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|Shawty I'ma only tell you this once,
you the illest (bah ba bah bah oh)|
|You're like a candy store and I'm a toddler; you got me wantin' more and mo mo more|

"My mum said her first time meeting dad was a painful experience for her. At first I thought they met at Hogwarts but turns out the two abused children was destined to meet in a place of where they were both brought together by isolation. She told me that she would've never thought that she'd end up marrying the mysterious boy who practically ran into her arms. But as Albert Einstein once said, "You can't blame gravity for falling in love"......." ~Antares "Taylor" Sirius Black

Year: 1968, London, Britain
Setting: The Longbottom Palace

• • • • • • • • •

"Why do we have to get dressed for this stupid party?" Susan asked her aunt as she furously zipped the back of Susan's dress up. Susan hated the annual parties Evelyn and Alfie hosted - not as if she was allowed to attend one, deepening her dislike of them.

She hated everything Evelyn has done to her in a whole.

"Ask this one more year, I swear. We're not going to let you little snobs ruin it! Imagine having the honour of getting dressed by me - Evelyn Longbottom! You're very lucky so start acting like it!" Her aunt answered and aggressively threw a pair of flats at her. Susan looked in the mirror at herself.

"This is ugly. Especially with these flats. And I hate this color. Do you have any taste at all?" She truthfully criticized. Evelyn scoffed and put her hands on her hips, "I, for one, adore that color, you tasteless rat," She spat. 'If you like it, I hate it.' Susan thought but said nothing and put her flats on.

Evelyn nodded in satisfactory as Alfie walked in the bedroom with Frank, "Susanne, remember, we can't risk you doing any more damage to plunder our family's name. I suggest you stick to the plan of greeting them and coming back in here. Don't give me disobedience tonight." Alfie warned her, fixing Frank's tie, muttering how Evelyn can't do anything right. Frank hated the way he was talking about his sister. He wished he could jump up and pop him in the mouth.

But he instead he stayed quiet and said nothing.

Susan looked between her aunt and uncle. She tried her hardest not to scrunch her nose up in disgust, "Is Frank staying also?" She asked hopefully. That's the only way she'll actually enjoy this night. She wouldn't care about being locked away like she was an disappointment as long as she had Frank with her. Evelyn laughed as if she said something funny.

"Frank? In here? Ha! No, you rat. He's still a Pureblood. At least Auror did something right with his cheating habits. Frank isn't squandering our family's name. It's you. You're the problem, not Frank. Merlin... your hair. I won't bother. Now keep the dress and flats on, come greet everyone with us and you come right back in here! I don't want to hear anymore back talk or you're going to meet Alfie's belt. I know you two have a special bond," Evelyn rushed her out, aka pushed her out.

Susan said nothing about the threat but shifted uncomfortably in the outfit. She rubbed the afro of curles sitting on her head. What was wrong with her hair? Susan really did hate both the dress and the flats. This lady was tasteless. Susan had to admit that:

^The ugly dress^

^They're sorta pretty^

Susan did exactly what Evelyn and Alfie told her to do and greeted The Li Family, The Black Family, The Malfoy Family, The Abbott Family and all the other families their aunt and uncle invited to this Merlin awful party.

They then quickly shooed her away from everyone. Frank clung onto her, afraid of being left without her, but they managed to pull him off her while giving fake smiles to the others that were watching. Susan gave her brother a knowingly look of comfort and he nodded before being forced into conversation with his uncle whom was talking to Orion Black. They were on discussions of marriages and Frank wanted to cover his ears so he wouldn't get bored.

Susan made her way down one of the halls to her bedroom and was greeted by Lanky who was very pleased to see her but was definitely not pleased to see that ugly dress on her. Lanky knew Evelyn and Alfie had to use the Ferula charm to heal her. The Bandaging Charm (Ferula) is a charm used to bandage and splint broken bones.

It apparently eases pain as well.

"See you later, Mrs," Lanky sympathetically waved her goodbye after Susan explained to her what Alfie said. Susan nodded in return and continued her trip down to her bedroom. She wanted to rip the uncomfortable / ugly dress off but knew she'll have more bruises on her than she had bones if she did. Deciding against it, the brown-eyed girl put up with it.

You know, there were times when Susan wished there was someone out there that understood how she felt; understood her isolation and knew what it felt like being... treated this way. She remembered this one time she had went to see one of those cliche Muggle movies with her mum and she found herself wondering why couldn't she find love and happiness like that? Why couldn't she take her brother and escape from these people? Well, because apparently Susan didn't deserve happiness in real life.

All she had was Frank and she knew her parents were never going to come back to save them from the misery they swam in. Only she out of her and Frank carried the weight of wishing their parents would come back for them because only she remembered that day fully. But even if he did remember it, it still wouldn't have changed their situation. Boy she knew fairy tales weren't real but sometimes she wished she believed hard enough to picture them come true.

However, Susan still wondered would these questions ever be answered. She felt so sad at times that all she could do was ask these questions and remember her uncle screaming at her that she didn't deserve love and that no one would ever love her, "Tsk! Lossless, lifeless, and love-less is all I know," Susan muttered and continued to finish off her drawing. She might have stolen a drawing notebook some time back but it was definitely worth it. Art became Susan's world over these past few months because she gets to create whatever she wanted.

It didn't matter what others said and it didn't matter about any judgement that was coming its way. Art was art and you got to create an entirely different world in your point of view. That's why Susan mainly started to draw and she wanted to paint but she couldn't find any galleons for any canvasses. She didn't care about the world when she was drawing and she didn't care about anything else. She was in her own world and that's how she wanted it to stay. But it wouldn't.

Susan's own world was far more better than what she lived in. The world Susan lived in crushed her emotionally, physically, and mentally. She hated every second there and she hated how low it made her feel. How does the world she live in makes her feel low? For one, it seemed that her uncle wanted her to really believe that no wizard in his ever-loving mind would love her. She was always called ugly by him, he would spit on her and call her scum, he laughed at the idea of her wedding, and he always laughed thinking about her meeting her "soul-mate" at Hogwarts. But why couldn't anybody love her? She's only eight, turning nine in December, and she's already strong-minded like a grown woman. That's one good quality right there. Susan had found herself wondering would anyone ever love her the day before yesterday.

Frank told her not to worry about that because she had him and no wizard was going to take her away from him.

Susan agreed with him but when she was crying herself to sleep like she always did, she kept hearing Alfie's hurtful words about nobody loving her over and over again and began to wonder would anybody love her. 'When will I meet my soulmate? Will it be at Hogwarts? Will I bump into him? Will I walk past him? Will it be at this party?-' Susan's thoughts were cut off by two knocks on her bedroom door.

She looked up from her drawing expecting it to be either her aunt or uncle coming to scold her but was caught by surprise when she saw a handsome well-dressed boy constantly looking over his shoulder standing in her door way. She froze staring at him. Evelyn often spoke of the colour of eyes, as if they were of importance, yet this boy's eyes would be beautiful in any shade. From them comes an intensity, an honesty, a gentleness.

He looked as if he was her age. His eyes had to be the most beautiful thing she has ever looked at. He was good-looking in an elegant, casual way with dark hair and grey eyes.

She blinked a few times in confusion, wondering why he was standing in her bedroom door way and how did he find her bedroom. Who was this boy? "Hi, excuse me ma'am, I'm wondering if I could stay in here? Hehe, I ran away - out of boredom, ahem. Could you hide me in here for a bit? It won't be long. I swear!" He asked her, more like pleaded with her. Susan continued to blink. She didn't say anything. She surely wasn't going to believe him so easily.

'Right. Surely you're not a mass-murderer that could kill me and get away with it.' Susan thought but only went back to her drawing.

He took this as a sign to come in and this caused her to frown. She didn't say he could enter. He can easily lock the door and try strangling her, "I didn't say yes, you rat!" She hissed as he sat down on the floor criss-cross applesauce with a wince, ignoring the insult she shot his way, "You didn't say no either," He pointed out and Susan put her drawing down. She wasn't going to take her eyes off of him just yet. 'Who are you and how are you going to randomly walk in my room? Who gave you that bloody right?' She thought and she crossed her legs. He was handsome -- she had to admit that -- but she wasn't stupid either.

Someone that handsome had to have evilness behind them, "But you still shouldn't have walked in. I'm a complete stranger. I could jump on top of you and strangle you. You don't know what I'm capable of. I'm crazy," She retorted and picked back up her drawing.

He only rolled his eyes before wiping them, "But you didn't. So, it says a lot about your character. Chill." And with that last statement from him, Susan grumbled and hurriedly went back to drawing.

They sat in silence until the young boy finally noticed something and had to ask it, "And you're not really a stranger. Our families are partners. I saw you out there in the party. Don't mind me asking, but what happened? I'm assuming you're forced to be in here?" He asked as Susan scoffed.

"Because I'm the "out-cast" of the family. They're shielding me away like I'm some type of a monster or - hmm, what does she say? - disease. I would say it's not hurtful, but I'd be lying," She bitterly answered. It was his turn to be confused until he thought about the conversation he over heard his father having with Alfie.

"Outcast? The outcast, huh?....... oh! You're that Susan girl, right? The first half-blood to be born in the Longbottom family! I have heard a lot about you!" The excitement in his voice didn't go unnoticed by the brown-skinned girl. Susan nodded at him, continuing her quietness. She didn't want to think about the things he had to hear about her. He then remembered her saying how it was hurtful and decided to make her feel better, "And don't worry about it. Reñe gets treated like an outcast, too. You're not the only one. Trust me," He assured her.

"Who's Reñe? And why should I care?" She asked him. The boy tapped his legs, "She's my cousin. She's a part of The Li Family. She's treated like an outcast also for being different. She's outside right now talking to nature because she's a 'freak' apparently. I didn't say you had to care," He explained.

Susan sighed, "That's sad. Little children getting forced out by society before they can even buy their own wand. What a world we live in, huh? Magical place my butt," She replied, feeling like that was one of the saddest things a person could go through. Having to get treated like you were a 'special child' or 'disease' just because you're different from your family sucked. Susan got that feeling after having to be shielded away because she'd 'cause more damage' to the Longbottom family's name.

What she didn't know was that the boy in her room knew that feeling too well.

"It is, honestly. I agree with you on everything you said. I get laughed at by my family because I'm different. Like I... I was out there getting humiliated in the party... my cousin Narcissa brought it to everyone's attention my handwriting is sloppy. I go through humiliation at every party we're invited to. I'm not well-liked," He said quickly and Susan went to ask why but decided against it. She gets abused for being different. What could he possibly be going through that's even worse? He probably doesn't know the feeling of a thick, leather black belt whipping you.

"Okay, dude, exactly who are you? Like you came outta nowhere and started up this... this... depressing conversation! You could be somebody trying to kill me for all I know!" She was already feeling sad about having to shield herself away from everyone because she was 'the problem' and he wasn't helping.

The boy didn't seem offended. If anything, it was like he knew she was bound to ask sooner or later, "You want to know my name? Fine then. I'm Sirius. Sirius Black," He introduced himself, his deadpan eyes never leaving her. Shifting uncomfortable under his gaze, she didn't remember seeing him with any Black Family members. He came in after everyone and the only reason why she stared at him was because he didn't fit in. Susan knew the Black Family respected the Longbottom's dearly and that had to be one of the reasons she was shielding herself away from everyone.

The Longbottom's were a well respected family.

Susan put her quill down, "You're a Black?" She asked him. She couldn't remember seeing him with his family and she could've sworn her uncle named all of the Black Family members and she didn't hear his name on the list, "Yes, sadly. I'm much more different from them, you see? From the hand writing to the not wanting to take piano lessons. It's all pointless if you ask me. Why continue with your family tradition when you can be the one to break the chain?" he shrugged it off like it was nothing. She didn't respond but debated with herself on whether or not she should engage in a conversation with him.

Susan confounded in nobody but her brother so having an actual conversation with someone else was something she was not used to and she wasn't even going to see this boy again so this would basically be futile. But nevertheless she could listen to him speak about whatever topic he wanted so time could fly by and she'll be able to take the hideous dress off once the party was over. Plus, she was already an accompany to "hiding him."

"Tell me more," Susan told him as if she was really interested and she immediately felt bad for saying so because the poor boy cheeks started turning into an red tomato. They were beyond an attractive rosiness.

"I-I'm sorry. I just wanted to know more about you being different from your family. I didn't mean to offend you, Sirius," she apologized and Sirius shook his head. Susan has never seen someone's cheeks turn so red before. She was thinking about taking to him to the hospital, "It's fine. I don't know what happened but please never talk like that again. If we ever meet in the future do not use that voice," He told her. Susan stopped herself from facepalming. Everything this boy said has confused her.

She put her drawing down and folded her arms, "May I ask what exactly do you mean, Mr Bossy?" She asked him and Sirius rubbed his bruised arm that was covered up by his dress shirt, "You sounded..... how do I put this?......seductive........." He answered and Susan blinked a few times. 'Seductive? Me? Sound like that? Me sound tempting? Me sound attractive? He's not right in the brain.' Susan thought but cleared her throat, "Fine, then. Can you please go deeper into your family treatment?" She asked him and she could have sworn she saw him freeze.

'What is up with this boy? I should really be fearing for my life right now.' Susan scooted upward in her bed once the thought crossed her mind.

Sirius took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down, "I don't think anyone would actually be mentally prepared to hear about what I get treated like by my 'family'. Today's my birthday and yet they're not even bothering to acknowledge it --- not that I want them to. I don't want to hear that depressing speech again," Sirius told her and Susan felt the tense feeling of getting murdered by him leave her.

Yeah, she didn't know this boy. And yeah, she's never met him before a day in her life. And yeah, he could be a secret psychopath that could be lying to her just so he could cover her mouth and cut her throat. But Susan knew the feeling of her birthday coming and these people not giving a damn but they only treated her worse on December 12th. All Susan would think about was how special her parents would have probably made her birthday every time it came and she would cry silently while being balled up the corner of her bedroom and just think about the pain of missing them so much. Pain. Ha. It seemed that was all Susan knew and felt. Even on the day that was suppose to be the happiest day of her life.

Susan did not want to open up to him telling from how he was a complete stranger to her. She wasn't stupid, but she was just wondering what would it be like to meet someone just like you..... to know how you feel..... to go through the same thing. But that was just the curious side of Susan that always got Susan slapped and back-handed, "Today's your birthday?" She finally decided on what to say and to keep the heart-jumping feeling of opening up to someone away. She only opened up to Frank and that was it. He was her brother and he was her only happiness. Sirius stared at her as if it was rude of her to just ignore his last statement when he finally got the feeling that he met somebody else other than Reñe that was like him.

But it seemed that they both were thinking the same thing but they kept it to themselves for the same reason.

Sirius then did a slow nod, taking the thought that it probably was just meant for him to only talk to Reñe close in his heart, "Yes. November 3rd was the painful day I was born. And November 3rd is the painful day I have to come here to your aunt and uncle's party. I've never seen you nor your brother here before," He answered and Susan looked down remembering the reason why he probably never did.

Her aunt and uncle threw her and Frank in Lanky's closet the first year they were there and kept them locked in it until the party was over, last year they let Frank out after deciding he was good enough and kept her cramped up in Lanky's closet, then this year at least they were nice enough to keep her in her bedroom. She's been through so much and all she felt was pain, "We don't really like parties. But, um, happy birthday and um...." She said while flipping through her drawing book. Sirius was once again confused on what she was doing but said nothing. This girl seemed to be interesting to say the least and he might as well go along with whatever she was doing.

Susan ripped out one of her drawings she did a while back when Lanky was getting one of her beatings. She was trying to block out Lanky screaming bloody murder and just let her hand move around the paper, "I, um, drew this sort of when Lanky was getting her punishment. I have nothing else but drawings so I'm going to give this to you as a birthday gift. Happy birthday, Sirius," She told him while he looked over the drawing.

A birthday gift from a stranger..... that he didn't know. That was-that was actually heart-warming, "Thank you, Susan. Can't let my family see this but thank you," He was very thankful for the gift. She truly had a talent that was for sure. Susan nodded in return and sat back on her bed before going back to the drawing she was still working on. Sirius stared down at the drawing, fully thankful, before realizing what she said about Lanky and sighed.

So this had to be the family that found her. She couldn't catch a break. "I miss Lanky." He said without thinking and Susan head shot up. 'He knows Lanky also?' She thought.

Susan crossed her legs. "You know Lanky? But how?" She asked him. He continued to make her more and more confuse, "Yes. She once belonged to our family before they had enough of her and kicked her out. It was a sad day. Beat her one last time and left her out on the street.I didn't think a such thing was possible because house elves are known for belonging to one family," He explained and Susan eyes searched around the floor.

'So the Black Family were her owners that dogged her out? She cannot win from losing. Poor Lanky.' Susan thought and promised herself that once she got older she'll find some way to sneak Lanky some clothing so she'd be free. Susan and Frank were basically her owners also, "I can't believe you know Lanky. Sirius, were your family the ones that-" She started to ask but stopped when she heard the sound of clicking heels getting closer to her bedroom. Sirius folded her drawing up, fearing it was his mother, and stuffed it inside his waistcoat. Susan breath hitched and she felt the lump in her throat.

A handsome boy in her room was something that would lead to an beating. Evelyn already called her a "worthless slut" and this will make the nickname more aggressive. This will only prove her point. This will only give her more reasons to beat Susan.

Sirius saw the look on Susan's face and his heart shattered. He felt bad for asking to hide away in her bedroom. Obviously she was going to get in trouble and that was the last thing he wanted to cause. Susan didn't even take a glance his way, her eyes glued at her door. Susan could feel her heart beat, every single pound in her chest.

She didn't dare move, she didn't dare to even breathe. She was frozen in the same spot and tried her best not to cry. Few seconds later, aunt Evelyn stepped into view with an evil smirk on her face, "There you are, Sirius. Walburga has a special surprise for you," She said and Sirius nervously got up. Susan looked at him then at her aunt, finally able to move.

"Obvious of you to keep him in here, you nasty whore," She sneered at her. Sirius eyes widen and looked at Susan who only looked down. Evelyn grabbed his hand and walked out, not before slamming her bedroom door shut.

"I should have known better than to let him in. I keep doing this to myself," She muttered, already knowing what her aunt was going to scream at her later on.


Susan continued to draw and kept sniffing at random moments, trying to prevent herself from crying.

Of course he haven't came back and she didn't expect him to knowing who he surrounded himself with. But... she couldn't help the sadness that took over her heart. There it was. That moment not too long ago. She now realized that she could have met someone like her and she just let it slip away with her mindset of only opening up to her brother.

She could have had something that she always wondered about having. She could have had someone like her to talk to at these parties when she felt alone. She could have had a friend that didn't mind hearing her depressing stories about what she's been through. She could have had someone to sneak and send letters to in the middle of night when neither one could sleep.

But no.

Once again she had the chance to be happy and once again happiness was something Susan did not deserve......

|Thank You For Reading|

Author's Note: This chapter I rushed. I don't know exactly why but I had the feeling this would be my least favorite chapter but I still hope you all enjoyed it. You guys got see how Susan and Sirius first met and what Susan thought about him. I didn't want their first meeting to be in Hogwarts, or on the Hogwarts Express, or immediate 'love at first sight', or anything like that. They met at the party her aunt and uncle hosted while she was forced into being shielded away and he wanted to be shielded away. You also saw my other oc Reñe get mentioned in here. Get ready because she'll be showing up more and more in later chapters. Like I said before, I hope you all enjoyed the chapter and I hope you all enjoyed Susan and Sirius first meeting. I honestly feel like I rushed it but you just let me know if it feels rushed. Well, I tried my best with this chapter. Like I said, I feel that them meeting was rushed but I honestly do not want to go back and change it. Even though I like the idea of Sirius and Marlene, I hope you all can understand that I do not like them that much to not put my oc with him. Plus, we barely know anything about Marlene and their relationship but my guess is most shippers probably saw the movie. Because when I only had access to the movies and weren't able to read the books, I thought Sirius was the one who showed Harry the photo and was the one who mentioned Marlene. Turns out thanks to me watching MovieFlame and reading the books, that was a lie.

Continuing part 2: I also wanted to apologize for any spelling mistakes, missing words, typos, improper grammar, continuously usage of the same word, etc. I just wanted to get that out of the way and feel free to point any of these mistakes out like I pointed out in the disclaimer. Also don't forget to give me your feedback on this chapter and tell me how I felt about how Susan and her future hubby meeting for the first time. I love hearing what you guys have to say :) But anyways! In this chapter Susan was working on one of her drawings --- like she always does because drawing is her life. Of course she had to hide her pad since Evenly still doesn't know about her stealing drawing pads and drawing in them. Evenly looked down at people who steals so just imagine what she would say to Susan after finding out she stole for a living. Evenly would go ballistics and well.....it wouldn't be pretty for Susan at all. Especially if she tried fighting back and Susan never fights back. We are going to move on though! In this chapter I also showed the connection that Lanky had with both The Black and The Longbottom family. You'll see more of that in future chapters. She was owned by two of well respected families and was treated like crap by both. Poor Lanky. Anyways! (Heartless. I know) I want to show you all Susan's drawing for this chapter:

Susan's drawing:

Extra note: I love you guys and just know my PM's are always opened and have a blessful day!

Question: What are your thoughts on how Susan first met Sirius?

|Love You All|

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