𝘛𝘰𝘰 𝘠𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘨 {63}

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Hand in hand, you walked in the school field while everyone finished up dinner in the gym. Jungkook stopped walking, making you stop too.

He turned to face you, before grabbing your hand again, that he left for a second.

"I'm sorry" He sighed.

"I got so lost in work, I almost missed prom" He caressed the back of your hand with his thumb.

"No Kook! In fact I should be sorry. I mean you travelled and stuff and after work, tired as heck but I still forced you. You probably didn't get proper sleep-,"

"That's not true babe...I did...in the plane. It was like home bed so, really, I'm fine. And I don't regret being here for my Cinderella, one bit." You kissed his cheek.

His phone rang as he sucked air through his teeth.

"Jimin hyung..." He whined.

"Go answer it" You chuckled, as he lazily walked away.

"Then why did you talk to her?!?" You heard a squeaky and angry voice just like 50  meters away from you, You looked in the corner.

"Baby, I'm so sorry! She was asking me the time!!

"I don't care! You could've ignored her" Haeri walked away while Yeonjun followed her, beads of apologies falling from his mouth.  

You were shocked.

The couple who completed each other's sentences and never fought, were currently arguing over the dumbest thing ever.

Growing up, you'd heard this phrase a lot in movies.

"There are no perfect people, only relationships that are made perfect" That was wrong.

There are no perfect relationships, either. 

Frankly, even you and Jungkook didn't have a perfect relationship. It was the feeling that screamed "Everything is perfect" when you were with him.

Like you said, not even relationships are perfect but at least, it was as special on the outside as it was on the inside.

...unlike Little miss "Then why did you talk to her".

You looked over at him. He was walking towards you. And then, in your arms, was The Jeon Jungkook. Who was your Kookie.

"I love you so...so much Kookie"

"I love you more..." He pressed his lips on the top of your head.


"Bye, my uncle is here. I'll talk to you later. Muah" You whispered on the phone, before ending it and heading out of your room.

"Princess!" Your uncle threw his arms around you, as you smiled and hugged him back.

"How was prom?" He asked. You were confused as to why he asked about something that was 2 months back but again, he's been in Milan for 3 months...

"It was...amazing" Suddenly, flashbacks of that night flooded your brain, a smile capturing your face.

"Really amazing" 

"Oh, Namjoon, Seokjin...can we talk about...that...?" You noticed their body tense. What could be so disturbing that they looked so scared?

"Joyu. Take Y-Y/n to her room" 

"Yes, Jin" She sighed and grabbed your hand.

"Let's go?" You frowned and held her hand, as she dragged you upstairs. 

She immediately closed the door, and then you both placed yourself on the bed.

"Unnie, what's the matter? Why is everyone acting so weird?"

"What? No! Who's acting weird? Everyone's normal" She awkwardly waved her hands around, trying to convince you that nothing was wrong.

"If you say so. Wanna play Ludo?" You asked, as she nodded.

"It's in oppa's room. I'll be right bac-,"

"NO! I mean...uhh no. Let's play on my phone. Like who plays board games anymore." You gave her a weird look as she pulled out her phone. 

After playing half an unfocused game, from her side, she got up.

"Y/n, I'm gonna use the washroom" You nodded as she headed towards the restroom.

Finally! The chance you'd been waiting for.

Without making a peep, you headed out of the room, pressing your ear against the walls of the drawing room.

"But uncle, she won't be able to...we...won't be able to" Jin spoke.

"Plus she's too young for this. We can't do that to her." Namjoon added.

"New year's next week. She will turn 19 soon. Guys, you will ruin her life if you wait any longer." Your uncle retorted.

What were they talking about? 

A small gasp left your mouth.

Were they planning to train you for being a mafia?! You could never. You considered yourself too weak. Plus, you had different ambitions. You wanted to be a neurologist. Someone who saves people...not kill them.

This was too much for you to take in. You were about to confront them when...

You heard your washroom's door open.

You quickly rushed inside your room, knowing that Joyu was done with her thing.

"Y/n? where did you- Oh Shit! Please don't tell me, you were eavesdropping! Y/-" You sat down on the bed. Barely able to process anything, you started crying.

"Y/n?! What's wrong?" She asked, afraid that you'd heard everything. Something you were definitely not supposed to hear.

She came and hugged you.

"I-I don't w-want to b-become a mafia..." You sobbed in your palms.

"Who said you will?! Calm down, Y/n! What did you hear?" 

After hiccuping between your sentences but managing to explain what you heard, you continued crying again.

"No! Y/n! Listen. You don't have to become a mafia. Did they not tell you that your mom asked them to keep you away from the mafia world?" You stopped crying, and wiped your tears.

"She did?" Joyu nodded.

"Y/n, they'd rather die than going against what your mom said..."

"Then what am i too young for?" You saw Joyu freeze.


"Y/n, I can't tell you."

"What?! Why? What are they planning to do? Do they want to send me back to-,"

"No! Y/n, really they don't"

"Then what?"

She sighed.

"I can't. Dad would kill me"

"Uncle would never know! Please unnie! I beg you!"

"Y/n..." She said as if she was oh so sick of me.

"Fine! I'm asking them myself!" You stood up but only to be pulled back down by your cousin.

"Are you crazy?! No!" She wiped beads of sweat from her head.

"Then what is it unnie?!"

"They want to get you married" You froze. You didn't talk. You stared at her.

"Y/n..." She soflty called out. 

Loud laughs echoed in the room. A confused look replaced the sad expression on Joyu's face.

"O-Oh goodness! I-I can't-," You panted. 

"Marriage? Mine? Hahahhaha unnie!! April was months back!!" You laughed, again...

...But that smile faded when you saw Joyu's serious expression.

"Unnie you can't be serious, I have a boyf-," You chuckled, in pure disbelief, before speaking.

"I know, Y/n! But we can't help it! It's not in our hands!" A tear formed in her eye.

"Joyu let's go! We're leaving" Your uncle yelled from downstairs. Joyu harshly wiped her tear and jogged downstairs, with her bag.

You burried your face in your palms after she left.

You sniffed and wiped your face using a wet wipe. You couldn't let them do this to you. You had to confront them. You were too young to get married.

"Oppa?" Namjoon turned around, a tensed look on his face. 

"Yeah? Do you need something?" You nodded.

"Where's Jin oppa?"

"He went to outside to say a bye to uncle." 

Just a few seconds later, Jin entered, speaking from the foyer. 

"Namjoon, uncle's really determined to get her-,"

"Princess, what's wrong? You look worried." You sighed deeply.

A tear escaped your eyes.

You whimpered. 

And transitioned to sobbing.

"Y/n?! What happened?!" Both of them spoke in unison.

"O-Oppa...Please! I don't wanna go! I'll do whatever you ask me to but p-please!"

"Go where, Y/n?!" Namjoon asked grabbing your figure and wrapping his arms around you in order to calm you down.

"Oppa! I don't wanna get married. Please!" They both froze for a split second before looking at each other, then sighing.

Jin took you from Namjoon's arms and held your hand, dragging you to the living room.

"Sit" You sat down.

"Ms. Park, please can we get some water?" Namjoon asked as the maid nodded and scurried towards the kitchen with a concerned look.

"Who told you about this, princess?" Jin asked.

"J-Joyu Unnie..." You hiccuped.

"And who told you we would agree to it?" Your head shot up towards your brother.

You wiped your tears. 


"Y/n, even we agree that you're too young for this. Even we might look rough and tough...but this a sensitive topic for us." Namjoon sighed.

"But U-Uncle was so stubborn about it..." 

"He was but we won't let him make decisions for you, obviously. So just stop stressing about it, and forget this happened. Y/nie, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. We will do that. Okay?" You nodded as Jin wiped your tears once he finished talking.

"Now, go to sleep. It's late and you have school tomorrow." You nodded and went upstairs.

Namjoon looked at his hyung.

"I know, Joon. Let's not talk about it right now. We will find some or the other way to convince uncle" Namjoon sighed and rubbed pinched the bridge of his nose. This was too stressful. 

Jin held a lot of respect and love for his uncle just like his siblings did. But that didn't mean Jin didn't detest it when his uncle made decisions for him and his siblings, especially without considering their opinions, emotions and future.

Even though he loved his uncle a lot, it wasn't more than he loved Namjoon and you.

While even your uncle, wasn't wrong about being concerned for your future.

"I need to stop him from taking the step" Jin mumbled to himself.

__To Be Continued__

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