Lᴏᴠᴇ Sᴄᴇɴᴇ (3)

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It's silent as Liz and Dakota follow Jeremiah. Liz sighs before she reaches to turn the music up. Her phone chimes, but she ignores it.

"That River ? Why'd you ignore her ?"

"I'll call her later." She says as she looks out of the window.

He nods as he looks forward. He looks towards Liz who keeps her eyes out of the window.

"You know, I... went to Cousins this Spring to visit River. It's kind of weird being there when it's not summer." He says

"Yeah. I bet." She chuckles.


"On a scale of one to ten, how much trouble do you think we'll be in when they find out we're gone ?" Conrad smiles at Liz from the drivers seat before looking back at the road.

"Oh, I'm not getting into any trouble. I'm telling everyone you kidnapped me." She jokes

"What ? Please. You jumped at the chance." He says sarcastically

"Yeah, only because I've never seen a snowy beach."

"Me either. Last time I checked the weather out, there was only a 30% chance of flurries, but hopefully we'll get lucky." He smiles

She nods, "Hey, did Susannah like the bike you got her for Christmas ? You got the one with the basket, right ?"

"Yeah. Yeah, she loved it."

"Yeah." She smiles

"Thanks to you. I was just gonna get her a bathrobe."

Liz cringes. "I know, that's what Dakota got my mom this year."

"Really ?"

"Yeah. Why do boys suck so bad at giving presents ?"

"Honestly..." Conrad says with a head tilt, "I don't think she would have cared what I got her. You have no idea how happy she is that you're my girlfriend." He smiles. Liz blushes as she looks out of the window.

"Hey, I haven't told anyone yet, but I think I'm gonna switch my major to biology."

"Really ?" Liz gasps. Conrad hums in acknowledgment. "Wow."

"Yeah. I want to go premed."


"And for a while, I thought I wanted to go into the research end of it, but no, I think I'd rather be working with actual people."

"Because of your mom ?" Liz says softly

"She's getting better, you know." He smiles. Liz's heart flutters at seeing him so happy.


"Belly, just tried Conrad again. No answer." Liz reads

"Why don't you try him ?"

"We actually haven't talked since the funeral."

"What the hell happened with you guys ?"

"Very long story." She mutters.

"The hell ?" Dakota says as he slows down

"What ?" Liz looks up. They watch as Jeremiah pulls over. Dakota pulls up behind him and shuts the car off. They both get out and walk to the passenger side.

"What the hell happened ?" Dakota says

"Fucking tire popped." Jeremiah sighs as he pulls out his phone.

"Who are you calling ?" Belly asks

"AAA, because in case you didn't realize, the tire's done for." He says as he holds his hand out to the tire

"Well, we can just change it ourselves. It's not that hard." Dakota says as he walks to the trunk

"Can we just leave it to the experts, please ?"

"Uh, I am an expert. All we got to do is take the jack out and then take the spare off the back." Dakota explains

"That's... that is not for decoration ?" Jeremiah says as he walks up beside him

"No, dude." Dakota scoffs

"Okay, yeah, sure. Let's do it." Jeremiah says as they take the tire off the back.

"You need help ?" Belly tries as she puts her hair up

"Nope. This it ?"

"Yeah. Okay. You got to put that behind the wheel so the car doesn't move." Dakota says as he walks to the front with the tire

"Okay. Like here ?" Jeremiah asks

"Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm."

"Good ?" Belly says as he places the jack down

"Um, yeah, is that right ?"

"Okay. Yep. Now we have to lift the car." Dakota says leaning on the tire

"Lift the car ?" Jeremiah says looking up at him

"Lift the car." He nods

"Okay." Jeremiah says looking back down

"You got it." Liz says

"It's not as straightforward as you're making it sound. It's working..."

"Don't lift it too high, okay ?" Belly exclaims

"Belly." Dakota warns

"I'm not lifting it too high."

"Move a little bit closer to the wheel." She says

"Belly, no."

"What ? I..." Jeremiah says

"Move closer to the wheel, okay ? Just a little bit closer."

"I can't. You need me to move..."

"You need to move closer to the wheel. I feel like it can't get any more self-explan..." She starts, but Jeremiah falls back from the tire.

"Shit ! Fuck !" He says as he stands up, "Great idea with this, Dakota."

"Don't blame me. You're the one who can't change a damn tire." Dakota says holding his hand out

"It's not his fault." Belly says

"Seriously ? This was his fucking idea. Now I'm covered in dirt. It's 100 degrees outside. And if you would have just let me call AAA, they'd probably be here already." He yells

"I'm sorry ! Okay ?" Belly says

"Thanks. So helpful." He scoffs

"No, Jere, not about this, okay ? I'm sorry. I'm really sorry about everything. About what happened at the funeral."

"You think I'm pissed about the funeral ? The funeral was fucked. Everyone was messed up. I'm pissed about last summer." He chuckles humorlessly, "Belly, you were my best friend. We hooked up, and then you ghosted me. And then everyone expected me to act like I was fine, and I wasn't !"

"Okay, well, the last thing that I wanted, was to hurt you. I mean, you were seeing other people. I  thought you were over it."

"Because otherwise, I was that pathetic loser that was chasing after you.

"I'm sorry." She says

"Sorry for what ?"

"I'm sorry because I miss you. I've missed you for months. Look, when Susannah was sick, I was... I was so focused on that and on being there for my mom, and I should have been there for you, too, okay ? And I forgot about you. And I hate myself for that. I... Jere..."

She hugs him as he starts to cry. "I hate that I let you down."

"It happened so fast. Belly, it was really, really bad. I had Dad and Conrad sort of, but I needed you, and you just weren't there." He cries "You left me."

"Hey." She pulls away. "I'm here now. I'm not going anywhere." She pulls him back in for another hug.

The twins look over at each other with a saddened look. Dakota looks back down as he cracks his fingers.


They fixed Jeremiah's tire and were back on the road to Cousins. There was an awkward silence that fell in the car as the twins avoided contact.

"I'm sorry." Dakota says

Liz looks at him, but he keeps his eyes on the road. "I'm sorry about blowing up on you at the party. You didn't deserve that."

"I mean I probably did a little bit." She shrugs.

"You didn't. Especially now that I know that Jeremiah not talking to me had nothing to do with you and Conrad, just him being angry with Belly."

Liz nods, "Well, I'm sorry too. For shutting you out and thinking that you weren't upset about Susannah."

Dakota looks at her before turning back to the road. "Everyone grieves differently and I know you hate moping around and we both know Susannah would be so pissed at us for being so sad." She chuckles as Dakota laughs along with her.

"So, we good ?" He says as he holds his fist up

She fists bumps him, "We're good."

"Good because I need someone to annoy."

Liz scoffs, "That's what River is for."

"Yeah, but she's not physically here so." He shrugs. Liz rolls her eyes, "And to be completely honest she's extremely scary when she's annoyed."

"Yeah." Liz laughs as her phone chimes.

"They're stopping at Rosie's. Belly's hungry."

"Oh my god, Rosie's ? I love their blueberry pie, dude."

"Ew." Liz grimaces

"Oh, grow up. You're too old to not like blueberry pie."

"It's disgusting." She says as they pull in behind Jeremiah

"Whatever." He says as they get out of the car and follow Jeremiah and Belly up to the window

"Okay. Um... I think I'm gonna get..." Belly starts

"Blueberry ?" Jeremiah says

"... blueberry."

Liz groans as she turns away. Dakota laughs.

"Yeah ? Weird." Jeremiah says

"Yeah. You always could read my mind."

"Mostly. I mean... I'm glad it's back anyway, our ESP."

"Yeah, me, too." Belly stands straight as she puts her fingers to her temple. "Okay."


"I know that you're not eating any pie because..." She inhaled sharply, "mm, you're worried about ruining your abs."

Jeremiah gasps as Liz giggles.

"Yeah." Belly says

"Can't ruin the abs dude." Dakota says

"I mean, they are a service to mankind, so..."

"Mm." Liz hums

"Maybe not. Maybe. You never know."

"Liz ? Belly ?"

"Nicole !" Belly smiles

"Hi !"

"Hi !" Belly says as Liz waves

"Jere, I was so sorry to hear about your mom. She was so lovely." Nicole says

"Yeah. She was. Thank you."

"Hey, I think, uh, our order's ready." Belly taps Jeremiah arm.

"Yeah. Yeah. Uh, me, too." He says as he taps at Dakota's chest. They walk back up to the window

"How are he and Conrad doing ?" Nicole asks, "I reached out after the funeral, but I never heard back, and I figured things were intense, so..."

Belly looks at Liz who just stares back at Nicole, "Yeah, you know, they're hanging in there. Um, how-how have you been ? Have you seen any of the-the debs yet this summer ?"

Liz sighs, "Gonna go with Jere and Dakota."

"Yeah, okay." Belly says

"It was nice seeing you, Liz." Nicole smiles

"Yeah," She nods before she walks back to the boys.

Dakota smirks as he leans against the counter. "You alright ?"

"Just peachy." Liz says as Jeremiah chuckles

"Hm." Dakota hums

"I hate you." She mutters

"Awe." Dakota says as he looks to Jeremiah, "So sweet."

"I think a tear just rolled down my cheek." He says as he rubs under his eye.

"Shut up." Liz says as she pushes his shoulder. Dakota laughs as she rolls her eyes.


Liz's heart is pounding in her chest as Dakota turns onto the street. As they got closer to the beach house, she could hear her heart pounding in her ears. Dakota turns into the driveway beside Jeremiah. Liz sighs heavily as he puts the car in park.


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