IV. her promise ring

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THE ETERNAL SAT IN THE dark velvet seats of the private airplane Kingo had. For a movie star, he had certainly done well for himself.

She had never flown on a plane, mostly just traveled by car. When the plane took off, her stomach turned from how unsafe the plan was. Her hands gripped the sides of the chair as she looked out the window to see the plane fight high in the air.

"Jesus," She muttered.

"You've never flown before, haven't you?" Sprite asked, going beside her.

"N-No, and I don't think I quite like it."

The young Eternal looked to Perse. "Thank you for coming. We really need you."

Perse nodded, "It's the least I can do."

Suddenly, Kingo came in with Karun right beside him, sticking the camera to Perse.
"Now, we meet with Perse, herself — the woman, the myth, the legend."

"What is this?" She asked, with Sprite rolled her eyes.

"A documentary that will show the final battle of the Eternals," Kingo explained, "Since this will be our final times together as one before we all go our separate ways, we should cherish it."

"Right," dragged Sprite, who disappeared in front of them, using her illusions.

"Perse, tells us about yourself," Kingo started.

The woman smiles and fixed her hair. "Well, um, I'm Perse, and I can manipulate the elements of any planet I am on. I mostly use the element nature for Earth, but I can always use the air, water, and fire; those are more dangerous and harder to use."

"This is going better than I thought," Kingo whispers to Karun, "So, what footprint did you leave on Earth?"

"I made an impression on the Greeks. They saw me as Persephone, and Hades as——" She stopped herself. The lump in her throat was stuck, and her heart sank.

Feeling herself grow emotional, she asked, "Can I do this another time?"

"Sure," Kingo assured, "Take your time."

While the two men left, Perse made her way to the little bathroom the plane had and sat on the toilet seat. Her hands stayed on her face, she took deep breaths for her to calm down.

It felt unreal what a single name could do to her. She didn't think she would react like that, not around the Eternals.

Looking down at her hands, she sniffled in seeing a ring on her middle finger. It was a gold ring holding a black gem in the middle, with spirals of leaves and flowers around it.

He gave her the ring.

"Fuck," She whispers to herself, remembering back.

✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼

400 AD

IT was the night of Ikaris and Sersi's wedding. Everyone was dancing and celebrating the two of them, it was a great event that all the Eternals would remember.

Perse looked across the room to see Druig in his black dhoti, she couldn't help just smile in seeing him outside his regular attire.
Druig scanned the room to meet eyes with Perse. He smirked in seeing her wear a green gown with hints of green and black threaded in.

The two made their way across the room. Perse smiled widely as Druig held onto her hand.
"You are extraordinary, my beautiful, beautiful Perse."

"And I can say the same to you, my love." She grabbed onto his hand. "Now, come on, let's dance."

"Not so fast," He said.

"It's just one dance, Druig. Just dance with me this one time tonight."

"I have to show you something. The party can wait."

She sighs in defeat and followed him. Her arms looped around his, as he guided her toward a balcony and away from the loud party.
The view was breathtaking, as the stars twinkled brightly in the navy plain, the lights of all the towns below made it look like it was a fairytale of a sort.

Looking beside her, the flower pots on the balcony looked dull and drippy, with a flick of her powers. The plants sprung back to life and were healthy again.

"You know I care for you, very much, right?" Druig says.

"Well, I sure hope you," She teased.

It was easy to spot how he had so many words to say but nothing came out. He couldn't fit the amount of words he wanted to speak of in the short term of a sentence.

"It's okay," Perse comforted, putting her hand on his cheek, rubbing her thumb. "Just say it, my love."

He took a deep breath. "In the many years I've known you, it's good to say, you're the best thing that has happened to me. You deserve so much more than m——"

"Don't say that," She warned, "You and I both know we deserve the whole world. And I'm grateful, because you are my whole world."

Druig chuckled to the sweet words. "Perse, Perse, Perse. You always did say the right things."
He continued, "I just wanted to give you something I've been holding onto for a while now."

Perse looked and gasped to the gift. In his hand was a ring, a gold ring, with an onyx stone in the middle, and detailed designs on the sides of the ring. The stone sparkled in the moonlight, the ring itself made Perse want to scream in total happiness.

"Are you asking..."

"You consider me so tacky? Proposing during a wedding? How low do you think of me?" He joked.

Perse laughed through her smile, what she couldn't stop was the tears that came in her eyes. "It's beautiful, Druig."

The man held her hand out and slipped the ring on her middle finger, a perfect size.

"How long have you held onto this?"

"Since Babylon," He admitted, "with a little help of Makkari and Thena, of course."

"If not a wedding ring, what is it?"

"I like to call it a 'promise ring.'" He looked to her. "I promise you, Perse, you are the love of my life. I do promise to love you no matter what happens to us. No matter if we part ways, I will still love you."

His other hand lifted her face up toward him. He was stunned to see the tears that fell down her face, he began to worry.
"Why do you cry, love?"

Perse chuckled as Druig wiped the tears away from her face. "Their happy tears, hon. Very happy tears."

The woman's hands cupped the sides of his face and she kissed his forehead, tenderly. Druig smiled as he grabbed her hands and kissed them both.

He then spun her around and began to dance with her. The music from the hall carried through the balcony. Druig was never one to dance so Perse took his slow. She taught him how to sway to the music and spin her around.

Every now and then, Perse would look to her ring that shined in the light. That ring made her feel as if there was hope for a forever after, hope that Druig would possibly spend the rest of his life with her.

✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼


     EVERYONE got out of the plane and stepped into the desert of where two other Eternals were held. In the beige oasis, they were all met with the carcass of a deviant.

"This is the Deviant you fought in London?" Kingo asked.

"It's different," Ikaris says, "There must be more out there than we thought."

Perse stared at the corpse, seeing its insides pooling onto the ground. Damn it, she thought.

"Is—Is this a Deviant, sir?" Karun stood beside her, the camera on the dead creature.

"Yep," Kingo answered.

"It's a beautiful creature."

"What? This?! This? No. It's hideous. You've never had one try to bite your head off." Kingo walked. "Roll."

Perse walked again toward a small house with the rest of the Eternals. She could hear Kingo narrate to the camera, behind her.

"You're about to meet two of the greatest warriors the world has ever known. Thena, legendary, deadly, fashionable. And her trusty friend..." He directs Karun to aim at the door. "... a mighty powerhouse of strength, the fearsome Gilgamesh!"

Ikaris knocked on the door, to no answer.


Finally, the door was opened by a big asian man in a 'kiss the cook' pink apron. "What took you so long?" Gilgamesh questioned.
The man walks outside, commenting, "You look younger today, Sprite."

Karun chuckles to Perse, "I have the same apron."

"Who the hell are you?" Gilgamesh looked to the cameraman.

"I'm Karun. Kingo's valet."

"Oh, valet. Like Alfred in Batman."

Cutting to the chase, Ikaris dropped all small talk. "Gilgamesh. The Deviants are back."

"No shit. I could have used some help." The man referred to the dead carcass.

"We were attacked by a Deviant in London, too," Sprite tells.

Sersi remarks, "Even Ikaris couldn't kill it."

"You couldn't?" Gilgamesh raised a brow.

"I was distracted," excused Ikaris.

"Sure, man," He laughed, "Hey, you guys wanna try my pie? Perse? I know you love pie."

"Gil," Perse spoke up. She looked at everyone and said, "I'm really sorry, but... Ajak passed away."

Gilgamesh looked completely lost for words. With one look at Perse, she could see the water in her eyes, as she blinked them away.

She wasn't lying.

"It's true, buddy," comments Sprite, "We lost her."

Gilgamesh dropped his arms to the side, in disbelief, letting the cover of the pie drop, and even the whole pie. The man had to sit down in a chair, grip the rim of the pan, and crush it with his hands. The strength he bared made that seem effortless, like crushing up a plastic bottle.

Perse went over to the man's side and hugged him from behind. She could hear his quiet cry from losing Ajak, as he and her were very close.

"I'm sorry," She whispered to him.

Suddenly, the attention was pulled to Sersi, who slowly made her way toward a woman in white, sitting in front of a tree.

"Gil?" Perse calls out, showing him.

Gilgamesh quickly pulled himself together and brought them toward her. Perse knew who the woman was, it was the same woman that nearly killed her many, many years ago.

Everyone stayed back, due to Gilgamesh's request, he explained, "The attack triggered her. She's no fun to be around right now."

Perse took a deep breath when Gilgamesh stepped up toward the blond. She had seemed to be drawing something, the tree she sat in front of was littered with bones and rocks, with even some hanging from the dead branches. She couldn't help but think of it fondly, it was quite pretty in her eyes.

"Hey, Thena. Look who's here. Give me your hand."

Suddenly, Thena summoned her spear and almost stabbed Gilgamesh. Thankfully, his cosmic cast came on time to hit together.
It was so abrupt everyone jumped, even Kingo, who had held onto Perse's wrist from being startled.

Thena pants, "Everyone in Centri-6 is going to die."

The woman noticed how Thena's eyes were milk-white, and strings of gold glow swam under her skin and face. She didn't even sound much like Thena, just an eery vessel.

"Give me your hand," Gilgamesh repeated.

"It's too late. We can't save them."

Thena sprung another weapon in her other hand, but not before her attention was caught on an illusion surrounding everyone. Perse looked to Sprite, who made the Domo all around them.

"Thena," Sprite speaks, "We came to Earth together on our ship. You're an Eternal." She shows the cosmic picture of Thena stabbing a creature back in Greece. "The greatest warrior of Olympia. The legendary protector of Athens. The goddess of war. Remember who you are."

Thena made her weapons disappear but still was ready to fight. Thena was slowly coming back to them.
Gilgamesh stuck his hand out and had their hands touch. "Remember."

Perse smiled in seeing Thena's eyes become normal again. Sprite's illusion faded away as Thena came back to them.

"Hi." Kingo waved his hand, to her.

"Hello." Thena looked toward them, in her signature intimidating face.

"Hey, who's your gardener?" Kingo joked, "I think what he has done with the place."

✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼

1521 AD

SCREAMS of mothers, fathers, and children invaded Perse's ears. In the forest where the rest of the Eternals hid, she watched the flames engulf what was once a beautiful city. It wasn't until the Spaniards came and are destroying their home for colonization.

She made herself strong, holding every bit to herself to not go in and help the people. Her heart ached for them, ached from their trauma, grief, and fear.

Her body jumped when feeling a handhold onto hers. She looked to see Druig, who have held the same emotions she had. He didn't say a word but hugged her. As if the tighter they were to each other, the quieter the screams would be.

"I-It's going to be okay, right," Perse talked, "I-It's all going to be worth it, right?"

Her heart dropped to her feet.
Druig didn't say anything back to her, just hugged her.

They pulled away when seeing Thena and Makkari come back to them, with no Ikaris, Kingo, or Gilgamesh.

"Where are the others?" asked Ajak.

"We had to split up." Makkari signed.

"There were more Deviants than you said," Thena spoke to Phastos.

"Well, I'm sure that was a lot of fun for you," He remarked.

"It was."

Phastos then brought a hologram of Earth, with a green dot right where they were. "Once the others kill these last Deviants, we will have eliminated them all from the planet."

It was then that the people of the city were running out of the city and into the forest. The Spaniards ran with their guns, shooting at them with everything they got; it was as if the Spaniards didn't see them as human, but wild hogs to be hunted.

Druig lets go of Perse and walked away from her, his eyes turning gold, energy humming to be used.

"Don't," stated Ajak, "We don't interfere in their wars."

With a blink, he listened to her, but not without a comment of his own. "This isn't war. It's genocide. Their weapons have become too deadly."

Perse could see the look Druig gave back to their team. She knew that the man was ready to fight.

"Maybe it wasn't such a good idea helping them advance, Phastos."

The man argued, "Technology is a part of their evolutionary process, Druig. It's not exactly something that I can stop."

"No, you can't. But I can."

Makkari signed, "Stay strong."

Perse bit her lip from crying.
The screams were getting louder, gunshots streaming through the air. Her shaken hand held her power, inching the trees to do something, anything to make it stop.

Within a second, Phastos held her hand, telling her to back off. Looking to him, he was stern about it, his eyes didn't hold much but they did hold sympathy and order. A sigh escaped from her lips as she decreased her powers.

"It's too late," Thena croaked, "Everyone is going to die."

"Thena. Are you okay?" Sersi asked, walking up to the woman.

Thena's staff came to her, taking a stab to Sersi. Makkari ran toward the girls, catching Sersi, but not too late; Sersi had been cut.

"Thena?" Perse questions.

The woman could see that Thena's eyes were on milk-white, not a pupal insight of her. The features of her face glowed and followed as if a glitch to herself.
Thena stalked toward the ground.

"Thena, no!"

Phastos was stabbed by Thena, as Ajak and Perse came to the man.
Perse muttered her words, trying to say anything, but nothing came out.

"Perse!" shouts Druig.

A pain sourced through her back and her stomach. Her mouth opened and let out a gasp. The thing that stabbed her left her body, leaving her to fall to the ground. Her head looked up to see Thena, about to cut Perse's head off of her body.

The woman shoots her arm out, having a think branch punch Thena out of her way.
The branch fell out of the tree, as Perse could see her cosmic power fade in and out.

"Perse!" Druig ran by her side. "P-Please, Perse, please stay with me."

"I-I..." She left Druig to lift her onto her lap, carefully holding onto her.

"Ajak is gonna come okay. She's gonna make you better, you see."

Perse saw Druig's eyes.
They didn't hold the blue wonder that he had, the silly, sarcastic self he was. It held dark fear, panic, and sadness.

His arms shook, and his heart had beat fast, uncontrollable.
He didn't even notice water pooled in his eyes, slowly falling down his face.

"Ajak! Ajak, help me!" He shouted, but Ajak was already too busy trying to contain Thena from hurting anyone.

"H-Hey, hey." The woman's hand reaches to his face, pulling him back in her direction. "I-I'm not going anywhere."

Druig looked back down to see her stomach now bleeding, he set his hand down to it, giving pressure.
He turned back to her and saw that her eyes fluttered and slowly was closing.
He gasped in seeing the grass and fallen leaves around them turn gray and dead.

He gently shakes her head. "No, no, no. Perse, stay awake!"

Perse's dark eyes look up to him. Her hand barely lifted to be with the top of Druig's hand which was stopping the bleeding.

"I-I can't..."

He shook his head, tears falling down on her. He choked back a sob, seeing her body starting to relax more and more. Her hand left off of his, revealing the ring he had given her centuries ago.
Soon, her eyes closed, her breath barely there.

Druig's heart shattered to pieces.

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