Sᴜᴍᴍᴇʀ Tɪᴅᴇs (2)

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River, Belly, Taylor, and Liz were leaving the tournament. Liz silent as the girls talk about whatever.

"How's your ankle ?" Belly asks

"It's better."

"Belly. Hey. Belly." Nicole says. The girls stop and turn as Belly smiles.

"Hey, Nicole. Uh, you remember my friend Taylor ?"

"Yeah, hi." She says as Taylor waves, "Um, so my dad's boat just came up from Anguilla. Um, so what do you guys think about a pizza and rosé in a few hours ? Just something fun to end the day. And you guys are more than welcome to come, too." She says as she looks at the other girls.

"Will Kayla be there ?" Taylor says. River rolls her eyes.

"You mean Shayla." Nicole chuckles, "And, no, she has plans with Liam and all those people."

"Yeah, we'll be there." River says as she puts her hand on Liz's shoulder. Liz looks up and smiles quickly.

"Okay." Nicole chuckles. The girls turn away as Liz sighs.

"The last thing I wanna do is hang out with those girls." She mutters.

"You've got to stop moping over Conrad. It'll be fun. Maybe you'll meet a girl or something and get laid so you're not so uptight." Taylor smirks as River frowns in annoyance. Belly turns to Liz who tilts her head.

"It'll be okay, Liz." Belly smiles. Liz smiles softly as she looks to her.

"Thank you, Belly." River says, "The last thing we want is for Liz to listen to someone who butchers a guys name for his attention."

Liz's eyes widen as she looks over to Belly who shares the same look. Taylor scoffs as she walks a little faster. Liz sighs as River shrugs with a smile.


River and Liz were walking a little behind Taylor and Belly as they walked the dock to Nicole's boat. "Has Dakota ever been to the debutante ?"

Liz looks over at River, "Yeah. It was years ago though when we went."

River nods slowly as she looks down. Liz smiles, "Why ?"

"My mom works with the whole program and she makes me go now," River shrugs, "and I have no date."

"And you want Dakota to take you ?"

"He's the only other person I can think of that's actually decent enough to go."

Liz laughed as they came up behind the two girls who stopped. They all looked up to see Nicole waving to them from a huge boat.

"Belly !"

"Oh my god." Belly chuckled

"Fuck me." Taylor says covering her mouth

"Holy shit." Liz mutters as River chuckles.


Conrad walked into the living room where Jeremiah, Steven, and Dakota were playing a game. Steven and Dakota were trying to convince Jeremiah to come to a party with them and they were failing miserably.

"Yes, man ! See what happens when you don't concentrate ?" Steven says as he scored a point on Jeremiah.

"All right, I-I've got some stuff to do. Have fun." Jeremiah says as he gets up

"Wait, what ?" Dakota frowns

Conrad watches as Jeremiah leaves, "What's with him ?"

"I don't know, man. He's being weird." Steven says

"But, uh, he's not coming tonight, so it's just you, me, and Steven." Dakota says

"Yeah, about that, bro." Conrad starts as he sits down, "I might bail, too."

"No. No. Bro, you haven't hung out all summer." Steven says as he and Dakota keep their eyes on the screen

"Bro, it's not gonna be..." Conrad trails off

"Conrad, come on, man. I'm gonna be so mad at you if you don't come to the party tonight." Dakota says

"Okay." Conrad says. Dakota looks back quickly with a frown. "Okay."

"What, really ?" Steven says looking back

"Yes, okay." Conrad chuckles

"Fucking finally." Dakota cheers

"You know, you've really neglected us, man." Steven says

"Oh, yes ! You saw that ?" Dakota says as he turns to Steven.

"Yeah. Nice." Steven says as they dap each other up. Dakota turns to Conrad who smiles before doing the same thing.


The girls sat on the boat as they were playing a game of never have i ever.

"Put a finger down if you've ever made out with two people within 24 hours of each other." Taylor asks. River puts a finger down as Liz chuckled.

"Okay, put a finger down if you've ever used a stuffed animal to... you know." Another girl says

"His name was Harry Bear Styles. Like..." Taylor laughed

"You had a name for yours ?" Gigi said

"What ?" Nicole said

"Okay, put a finger down if you've ever had sex." Another girl says. Liz and River put their finger down as well as a couple of other girls. Liz looks over to see Belly with all of her fingers still up.

"If you've ever been to third ?"

"Put a finger down if you've ever gone to second." Belly still keeps all of her fingers up.

"Put a finger down if you've ever made out with Jeremiah Fisher." Taylor says. Belly hides her smile as her finger finally goes down.

"Oh, wow." River says as the girls giggle.

"Shut the fuck up!"


"Wait." Nicole says, "Belly, we want all the tea."

"Um, sorry, Gigi." Belly says a she takes a sip of her drink.

"No, it's fine."

"Um, I mean, there's not much to tell. He's-he's, like, my best friend."

"And when did it start ?" Gigi said

"Um, about a week ago. We kissed in the pool at our house."

"I always had this weird feeling there was something going on between you and Conrad." Nicole says. River looks to Liz, "But I guess I just had the wrong brother."

Belly looks over at Liz before she goes on, "Uh, yeah, no. It's-it's, um... It's just, I... I don't know. I..." She stutters

"Yeah, whatever. Enough about Jeremiah." River says, "Uh, put a finger down if you've ever been skinny-dipping."

"Put a finger down if you've ever gone skinny-dipping at Hopper's Cove." Nicole says right after

"Is that a dare ?" River says



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