Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter 13 - Surrounded by Skullduggery

Emma was slowly emerging from a deep dark place, a place she'd last visited nearly fifteen years ago - only that one wasn't induced by a magical potion to save her from suffering indescribable pain. A gentle lullaby was being hummed as someone fussed with her hair, a kiss on her forehead and then her hand being held helped Emma piece together who this someone was without having to open her eyes. Emma's eyes were still closed, and her voice was certainly a little scratchy after all her tortured screaming, but she did her best to speak.

"I came out of my coma to that same tune, your Nana was singing it to my baby - holding you in her arms. I loved and hated that woman at the same time. I loved that she was there for you when I couldn't be, and hated the irrational feeling that she stole my baby away from me. She effortlessly bonded with you in a way that I was never able to do. After the surgery I needed, this was my one and only chance to be a mother - something I was desperately looking forward to - and that I failed miserably at."

Still holding her mother's hand, Hermione managed to attract Poppy's attention. "Mum, stay still and stop talking until Poppy can check you over. Once she gets some pain potion into you, you'll be able to sit up and have some tea..."

"I'd kill for a cappuccino! Where's your father? How is he? Where are we?"

Shaking her head at the obstinate woman who was her mother, Hermione knew from experience she wasn't going to win this one. "Ok, let's just forget about not talking. Dad has gone for a little look around with Harry, they've been here with you all night. I've told Harry you're awake and both he and dad are heading here now. Here is actually our new house in Italy, so that cappuccino shouldn't be a problem - once Poppy says it's ok for you to have one."

After completing her scans, Poppy asked Hermione to help with sitting her mother up. Emma was still in a lot of pain from every part of her body, and she couldn't have managed that simple manoeuvre without help. Poppy then poured a pain relief potion into her mouth, and the faces Emma made actually put the beginnings of a smile on Hermione's. They would get through this, as a family.

"Oh my goodness, that is without doubt the most disgusting thing I've ever tasted. Please tell me I can have that cappuccino now?"

"If this cappuccino can make that taste better, I might want one too."

"It's a type of coffee, Poppy..." Hermione was saved from further explanation as a tray with three wide coffee cups containing the frothy drink, along with a plate of amaretti biscuits, appeared on the bedside cabinet.

While Hermione held the cup for her mother to drink, smiling at the sprinkled chocolate in the shape of π on top, Poppy sampled her own - pronouncing it to be wonderful.

Her dad and Harry didn't exactly run into the makeshift infirmary but it was close. Watching as his daughter helped her mother drink brought a lump to Dan's throat, this was the closest he'd seen them in years.

"How are you feeling?"

"Like I laid down in front of a fleet of double-decker busses, and they all ran over me at the same time. Poppy, your medicine certainly tastes disgusting but I can already feel it working. Daniel, how are you - and what happened? That man did something with his wand and all I remember after that is pain, until I woke up here."

"Hermione and Harry came to rescue us. That bastard was busy boasting what he was going to do to us when these two just appeared behind him. They'll never threaten anyone ever again."

Emma got the message her husband was sending, they would never threaten anyone again because they were now dead. She felt her daughter's hand slipping back into hers and Emma gave it a squeeze to indicate she understood and accepted what happened. "I need to apologise for putting you both in that position, I simply didn't believe people like that existed anymore."

Before they got to say anything else, Dobby arrived to say they had a visitor. "Bones lady is here. She be early for meeting but says very urgent she speaks with you."

It wasn't difficult to guess why she was here, they might as well get this over with. "Can you show her up here, Dobby, and see if Remus and Sirius are available?"

Nodding, Dobby popped away while Hermione was explaining to her parents exactly who Amelia was. With Emma not yet fit to leave her bed, the meeting would have to be held here. More chairs were moved around her bed so everyone could be seated. Seeing Hermione still holding Emma's hand, Dan moved to the other side of the bed and took his wife's free hand in his.

A shocked glance from Emma had Dan responding. "We need our entire family today, we'll face this together."

Dan's words had Hermione calling for Harry to sit on her other side, he promised to do so after greeting Amelia. While her parents were actually holding hands, Hermione was sure they noticed her mentally communicating with Harry. It also gave her a crazy idea. Harry liked the idea, but suggested they deal with the problems in front of them first.

Amelia arrived, accompanied by Sirius. Harry showed her to a seat just as Remus walked in too. He told Poppy she was welcome to stay before sitting next to Hermione and holding her other hand.

From the display of family unity in front of her, Amelia could tell they were expecting bad news - and she had plenty of bad news to give them.

"Ok, let's get right down to it. A display of accidental magic from the Grangers' home last night saw the Ministry send an investigative team there. They found Draco Malfoy kneeling beside his dead father and Edmund Parkinson - who was also dead. Two pure-bloods killed by muggle methods in a muggle home has the Ministry in meltdown. Fudge was ready to order a squad of aurors to drag the Grangers into the Ministry, and I heard Dumbledore telling him they needed to revoke your lordship - he claimed you were out of control."

"What Dumbledore means is I'm out of his control. Fuck, could this be any messier?"

Hermione not only felt Harry's anger, she shared it too. "Harry, I know we didn't want to fight the Ministry, Dumbledore and Voldemort at the same time. I don't think we have an option now. We have to hit back, and hit hard..."

"Miss Granger, I don't know that you can do that..."

Harry was all over Amelia, instantly ripping Fudge's entire argument to shreds by providing information that changed everything. "The heads of House Malfoy and Parkinson illegally entered a warded Potter property and, in full Death Eater garb, used an unforgivable curse to attack members of my family who were living in my property at the time. House Potter stands ready to declare Blood Feud against these houses. The recognised Steward of House Potter will deliver the relevant documents to the Ministry of Magic today. Amelia, can I ask how they got through those wards so quickly?"

A totally shocked Amelia answered without even thinking. "They used wardstones, highly illegal and a certain stay in Azkaban if you are even in possession of a set."

This set Hermione off. "All that evidence against the attackers and Fudge wants to sweep it all under the carpet by going after my parents. Harry, I think Italian citizenship for both of us just shot right to the top of our to-do list. I also think we need Luna in here. Hell, let's invite everyone. If we're going public with this, let's get it all out in the open."

Sirius and Remus both tried to talk them down from this, but could soon see they were wasting their breath. Harry at least tried to explain their stance on this matter.

"We're being boxed into a corner, our only option is to come out swinging and punching. I don't want the first time our friends know about this to be when they read about it in the Quibbler. We're asking people to change their jobs, change their very lives, they deserve to know what's going on. We're not Dumbledore or the Ministry, no compulsion charms and no lies here."

No one was surprised when Hermione backed her betrothed. "Our friends' support over what happened yesterday meant the world to us. Again, we're asking them to uproot their lives and follow us out of Britain - they deserve to know why."

After the elves had contacted everyone staying at the chateau, Dobby, Cindy and Brutus then temporarily removed two of the beds and placed more seats in the room. Sirius formally introduced Bill to the couple when he arrived with Ginny, while a now contrite Professor Vector tried to apologise to Harry. Susan walked in with Hannah before rushing to greet her aunt, and finding seats beside her. As everyone was getting settled and the elves were providing refreshments, Poppy was heard recommending everyone to try a cappuccino.

As their guests settled, Harry and Hermione were busy deciding on just how to go about this. Harry got things started.

"Sorry about all this but we decided as you are being asked to make life-changing choices here, everyone needed to know exactly what they were getting into. Since Emma can't yet move, this gathering needed to be held here."

Taking a calming breath, Harry got straight to the heart of the matter. "Yesterday, in full Death Eater garb, Lucius Malfoy and Edmund Parkinson used a highly illegal device to break through the wards at Hermione's home and attacked her parents in an attempt to find us. Emma had the cruciatus cast on her while Dan was held in a body bind. Hermione and I cast spells at the two Death Eaters, allowing Dan to break the curse he was held under. Parkinson had Hermione in a head-lock with his wand pointed at her face. Dan stabbed Parkinson in the neck before then attacking Malfoy with the same kitchen knife as the bastard cast an unforgivable at me. The Minister of Magic now wants both Dan and Emma arrested for murder, while Dumbledore is suggesting the law be changed so my lordship can be revoked."

This news almost started a riot as their friends were disgusted at the actions of the Ministry. Remus caught Harry's eye and nodded in understanding, he got it now.

"To discover what's behind all this, we need to go back to before Neville and I were born - I'll explain that in a minute. A Prophecy predicted the birth of a child, a child with the power to defeat the Dark Lord. 'Born to parents who had thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies'. Two children matched that description, me and Neville. That's why he came after me that Halloween night, and also why his supporters went after Neville's parents when Voldemort disappeared after attacking me. That prophecy was made to Dumbledore, and Snape told the first part of it to Voldemort..."

Neville was on his feet on hearing that news about Snape, he wasn't alone. Pomona then proved why she was their choice for Headmistress when she got them to sit back down before calmly asked a question.

"Harry, I'm not doubting you here, just asking if you can prove all this?"

Harry looked in Amelia's direction. She nodded then offered the conformation Pomona was looking for. "I was with Harry when he retrieved the orb from the Hall of Prophecies. Dumbledore's initials were on it. Severus Snape escaped trial purely on the word of Albus Dumbledore claiming Snape was his spy. Sorry Sirius..."

"It's fine, Ami. I'm free now, and able to help my godson."

"...and we're going to need that help. Folks, this next bit is effectively a State Secret. It's so secret, Dumbledore won't even let the State find out about it. We know Voldemort isn't gone, and also know what's stopping him from being dead. Bill, that diary Ginny was writing in was a horcrux. Dumbledore must be aware of that, I slapped that bloody diary onto his desk."

There was no screaming or shouting from the eldest Weasley, Bill just held his sister tighter while his eyes took on a steely determination. His family had been wronged, he would be doing something about it. Seeing this, Harry pushed forward with an offer.

"Bill, he made more than one - and we know where they are. Sirius, Remus and Amelia are going to be working with Hermione and me to see these things destroyed. If you want in, I could probably swing it with Ragnok to get you transferred to the team, and staying here with Ginny. A Death Eater was stupid enough to put one of these things in their Gringotts vault, so Ragnok is aware of what we're up to."

Bill's smile was chilling, it never reached his eyes. "I would like that, Harry. I would like that a lot."

Luna had been taking notes and asked for clarification. "Harry, what's a horcrux?"

"The darkest of magic, Luna. You undergo a ritual that detaches part of your soul that then gets attached to an object. As part of that ritual, you have to murder someone. As long as one of these things survives, Voldemort can't die."

As conversation stoppers go, that was a doozy. Hermione took over the conversation, knowing Harry would struggle with the next bit they planned to reveal.

"The diary was one, Hufflepuff's Cup in Gringotts was another. He also tainted Ravenclaw's Diadem and hid it in Hogwarts, we got that one too. There's one other that was destroyed, created accidentally the night he tried to murder baby Harry. It wasn't a proper horcrux though, it just attached itself to the only living thing in that bedroom."

Filius and Pomona had been upset at the destruction of founders' relics but this revelation shocked everyone.

"The night those dementors attacked in Hogwarts, they got very close to kissing all of us, they actually sucked that bit of Voldemort out of Harry. That released his power and enabled him to chase all those dementors away, saving Sirius and me too. This is why everyone is seeing a difference in Harry, that bloody thing was parasitical..."

Minerva had a question she wasn't sure she wanted to know the answer too. "Harry, do you think Dumbledore knew that abomination was behind your scar?"

"Without a doubt, professor. The prophecy says it's Voldemort or me, one of us will kill the other. With that bit of Voldemort in my head, I had to die so Voldemort could be defeated. That's why I was dumped on the Dursleys, and the only decent Defence Professor we've had found himself sacked. We're pretty sure that's why the Philsopher's Stone was in Hogwarts for our first year too. Dumbledore wants me to face Voldemort, and die. He doesn't know that thing is out of me, and we won't be telling him. He obliviated the Minister that night of the dementors, before turning his wand on us. That's why we needed to get out of Hogwarts, out of Britain. I'll fight Voldemort on my terms, not Dumbledore's or Fudge's. Any more questions?"

Pomona just had to ask. "Harry, you made me Headmistress, which gives me responsibilities. I need to know how will all this affect the institute?"

"That's the reason we wanted you for the job, Headmistress, you keep right on asking those hard questions. This house and the school will be under the best wards the goblins can provide. When the ward markers go up, everyone needs to stay inside them. If they leave the wards, they won't be able to find the school again. People will walk right past us and not even notice we are here. The only way in or out will be by portkey, again cutting the chances of anyone discovering exactly where we are."

Harry needed a drink of the fruit juice Dobby had provided before he could continue with the next bit. "Voldemort and his Death Eaters have no power base here, and the Italian Ministry would be down on them like a ton of bricks if they try anything in this country. If anything happens to me, Hermione will keep things running. Should it be both of us, the necessary plans are already in place to keep the school open and running. If nothing else, this will be our legacy - the Potter family legacy. Hermione and I both want to be involved with the institute for many, many years but I now know it will be in safe hands if we're not."

Hermione was now wrapped round him, though she was hampered by her mother refusing to release the hand Emma was clinging to. All three Grangers had tears in their eyes at the mere thought of that happening.

"Harry, how much of this do you want made public?"

"Certainly not that we're searching for and destroying his horcruxes. That he's not dead, and I'm prophesied to end him -yeah. Dumbledore and Fudge will soil themselves when reading that. The entire Granger attack episode - hell yes. That the Potters are instigating Blood Feud against the Malfoys and Parkinsons, again hell yes. People will learn what it's going to cost them if they come after my family. Are we ready to make the Potter Institute public?"

Harry had thrown that question to the room, with most of the people now looking to Pomona for an answer. She didn't disappoint. "With a reduced timetable, and already having six teaching staff on board, with Poppy confirmed as our healer, I'm confident that part will be ready for September. Remus was going to approach the Italian Ministry regarding a language professor, and a few other professor vacancies too. We'll be good to go from our side."

Remus then took over and explained what had happened at their meeting yesterday. "We all agreed the general design for PI, building materials, and dozens of other things. This lets Francesca work on the drawings, order those materials and start on the groundwork. Everyone will still have their say on the facilities, classrooms and such, this work needs to start or we'll never be ready for September. Francesca suggested a swimming pool, and these two couldn't believe they forgot one. She's going to give us a few options, but Harry's adamant the quidditch pitch stays too." This got a few chuckles from his friends.

"I have to say Francesca seemed confident we would be ready. She's the expert here, I've never built a school before. I think we need to take her at her word and say the Potter Institute will be ready to accept students come September."

"So, the only problems I see with making our intentions known would be the Ministry and Dumbledore's reactions. I think after the British magical public discover I'm the chose one, and have moved to Italy because of Dumbledore's interference, that should take him out of the game. That, and having to find at least six new professors and a healer for Hogwarts. Without Malfoy or Dumbledore whispering in his ear, I have no idea what Fudge will do."

Amelia was shaking her head. "You're going to leave the Ministry and Hogwarts in turmoil."

Harry was getting angry again. "We don't want to do this, you know that. They came after me and my family, we're not gonna sit back and let them drag the Grangers off to some show trial just to appease the pure-blood bigots of Britain. We've already got more than enough on our plates here, dealing with Voldemort while trying to build our school - and this is supposed to be a holiday we've invited our friends for..."

The twins had sat quietly, like the rest of their friends, struggling to take on board what was being said here. Their silence was never going to last though. Fred kicked things off, while George was of course in complete sync with his twin.

"Our little Harrykins, all grown up and responsible..."

"Betrothed to the beautiful Miss Granger..."

"Building a school to compete with Hogwarts..."

"Has Death Eaters attacking his in-laws..."

"Dumbledore trying to get him back under the old git's control..."

"Prophesied to face the Dark Lord..."

"Now that's enough to scare anyone, George, yet what is our Harrykins worried about?"

"Being too busy dealing with all of that to have time for his friends..."

"Ronnie boy was supposed to tell you that earlier, though he does seem to have his mind on other things at the moment." That both twins managed to suggestively wiggle their eyebrows toward Millie and Ron, again synced perfectly, was both funny and scary at the same time.

While blushing, Millie proved that she was integrating into the group by having an answer for the twins. "Ron told both of them that, I was there too."

Using the bond their rings gave them, Harry and Hermione decided to give the twins a dose of their own medicine.

"Ron did pass on that message..."

"And Harry thanked him for that..."

"While Hermione hugged him..."

"I hugged Mille too..."

"Yes, she hugged everyone but me..."

This put grins on everyone's faces, before Harry then swiftly wiped them off.

"People, it's actually worse than that..."

"How the bloody hell do you get worse than that?" That shouted question had come from a distraught Emma, who simply couldn't take anymore threats to her daughter. Everyone felt her torment, though also wanted to know what Harry thought was worse. He didn't keep them waiting.

"The night of the dementor attack, something else important happened too - Pettigrew escaped. There's also another prophecy, made to me, that predicted that night's events with scary accuracy. It's the end of this prophecy that's really frighting. 'The Dark Lord will rise again with his servant's aid, greater and more terrible than ever he was.' We need to take these horcruxes out before Pettigrew gets Voldemort a new body."

There was silence in the room now, a silence that Bill broke. "Harry, while I agree one hundred percent on taking out the horcruxes, we need to research other methods he could possibly use to regain a form."

Harry and Hermione again displayed behaviour more suited to a pair of redheaded twins when both of them answered Bill in perfect sync. "Oh shit!"


The exact same phrase was uttered by Cornelius Fudge, the instant he recognised the documents Amelia placed on his desk. That house being a Potter property totally destroyed the spin the ministry had put on this story - at Cornelius' insistence. Not that the Prophet needed much coaxing to sensationalise a story.

Almost as if they were playing poker, Dolores Umbridge slapped a special edition of the Prophet on top of Amelia's documents, as if she was raising the stakes.

"That document doesn't answer these questions that the Prophet asks. Two respected pure-bloods murdered, entire pure-blood families disappearing. I think we should get Potter in here, make him tell us what he knows."

Amelia then did some slapping of her own, she slapped this hated witch down - hard. "Lord Potter has committed no crimes, while your two 'respected' pure-bloods were killed in self-defence after forcing entry to a Potter property with the use of wardstones before casting an unforgivable curse on a member of his family."

"Where is your proof of this? All I've heard here are accusations..."

"The last curse Lucius Malfoy cast was the cruciatus curse, testing his wand confirmed that. We also have the wardstones they used to gain entry as evidence, that's another automatic stay in Azkaban right there. I have also spoken with the woman he cast it on, and the healer who treated her..."

"Muggles can't give evidence in the Wizengamot Chamber."

It was a puzzled Amelia who then asked the obvious question. "Then why are you so desperate to try and drag them in there?"

Delores looked at Amelia as if she'd lost her mind. "To sentence them, of course. Justice needs to be seen to being done."

It was Amelia's turn to send a look in Dolores' direction, this look though was more akin to one you would use after having just stepped in shit. "We certainly have different ideas on the meaning of justice, and so does Lord Potter. His Steward is currently completing the documentation declaring Blood Feud between the House of Potter and the Houses of Parkinson and Malfoy."

This finally got to Dolores, she didn't even try to hide her disgust. "He can't do that, we must stop him. A dark creature declaring Blood Feud on two proud pure-blood houses - that's disgusting - I feel sick at the very thought of this depraved perversion of our ways."

Enjoying her victory, Amelia pushed home her advantage. "Intervene in this matter and I will see you arrested. The Wizengamot will surely come down heavily on anyone interfering in house matters, disregarding whatever ministerial position they hold."

Dolores hated losing, especially to this bitch. "I notice you didn't mention anything about these pure-blood families disappearing?"

"My job is to deal with crime, not conjecture. No crimes have been committed, there is no reason for my department to become involved. None of these families are under investigation, therefore my department has no reason to stop them leaving the country."

Cornelius wanted an answer this time, these people who were either dead or missing made up most of the contributions to his election campaign fund. "Amelia, how do you know for certain that these families have merely left the country, and that something a tad more sinister hasn't happened?"

Sensing Cornelius' fear, Amelia decided to ramp that fear up to a whole new level. "Pettigrew has gone looking for his master. His Death-Eaters know this and are fleeing the country. Voldemort is not the Ministry, he won't buy their feeble excuses. Their dark lord won't accept 'under the imperius curse' as an acceptable reason for not looking for him sooner. Malfoy and Parkinson thought they would be smart and have Lord Potter as a welcome back gift to appease their master. That's why they were torturing his family, looking for Lord Potter's location."

"That's the biggest load of tripe I've ever heard."

"Dolores, your justice comment earlier easily takes that title. Harry Potter is chosen by prophecy to be the one to defeat the Dark Lord, yet has left the country because of Dumbledore's interference in his life. Cornelius, that's a charge you don't want levelled against you. Your term as Minister would come to an abrupt end, the witches and wizards of Britain would demand at least that - and most of your supporters have suddenly disappeared."

Holding his hand up to stop Dolores interrupting, Cornelius demanded proof - Amelia gave it to him.

"I was with Lord Potter when he removed the prophecy orb from the Department of Mysteries. It's true, Cornelius, Harry is the chosen one. As for Dumbledore, I have evidence he used compulsion charms on three Hogwarts professors - one of them ended up in St Mungo's. I also have evidence he illegally tampered with a young pure-blood girl's mind."

Indicating the newspaper that Dolores had so confidently slapped on Cornelius' desk. "I've recently gotten to know Lord Potter. I've just spent most of the day with Harry, and my niece is holidaying with him and his betrothed too. He won't take this lying down, instigating a Blood Feud should tell you that. Look how decisive he was with Macnair, that should also give you some idea of what your dealing with here."

Changing direction, Amelia kept the shocks coming. She really didn't want to see the Ministry in turmoil, it would make supporting Harry so much harder for her to do. She was trying here to get Fudge off his back, leaving Harry only one other problem - apart from Voldemort.

"Did Dumbledore tell you he's missing six professors and a healer from Hogwarts? Three Heads of House are amongst those professors who have resigned. Hogwarts is rapidly falling into utter chaos, and all Dumbledore is worried about is regaining control over Harry. We all know what's supposed to take place at Hogwarts next term, I would say the Ministry sponsored tournament is now in serious trouble."

"I spoke with Albus today, surely he would have mentioned that?"

Shaking her head, Amelia worried at how naive Cornelius could be sometimes. "Albus Dumbledore only tells you what he wants you to know. In trying to replace two Heads of House, he sent another two professors contracts with powerful compulsion charms on them. I've had that confirmed by a Gringotts curse-breaker, and both of these professors intend to tell Dumbledore where he can stick his scrolls - and jobs."

"Amelia, what would you have me do? Can you take me to Lord Potter and perhaps we can sort this out?"

Shaking her head, Amelia was desperately trying to hide her smile of victory. "Sorry, Cornelius, my portkey is set to take only me to where he is. The wards on his home are some of the strongest I've ever seen. That house being Lord Potter's property changes everything, simply give the true story to the Prophet. They'll be no more support coming from Malfoy or Parkinson, time to cut your losses- and let my department search both homes so we don't get any more nasty surprises like wardstones. Better to do that now, than make an enemy of Lord Potter over this. We can't change what happened, we can't change this Blood Feud, we can change our stance on these matters - I honestly think the Ministry has to."

Nodding at a now thoughtful Cornelius, and an enraged toad, Amelia left to let Remus know what she'd done here. The door had hardly closed when Dolores exploded.

"Surely you don't believe a word of that?"

"I watched a young boy take down one of the most dangerous wizards working at the ministry, Potter made it look easy too. Macnair was a Death Eater, I heard him confess to not knowing how many people he'd murdered while wearing his mask. If these pure-bloods are, as Amelia says, Death Eaters fleeing the country then I say that's good for us. It's bad enough we're going to have to out Malfoy and Parkinson as Death Eaters, the consequences of doing that could drag on for weeks - or until Potter lets slip that he's the chosen one."

"Why would he do that?"

"Because he and that witch of his are scarily clever, and that news being known instantly elevates his status to the Boy-Who-Gets-Whatever-He-Asks-For. If he asks for Amelia Bones to become the Minister of Magic, the witches and wizards of Britain would insist those demands were met - and we are both out of a job. If we can gain his support though, our positions would be safe for decades. Whether we believe him or not is immaterial. The only question that matters is whether those same witches and wizards will believe their Boy-Who-Lived."

Both knew the answer to that, hence the reputations of Malfoy and Parkinson would now be getting sacrificed.


Bill was about to have one of the strangest conversations of his life. Considering even the last twenty four hours, that was really saying something.

"Poppy, can I have a moment of your time?"

"Where's Ginny, is she alright? We need to keep a careful watch on her for any signs of regression."

Suddenly feeling a lot better about this conversation, Bill put her mind to rest. "Ginny's fine, though still the reason I'm here. The Italian Ministry are adamant that Ginny doesn't return to Britain, at least until everything is sorted to their satisfaction. That's something we both agree with. What they also want though, is to assign her a temporary guardian - or we can appoint one that they approve of. While I would be suitable, it's not really feasible for me to look after Ginny until this gets sorted - which could take years. Harry suggested your name, and I wanted to see if this was something you might be interested in."

"Harry suggested me?"

"Everyone can see how well you and Ginny get on, which is a massive plus in your favour. You're already known to the Italian Ministry, through working with their mind-healer, and we can't see any objections coming from them. The other massive plus was pointed out by Harry. Whoever takes up Ginny's guardianship could face a lot of pressure from back home. No one though can question the integrity of Poppy Pomfrey, just as no one will be able to say you wouldn't do your absolute best to help Ginny. Generations of students who attended Hogwarts can testify to that."

"I'm flattered and honoured, really I am. I have one condition however that's non-negotiable - this must be something Ginny wants too. If she does, then I'll do it."

After some discussion, Bill left a lot happier than when he arrived. Any child placed in the care of Poppy Pomfrey would be very lucky, and the whole of magical Britain would know that. In a stroke of a quill, they would take away one of the main avenues they expected the public attack to come from. All Bill needed to do now was explain the situation to Ginny, and then let his sister make her choice.


Albus was expecting the two scrolls that were delivered this morning, he wasn't expecting what they contained. Not only were they refusing the jobs he offered, both also resigned from their current posts at Hogwarts. He couldn't understand how they had not only resisted his compulsion charms, but actually resigned too. The fact that one might be related to the other never occurred to Albus, that his scheme could possibly be discovered didn't even cross his mind.

With over half his staff now gone, he was left with no other option but to approach the Ministry. Albus hated going to Cornelius, hat in hand, and asking for help. He was all out of options though, other than do the researching and interviewing himself. That was never going to happen, Albus had far more important things he needed to spend that time on. There were a few people he could contact, and he would certainly do so, but replacing the staff he had lost before the first of September wasn't going to happen without help.

As he flooed from his office, it didn't even register with Albus that he had put those two scrolls in his pocket.


Emma was being helped down to the terrace for breakfast, she was still shaky on her feet. Taking Dan's arm actually felt nice. Instead of confronting those feelings though, Emma deliberately switched her attention to who was holding her other arm.

"Hermione, I'm not really happy with you being involved in these dangerous missions. I'm also not convinced there needs to be a big rush to get it done today."

"Mum, Harry and I are stronger together - and he's not going without me. We're not exactly going alone. Remus is an expert in defence, Sirius was an auror in the last war, Amelia is head of the Aurors. We also have Bill Weasley, who does this for a living, he's a curse breaker with Gringotts - think Indiana Jones with a wand instead of a whip. When the Quibbler is published on Thursday, you have no idea the outcry these revelations will set off. If we go for a horcrux today and the other tomorrow, we should be able to spent the rest of summer concentrating on getting the institute up and running - and our training."

"Can anyone do this training?" Both Granger ladies looked at Dan, shocked by that comment. Dan though was just getting started.

"I don't ever want to be helpless again. I can't use a wand but I could pull a trigger. If a knife to the throat kills these bastards, a bullet to the head should have the same result. We're never going to be safe until this is over. Can Harry get me a gun, and the training to use it?"

Emma squeezing his arm was surprising enough but she then took that response in a totally surprising direction. "I agree with your father, and would like to take part in this training too. If it's a choice between pulling a trigger or one of my family suffering the pain of that curse - you better believe I'll pull that trigger. Anyone who could deliberately inflict that amount of pain on another human being doesn't deserve to live."

They had been worried about peoples' reactions to their hard stance on Death Eaters, yet here was her mild-mannered parents adopting the very same attitude. A totally shocked Hermione could only mumble that Harry thought that was a great idea, and he was already speaking to Remus about it.

This saw Dan shaking his head. "You have no idea how jealous I am of what you two share."

Hermione's idea was currently on their back-burner but here was something she definitely wanted to encourage. This would also have to be something her parents walked into with their eyes wide open though, not like her and Harry putting on those rings and only then discovering the consequences.

"Having Harry's constant presence with me is wonderfully reassuring. Like everything else in life however, you only get out what you put in. We want this to last the rest of our lives together so we're constantly working on this bond to try and improve it. I'm opinionated, Harry's stubborn - but there's nowhere to go and sulk when we disagree over things. We have to face any problems and find solutions that work for us. When I saw you lying convulsing on our floor, my mind just shut down. That affected Harry too, and could have gotten all of us killed. That's why we need training, we need to get better..."

Smiling as Harry mentally agreed with her before passing on the latest news, Hermione then answered their earlier question. "Remus is sometimes forced to find work on the muggle side, and has trained as a bodyguard. He's apparently very good with handguns, and has contacts that can easily get them for both of you."

While delighted to hear that, Emma had another question for her daughter. "Why would Remus be forced to do that?"

"Oh, didn't we tell you? Remus has lycanthropy, he was bitten when still a little boy."

Both her parents stoped and stared as if Hermione had announced the Moon was made of cheese. "Yes he's a werewolf, and no, he's not dangerous. On the night of the full moon, Remus drinks a potion to let him keep his mind before locking himself in a specially prepared safe room."

"He's such a lovely man, I'm finding that hard to believe."

"Remus is a lovely man, Mum, except for one night a month. Please don't treat him any differently now you know. Magic can be a wonderful thing, but there is a dark side to it too. I'm hoping we can show you the good side while your here."

"I've always wanted to see you pull a rabbit from a hat."

Now recognising her father's use of humour to lighten situations, Hermione played along. They were passing a hall table that had a decorative vase on it. Using her ring was almost second nature now as she transfigured the vase into a top hat. Both her parents were gasping at that feat when Hermione then transfigured the hat into a white rabbit. She picked the rabbit up and handed it to her flabbergasted father. "Will that do?"

With her father left shocked into silence, it was left to her mother to comment. "Hermione, that was amazing."

"No Mum, that was magic!"

They then moved on to join everyone for breakfast, Dan now having the white rabbit carefully cradled in his free arm. While Dan was amazed at the magic his daughter had just performed, he thought the most magical sight was Harry and all their friends greeting Hermione when they arrived for breakfast.


Albus was shown straight in to see Cornelius, and of course Umbridge was there too.

"What can I help you with Albus?"

"I need to stop putting compulsion charms on people."

The silence that comment produced was deafening. An embarrassed Albus then tried again.

"Sorry, I don't know what came over me there. I need to stop putting compulsion charms on people."

This time Albus felt the compulsion charm, but couldn't for the life of him think who could have cast it on him. If not cast on him, then how? Albus ran his hands up and down his robes, discovering the scrolls he didn't remember putting in his pocket.

He removed the scrolls, placing both on Cornelius' desk before taking a few paces away from them. Albus was relieved to feel the compulsion leave him, but the scrolls weren't quite finished with their task yet. The combined resources of the new Potter Institute had been involved in producing these, they now entered their final phase - public humiliation.

They became howlers, passing on an incredibly loud verbal message from Minerva McGonagall that could be heard throughout the Ministry.


Long before the message had finished playing, the Minister's Protection Detail had the door open and their wands drawn - thus allowing even more people to hear what would be all around the building anyway before the day was out. Minerva's Scots brogue was well known to the witches and wizards of Britain, her hard earned reputation for honesty and fair-play was also a known character trait of hers. Minerva's words would be believed by most - if not all.

That his skullduggery been discovered shocked Albus almost as much as the modified howler. That this skullduggery had then been broadcast to the country's centre of magical government ensured the entire country would know in a matter of days. Albus was now all out of options.

"Cornelius, I need your help."


A/N and I need your help too. I'm struggling to decide if Voldesquirrel should make an appearance in Proud Parents, I can easily make a case with myself for both instances but need to set the groundwork in the next chapter. The problem for me is I am too close to the story, can't see the wood for the trees type of thing. This is also the first time I've written a story with the guidelines already in place, and not my usual chapter by chapter on the fly. Your thoughts on the squirrel's reappearance / non appearance would be appreciated.

|Thank You For Reading|

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