Mᴏᴛᴇʟ Cᴀʟɪғᴏʀɴɪᴀ (2)

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ᴛᴡ: ᴛᴀʟᴋs ᴏғ sᴜɪᴄɪᴅᴇ


Allison explained everything Lydia had seen or heard that night. That Lydia had heard a couple making their suicide pact next door. When they went over there, the room was empty except for the tools and different materials needed to remodel the room. She also explained that Lydia saw a sign up to tally how many suicides had occurred in that motel. 

Now, they entered the front office to get some answers. As they walk up to the desk, Lydia sighs when she realizes no one was there.

"Well, there goes that."

"Didn't you say the sign said 198?" Allison says wide eyed. Luisa and Lydia look over at the sign that now says 201.

"It was 198. I swear to God it was 198." Lydia says frantically

"Okay, so, what does that mean, that there's been three more suicides?" Luisa says

"Or three more about to happen." Lydia says looking over at her


Lydia had texted Stiles to meet them in their room. She explained the suicide tally, the couple, and Allison explained the weird encounter she had with Scott.

"Last time I saw Scott act like that was during the full moon." Allison says

"Yeah, I know. He was definitely a little off with me too, but actually, it was Boyd who was really off. I watched him put his fist through the vending machine." Stiles says

"See, it is the motel. Either we need to get out of here right now, or," Lydia says as she opens a door and pulls out a bible, "someone needs to learn how to do an exorcism asap, before the werewolves go crazy and kill us."

"Okay, just hold on, all right? What if it's not just the motel? The number in the office went up by three, right?"

"You mean like three sacrifices?" Allison says

"What if this time it's three werewolves?"

"Scott, Isaac, and Boyd."

"Maybe we were meant to come here."

"Okay, so, if they're looking for sacrifices, this is probably the last place we should be." Luisa says

"Exactly!" Lydia exclaims, "So can we get the hell out of here now? Please?"

"Wait, hang on. Let me see this." Stiles says as he takes the bible from her. As he flips through, he pulls out a newspaper clipping.

"What is that?" Allison says

"28 year-old man hangs himself at the infamous Glen Capri." Stiles reads. He sets the paper down on the bed before he shakes the book. They watch as more papers fall out.

"Oh, no. Look at these two. They both mention the room 217. These are probably all the suicides that happened in this room." Lydia says

"So if every room has a Bible..."

"There could be articles in all the rooms."

"That's a beautiful thing." Stiles says sarcastically, "Most places leave a mint under the pillow. This one leaves a record of all the horrible deaths that occurred."

"What if the room next door has the one about the couple?" Lydia says

They all look around at each other before Stiles runs out. The girls follow him to the room next door. He goes to open the door, but it's locked.

"No, that was not locked before." Lydia says

"Forget it. We need to get Scott, Isaac, and Boyd out of here." Allison says. Stiles and Luisa go to run off, but stop as they hear a noise.

"I'm not the only one who heard that, am I?" Lydia says

"It sounds like someone turned the handsaw on." Allison says.

Luisa's eyes go wide as they rush back, "Handsaw?"

Stiles is able to bust the door open just as Ethan is putting the handsaw to his stomach.

"Hey, no, Ethan, don't!" He yells as he runs to him. He struggles to get the saw out of his hand. Stiles throws it to the floor just as Luisa leans over and unplugs it from the wall. Ethan pushes Stiles to the ground and he comes face to face with the saw just as it cuts off.

Allison pulls Stiles away as they look over at Ethan. The boy flicks his claws out and tries to rip open his stomach. Stiles and Allison pulls his arms away from him and he stumbles into a heater.

He yells out as he burns his hand. He falls to the ground holding his hand. He stands up looking around, "What just happened?"

When no one answers, he rushes out of the room.

"Wait! Ethan!"


"Didn't you hear what I just said? I don't know how I got there or what I was doing." Ethan says rushing down the steps as the other teens follow him.

"Okay, you could be a little bit more helpful, you know? We did just save your life." Stiles says as they reach the end of the steps.

"And you probably shouldn't have." Ethan says before walking off

Lydia sighs, "What now?"

"I'll find Scott. You guys grab Isaac and Boyd. The best thing we can do is get them out of this place." Allison says before she goes back up the steps

When Lydia starts to go back up the steps, she turns back to Stiles. She rolls her eyes, "What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Oh, no, I w-"


"All right, Lydia. I didn't want to say anything, but this... everything we're going through... we've kind of been through something like this before, a lot like this."

"What do you mean? When?"

"Your birthday party, the night you poisoned everyone with wolfsbane."

Luisa furrows her brows, "You guys forgot to mention that."

Lydia rolls her eyes before she starts to walk off, "Lydia, I'm sorry, okay? Look, I didn't mean that you're trying to kill people, okay? I just... I just meant that maybe... maybe you're somehow involved in getting people to kill themselves, you know?" Stiles says.

"Which now that I say that out loud, it just sounds really terrible, so I'm just going to stop talking."

Lydia stops, "Stiles. Do you hear that?"


Lydia bends down toward a sewage drain. Luisa turns to Stiles who shrugs as they watch her.

"Lydia, what do you hear?" Luisa says

"A baby crying." She bends down further, "I hear water running."

Luisa looks around them before she turns back to Lydia.

"Oh, my God. She's drowning the baby!" She cries before she stands up, "Someone's drowning!"

Stiles runs off upstairs with Luisa and Lydia following close behind him. He flings a door open and immediately runs to the bathroom. The girls follow him in and as he rolls up his sleeves. As Luisa walks in, her heart drops. Boyd had a safe sitting on his chest as he laid in a bathtub full of water.

Stiles tries to go for the drain first, "He blocked it. He blocked the drain with something. I can't get to it."

"What do we do?" Lydia says

"Here, help me." He says as he tries to lift the safe. All three of them try lifting it off of him, but fail.

"Is he dead? How long can a werewolf stay underwater?" Luisa says

"You think I know that?" Stiles says as he backs up, "Ow!" He exclaims. He looks back and realizes he backed into a heater, "Wait a sec, the heater. Heater... Ethan came out of it when he touched the heater."

"What?" Lydia says

"It's heat, heat, fire. Heat does it, all right? We need something. We need fire."

"He's underwater." Luisa exclaims

"Yeah, I'm aware of that."

"Wait, wait." Lydia says, "The bus. On the bus, they'll have emergency road flares. They have their own oxidizers. They can burn underwater."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, go!" Lydia says before Stiles runs out. Lydia and Luisa try again to lift the safe.

Lydia starts to pace in the other room as Luisa reaches for the drain to try and unblock it, but she can't get to it. As she stands back up, Stiles runs in.

"I got 'em. What do I do? How do I do this?" He says

"The cap, it's like a match. The cap's a match." Lydia says. Stiles tries lighting it, but struggles, "Stiles!"

"Yeah, I'm trying." He says as he keeps trying to light it. Finally, he's able to get the road flares lit. He immediately puts it in the water to alert Boyd.

They all back up as the safe comes flying out of the water. Boyd sits up and roars as his eyes shine yellow. He stands up breathing heavily.

"Isaac's under the bed." Lydia says. Stiles sighs as he takes the other flare and lights it. He crouches down on the floor and lifts the cover. Isaac looks up at him.

"Hey, Isaac. Got something here for you."


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