𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘴𝘵 {69 😏}

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【2 Months Later】

Your heart palpitated as you paced around the room, once again, terrified of the near future. Your breathing became uneven as ominous thought squirmed at the back of your mind.

This wasn't supposed to happen. Not now.

You looked towards the door. The same door, you may or may not get kicked out off once they reach.

How did you let this happen? How did you give it away so easily. This was all your fault. It was your fault.

The phone rang. For the 3rd time, this minute, probably. Your obsessive thoughts were being encouraged by that annoying ring.

=Earlier That Day=

"Hey, are you free, right now?" He asked you over the phone as he settled himself down in that completely empty cafe with two gentlemen sitting on the other corner of the small area. The phone was on speaker, which could have been embarrassing to people but of course...Jungkook.

"Yes baby, why?"

"I'm in a cafe...The one in front of Sarang bakery. You wanna come?" 

"Sarang bakery? That cafe? Babe, it's like always empty, why would you go there?"

"I needed some 'me time'..."
"You know 'me time', doesn't include anyone else?" You chuckled.
"My 'me time' does. You coming?"
"Babe, I really wish I could...trust me...but even my brothers aren't home, and I can't tell them I'm out with Yeji, Ryu and Eunjin, because my brothers know they're out of town." Although you couldn't see him, you could practically hear him sulk on the other side of the phone.

"Fine! Bye..."
"Bye, love you!!" You chuckled.
"Yeah Yeah me too" He pouted and ended the call.

He placed his phone on the table. 

Two shadows hovered over him. He looked up, only to find a gun on top of his head.

Unfazed, he slumped back on the chair, as if he'd been playing with real guns since he was a child. Oh wait...he did.

"What?" The two men pulled themselves a chair, ignoring the fact that they weren't invited to.

"Who was on the phone with you?" The taller man, with the deep voice asked.

"Yo, just because my phone was on speaker, doesn't mean you can eavesdrop on mine and my girl's call" The moment Jungkook said 'my girl', the other guy's eyes shot up. Veins in his neck started popping. 

"Hyung" The other man warned.

"Whoever, you were talking to...was our fucking sister, you asshole" Jin said, grinding his teeth.

Jungkook's eyes widened. 

Shit! Could they be-

"Listen! Sir, I-

"No...you listen...do you have any idea who we are? Kid, one bullet and you're dead!" The older one spoke.

"You might not know our real identities but we're..." They both looked at each other before smirking and looking back at Jungkook.


"and RM..."

His world stopped. His breath hitched and anger consumed him. His shaky hands reached out for his gun that was safely tucked in his back pocket, away from the eyes. 

His heart fought with his brain. Saemi's bloody body flashed in front of his eyes...but that image soon being replaced by your smiling face.

His head throbbed. His hand retrieving itself from the gun. 

"No..." He whispered...that was barely audible to him.

"NO" He screamed...that could be heard outside too. 

He ran. 

But not exactly knowing what he was running from.


"Hyung...what about...Y/n...?" Namjoon looked at Jin. His cold eyed being replaced by concerned ones.

"We'll deal with her nonsense in person. When we see her. Joon, let's follow that guy-

They needed time to handle themselves...and in those 2 minutes and 40 seconds, the 'kid' who was dating their sister...dissappeared.


Jungkook knew it was his fault. He shouldn't have been so reckless. He immediately called you. Then...everything was a blur. Since the moment Jungkook told you about your brothers finding out...to the moment you were in the living room, dehydrated, hungry and exhausted.

The phone rang. This time...you answered it.

"Y/n, I'm coming over"
"No! Jungkook you can't! The situation's bad baby...it'll be worse if you show up...please...for me..."
"Y/n, don't do this to me. Please let me come."
"No, listen...if it gets out of hand...I swear I will call you."

You ended the call. You continued pacing around the room, brainstorming ideas to convince your brothers to not kick you out of the house.

You chewed on your nails...

The world slowed down.

There was a churn at the bottom of your stomach.

It was that moment, where your world came crashing down. 

You heard your brothers' car roar in the driveway. You closed your eyes.


The door harshly swung open...revealing your brothers.

Jin strode towards you with Namjoon closely following behind.

"Oppa, just listen to me first...Let me explai-

A cold hand came in contact with your skin, cutting your words. You fell down, head turned to a side due to the impact.

"YOU ARE INSANE Y/N! FUCKING INSANE" His screams echoed throughout the living room.

"Y/n, do you have any idea who that guy is?! The one you've been seeing behind our back for the past-god knows- how many months?!" Namjoon joined in.


"Did you know he was a mafia?!" Namjoon yelled.


"Do you realize how dangerous he is?!" Namjoon yelled.


"We're just looking out for you!!" Namjoon yelled


"We're doing this to protect you, Y/n!" Namjoon yelled


That was the last straw. You couldn't take the continuous yelling anymore. it was too much. your head was throbbing.

"STOP STOP STOP!! STOP IT BOTH OF YOU!...Please..." Your hands were on your ears when you screamed, grabbing your head in attempt to stop the echo of their voices.

"Oppa...I really love him...I do. You think he's dangerous and all but if he really wanted to do something to me, he would've done it by now. Oppa he loves me, respects me and protects me. You didn't even give him a chance!" 

"There is no reason for us to give him a chance, Y/n! On the way back, we found out many things about him. He is our enemy Y/n! He's using you to get to us! We need to do something about that..." Namjoon ran his fingers through his hair.

"He doesn't even know I'm your sister!"

"Or maybe he's playing dumb!" Namjoon retorted.

"Maybe he's not!"

"ENOUGH! Y/n...go to your room. You are never seeing that boy again. We're changing our identities and moving your school. And don't come out of your room until we ask you to. We trusted you and you just toyed with our feelings. So leave" Jin threw a sharp gaze.

"Oppa bu-"

"LEAVE! Now..." You flinched and with hurried footsteps went to your room. 


"Hyung...maybe we should kill them...and hypnotize Y/n to think that she never had brothers. She can live with us the-

"Jungkook...you're going crazy! It can mess up her brain. She might even forget you. You want that?" Jungkook responded to Taehyung by nodding his head 'no'.
"Hey...kook...we will figure this out. You got this...and we got you..." Jimin reassured. 

Jungkook wanted to avenge his family but not hurt you at the same time. He didn't know if it was possible or not. He wanted it to be tho.


You looked out the window and sipped the coffee in your hand. Your brothers needed time to calm down and you needed time to yourself. There was no way. 

Namjoon and Jin entered your room. 

"Your phone" Namjoon said coldly as you handed it over. The secret phone was amazingly, still a secret.

"We really thought we could trust you, Y/n...we really thought we could. Well it's a good thing you have a 2 month holiday. You know the rules so I won't bother" Jin replied and turned around to leave.

You nodded, placing an empty coffee mug on the nightstand as you wrapped yourself around the  blanket, turning the TV on. Your only source of entertainment for 2 whole months.

The voice of the TV had drowned because of the sobs. You missed him. But not like those cringey couples who can't live without each other for 3 minutes. You missed him because you'd probably never see him again.

Your brothers heard the sobs. Their hearts were made of ice...not stone. The sobs melted the ice. But they knew they had to be stronger for your safety. 

Namjoon made up his mind. He was going to get that boy out of your head. And in the worst case scenario, out of your life. 

And Jin made up his. He wouldn't let your tears in the way of you and your safety.

Also, keeping in mind that their sister was alone, and needed someone.

They walked into your room. You quickly wiped your tears and kept your head down.

"If you'd just listen to us, Y/n...we wouldn't have had to do this with you." Jin stated coldly and handed you a glass of water.

"Are you hungry?" Namjoon asked, looking away. 

"No..." you muttered.

"Well just let someone know if you are" They slowly nodded and turned around to leave the room.

But Jin paused. He turned around. Made eye contact sending daggers through your soul.

"We understand you need space but...we will talk about this tomorrow. I want to know how you met and how this started. I need to know the root of the problem so I can end it" He huffed and left the room, closing the door on his way out.

...End it? Are they gonna harm him? God please no...

±±To Be Continued±±

Note: Hey Butterz!!!  How y'all doing? So this one specific chapter was the hardest to write. Since it had changing POVs and time stamps. And tbh, i was about to give up this chapter and chuck the whole idea but really, what kept me going was you. Since Jin and Namjoon found out about Jk, the story will get a lot more interesting, and although my writing may not be very good, i HOPE...FINGERS CROSSED HOPE that you're satisfied with the story line and plot twists. Thanks again for the support. Couldn't have done this without you fr. I love you guys. And im not just saying ily for the heck of it. You'll prob say "she doesnt even know me, and apparently loves me" well...if people can hate for no reason...i have a very good reason to love. Ok yeah im boring you so imma shut up. Haha byeee <333

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