Bᴇᴄᴀᴜsᴇ I'ᴍ Nᴏᴛ Sᴛᴜᴘɪᴅ

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Dakota looks off toward the water. Shifting his position on the stool as Susannah looked up at him.

"You okay, honey ?" Susannah smiled

"Yeah." He mumbles, "This stool is getting old."

Susannah chuckled as she dipped her brush in paint, "I don't think it's getting old, I think you're getting too big for it. I remember when your feet could barely touch the bar on the bottom."

Dakota chuckled as he looked down at his button up. A comfortable silence falling over them as Susannah continued painting.

"So, anyone special in your life ?"

"What do you mean ? Like a girl ?"

"Yes, like a girl." Susannah smiles, "Someone catch your eye yet ?"

Dakota looks down again, "Yeah, there is."

Susannah raises her brows, "Really ?"

"Yeah. Well, kind of."

"Oh. What happened ?"

"Nothing happened, it's just kind of complicated."

"Well first, who is she ? What's her name ?"

Dakota hesitates before he sighs, "River."

Susannah looks up quickly, "River ? Liz's best friend ?"


"Awe." Susannah smiles, "So, you haven't told Liz ?"

"No, Liz is the one that told me." He says, "I haven't told River."

"Why not ? I think you guys would be cute."

"Because I don't know how she feels. I've only ever seen her annoyed with me. I know she doesn't like me and I was fine with that because I thought I felt the same." He says, "But then when my dad showed up, she was the one to help me through it."

Susannah nods as she brings the brush up to the canvas, "Well, then it seems like she likes you. At least as a friend."

"Maybe, but that night changed how I saw her. It was just one night."

"That's all it takes sometimes." Susannah shrugs, "And it wasn't like she just helped you pick out a shirt or anything, she helped you when you were having a tough time. Despite how she may have felt about you, you needing help mattered more."

Dakota furrows his brows as he picks at his nails.

"Just talk to her. Communication is key." Susannah says, "Maybe you can ask her to the ball."

Dakota looks up as Susannah smiles at him. When she looks back at his portrait, a small smile takes over his face.


River steps out of her car with her bag on her arm. She knew Belly was competing in the volleyball tournament to raise money for charity and decided to go with Liz. She also got a text from Liz the night before telling her about a conversation she had with Conrad and needed to know more. As she steps up to the porch, she noticed Taylor standing at the door. She rolls her eyes as she goes up the steps.

Taylor turns to her, "Oh, hey."

"Hi." River says quickly

"You here for Liz ?"

"Yup." River sighs, "Did you knock ?"

"Yeah." Taylor nods before the door opens revealing her best friend

"What have you gotten yourself into, Cinderbelly ?" Taylor says as Belly engulfs her in a hug

"Oh, I'm so happy you're here." Belly says as she pulls away, "Hi, River."


Belly turns back into the house, "Liz, River is here."

"Where's my shirt, okay ?" Taylor says, "We're gonna kick all of their asses."

"Yeah. Let's go." Belly whispers as she pulls Taylor in. River smiles as Liz comes into view stepping onto the porch.

Liz sighs in relief as she pulls River into a hug, "Thank god."

"What the hell is going on ?" She says as she hugs her back

Liz pulls away and grabs her hand, "Too much."

River lets her lead the way into the house as she shuts the door. She notices Conrad in the kitchen as Liz pulls her toward the stairs.

"Hey, River." Conrad says

"Hey." River says, but can barely get it out before Liz pulls her up the stairs

Conrad sighs as the back door opens. Dakota groans as he shuts the door, "Dude, sitting out there for 2 hours was not the highlight of my day."

Dakota makes his way to the fridge grabbing a drink before shutting it. He sits at the island with a frown, "You good ?"

Conrad looks up, "Yeah. I'm good."

"Doesn't look like it." Dakota chuckles, "What happened ?"

"I fucked up."

Dakota shrugs, "We all do."

"Yeah, but it's Liz."

"I figured. What happened ?"

"On the Fourth of July we almost kissed."

Dakota's eyes widen, "Really ?"

"Yeah, but a couple of days ago she came to talk to me about it and I told her I couldn't do it."

"Damn. And now she's not talking to you ?"

"Barely, but I can't blame her. I was being a dick."

"I mean, yeah, but," Dakota shrugs, "I don't think she's that upset with you. If anything she just wants you to be honest. It must suck being confused about how someone feels about you. Especially when you've liked someone as long as she's liked you."

Conrad's brows furrow, "She's liked me for a long time ?"

"Yeah." Dakota scoffs

"How do you know ?"

"Because I'm not stupid." He says before standing up from his seat, "Just be honest, dude. It's what she wants."

Conrad's eyes follow him as he makes his way upstairs.


"Are you fucking kidding me ?" River says

"Nope." Liz says as she sits on her bed. She had just explained to River what happened with Conrad. To say River was upset would be an understatement.

"Ugh. Oh my god." River says as she rolls her eyes. She plops down on the bed as she rolls over on her stomach. "This is exactly why I was trying to bring you on double dates."

"But then he comes back today and says how he's sorry and wants to take me to the deb ball."

"What ?" River laughs

"I know. It's so confusing." Liz sighs

River sighs as she lays down on her back, "I really don't know Lizzie. I would've let go a long time ago."

"Yeah, but it's not that easy." She mutters as she stands up. River watches as she walk over to her vanity.

"Liz, is he really worth you feeling like this all the time ?" She says as she sits up on her elbows.

"Honestly ?" She says as she sits at her chair, "I don't know, but Conrad has been one of the only constant things in my life. I don't know how to just let that go."

"You don't have to let it go per se, but you could move on from it. Try being happy on your own."

Liz looks over at River who gives her a smile. Liz frowns and squints. "You talked to Dakota."

River sits up completely as she scoffs, "And what gave you that impression ?"

"You're too happy."

"I definitely don't need a man to make me happy. You know me better than that Lizzie." Liz laughs as River stands up, "Why are you laughing ?"

"You definitely talked to him." She smiled teasingly

"What did I just-"

Liz cuts her off, "Dakota is the only one who's ever called me Lizzie."

River huffs as she looks at Liz who gives her a playful look back. She walks over to the door as Liz laughs. "Let's go before I kick your ass."


"Good afternoon. I'm Susannah Fisher, chair of the club's community service board, and I am delighted to welcome you to Play It Forward !" She smiles as the crowd cheers. The teens finally made it to the volleyball tournament that Susannah was hosting. Liz stood by Belly and River as Susannah continued.

"You know, as my mother used to say, if you're lucky enough to be at the beach, you're lucky enough. And we are very fortunate indeed..." Liz looks over as Conrad stands next to her. She turns back, "which is why, in the spirit of fun and friendly competition, it is time to open our hearts and our wallets and give back to those who may not be as fortunate. We have teams raising money for homelessness, women's shelters, environmental causes and many more. And Play It Forward will match pledges for the winner of the tournament !"

Dakota cheers loudly as he stands next to Jeremiah, "Pledge tables still open, so please donate generously. And with that, I say let the games begin !" She yells as the crowd cheers with her.

"That trophy is going to be mine." Belly says

"Watch out for those two." Conrad says pointing to the two girls on their left, "Her spike is lethal."

River rolls her eyes dramatically as he walks away. The girls not far behind him as Liz laughs.


The games had started and Taylor and Belly looked to be winning. At least, from what Liz could see, but she sucked at volleyball, so who knows ?

Everything was going okay, until Taylor fell when she dived for the ball. Liz frowned as she watched Belly helped her up.

"You okay, Taylor ?" Jeremiah says

Taylor keeps talking with Belly before she turns to Jeremiah. "Can you sub, please ?"

"Yeah. Yeah, yeah." He says as he hurries out to her

"She didn't hurt herself." River whispers

Liz turns to her, "Definitely not."

Dakota comes up on the other side of River, "What are y'all talking about ?"

"Taylor faking her injury." River says

"Again ?" Dakota says as he leans on the railing.

"Again ? What do you mean again ?" Liz says

"She did it for me once. Remember when I was complaining to Belly about how I wanted to compete ?"

"That's how you got in ?" Liz says with raised brows

"Yup." Dakota nods. Liz turns back as Taylor is walking off the court. "Wow."


The games went on with Belly's team taking the lead. It was their second game when Jeremiah started to mess up. Liz could tell Belly was getting frustrated as she took this very seriously and Jeremiah wasn't.

It was only a matter of time before Belly called for a time out. They watched as Belly sighed deeply. She said something to Jeremiah before turning to them.

"Conrad, I need you to sub in. Now." She says as Jeremiah walks over. Conrad looked to Liz who looked away. He went out and caught the shirt from Jeremiah.

"Nice game, Jere-Bear !" Susannah says

The game starts again and Belly and Conrad were taking over. Winning games left and right. Dakota cheering very loudly much to River's dismay. Earning smacks to his head and arms as he laughed like a little kid.

The final game came up and it was Belly and Conrad versus Shayla and Steven. The game went on tying up every so often. It was the last few seconds of the last game with Shayla and Steven up by one point. Conrad served and the teens watched as it went back and forth before Belly finally scored.

The crowd cheered as did the teens and the mom's. Liz smiled as she clapped for them. Dakota cheered obnoxiously in River's ear again causing her to turn and reach to hit him again. He backed away laughing as she went after him.


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