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Everything halted, everything slowed. And everyone was still with anticipation within the confines of the chocolate shop I built from the ground up from such a young age, with the help of some so called relatives of course who are no longer in the picture. My eyes finally averted to everyone as if they were frozen in time, seeing my assistant staring out the window in complete awe of something happening just below in the Galerie that I practically ran on my own.

"Why must you stop your daily tasks to gawk at something out there?! Must you people always be so useless?!" Marisa, my said assistant, jumped a little from my sudden presence behind her, my eyes quickly averting to the commotion down below. A man in a top hat was giving the performance of a lifetime. But that wasn't the problem. It was the mere fact that he was selling chocolates! Right in front of my storefront!

"Oh I don't think so pretty boy....." I quickly jotted my way downstairs to the actual busy chocolate shop, seeing everyone was fleeing to see the magic show afoot. And that just wouldn't do. Not at all.

"Excuse me! Excuse me! Coming through people." I practically shoved people out of my way to be standing directly in front of this mystery man. And saw the look of complete shock upon his rather charming features.

"Miss (Y/L/N)...... it's such an honor to meet you...." But he quickly trailed off once I stared daggers at him, not amused by his formalities what so ever. He was sweet. Sure. But in this world? You quickly learn that will get you nowhere.

"What is your name? Because you do know this is my store you're advertising your chocolates in front of. And that can't be done." But his smile didn't falter. As if he was trying to break me down. But what he didn't know, was that it was hard to do such a thing. I wasn't the same person I was, what felt like so long ago. I...... changed. But I built my empire, and here I am! I wouldn't be who I am without it. And I don't regret of that.

"My name is Willy Wonka! Maybe I can sway you. Just a little at least, If you try this." He quickly took his top hat off, to reveal a red rose from within, but clearly didn't mean to pull it, his cheeks slightly red from embarrassment. But instead, he handed me a piece of chocolate from within that everyone else had been trying. I was doubtful of course. But tried anyhow, for the heck of it. And was I taken back!

"Oh my gosh.... I uh.... You shouldn't be selling these out here. Just leave. Or i will be forced to call the chief." And i immediately stomped away from him, entering my shop with my heart racing in utter fear. His chocolate is delicious. And it scared me. I can't have competition. I just can't...... So I did what I do when someone ever gets bold. I work harder to perfect my creations. I can't let some newbie steal my thunder. Not in my Galerie.
(A few days later)
"HE IS WHAT?!" I slammed my hand upon my desk in complete rage, complete anger, complete...... confusion? Willy Wonka was here. In my shop, wanting to have a conversation.

"I can tell him to leave for you, If you'd like?" But I obliged, waving her away to bring him in. I had to hear this monstrous idea of his he clearly had coming to see me. Things had been rough since he came to town. He'd been trying to sell his chocolates all already the Galerie, but escaping every single time the Chief got anywhere near him. Anytime I would show, he was smiling, his cheery smile that seemed to get to me in a way I didn't quite understand. Because I don't do romance. I don't do feelings.

"Miss (Y/L/N)! Thank you for seeing me. I know we aren't exactly on the same page. But.... please. Can we at least talk about this? I just want to share my dream with the world. I'm not trying to take away from you, because let's be honest. Your chocolate is amazing!" My eyes widened from his sudden rambling, his charming demeanor and soft tone enough to break me a little. He seemed..... genuine? I'm used to people lying to me. But these past few days of this cat and mouse game between us was..... different than I'm used to.

"And so is yours. Which is the problem, Wonka. I can't have you taking over the Galerie." I stood from my desk with the most sharp look of annoyance on my face, trying my best to pull it off. But to no avail. He could see right through me. He knew I wasn't annoyed. But impressed. My advisors told me to go against him. And I was. I am! Or am I....?

"Oh I'm not! I swear I'm not! I wouldn't dream of it....." We were suddenly so close to one another, our breaths practically dancing together in the perfect way.

"Good! Because I can't let that happen. This is my home. Mine! And I won't let all my hard work be erased by you." But my words weren't full of malice. Or even hatred. Just simple facts. Something about Willy had quickly gotten to me. And he knew it. The way he was with me was unlike any other. That's how my story began with Willy Wonka. That's how our love story began.

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