𝘗𝘭𝘢𝘺𝘥𝘢𝘵𝘦 {30}

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"That is an amazing idea!" You squealed, clapping your hands. "Great then. You have 'tuition' today right...then we will do it at around...umm...4?" He said. "Yeah but taking Monnie along will look so weird..." You said. "True...so just come alone..." He shrugged. "But I want Monnie and Gereum to have a play date..." You pout.

"Then get him..."

"It will look weird."

"Then come alone."

"But I want our puppies to meet"

"Then get him"

"But then my sister will get suspicious"

"Then don't bring him"

"But the-

"Ok...ok...fine...umm...once you get back home from class, tell your sister you're taking Monnie for a walk-

"But my maids take him for a walk-

"Say you wanna spend time with him...


"And come to the park where we first met...and I'll get Gereum as well..."

"I'm going to the park with Y/n okay...she wants to have a play date." Jungkook informed. "Oh...well...ok...but...didn't you say we're gonna meet her today...?" Jimin asked. "We met her day before yesterday hyung...didn't you hear her? She hates me..." Jungkook scoffed. "She was just angry tho..." Taehyung said.

"And she has all rights to be...what I'm doing is unfair to her. But...if I get her home, I won't be able to take care of her. We'd have wor-

"We have a million people working for us, Kook!" Jimin said. "Yeah, but she won't have me...I- Why am I even explaining it? It's not like I'm getting her here..." Jungkook scoffed. "But-

"Bye! I'm late..." Jungkook slammed the door shut, heading towards his Rolls Royce, as he held Gereum's leash.

After a few minutes of turning your head towards every car, thinking it's Jungkook, he finally arrived. "Hey! Sorry I'm late...I was caught up with something" He said. "Ah, no, it's okay..." You smiled.

"So...how was your day- and where is Monnie?" He asked. "Oh he's right there" You pointed at the white pup, who was surrounded by a bunch of kids. He was doing tricks making them giggle.

"Monnie!!" As soon as he heard your voice, he ran to you, standing on hind legs, as he started bouncing, asking you to carry him. You chuckled as you bent down, picking the white puppy in your arms. You kissed his head as Jungkook left Gereum's leash, petting Monnie.

Monnie looked up as he sensed the unfamiliar hand on his smooth fur. As soon as his eyes met Jungkook's figure, he started barking. "Woah! Little dude, calm down..." You chuckled. "Why is he mad at me?" He asked. "Remember when we first met...probably from that..." You shrugged.

"Yah! Monnie! Don't do that!" You scolded. The white pup whimpered as Jungkook took Monnie in his hands. Monnie growled at him but remained, knowing that he was asked to.

You carried Gereum. "Does he know tricks" You asked. "Many"

"Gereum, Dead" And soon, the puppy in your hands jumped down and fell on the floor. "Hahahaha" You chuckled at the act. "Gereum, enemy attack!!" Jungkook exclaimed. Gereum got up and looked left and right, and hid under a bench nearby.

"This is so cute!!" You squealed. "Does Monnie know any tricks?" He asked. "Monnie! What do you do if you see that rude guy from that night!!" You yelled. Monnie barked loudly, throwing stones at Jungkook with his mouth. "I- You really taught him that" Jungkook face-palmed. "What?! Look how smart he is"

After a few hours of playing around, it was time for you to go home... "I don't wanna leave" You pout. "I don't want to either. But your sister will be mad if you don't..." Jungkook shrugged. "I know!" You huffed. Jungkook snickered a bit, pulling you in a hug.

"So...bye..." You said, waving slightly. "Bye..." He said. You turned on your heels to leave but...

"Y/n! Wait..." Jungkook stopped you. You turned back around with a frown. "Umm..." Jungkook placed Gereum down as you copied his actions, leaving Monnie's leash.

He came closer. "It's been 2 months that we're in a relationship. I don't know why, but this feels like the best time..." He said.

You were lost, deep into his eyes, that you didn't notice a muscular arm wrapping around your waist. And the next second you knew, you were inches away from him. Your cheeks were heating up and your breath hitched.

"Y/n...I...I love you..." He whispered. Your heartbeat quickened. A pink hue painted across your cheeks. You were overwhelmed and felt butterflies in your stomach. "I-I love you too..." You mumbled and his your face in his chest. He pulled you closer—if that was even possible—pecking your head.

"You blushing?" He teased. "No..." You—obviously—lied.

You pulled away staring into his eyes, once again. You were staring at him with eyes full of love. Yes, you loved him. At that point, you didn't care about the consequences. He made you head over heels for him. And you loved it.

"You had food?" Jungkook asked in his cold tone, once again. "Why do you care?" The younger rolled her eyes. "I'm worried about you okay?" Jungkook said with the same energy. "Care? If you really cared, you wouldn't have kept me in this hell hole" The brunette rolled her eyes. "I had no other option!" Jungkook ran his hands through his hair, frustrated.

"Oh really?! If Saemi was alive, would you have kept her here as well?!" She retorted. "No! Listen, you were a fucking baby. I didn't know what to do!" Jungkook growled. "That is not a good excuse, Jungkook!"

"What do you mean?!"

"The point is, you wouldn't have kept Saemi here...then why me...?" She teared up...


"You could've cared for me..." She let her tears flow. "Uncle and aunt barely raised me...how were they-" He sighed. "The safest place for you, is this...okay...no more arguments." And he turned on his heels, leaving.

The loud sobs clenched his heart. Yet, he left. How he wanted to tell you about her. He wanted help from you. But he was scared you'd hate him. You didn't know the circumstances he left her in. Probably that would make you hate him. He loved you so much, he was scared. He was scared that your relationship would break all because of a stupid misunderstanding...

Even if he wanted to be with her, he couldn't...and he knew that as well...

-To Be Continued-

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