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╰•★Dance for me 내게 취해 매료된 듯이
I just wanna dance on 멈출 수 없지
어둠 속에 이건 나만의 세계니까 봐
Woah, 다시 chaconne now

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╰┈➤Sunghoon is the middle child of Enhypen. Everyone had someone, but he was the odd one out.

╰┈➤TW : cutting, self harm, overdosing, attempted suicide, dark thoughts, blood loss, feelings of abandonment, depression, graphic descriptions of everything

╰┈➤do not read if this triggers you even the slightest

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yeah... i still dont know how to continue with my heeseung fic

Request by : just4evainterwined

Request : hii, could you please write a sunghoon centric where sunghoon struggles a lot with s:h and mental health from past trauma and no one knows until one member finds out and comforts him and the members help him recover? if wanted it could be romantic or platonic i dont mind which

note for TooManyFandomsToBeSane : no sweetie you're not allowed to reject this its time i gifted you something

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The first time Sunghoon sliced his wrist open, he wasn't sure if it was even real. It was as if he had stepped out of his own skin and was watching someone else's hands move with a determination that he couldn't quite understand. He could feel the warmth of his own blood trickling down his arm, pooling in the creases of his skin, and yet it didn't seem to hurt. It was as if the pain was somewhere else, somewhere deep inside him, where no one could see or touch. He remembered thinking that it was strange how such a small cut could feel so much larger on the inside.

He didn't know how long he sat there, staring at the red line that marred his perfect skin, wondering if it would ever stop throbbing. Eventually, he mustered the strength to stand up, careful not to put too much weight on his injured wrist. He cleaned up the mess as best he could, making sure there was no trace left behind. He knew he should have sought help, told someone what he was going through, but the thought of doing so was almost as terrifying as the act itself. So, he buried it deep, pushing it far down where no one could ever find it.

The next time, it was easier. The pain had faded, leaving only a dull ache in its wake. He didn't need to use as much force, didn't need to make the cut as deep. He could feel himself becoming more adept at it, more in control. It was as if he were a master of this new, twisted art form. He would close his eyes and picture the darkness swallowing him whole, erasing everything else around him. It was the only time he felt truly at peace.

But then came the third time, and the fourth, and the fifth. The scars on his wrists began to form a map of their own, a testament to the lonely battle he was waging against himself. He started to become more careful, more cautious. He would wait until he was alone in his room, making sure no one would find him. He would hide the evidence away, burying it in places where even he couldn't find it. It was a dance, a twisted game of cat and mouse with himself.

He began to think that maybe he could stop, maybe he could find another way to cope with the pain. He tried to focus on his music, on the fans who adored him, on the members of Enhypen who had become his family. But no matter how hard he tried, the urge always seemed to creep back up on him, like a shadow that followed him everywhere he went.

One day, while they were practicing choreography for their next comeback, Heeseung noticed a small cut on Sunghoon's wrist. He stopped what he was doing and walked over to him, concern etched onto his features. "Sunghoonie, what happened?" he asked, his voice gentle but worried. Sunghoon's heart skipped a beat, but he forced a smile, trying to downplay the injury. "It's nothing, just a little accident hyung." he lied, hoping that Heeseung wouldn't push any further

Heeseung frowned, not entirely convinced. "Are you sure? You don't have to hide anything from me, you know that." Sunghoon's breath hitched in his throat, feeling trapped by his own lies. He knew that Heeseung was the last person he should be keeping secrets from, but the shame and the fear of being judged were too overwhelming. Desperately, he tried to think of an excuse. "It's nothing serious," he said, waving his hand dismissively. "I just got cut on the edge of a broken and rusted door knob in the practice room."

Jake, who had been silent until now, suddenly spoke up. "Yeah, that must've been it. I remember seeing something like that in the practice room the other day." He gave Sunghoon a reassuring smile, trying to ease the tension. Heeseung studied their faces for a moment longer before finally nodding. "Alright then. If you're sure. Just be more careful from now on, okay?" Sunghoon nodded gratefully, relieved that Heeseung seemed to accept his story. 

But as he watched his hyung walk back to his place in the formation, he couldn't help but feel a weight settle heavily in his chest. He knew that he couldn't keep lying to them, couldn't keep hiding the truth from everyone. He needed help, he needed to find a way out of this darkness.

Time passed, and with each passing day, the urge to cut himself grew stronger. It was becoming harder and harder to ignore. He tried to focus on his music, on the fans who adored him, on the members of Enhypen who had become his family. But no matter how hard he tried, the pain always seemed to find a way back in.

One night, as he lay awake in his bed, unable to sleep, the darkness seemed to close in around him like a suffocating blanket. The memories of all the times he had cut himself, the scars that now marred his body, the shame and the self-loathing that he carried with him everywhere he went, threatened to overwhelm him. He couldn't take it anymore. He needed to find some relief. He crept out of bed and slipped into the bathroom, closing the door quietly behind him. His hands trembled as he searched through the drawers, eventually finding what he was looking for. A dull, old razor blade. He held it tightly, the cold metal pressing into his skin. His heart raced, but he forced himself to take a deep breath, steadying his nerves.

Carefully, he raised the blade to his arm, tracing the outline of the scar that ran along his bicep. It was a permanent reminder of all the times he had cut himself before, a map of his self-destruction. He closed his eyes, feeling the warmth of the blood rushing back to the surface as he made the first incision. Pain exploded through him, but it was a familiar sensation, one that he knew how to control. He let out a shaky breath, feeling a sense of release wash over him as he continued to cut, over and over again.

The razor blade grew slippery with blood, but he didn't stop. He needed this, needed to feel something other than the emptiness that had been consuming him. With each new cut, he could feel the weight of his secrets begin to lift, the darkness that had been pressing down on him start to recede. 

Finally, he collapsed onto the cold tile floor, panting, exhausted but oddly at peace. He lay there for a few moments, staring up at the ceiling, trying to catch his breath. Blood dripped slowly from his arm and pooled on the ground beneath him. He knew that he should clean up the mess, should tend to his wounds, but for now, he was too drained. So he simply lay there, letting the pain and the guilt wash over him like a relentless wave. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, he forced himself to his feet. 

He collected the bloody razor blade and the torn bits of cotton from the floor, placing them carefully into the trash. He then turned his attention to his arm, inspecting the damage. The cuts were long and deep, but they would heal. They always did. He found a clean towel and pressed it against his arm, applying pressure to stem the flow of blood.

As he stood there, lost in thought, he noticed the strong smell of blood that permeated the air. He had grown so accustomed to it over the months that he barely registered it anymore. He reached for the can of air freshener that he kept on a shelf nearby, spraying it liberally around the bathroom as he'd done several times before. The sweet scent of flowers filled the air, masking the unmistakable metallic smell of blood. 

He knew that he couldn't keep going like this. He needed help. But admitting that to himself, let alone to someone else, was the hardest thing he'd ever had to do. He couldn't bear the thought of letting his bandmates down, of disappointing his fans. They all somewhat relied on him being perfect, and he couldn't bring himself to let them down. So he continued to hide his pain, to pretend that everything was fine. He forced himself to practice harder, to perform even better, as if he could somehow outrun the demons that haunted him. He threw himself into his work, pouring all of his energy into his music, hoping that it would be enough to keep him afloat.

But the scars only seemed to deepen with time, and the pain only grew more intense. He knew that he couldn't keep going like this, that sooner or later, he would snap. He had to find a way to deal with his feelings, to confront the truth of who he was and what he had done. It was a struggle to keep up appearances, to maintain the façade of being the perfect idol that everyone expected him to be. He would smile for the cameras and sing his heart out on stage, but behind closed doors, the demons of his past haunted him relentlessly. He could feel them clawing at his sanity, trying to drag him back down into the darkness. 

One day, after getting yelled at by the choreographer multiple times, Sunghoon finally snapped. He retreated to the bathroom, closing the door behind him. The familiar razor blade was already in his hand, waiting. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath as he began to cut into his skin, hoping to release some of the pain and the anger that threatened to consume him. He didn't hear the door open, didn't realize that he wasn't alone until it was too late. There was a sudden gasp, and then the soft sound of footsteps approaching. Sunghoon's heart lurched in his chest as he realized that it was Ni-ki, the youngest and most innocent member of the group. 

"Hoon hyung...?" the younger boy whispered, his voice shaking with fear. Sunghoon's hand froze, the bloody razor blade held suspended in midair. He couldn't bring himself to look at Ni-ki, couldn't bear the thought of seeing the shock and horror in the younger boy's eyes. He turned away, pressing his back against the cold tile wall. "I-I'm sorry," he stammered, his voice barely audible. "I... I shouldn't be doing this." Ni-ki hesitated for a moment, then slowly stepped forward. He placed a trembling hand on Sunghoon's shoulder. "Hoon hyung," he said softly, his voice shaking with emotion, "it's okay. You don't have to be strong all the time. You can talk to me, you know?"

Sunghoon felt a lump form in his throat as he looked up at the younger boy. He could see the concern and fear in Ni-ki's eyes, but there was also an underlying sense of understanding and compassion. It was a look he hadn't seen in anyone else since... since before it all went wrong. He swallowed hard, struggling to find the words to express what he was feeling."I-I don't know how to stop," he finally managed to choke out. "It's like there's this dark cloud inside my head, and no matter what I do, I can't make it go away." 

Ni-ki's expression softened even further at Sunghoon's words. He took a step closer, resting a gentle hand on the older boy's cheek. "I know it feels like you're all alone, but you're not, Hoon hyung. I'm here for you, and so is everyone else in the group. We all love you and we want to help you through this."

Sunghoon looked into Ni-ki's eyes, and for a moment, he felt a spark of hope ignite within him. It was a fragile, tentative feeling, but it was there nonetheless. He let out a shuddering breath and slowly lowered the razor blade, setting it aside. "I-I don't know how to tell them," he confessed, his voice barely audible. "I'm afraid they'll see me as weak, or worse, a disappointment." 

Ni-ki shook his head, the movement gentle and reassuring. "They'll understand, Hoon hyung. They're your family. They love you and they want what's best for you. You don't have to go through this alone." He paused, then added, "Besides, I think they've suspected something was wrong for a while now. It's not like you've been yourself lately." The younger boy's words struck a chord with Sunghoon. He knew that he had been distant and moody, but he hadn't realized how much it had shown. It made him feel even more ashamed and guilty. "I'm sorry," he whispered, looking down at the floor. "I didn't want to burden them with my problems."

Ni-ki smiled reassuringly, then took Sunghoon's hand in his own. "It's okay, Hoon hyung. You don't have to apologize for being hurt. We're all here for you now. We can get through this together." With gentle, careful hands, Ni-ki cleaned up the blood and debris from the bathroom floor, then led Sunghoon into the living room. They sat down on the soft, comfortable couch, the younger boy positioning himself close enough that their shoulders were touching. Sunghoon leaned into Ni-ki's warmth, finding a small measure of comfort in the younger boy's presence.

At Ni-ki's call the rest of the group filed into the living room, their expressions a mix of confusion and concern. They exchanged glances, unsure of what was going on but knowing that whatever it was, it was serious. The air was thick with tension as they took their seats, eyes flicking back and forth between Ni-ki and Sunghoon."Alright, everyone," Ni-ki began, clearing his throat. "I called you all here because I needed your help." He paused, then turned to face Sunghoon, reaching out a hand to gently squeeze his shoulder. "Hoon hyung has been going through a tough time lately, and I think it's time we all faced it together."

There were a few murmurs of understanding and agreement from the others. Sunghoon felt a weight settle heavily in his chest as he saw the looks of concern and sympathy on their faces. He wanted to crawl away and hide, but he knew that he couldn't anymore. "I've been struggling with some... dark thoughts lately," he said, his voice barely audible. "I don't know why. It just feels like there's this black cloud inside my head, and no matter what I do, I can't make it go away." He paused, taking a shaky breath. "I'm sorry if I've been distant or moody. I didn't want to bring my problems down on all of you."

There was a moment of silence as the others absorbed Sunghoon's words. They exchanged glances, each one trying to figure out how to respond. Eventually, it was Heeseung who spoke up. "Sunghoonie, we're here for you. Whatever you're going through, we'll get through it together." His voice was steady and reassuring, and Sunghoon felt grateful for his eldest hyung.

Ni-ki nodded in agreement. "Yes, and you're not alone. There are people who care about you, who want to help you." He glanced at the rest of the group, and they all nodded in unison. "We're family, and we'll be here for you, no matter what."

Sunghoon felt a lump forming in his throat as he listened to their words. It was strange, he thought, how something as simple as hearing that you weren't alone could be so powerful. He forced a shaky smile, trying to reassure them that he was going to be okay. 

Jake got up and hugged him running his hands comfortingly through Sunghoon's hair. "Hoonie, love we all love you more than you could ever imagine. You're never a burden. Never." And then Jungwon was there, and then Sunoo, then came Heeseung, Jay and Ni-ki all piling up on him and hugging him together, saying similar things, and squeezing his breath out of him. But he didn't mind, Sunghoon felt happiness rise up in him, as if he were about to burst with the feeling.

"Thank you," he managed to choke out, tears pricking at his eyes. "Thank you all so much." He held onto each of them, his grip desperate, as if he was afraid they'd disappear if he let go. He leaned into their touch, their warmth, their comfort, and let himself feel safe for the first time in what felt like forever.

The weight in his chest began to lift, and as the tension eased, a sense of peace washed over him. They stayed like that for a while, just holding each other and breathing together, until eventually the others began to disentangle themselves and find their seats again."I think we should all take turns checking in on him," Ni-ki suggested, glancing around the room. "That way we can make sure he's doing okay and doesn't feel alone." There were murmurs of agreement from the others.

Sunghoon looked up, surprise registering on his face. "Really? You wouldn't mind?"

Jay shrugged. "Of course not. We're a family, right? And family sticks together."

Heeseung nodded in agreement. "Yeah, and we can also use this as an opportunity to talk about anything else that's been on our minds. Maybe share some of our own struggles or problems, you know?"

Sunghoon felt a lump form in his throat at the thought of opening up to the others about his own feelings, but he also knew that it would help. "That sounds... nice hyung" he managed to say. "I'd appreciate that."

The group spent the rest of the impromptu meeting discussing the details of the check-in system. They decided to go with a rotating schedule, with each member responsible for making sure Sunghoon was doing alright for a week at a time. They also agreed to set aside time each week for group sessions, where they could all share their experiences and support each other. Sunghoon felt a weight lift off his shoulders, knowing that he wasn't alone anymore. He looked around at the faces of his members and saw nothing but love and support. It was a feeling he hadn't experienced in a long time.

As they filed out of the room, Sunghoon found himself smiling for the first time in weeks. He knew that the road ahead would still be difficult, but with his members by his side, he felt like he could face anything.

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The first week of the check-in system went surprisingly well. Each day, one of his members would stop by to check in on him, make sure he was eating and sleeping, and just sit with him for a while. It was comforting, and it helped him feel less alone. They would chat about anything and everything, from the latest news about their music to more personal matters, and Sunghoon found himself opening up more and more.

But beneath the surface, he was still struggling. The nightmares came more often than not, and the thoughts of what had happened replayed in his mind like a broken record. He tried his best to hide it from the others, to maintain the facade that he was doing alright. He didn't want to burden them further.

The second week of the check-in system brought with it a new set of challenges. Sunghoon found himself growing more and more exhausted from the constant effort of maintaining his facade. He would wake up in the middle of the night, his heart racing, his breath coming in short, ragged gasps. Sometimes, he would break down and cry, the weight of his secrets feeling too much to bear.

But he couldn't let his members see him like this. He couldn't burden them any further. So, each day, he would force a smile and put on his best act. He would laugh and joke with them, participate in their group sessions, and offer them whatever support he could. It was exhausting, but he didn't know what else to do.

The third week brought a new sense of urgency to Sunghoon's struggles. He found himself losing sleep, unable to focus on anything other than the constant barrage of negative thoughts in his head. He would wake up in the middle of the night, his heart racing, his body tense and aching. Some nights, he would lay awake for hours, staring at the ceiling, wondering how he had gotten to this point.

During the day, he forced himself to keep up appearances. He went through the motions of his daily routine, attending meetings with the company and rehearsals, smiling and laughing with his members. But beneath the surface, he was falling apart. The weight of his secrets was becoming unbearable, and he felt like he was teetering on the edge of a precipice.

One night, unable to sleep, Sunghoon decided to scroll through Instagram, hoping the familiarity of the app would lull him back to sleep. As he scrolled through his feed, he came across a selfie he had posted a few days ago, and smiled at the comments that poured in. But then, he noticed a comment that didn't belong. It was a hateful message, accusing him of being a fake and a fraud. His heart sank, and without thinking, he clicked on the hashtag attached to the comment: #sunghoonleaveenhypen.

To his horror, the hashtag led to a page filled with similar comments, all directed at him. There were posts calling for him to leave the group, accusing him of being responsible of bringing Enhypen down, and even some that went as far as wishing him harm. The hurt and anger coursed through him like a poison, making it impossible for him to fall back asleep.

The next day, Sunghoon's mind was consumed by the hateful comments. He could barely focus on his work, let alone pretend that everything was okay. He felt like a fraud, like everyone could see through his act and knew the truth about what had happened. His members, he realized, were only trying to help, but their efforts were only making him feel more guilty and alone. He decided to take a break from social media, hoping that it would help him clear his head. Instead, he found himself unable to sleep, his thoughts spiraling out of control. He couldn't stop thinking about how he had let his members down, how he had let the group down. The memories of the attack flashed through his mind, and he felt a wave of shame and self-loathing wash over him

Sunghoon knew that he couldn't keep this secret any longer. He had to tell his members the truth, no matter how much it might hurt them. But every time he tried to form the words, they seemed to stick in his throat. He was afraid of losing their trust, of becoming a more burden to them. He didn't know what to do. The weekly checks were still on going and Sunghoon kept smiling and laughing the entire day, messing around like he used to do before. The members assuming that the previous day had just been him being moody, seemed pleased at this change as well, and Sunghoon felt enormous satisfaction at his acting skills.

Deep down, Sunghoon knew that he was slowly dying inside. The weight of his secret was becoming unbearable, and he could feel himself slipping further and further away from his members. He wanted nothing more than to confide in them, to tell them the truth and ask for their forgiveness. But he was terrified of what that would mean for the group, for his place in it. He had snapped at Jungwon over something small, something insignificant. They had been discussing the choreography for their next performance, and Jungwon had made a suggestion that Sunghoon felt was wrong. In that moment, the anger and frustration that had been building up inside him for weeks exploded out of him. He yelled horrible things at the younger boy, things that cut deeper than any knife could.

Jungwon had stumbled back, tears welling up in his eyes, and Sunghoon had felt a pang of guilt. But it was too late. The damage had been done. He had pushed his members away, and now they were all standing in the middle of the room, looking at him with hurt and anger etched on their faces. He felt like a monster, like he was poisoning everything around him. He tried to apologize, but the words caught in his throat. The tension in the room was palpable, and Sunghoon knew that he had to do something to fix this. But he didn't know how.

The rest of the day was a blur. He felt like everyone was looking at him, judging him. He wanted nothing more than to crawl into a hole and disappear. But he couldn't do that; he had responsibilities. He had to keep going for the sake of the group

The check in system fell apart after that.

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The next day, Sunghoon tried to act as if nothing had happened. He forced a smile on his face and went through the motions of their daily practice. But deep down, he knew that he was breaking apart. The smallest things would set him off, and he would find himself lashing out at his members, the people he was supposed to trust the most.

Jungwon seemed especially affected by Sunghoon's outbursts. The younger boy would constantly avoid eye contact with him, and whenever Sunghoon tried to apologize, Jungwon would just turn away and walk away. It was as if Jungwon was the only one who could see through Sunghoon's façade of normalcy.

Sunghoon's behavior became increasingly erratic. He would forget the choreography during performances, miss cues, and stumble over his words. The other members of the group tried to help him, to support him, but they were growing more and more frustrated with his actions. They were afraid that if he didn't get help soon, he would hurt himself or someone else.

Jungwon, in particular, seemed to be taking it the hardest. He would watch Sunghoon with a mix of sadness and anger, as if he couldn't quite comprehend what was happening to his friend. He tried to talk to Sunghoon, to reach out, but Sunghoon would always push him away. It was as if a part of Sunghoon had died, and nothing Jungwon could do could bring it back.

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After a particularly grueling practice session, Jungwon found himself unable to sleep. He tossed and turned, thoughts of Sunghoon racing through his mind. He knew that something was wrong, and he felt powerless to help his friend. Desperate for answers, he decided to confront Sunghoon about what was going on.

Making up his mind, Jungwon quietly slipped out of bed and crept down the hallway to Sunghoon's room. His heart raced as he carefully turned the handle and pushed the door open. To his horror, he found Sunghoon lying motionless on the floor, his eyes glazed over. Fear gripped Jungwon as he searched for a pulse. His fingers trembled as he placed them against Sunghoon's neck. After what felt like an eternity, he found a faint beat. Relief washed over him, but it was quickly replaced by anger. How could Sunghoon do this to himself? How could he put himself through this hell?

Jungwon shook his hyung roughly, his voice cracking with desperation. "Sunghoon hyung! Wake up, dammit! Wake up!" He didn't care if he was hurting him; he just needed him to wake up. He needed him to see that he wasn't alone, that he was loved.

But Sunghoon didn't stir

Jungwon felt panic rising in his chest as he searched frantically for some sort of response. He shook his hyung harder, tears streaming down his face. "Sunghoon hyung, please! Wake up! You can't do this to us! You can't leave us like this! Please hyung!" He shouted, his voice raw from emotion.

He didn't know what else to do. He had never been in a situation like this before. His mind raced, trying to think of what he could do to help his best friend. But all he could think of was the fear, the desperation, the anger, and the pain. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, he heard footsteps racing down the hallway. His heart leaped into his throat as he recognized the sound of Heeseung's voice. "What's going on? Jungwon, is that you?" he asked, his voice trembling with worry.

Heeseung burst into the room, followed closely by Jay, Jake, Sunoo, and Ni-ki. They all took in the scene before them: Sunghoon lying motionless on the floor, Jungwon kneeling over him, tears streaming down his face. "Oh my God, what happened?" Heeseung asked, rushing forward to help. The others quickly formed a circle around them, their expressions a mix of shock, fear, and concern.

As they tried to assess the situation, they noticed that Sunghoon was breathing, but shallowly. His skin was clammy to the touch and he looked like he'd been through hell. Jungwon continued to sob uncontrollably, his words tumbling out in a desperate attempt to explain what had happened. "I found him like this, Heeseungie hyung. I don't know what to do."

Heeseung nodded, his expression grave. "Alright, we need to get him to the hospital. Sunoo-ah, can you call an ambulance?" Sunoo nodded and hurried out of the room to make the call, taking Ni-ki with him. While they waited for help to arrive, they did their best to comfort Jungwon, who was still sobbing uncontrollably.

"It's going to be okay, Jungwon-ah. We'll get through this together," Heeseung said, squeezing his shoulder. "We just need to make sure Sunghoon gets the help he needs." The others murmured their agreement, but Jungwon couldn't bring himself to speak. He was too overwhelmed with fear and anger and sadness.

The sound of sirens grew louder in the distance, and soon after, an ambulance pulled up outside the house. The paramedics rushed in, quickly assessing the situation. They asked Jungwon what had happened and how long Sunghoon had been like this. Jungwon could only shake his head, unable to form coherent thoughts. The paramedics carefully lifted Sunghoon onto a stretcher and began to attach monitors and IVs.  As they waited for the ambulance to take them to the hospital, the group huddled together for support. Sunoo held Jungwon close, trying to offer whatever comfort he could. "It's going to be okay," he repeated, even though he wasn't sure if he truly believed it.

The hospital staff took over as soon as they arrived, whisking Sunghoon away to the emergency room. Jungwon followed closely behind, his heart pounding in his chest. He felt helpless, watching as the medical staff worked frantically to save his best friend. Heeseung and Jake stood by his side, offering what little reassurance they could.

As they waited for news, they gathered in a small, sterile room just outside of Sunghoon's room. The silence was deafening, each person lost in their own thoughts and fears. Jay paced back and forth, unable to sit still, while Sunoo held his head in his hands, tears streaming down his face. Ni-ki kept glancing at his phone, as if there might be some miracle message from Sunghoon.

Heeseung, sensing the tension in the air, tried to keep the group together. "Look, we don't know what happened yet. We can't assume anything. We just need to be here for Sunghoon and support him however we can." His words were comforting, but they didn't seem to ease the weight on anyone's shoulders

As the hours passed, the doctors and nurses came and went, giving updates on Sunghoon's condition inside the operation room. It seemed to be a constant seesaw of hope and despair. One moment they would say that his vitals were stable, and the next they would warn that he had taken a turn for the worse. The group waited anxiously, unable to tear their eyes from the hospital room door. Jungwon tried to distract himself by pacing, but eventually he collapsed into a chair, his shoulders slumping. He felt guilty for not noticing something was wrong with Sunghoon sooner and somply accepting his act. Sunoo sat next to him, holding his hand and offering what little comfort he could. "It's not your fault, baby. None of this is your fault."

The hospital corridor was a flurry of activity as doctors and nurses rushed from room to room. Heeseung stood by the window, staring out at the passing cars, deep in thought. "I can't believe this is happening," he muttered to himself. "I thought he was getting better... I never thought Sunghoon would..." His voice trailed off, and he turned away, unable to finish the sentence. Sunoo tried to offer some reassurance, but his own heart was heavy. "We just have to stay positive, you know hyung? We've got to believe that he's going to pull through this." He squeezed Heeseung's shoulder, forcing a weak smile. "He's too strong to just give up like this."

The others nodded, trying to muster up some hope, but it was clear that they were all terrified. Jake looked away, unable to meet anyone's gaze. He felt guilty for not being there for Sunghoon when he needed him most. He'd always thought that they had a special connection, but maybe he'd been wrong. Maybe he'd never really understood his hyung at all. As the night wore on, the waiting room filled with more people. Family members of Sunghoon's began to arrive, their faces pale with worry. Jungwon felt a pang of guilt as he realized that Sunghoon might not have told them about his struggles. He wanted to reach out to them, to offer some sort of explanation, but he couldn't bring himself to speak.

The doctors continued to come and go, each time delivering updates that seemed to offer only a glimmer of hope amidst an ocean of despair. Heeseung found himself pacing the hallways, unable to sit still. His mind raced with thoughts of what could have led Sunghoon to this point. He tried to remember any signs he might have missed, any hints that he was not actually recovering. Jay, meanwhile, was a whirlwind of activity. He moved from one person to the next, offering words of encouragement and support. His face was etched with concern, but there was also a steely determination there. He refused to believe that Sunghoon was going to give up. "He's too strong for this," he insisted, his voice wavering. "He'll pull through."

The family members of Sunghoon's, who had been quietly waiting in the corners, exchanged worried glances. They could see the fear in Jay's eyes and it only served to heighten their own anxiety. Sunghoon's mother, approached Jay and took his hand. "Thank you, son," she said, her voice trembling. "Thank you for being here for him."

Jay forced a small smile, feeling helpless. "I'll do everything I can, Mrs. Park," he said, squeezing her hand. "I promise."

Heeseung, who had been pacing the hallway, suddenly stopped and turned to Jungwon "Wonie, I'm going to go for a walk. Get some fresh air, clear my head. Let me know if anything happens" he said, his voice shaky. Jungwon nodded, trying not to jolt Ni-ki who had fallen asleep on his shoulder, exhausted from the night's events. As Heeseung left, the others exchanged glances, each of them feeling the weight of the situation pressing down on them. The family members of Sunghoon's began to murmur amongst themselves, their worried faces a silent testimony to their fears. Jay found himself unable to tear his eyes away from the door, willing it to open and reveal a doctor with good news.

The waiting room seemed to grow darker, as the sky around them got ligher,  the fluorescent lights flickering overhead. Jungwon shifted in his seat, trying to find a comfortable position for his aching body. He glanced down at Ni-ki, who was still asleep, and wondered how much longer they would all have to stay here. His mind drifted back to the day they had met Sunghoon, the sparkle in his eyes, the determination in his voice.

Jay, on the other hand, seemed to be in a state of constant motion. He paced the hallway, his phone pressed to his ear as he spoke in hushed tones. Jungwon knew he was talking to their manager, trying to coordinate a plan for Sunghoon's recovery. The thought of losing Sunghoon was unthinkable, and they were all determined to do whatever it took to save him.

The hours dragged on, the waiting room filling with more and more people. Friends and family members of Sunghoon's trickled in then went out again, their faces etched with worry and fear. Jay continued to pace, his phone glued to his ear as he spoke to anyone who might be able to help. Heeseung, unable to sit still, found himself wandering the hallways, absently rubbing his necklace. He felt a mix of guilt and helplessness; he hadn't seen the signs, hadn't realized how badly Sunghoon was struggling.

The family members of Sunghoon's exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of exhaustion and worry. Jungwon had dozed off in his chair, dreaming of the days when they had first started their journey together. They had been so full of hope and promise, and now it all felt like it was slipping away. The sound of footsteps grew louder as someone walked in. It was Heeseung, looking pale and drawn. "Jay, I'm back," he said, his voice hoarse. Jay nodded, not meeting his eyes. "Any news?" he asked, his voice tight.

Jay shook his head. "No, nothing yet." Heeseung glanced over at Jungwon and Ni-ki, who were both asleep. "How are they holding up?" He shrugged. "About as well as you'd expect." He gestured to the waiting room, which was now overflowing with people. "It's getting pretty crowded in here."

Heeseung nodded, unable to meet Jay's eyes. He knew they were both thinking the same thing: the longer it took, the more likely it seemed that they might lose Sunghoon. The doctors and nurses continued to come and go, their faces grim as they delivered updates to the family. Each time, it felt like a dagger to the heart. The weight of the situation was taking its toll. Some of them paced the hallways, others sat quietly in corners, tears streaming down their faces. The hospital's atmosphere seemed to grow heavier with every passing hour.

As the sun began to rise, casting a pale, yellowish light through the windows, the doctors and nurses emerged from the operating room. Ni-ki and Jungwon were shaken awake and the tense silence in the waiting room was broken as everyone stood, their hearts in their throats. The lead doctor stepped forward, his expression grave

"I regret to inform you that Sunghoon's condition remains critical," he began. "He suffered extensive damage and all we can do is wait while his body heals." The words hung in the air like a weight, pressing down on everyone in the room.

Jungwon felt as if he had been punched in the gut. He looked over at Ni-ki, who was leaning against the wall, his face pale and drawn. He reached out to take his hand, but he pulled it away, unable to meet his gaze. Heeseung stared at the doctor in disbelief. "Is there anything we can do?" he managed to choke out. The doctor shook his head solemnly. "We're doing everything we can. His body needs time to heal. In the meantime, we'll keep him stable and monitor his condition closely. We'll update you again tomorrow."

Heeseung stumbled back against the wall, his heart racing. A million thoughts raced through his mind, but one in particular stood out: they had failed. They had failed Sunghoon, and they had failed themselves. He looked at Sunoo, who was crying silently into his hands, and he wished he could take away his pain.

Ni-ki's face was a mask of disbelief and horror. He couldn't process the information; it felt like a nightmare. He looked at Jungwon, searching for some sort of reassurance, but he could only offer him a small, helpless smile. Sunghoon was so young, and they had been through so much together. They had dreamed of a future together, and now it all felt so uncertain.Jake's heart ached for them all. He wished there was something he could do to make this better, to take away the pain and fear that was so palpable in the air. But all he could do was stand beside them, offering what little comfort he could.

As the hours dragged on, the waiting room seemed to grow colder, the air heavier. No one spoke much; the silence was broken only by the occasional sniffle or rustle of a chair. Time seemed to lose all meaning, and they all existed in a sort of twilight zone between hope and despair. Jungwon found himself staring off into space, his mind racing with a thousand questions. What if Sunghoon didn't make it? How would they go on without him? He glanced over at Sunoo, who was sitting next to him, his eyes red and puffy from crying. He looked so lost, so vulnerable. He wanted to take away his pain, to make everything better. But he couldn't

Heeseung was pacing the hallway, his hands shoved deep into his pockets. His shoulders were hunched forward, as if he were carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. He stopped suddenly, his head snapping up when the nurse appeared at the end of the hallway. Her expression was guarded, but there was a sparkle in her eyes that gave everyone hope."Is it true?" he asked, rushing forward. "Is Sunghoon...?"

The nurse smiled gently and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "There's been some improvement, yes," she replied. "His vitals are stabilizing, and he's showing signs of responsiveness. We're cautiously optimistic, but it's still too early to tell how he'll recover." Jungwon felt a tear trickle down his cheek as he listened to the nurse's words. He couldn't believe it; he had thought they had lost him. He glanced over at Ni-ki, who looked dazed and confused, as if he couldn't quite process the information. He reached out to take his hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"I know it's still early," the nurse continued, "but we're cautiously optimistic. The doctors are monitoring him closely, and we'll keep you updated on his progress."

Heeseung nodded, still unable to believe what he was hearing. He glanced over at Sunoo, who looked like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. He walked over to him and gave him a reassuring hug. "Hang in there, Sunoo. Sunghoon's going to pull through this.

──── ❈

i think my writing gets progressively worse with every fic i post

and yes i did project all of my feelings that i've been going thru lately on sunghoon 🧍🏻

sorry sunghoonie <3

pls do comment lovlies ya'll comments are the reason i write and its kinda demotivating when no one bothers to comment

i hope you guys enjoyedd

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