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we're so calculated and pure, it filled his
lover with lies. ❞

THE SOUND OF RAIN falling therapeutically amongst the wooden roof, seemed to have warmed up the tense atmosphere that surrounded the ex lovers. They were facing away from each other, the young woman rubbing her left arm nervously, slowly tucking a strand of hair behind her ear and shook her head. The grey haired man tilted his head, smiling softly at the woman before him and began walking towards her, his hand extending out to reach her.

My love, I wish I could have told you about my future plans sooner, but I was scared of how you'll react. When I was - as you have previously known, Tobi, my life from your point of view looked like all fun and games. You didn't know what was coming, and you being young naive, just made it easier or me to hide my identity. But, you also being carefree and actually wanting to get to know the real me-the person behind this bring and colourful mask, made me -of all people, start questioning.❞ The man said, his pale rinnegan and sharingan eyes softening, bringing his hand up and placing it over his lovers warm cheek, desperately wanting her to look at him.

But she wouldn't. She couldn't. He lied to her about his life and who he really was. Her heart was aching, each word coming out of his mouth made a tear fall from her eye. Shaking her head. She lifted her hand up and placed it over his, cool yet warm muscle. The touch he had made her feel an emotion she use to love, now it makes her stomach sick.

Please, my love, look at me. I know what I did was wrong - but there was reason why I did it. So please, let me see those gorgeous eyes before I go. I do not have much time on this planet, so please, look at me.❞ His voice whispered, cracking at his eyes became glossy. His once alive heard ached, a wave of an uneasy feeling washing over him, making his vision blur a bit. Brining his right hand up, he placed it on the side of his head, covering a bit of his sharingan and panted.

She thinks you're a freak!
Look at you - crying over a girl that you kept on lying to. It's obvious she doesn't love you. Just like Rin, she loves someone else.

An aggressive voice shouted in his head, making his skull throb and losing his balance. He left go of her, pushing her away and put his other hand over his head, falling onto his knees. He started coughing, spurts of blood coming out his mouth and sliding down his lips, whilst his sharingan activated eye started bleeding.

I . . . I did it for the children. The future generation that will be born. All...I ever wanted..was for them for have a better and comforting world to live in. Not this messed up, judgemental reality.❞ He croaked out, trying to catch his breath. His lover, however, had tears rolling down her cheeks and knelt down to his height, wrapping her arms around him. Resting her head on his shoulder, she felt him stiffen, before slowly wrapping his arms round her waist, pulling her in for a warm embrace.

❝Obito, you could have told me sooner, then I would have helped you. I love you so much and was so scared to lose you - and now that you're here, it hurts more because my heart is releasing all these emotions I had for you when we were younger, up until we had reached adulthood. If Rin was still here, she would have told you the same thing - but she's not and I'm not her - I could never be her. But you loved her like how I loved you - you were my hero. She confessed, holding onto him tightly, her tears falling onto his shirt.

Her eyes were closed tightly, being blinded a bright white light. Slowly opening her eyes, she felt Obito's hold loosen and slowly pulled away, living his right hand up and smiled sadly, wiping away her tears. Both lovers starred into each other eyes, none of them talking. It was a peaceful atmosphere, both leaning in for their final kiss. 

My head and heart were both in a dark place. Being mentally scared, messed up my emotions and actions. I had killed so many people because I couldn't control what I was feeling. Then I met you. My love. You showed me what it means to fall in love and now, as I depart from you, I realized I have been feeding you sweet little lies.❞

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