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        It had been a week since Amos had been in town without a mission in his head. That made him feel at ease, always having a target, a to-do list. He found himself unable to function without it. It must have been the remnants of the behavior that Joja had instilled into him. He never had a lack of work in that place.

        He carried a bundle wrapped neatly in cheesecloth, surveying the houses he passed on his way to town. He stopped at a blue one, an antique-looking boat wheel hung above the door. He was pretty sure this home was Jodi's, so he knocked on it, the feeling of uneasiness bubbling up in his stomach like bile. Relief flooded his body when Jodi's face appeared in the doorway.

        "Hey farmer!" she exclaimed, smiling. She was beautiful with happy eyes and a joyful smile, plump and glossy lips framing it like it was a world-class piece of art. "What brings you here?"

        Amos could hear the sound of classic rock in the background. He didn't peg her as someone who would listen to music of that sort, but that made her all the more interesting. He smirked a bit, holding up the bundle, never once meeting her eyes.

        "I just heard that you enjoy a piece of chocolate cake more than everyone else in this little town, and I tried my hand at baking this morning with some of the ingredients that I've managed to harvest. Thought I'd get a rating from the resident expert," he replied.

        "Well come in then!" she said happily, moving out of the doorway. "You came to the right place!"

        Amos entered and sat on the couch, watching as Jodi bustled around her kitchen, pouring drinks and grabbing a plate.

        "I don't think anyone would place you as an AC/DC fan upon first look," Amos said idly, trying to make small conversation.

        "Oh, I'm not!" she replied laughing. "Sam Seb and Abby are practicing for their band in Sam's bedroom. I think he gets the music taste from his father."

        "All right, that makes so much more sense." Amos replied as Jodi sat a glass of iced tea in front of him on the coffee table, sitting in the armchair adjacent to the couch. "Ope, here comes the moment of truth."

        Jodi took a small bite of the cake, chewing thoughtfully. Her eyes slowly lit up. "Oh my god, this is incredible." she said, her voice muffled.

        "Oh okay, good." Amos said, taking a deep breath. "For a second I thought I was going to have to hear some bad news. I don't want to have to retire my chef's hat this quick!" Jodi laughed.

        "After this, I'd say that you should wear it more often." Jodi replied, shoveling another piece into her mouth.

        "Thanks, Jodi. Truth is, this was all I came for, to drop this off for ya. I've got to go run some errands now, thanks for having me! Tell Sam and the others I said hi." he said, rising and taking a couple of steps toward the door.

        "Oh, okay! Bye then Amos! Next time you should bring me a whole cake!" she said, sending him on his way with a goodbye wink.

        "Will do." he replied, stepping out of the door, and shutting it softly behind him. He made his way to the saloon next, taking a glance at his watch. It was only twelve, but maybe he could grab some lunch there.

        He stepped in, the stuffy atmosphere and the warm lighting making the place semi-inviting to the folks like Amos who are never not weary. The red leather barstool swallowed him and he stifled a groan as pressure was relieved from his knees. Gus emerged from the back, cleaning a whisky glass.

        "Hullo Amos, how are ya?" he asked, his voice rich and deep. If anyone could voice Kris Kringle, Amos was pretty sure Gus would be the perfect fit.

        "I'm all right Gus, how are you?" Amos replied, now more aware of how his own voice sounded.

        "All right. 'D be better if cattle prices weren't so damn high." he said,

        "Really?" Amos replied in a surprised tone, sending the pair down a rabbit hole. By the end he was educated not only on the castle and food service markets but there was also a bacon cheese burger sitting in front of him, which he had no intention of getting when he came in.

        He pushed the empty basket away and leaned back in the chair, feeling content and full. He glanced up at the menu behind Gus' head and an idea struck him.

        "Can I get a go coffee too?" he asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

        "Sure, but you think you can handle it?" Gus laughed heartily. "You look like if you swaller' one more thing you'll bust."

        "You're completely right, so it's a good thing it's not for me." Amos replied, smiling softly. The happy expression was pleasant on his usual bitchface. The corners of his eyes crinkled in premature crow's feet. The look suited him. He laid down enough bills to cover the meal and then some, for Gus to keep for himself, or to give to that spunky blue-haired girl.

        "That's good then," Gus replied, exchanging the coffee for the money. "An' next time you're lookin' to buy a cow," he clapped a hand on Amos' shoulder good-naturedly. "You ought to take me with you. Ain't no one at the sale gonna take those carpenter pants seriously, they might try 'an flim flam ya."

        "Hey!" Amos exclaimed, stifling a laugh.

        "I reckon you're a man who likes honesty. An' if you ever need some real britches, I know where to find some 'a those too." he added, grinning.

        "All right all right," Amos said, shrugging off his hand in fake offense. "My pride can only take so much. Have yourself a good day Gus."

        "Come back now, you hear?"

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        Amos was standing in front of the last stop he intended to make before meandering his way back home to the farm. The doctor's office. The parsnip seeds and the new seeds (potato and blueberry) were tucked safely in the depths of the leather pack he carried everywhere.

        It was closed, but Amos eyed the apartment above the office. Harvey wouldn't mind a visitor, would he? He tried the door to be sure. It was unlocked, and he slipped in. 

— watching amos build relationships with my fav villagers in this chapter. way longer too. also a special thanks to my boss for making me characterize gus in such a way. love that guy. also expect some harvey cuteness next chapter bc it is coming i promise n e ways dont forget to vote comment and drop me a follow i love u smooches have a good day or night or whateva 

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