At Hoseok's

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Yeona POV-

"So who are the suspects?"

"Aren't you supposed to know that?!"

"Well, you're the detective!"

"So? You're the person who went to people and enquired."

"So... I need to tell whom I have doubts on?"

"No then. I didn't know you were this dumb!", Seokjin whispered, and I glared at him, though I couldn't see him clearly in the dark.

We both met at the park, at 1 a.m and crept first towards Hoseok's house.

"So, I doubt Hoseok, Yoongi, Namjoon, Jungkook and Taehyung."

"You have a doubt on all the popular residents except me, Jimin and Yeontan.", Seokjin commented, as we tiptoed to Hoseok's house's back door.

"But why don't you doubt Jimin and Yeontan?"

"It seems, Yeontan was out for a vacation, and he was shocked when I informed him about the murder. And Jimin is a good friend of mine, I can trust him."

Seokjin spoke in a warning tone, "See, in investigations, you must NEVER see 'friend' or 'family'. Because we don't know, who's the person behind the mask. So, each and every person must not be trusted blindly, and we need to have at least a small doubt on them."

"I... Uh... Okay, let's search their houses too."

"Yes. And, if they do anything suspicious, don't let it go, thinking it's just your friend."

"Okay, now are we going in or not?", I asked, irritated. He was holding onto the back door's knob, but just not opening it.

"Ah yes.", He whispered, and pushed the door open, after twisting the knob.

"None of these people ever lock their back door.", Seokjin whispered, while I was surprised.

I thought he would use some special keys, or instruments to open the door. And here it's not locked at all!

We crept inside, slowly closing the door. We had small but powerful torches in our hands, and looked around. We were in the kitchen.

"Now what should we even search?", I asked, realising that I had no idea what to actually do.

Seokjin turned to me, and his flashlight pointed to my face, blinding my eyes.

"Oww oww! Don't!", I whispered.

"Oh sorry!", He exclaimed, pointed it downwards and whispered, "We have to just look around, scanning if there's anything suspicious. That's all. Now don't search if there's a knife, or a rope, or something. Because all houses have it, and it's not something suspicious."

"Okay. Let's split up.", I suggested.

"See, that's a good idea! Now, you should just use that thing well."

"Use what?"

Seokjin sighed. "Nevermind."

He walked away, while I just rolled my eyes, and began searching. I pulled open the drawers, and searched through them.

"Vessels, spoons, cups, plates etc. Nothing much here.", I muttered, and opened the large shelves.

"Nothing here too..."

I looked around, searching for anything which may make me doubt Hoseok. But, I could find nothing in the kitchen.

When I walked to the living room, Seokjin jumped towards me, excitedly.

"What happened?!", I whispered.

"I realised something!!", He exclaimed.

"What? Tell me!"

"Hoseok has a wife!! And Hoseok is one of the sweetest men on Earth, and he'd keep buying gifts for his wife! So that 'I love you' card-"

"Oh my!! So you found the culprit?! It's Hoseok?! He was such a bright smiled guy I-"

"Wait, wait!!", Seokjin exclaimed. "This is the first house we're searching. Don't expect to find the murderer this soon! It'll take a week, at least."


"A week?!", I asked, shocked.

"Shh! Now let's look around.", He said, and walked into Hoseok's bedroom, while I looked around the living room, even though Seokjin did look through it.

I lifted the large mirror, slowly, with both my hands, because it was pretty heavy. I found a book tucked into a pocket attached behind the mirror. I couldn't hold the mirror and take the book out at the same time.

I gave a small hiss, to call Seokjin to help me. I hissed again louder this time, so that he could hear me. "It's hard to hold this mirror, what the hell!", I muttered, and hissed even more louder.

Suddenly, I heard a high-pitched scream, and I rushed to Hoseok's room, where Seokjin was searching for hints, until then. I couldn't believe my sight.

Seokjin was hiding behind a chair, opposite to Hoseok and his wife's bed, such that they can't see him. Hoseok was awake, sitting on the bed, and looking tensed. I lifted my brows at Seokjin, puzzled.

Before he could signal me anything, Hoseok whispered, "Where's that snake?!"

Snake? I-

I heaved a sigh of relief. At least, he didn't see Seokjin. Only then I realised, I was standing inside the room, and Hoseok was looking around, searching for the 'snake' and could see me anytime.

I noticed a large flowerpot, and tip-toed towards my left, slowly, without making noise. Exactly when I hid myself and switched off the torch, he turned to my direction.

"There's a flowerpot there... Is the snake there?!", He exclaimed, terrified.

What the hell, just don't come here!!

He got up slowly, and my heart beat quickened.

Exactly then, his wife woke up, and called him. "Hobi-yah... What happened?"

"I think there's a snake there!!"

"Snake? Here? Hobi, please. Just go to sleep.", Her wife mumbled, sleepily, and pulled him back.

I sighed, wailing inwardly, because of all the tension. I laid my head against the wall, closing my eyes, exhausted already.

And slightly sleepy.

My eyes opened sleepily, when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Don't you think you should get up now?"

"Seokjin, please.", I sighed, and shut my eyes again. Seokjin dragged me to my feet and said, "No sleep."

He pulled me to the sink, and splashed water on me, even before I could realise what he was doing.

"KIM SEOK-", I began when he shut my mouth and dragged me into a room nearby within his reach, and locked it from inside.

None other than the bathroom.

"Can you please stop making noise?!", He whispered, totally annoyed.

"I'm sorry..."

"You have to be! I'm doing this case just for you, your parents and because Jungkook asked me! Now, you are not even co-operating. Not able to think, not able to understand, not able to listen to me, not able to stay awake, not able to AVOID making noises, JUST NOT ABLE TO LET ME DO MY WORK!! If you can't do it, just tell me. TELL ME YOU CAN'T DO IT AND I'LL DO IT MYSELF!! Bothering me from so long! No proper clues, no proper brain, no proper investigation, just wasting your time, aren't you?! Can't you understand...."

He paused, looking at me, taking quick breaths, for he was surely out of breath. His face was a bright red, especially his ears, and his eyes were wide open, while, I was completely baffled, not expecting him to do all this. Also, we were in a small bathroom, where his voice was echoing.



We both stared at each other for a moment, and dashed out of the bathroom, and the house, and ran for quite a time, until we knew that we were at least a half a mile away from his house.

I lay on the ground, exhausted. I didn't know detective work involved all this...

"I have never experienced ANY disturbance during my cases, EXCEPT YOU.", Seokjin exclaimed, panting for breath.

"I can't do anything! I'm not some professional detective!!", I argued.

"Well, even cases where I handled with UNeducated people around, they understood me WAY MORE than what you did!"

"WAIT. So you're telling me that-", i began, when we saw a dark figure walking towards us. I stiffened, nervously.

"Hi guys! I'm joining you!"

"JUNGKOOK?!", Seokjin exclaimed, annoyed. "What the hell are you doing here?!"

"You said you won't let me help you. But now you have to help me, and you don't have any choice."

"Don't have any choice...?", I asked, amused.

Jungkook took his phone out, and played a video, where I could clearly recognise those two people walking to the back door of Hoseok's house and creeping inside.

There was also a footage of us running away too!

"What the fuck Jeon Jungkook?!", Seokjin exclaimed, shocked. "Can you ever stop blackmailing?!"

"Nope. I also want to do detective work!! I also want to crawl, tip toe, investigate and search!", He said, pouting.

He doesn't look like he's in his mid twenties... He looks like he's a ten year old boy, wanting to play instead of study...

So cute.

"Let him tag along...", I pleaded Seokjin. I wanted Jungkook to at least have fun, he reminds me of a small baby, so adorable.

"You don't have any choice, Yeona-ssi. I WILL join you, whether you like it or not.", Jungkook said, smirking.

"See. Look at this boy! And you want him to tag along. Ugh! Just come. Choice, it seems!", Seokjin grumbled, walking towards a familiar house.

The door which never opened.

Min Yoongi.

The MOST suspicious guy, according to me.

We crept towards the back door slowly, making sure to make no noise. Seokjin was about to open the door, when we noticed a piece of paper stuck on it.

Seokjin read it, and tore it up, annoyed.

"What is it?", I asked, surprised.

Seokjin sighed and told me what was written there, irritatedly.



Hope this chapter didn't disappoint you! And I just can't stop making Jungkook look cute in whichever story I work on :')

Anyways, about BTS addressing in the White House, I just have one main thought...


Also, pleasee do tell me if the story is going good... More surprises/SHOCKS are to be revealed soon, and you guys will slowly get a clarity on who is the actual criminal~

Love y'all soooo much 💜💜💜

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