non-stop. But it was 10 in the evening and you were supposed to be asleep by now.

"Kookie! I love you so much!" You pouted. He chuckled a bit.

"I love you more. Now go to sleep, you look tired" You chuckled.

"I am. Good night. Sweet dreams"

_To Be Continued_

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