⁰¹. 𝐝𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐬

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ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴏɴᴇ

''  ᵈʸᶦⁿᵍ ʷᶦˢʰᵉˢ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵐᵃᵗᶜʰᵐᵃᵏᶦⁿᵍ ᵈᵉᵃˡˢ ''

Unlike most days, the Ahn Residence was teeming with life one particular Spring evening. The long hallways that were usually filled only with the presence of ancestors' portraits now carried voices between rooms and welcomed passing guests. Where silence usually resided, a merry cheer now dwelled, filling the house with warmth. The dining area, which barely ever acquired three visitors, was now full to the brim with people who conversed in small groups and occasionally came over to congratulate the party's host on his happy day.

Mr Ahn, a man who didn't look a day over 30 and yet required the support of a cane to get around thanks to his failing joints, sat with a proud smile in his designated seat as head of the dining table. He wore a luxury navy suit accompanied by an embellished watch, his short black hair gelled back with a few strands falling over his eyes, the bushy moustache sitting atop his lip moving with his lips every time his smile grew. 

Despite the mass of influential people surrounding him, his attention was dedicated entirely to the young lady sitting on his right, as per usual. His daughter, Ahn Yeonhui, was a rare beauty who turned many heads and owned her father's heart entirely. 

There wasn't a single thing that Mr Ahn wouldn't do for her. So long as he could keep her safe and happy, he would go to any lengths no matter the price or consequences. To hell with the public's opinion of his impulsive behaviour and failure to meet societal standards—his daughter's smile was worth so much more to him than his reputation. Should she desire the world as it is, then he would wrap it up nicely and set it down at her feet. Should she lose interest in it, then he would destroy whatever vexed her and create a new Earth—one that was to her liking.

Yeonhui was just as devoted to him as he was to her, doing all that she could to ease the worries of her aging father's mind and fulfil his wishes to see her happy. All of her free time was dedicated to chaperoning him, making sure that he was comfortable and pleased with her achievements. She would go above and beyond to meet his expectations of her, even if he didn't set many. Should he ask her to pose as ladylike as possible in the company of his investors, then she would become the very image of perfection. Should he desire a break from society's shackles, then she would take him on thrilling adventures in the unfavourable parts of town or recount daring stories that she had overhead while gossiping with friends. His smile was just as dear to her as hers was to him.

Despite their shared familial affection, little similarities could be found in their appearance. Yeonhui held a striking resemblance to her late mother—the same ovular face, the same long lashes, the same full lips, and the same long cocoa locks which were usually tucked behind her ears. The only feature that seemed to come from Mr Ahn was her eyes—double-lidded, slanted up a little, and dark as coal. Her biting attitude and sharp tongue was mostly her mother's too, but her kind heart was one that she had inherited from years of being raised solely by the doting male.

"I have a gift for you," the young lady announced with a smile, briefly turning away from her father to dig around in her handbag.

"Is that so?" Mr Ahn inquired, watching as she produced a carefully-wrapped rectangular box and set it on the table before him. "You didn't have to get me anything, dear—having you by my side today brings me enough joy."

Even so, he eagerly untied the ribbon and smiled wider at the sight of what lay within the box. 

"Ties! Oh my, what interesting designs! How lovely—oh, I love them all. Look, Riko—ah, where is he?" Mr Ahn turned to sweep his gaze over the crowd, grinning once he found who he had been looking for. "Riko! There you are, my dear boy—come here, Riko! Look, look! My Yeonhui bought me new ties! Do they suit me? Do they? Come here and tell me what you think—quick!"

The Japanese male in question—who had been busy indulging in a conversation with some conglomerate's wife—instantly excused himself to his boss's side. He appeared to be rather thankful for this opportunity to escape the flirty woman, sighing in relief once he was in the familiar company of his boss and the Young Miss. When he focused on the matter at hand, however, his relieved expression reverted back to a mildly troubled one. 

Riko silently observed the strange-looking fabrics in Mr Ahn's hand for a moment, taking in the unusually bright colours and unfamiliar patterns while attempting to figure out how to react. Unlike the simple designs that were in fashion now, these ties were...well, strange. One was painted sky blue and decorated with tiny bumblebees. Another sported a paisley leaf design, the base being a deep purple while the pattern was sewn on in threads of gold and various shades of blue. The third was green, appearing to be made of silk with a smoke-like pattern embroidered onto it. 

Items like this were rare and hard to get by, and not many people saw the appeal in them. The public was mostly drawn the same dull designs that they had grown used to over the years and saw no value in things that were far from their boring preferences. Mr Ahn, on the other hand...

"They are certainly interesting," Riko said after catching sight of his boss admiring the tie collection as if it was the rarest of Earth's treasures. A light smile graced the young man's lips as he added, "I believe that they suit you, sir. Young Miss Ahn has a keen eye."

"She does, doesn't she?" Mr Ahn beamed, turning to his daughter once again. "Where on earth did you find such beauties, dear?"

"Well, I may or may not have pulled a few strings to get in touch with a Western designer a few months ago," Yeonhui revealed, lips curling into a smug smile. "It took a little convincing, but he eventually agreed to custom-make these for me. Do you like them, Father?"

"Like them? I love them! You, my darling," Mr Ahn leant over to peck his daughter's temple, "Are a star. My days are filled with nothing but joy thanks to you—I don't know what I would do without you by my side. When you leave me, what on earth will become of me?"

Yeonhui placed a dainty hand over his rough one. "I'm not going anywhere, Father—do not worry. I'll stay by your side until the end of time—promise."

A sigh left the middle-aged man's lips, a hint of melancholy appearing in his eyes. "I am both relieved and disheartened to hear that. Only you have this power, Yeonhui-yah—the power to break and heal my heart at once."


"Sorry, sorry," Mr Ahn waved her worries away with a shake of his free hand, "This old man is speaking nonsense once again. It comes with age, you know—you start to lose your mind bit by bit with each passing year. In the end, little remains besides the fond memories shared with loved ones and the nagging reminders of all your lingering regrets."

"You still have time," Yeonhui insisted, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. "If you have any regrets, you can work on fixing them now. And I can help, too—if you let me know your worries, I can try to ease them before—"

A coughing fit interrupted her. Mr Ahn spluttered and wheezed, fumbling in his suit pocket for his handkerchief and proceeding to cough into it while Riko thumped his back. When the attack ceased, the aging male sat back in his chair and hurriedly put the handkerchief out of sight, reassuring his guests that he was alright with a bright smile and dismissive wave of his hand.

Yeonhui offered her father another smile while taking his hand in hers again, giving it a light pat. She tried not to think about the spot of red staining cotton that she had caught a glimpse of, nor the fact that their time together was inevitably running out. 

"Well?" she prompted while attempting to keep the cheer in her voice, "Is there anything that I can do for you, Father? Just say the word and I will do my best to fulfil any of your wishes. Tonight is your birthday, after all—this special occasion calls for more than one gift from me, don't you think?"

"Hmm...you know, my one true wish has always been to see you move on," Mr Ahn spoke softly, gaze turning wistful as his eyes shifted to stare at something in the room beyond her. "To stop lingering by this old man's side and explore the world. To reach for your own dreams. And, most of all, I wish that you would meet a good man and fall in love and start a family of your own..."


"It doesn't have to be someone wealthy or famous, you know. Your favourite baker or a charming street musician will do—so long as you love one another, I will give you and your partner my blessings. I couldn't wish for anything more, dear."

Yeonhui went silent, her gaze falling to their hands. 

She wasn't particularly against the idea of getting married, but...well, she wasn't particularly fond of it either. Most of the suitors who had come knocking on her door previously were only looking to use her family name for their own personal gain and she had no intention of indulging in society's stupid power games. To be used like a pawn on someone else's chessboard...she didn't see the appeal in that. 

Besides, Yeonhui was far too busy trying to repay the man who had raised her all of these years to even think about caring for anyone else. Every second of her free time was dedicated to Mr Ahn, and she simply couldn't imagine spending her days with anyone other than her father and his assistant who had practically become part of the family by now. Especially not when the clock was ticking and their days together were numbered.

Still, if this was her father's wish...

"If you desire to see me married, then very well—I will grant you this wish," Yeonhui finally responded, shoulders falling as she admitted defeat.

Mr Ahn's eyes lit up, snapping back to meet hers. "Really? You mean it? You promise?"

With a light chuckle, the young woman nodded. "I promise. I will do my best to look for a suitor worthy of my time and my heart."

"You know," a mischievous glint appeared in the male's eyes as he leant closer to his daughter while lowering his voice, "You don't have to look too far—there are plenty of good matches around us here today. Take Mr Jang's son for example...he is a decade or so older than you and owns three houses—has a cute dog, too. There's a bit of an age gap between you, but at least he's mature—should you wed him, he'll be sure to treat you right. Or there's Director Park's son who I hear is a professional athlete with a body better than Greek sculptures—he has been the talk of the town for a few months now, I believe. Madame Baek recently introduced her son to the public, too—a little younger than you but with the brains of a genius—sure to be a devoted husband should you give him a chance."

"Mmh," Yeonhui scrunched her nose in distaste, "A rich bachelor whose only goal is to soon sire an heir, an athlete who is all body and no brain, or a child genius who is the exact opposite—they all sound like such great options. Really, Father...are you that eager to get rid of me?"

"Nonsense," Mr Ahn dismissed. "But if you aren't interested in any of them, then how about considering someone who is a little closer to us? Someone that you know well, and are sure to have more in common with."

"Like who? I'm not familiar with any young bachelors aside from..."


"Yes." She paused, watching her father's smile grow. "What is that look for? Surely you don't mean...?"

Mr Ahn grinned wider, brows dancing suggestively. "He would make a fine husband, wouldn't he?" While Yeonhui choked on the air she was breathing, Mr Ahn turned to summon his assistant back to his side. "Hey, Riko—come here. I have a question to ask you." 

The young man who had momentarily strayed to prevent a drunken executive from breaking a jade ornament instantly appeared at his boss's side, standing at attention and looking at him expectantly. "Yes, sir?"

"Tell me, what is your prospect on marriage?"

"Father, please—"

"What? I'm only asking a harmless question! Go on, Riko—I'm listening. Your prospect on marriage is...?"

Riko's gaze darted between his beaming boss and the woman beside him who was attempting to hide her burning face in the palm of her hand. Unsure of the situation, he questioned, "Marriage, sir?"

"Yes, my boy—marriage." Upon still not receiving an answer, Mr Ahn sighed. "It seems that you do not understand what I am asking of you. Let's put it this way—my daughter is a beauty, is she not?"

Though still confused, Riko dipped his head into a nod. "She certainly is, sir."

"And she would make any man happy with her mere presence alone, right?"

"Of course, sir."

"My Yeonhui is the perfect bride and deserves only the best suitor, right?"

"Yes, sir—of course."

"Mh-hmm. You have treated her well all these years, and I am grateful to you for that. You will continue to look after her even after my passing, won't you?"

"Yes, sir. I will serve her to the best of my abilities for as long as I can."

"Perfect!" Mr Ahn clapped his hands together excitedly. "In that case, I give you two my blessings. Now, on to the more important questions—when should we host the wedding? Summer is approaching and the weather is bound to be far better than it is now—we could have it then, I think. By the way, are you allergic to any flowers, Riko? We can't have you dying by the altar while dear Yeonhui approaches you with her bouquet. And the guests—we should prepare a list. Do you have anyone that you would like to invite? We should gather both sides of the family, after all—your friends and any living relatives that you keep in contact with should attend. Oh, and I should prepare a gift for the both of you, too—would you prefer a house in the city, or somewhere by the coast?"

It took a few minutes for the meaning of his boss's words to sink in. Once it did, Riko's eyes widened in a comical manner while his mouth fell open. He hopelessly glanced between the pleased male and his mortified daughter, struggling to form a response.

"Father," Yeonhui intervened, saving him just as she had done many times before, "Please stop this now. Look at what you've done—you've broken the poor man!"

"Nonsense! He's just too excited to speak. Isn't that right, Riko?"

The Japanese male wordlessly moved his lips, still unable to make a sound.

"If by 'excited' you mean 'terrified', then sure," Yeonhui scoffed with a light shake of her head. "Just look at him—he's shaking!"

"Well, must be out of joy—"

"It's out of shock, Father. You've overwhelmed him and now his mind is shutting down! Quick—tell him that you were joking before he faints!"

"Joking? Why, I never—"

"Sir—please," Riko interrupted, finally managing to find his voice, "I, uh—I appreciate your kindness and...and I'll never be able to thank you enough for how well you have treated me all these years. The debt that I owe you is great, and yet..." his gaze flickered briefly to the Young Miss, gaze turning apologetic as he added, "I cannot agree to this. And please do not take this the wrong way—I assure you that your daughter is the finest maiden I have ever laid my eyes on, and whoever manages to earn her affection will surely be the luckiest man alive."

"Well, what's stopping you from being that man?" Mr Ahn inquired. His tone held no offense at being denied—in fact, a note of harmless curiosity dwelled where anger should have been. "I am offering you my daughter's hand, and yet you refuse to take it. There's no harm in me asking why that is, is there?"

"No," Riko shook his head, "Of course not. The truth is...if your words are an order, sir, then yes—I will marry Young Miss Ahn, and I will do everything I can to keep her as happy and safe and satisfied as possible. But..." 

His gaze shifted past his boss, lingering on the woman peering at him through her fingers. Something warm stirred in his eyes, and his lips lifted into a sad smile. 

"As you said earlier, sir, your daughter deserves nothing but the best. While I may spend the rest of my life courting her and attending to her needs, it is no secret that I am far from an eligible suitor. Besides...I doubt that Young Miss Ahn has any feelings for me, and I wouldn't like to force her into an engagement that she doesn't wish to be a part of."

With furrowed brows, Mr Ahn turned to his daughter. "Dear...what do you have to say on the matter? Our Riko seems to think that you dislike him—is that true?"

A gasp left Yeonhui's lips. Eyes wide and arms flailing in gestures of denial, she hurried to say, "No! No, I—that's not—Riko, I don't—you know I don't—" a huff and the pursing of her lips prevented her from rambling any more. Once she was sure that she wouldn't muddle her words again, she continued. "Riko, you are very charming and I am sure that you will make your partner very happy indeed. We have known each other for quite some time now—we have grown together, learnt the ways of life and society together, and have fought many a battle together. I see you as...as someone worthy of the same respect that me and my father receive. You are much more to me than just an assistant—you are a member of our family. A very valued one at that, but...but one which, unfortunately..."

"You do not love," Riko finished for her with a light nod. "I am aware."

"And I am sorry."

He shook his head. "You need not be. Your words...they have always given me strength. And I understand that your rejection comes not from malice, but from your kind regard towards me. Besides, our match would be...strange, to say at the least. After all, we are—as you have kindly pointed out—family."

A look passed between them. One of understanding. Relief. And once it was accompanied with the sharing of a gentle smile, it turned into a look of gentle fondness.

Mr Ahn's sigh brought the pair's attention to him, taking in the sight of his disappointed features. 

"Don't be so disheartened, Father," Yeonhui attempted to console him. "I know that you meant well, but me and Riko simply do not match. However, I still intend on keeping my promise to you—since you wish to see me married, I will introduce you to my partner soon. Perhaps you will still be able to host the Summer wedding that you envisioned."

Patting his daughter's hand, the aging male smiled once more. "There's no need to rush, dear. Take as much time as you need and remember to choose your lover with heart rather than with your mind. All I truly wish for is your happiness, after all."

Yeonhui nodded in silent agreement, reciprocating his smile. "Very well. Now that this matter is settled, should we proceed with the party? I will go check on the cake—Riko, could you give me a hand in bringing it out, please?"

The Japanese male nodded, eagerly following the Young Miss out of the crowded lounge to the hallway where watchful eyes could no longer follow them. Mr Ahn stared at the spot where he had last seen them, quickly becoming lost in thought.

"Ah—there he is! The birthday man himself!" a loud cheery voice interrupted his musings mere seconds before a hand clapped down upon his shoulder. "How are you, dear friend? Not yet falling to pieces, I hope?"

"Not yet," Mr Ahn chuckled while turning to the cheery man who filled an empty seat at the table beside him. "And yourself? Are you well?"

"More or less. My joints are creaking but my heart is as young as ever and that's all that matters, I believe."

"Truer words have never been spoken." The host paused to take a swig of his herbal tea, then turned to his friend once again. "I must say, I'm rather disappointed that you only thought to join me now. I haven't seen you all night—have you been hiding from me, my friend?"

"As if," Mr Sunwoo responded with a dismissive gesture. "Work has been piling up and I had to finish formatting tomorrow's newsletter before joining your celebration. I wasted some time on convincing my daughter to come along too—she only agreed after I promised that Miss Yeonhui would be in attendance, and even then she said that she would come after she has taken care of her prior engagements." A troubled sigh left his lips before he added, "What on earth that girl is so busy with these days is beyond me. No partner to spoil, no friends besides your daughter to spend time with, no real hobbies besides reading to indulge in...what could she possibly be up to? I swear, my Eunho brings me nothing by worries lately."

"Ah...I can understand you," Mr Ahn nodded solemnly, "I've been troubled by my Yeonhui lately too. She has finally agreed to find a suitor for herself, you see."

"Really? Then why the long face? Her compliance is excellent news—you should rejoice!"

"I would, if only I didn't fear that things would take a turn for the worst. She is only agreeing to look for a partner because she wishes to please me and fulfil one of my wishes, not because she feels ready to commit to a family."

"Well, at least she is willing to try it for your sake," Mr Sunwoo countered, his expression turning sour. "My Eunho wouldn't consider getting married even if I begged her to do so on my deathbed."

Mr Ahn scanned his old friend's downcast features for a moment, thinking hard. Then, that mischievous glint returned to his eyes. He leant towards his friend, lips curling into a devious smile. "Tell me, dear friend...how do you feel about playing matchmakers? Just like the good old days."

Quirking a brow, Mr Sunwoo leant forwards too. "What are you proposing?"

"An alliance, of sorts. You will help to find a good match for my Yeonhui, and in return I will help to set your daughter up with the perfect man."

"'Perfect man'? Who could that be, I wonder?"

"Well...you have always been fond of my Riko, haven't you?"

Mr Sunwoo closed his mouth before any sort of response from him could sour their good mood. He wanted to argue against Mr Ahn's suggestion, but he also knew better than to mention Riko's social status and subsequently offend his friend in doing so. 

It wasn't that he didn't like Riko—he was quite fond of the young man, actually. But to set him up with his perfect, darling daughter...he couldn't imagine it. They were sure to make an odd couple, and Mr Sunwoo could think of at least three people that wouldn't approve of them being together.

Then again, he knew that his daughter didn't have anything against the young man. As far as Mr Sunwoo was aware, Eunho was more likely to accept Riko than any other suitor he attempted to find for her. But would it be wise to match them?

"Well?" Mr Ahn prompted, eager to hear his friend's response.

After letting out a long sigh, Mr Sunwoo finally nodded. "Alright," he resigned, "Let's try it. But if this plan fails, you will take the fall."

Mr Ahn's smile failed to falter as he shook hands with his friend to secure the deal. "Trust me, I wouldn't have it any other way."

hello and welcome to [รωεεƭεรƭ ρσเรσɳ]!

first of all, my beans, can we give it up for the amazing -stilesmks who made the cutest little gifs ever for this fic?? i love them so much, thank you again my friend ;^;please check out her gif shop on her profile and her amazing fics too when you have the time!! :)) 

i thought that i'd start this fic off with introducing the family dynamic and leadup to yeonhui's quest to find a husband, so i'm pretty proud with how this turned out :)) 

also, can we have a moment of appreciation for mr ahn please?? this mans is such a precious bean, i love him so much ;^; we stan a supportive and doting father :)) istg of all the parental figures that i've written about, he is surely one of my favourites (aside from the icon that is don fabio). i can't wait to write more about him!!

anyway, i hope you beans enjoyed this chapter and will look forward to the chaos that is about to ensue as a result of these meddling matchmakers :)) they mean well, bless them, but things don't always go according to plan, do they?

thank you for reading!! remember to stay healthy and prioritise yourself over all else. you matter the most. you aren't defined by your achievements or your grades or how others perceive you - remember that, my precious beans ❤ 

to those who are stuck in exam season now, the best of luck to you - i'll be rooting for your success!! don't stress too much about them though, i am sure that all of you will do well and to those of you who, like me, have finished with your education - congratulations!! i'm sending good vibes your way and hoping that you get to enjoy your gap year or receive good news about that job you applied to. keep going, you'll make it towards your dream in no time!! :))

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