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Inside a gothic Clock Tower is a luxurious penthouse that resides a certain brilliant green-eyed redhead who's currently making herself a hot cup of herbal tea. The rain falling from outside was getting louder as streaks of blue lightning dashed across the cloudy sky. Barbara was startled by the thunder and almost dropped her cup of tea onto the floor and looked out toward the Gothic city.

"Stay safe out there Mom and Dad," Barbara whispered to herself and took a sip of her herbal tea to calm down her nerves.

She had heard about the terrible fire in Blackgate earlier on the Gotham News Network and was relieved to hear that everything was under control thanks in part to the aid from her partners in crime Dick Grayson and Jason Todd. The former and current Robin respectfully. And speaking of the Boy Wonder she then hears a ring coming from her smartphone that's on her coffee table as the caller ID reads BOYFRIEND.

Barbara rolled her wheelchair over toward the alarming device when the wheelchair's footrest hit the coffee table by accident and nudged the smartphone off the coffee table and onto the floor.

"Damnit!" Barbara hissed.

The redhead adjusted her wheelchair and moved next to the space between the leather sofa and the coffee table. Unfortunately, she can't get her wheelchair closer to her smartphone and tries to lean forward and reach over for it. She grew frustrated as her black nail-polished fingers nudged the smartphone deeper underneath the leather sofa.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Barbara said groaning annoyed.

Beads of sweat gathered on her forehead as Barbara used all her strength and lifted the heavy sofa off the floor with one hand. Her muscles bulged out due to the heavy movement as she had knocked the sofa over.

"Yes! Come to Mama!"

Barbara tried again to lean forward and reach for her smartphone but to no avail as her wheelchair had hit the corner of the coffee table. The sudden stop from her wheelchair throws Barbara onto the floor and right next to her is the smartphone that's she has been causing her trouble.

Barbara sighed frustrated by the limitations of her disability and answered the phone call.

"Yes, Jason?" Barbara greeted hiding her negative emotions as best she could for now.

"Hey, Barbie. Did you hear the statement on GNN by any chance yet?" Jason asked.

"Indeed I did. You looked very handsome out there live on TV, Jaybird. If only you were here so I could reward you for your efforts." Barbara teased.

"Oh, is that so? Well luckily for you I'm on my way to you right now, Sweet Cheeks." Jason flirted back.

Barbara smirked and spoke. "Can't wait, Handsome. Because I'm planning on taking a nice hot soapy shower after my sweaty workout tonight."

"I'm almost there, Babe. The motorcycle can only go a certain speed remember."

Barbara giggled. "Like that stopped you before, Speed Demon."

Jason snorts out a laugh as a few peaceful moments pass between the pair and then Jason clears his throat.

"I know you don't like me when I pry too much into this subject and I understand why. But uh, how are you adjusting? You know with your legs and such." Jason asked.

Barbara let out another long-winded sigh and stared a little while longer at her armored black and yellow bat suit that was proudly on her display case.

"Honestly, Jason. Not so well." Barbara answered and held one of her handcrafted Batarangs admiring it.

"Give it some time. I'm sure it'll get better eventually." Jason reassured.

"You're sounding like Harleen right now. She said the same thing." Barbara said slightly annoyed.

"Well, because it's true. Our mental or physical pain might not go away. But it will get better in time. At least I hope so... for you. That I can promise you."

"And if you're wrong?!" Barbara snapped and broke the Batarang in her hands.

Jason didn't have a response as he grew quiet over the comms line. Barbara knew she had hit a nerve and scolded herself. She knew about Jason's rough upbringing but he did find a sliver of hope being sorta adopted and raised by a recovering sane Harleen Quinzel in the slums.

"Jason I'm sorry I didn't meanโ€”"

"No, it's okay. I wish I knew what you were going through. So that I could be a better boyfriend and comfort you. If only I had been thereโ€”"

"โ€”Hey, don't. I know I can get pretty bitchy sometimes but don't ever blame yourself for the cause of this," Barbara said and gestured at her body in the wheelchair. "Just you being by my side is enough okay?"

Jason nodded and then spoke. "Same here, Babe. I'll keep patrolling the city for any more crimes before I call it a night."

"Sounds good. Just be careful okay, Jaybird."

"Will do, Barbie. Love you.

"Love you too."

Barbara glances at the framed photo of her and Jason together that was taken on their first date and sat on a nearby bookcase. Then another framed photo of herself, her Mom, and her dad as it took place at her high school graduation many years ago. Hot tears began to stream down the fiery redhead's face as those pictures were taken when she could still walk and now she's essentially bedridden in her wheelchair.

[BTW Jason Todd is 18 years old in this timeline and Barbara Gordon is 23 years old]

Moments later another loud ring from her smartphone alerted her and the caller ID read HARLEEN.

"Oh, crap. Oh, crap," Barbara whispered as panic quickly started to rise within her.

She hastily wiped the salty tears from her cheeks and answered the phone call from Harleen with a few sniffs.

"What is it?" Barbara asked her tone a bit dismissive.

"Barbara? Are you okay? You don't sound yourself, Sweetie." Batwoman asked.

"I'm fine, Harls. You don't have to worry about me all the time. I'm not made of glass you know." Barbara said.

"I know that, Babs. You're as strong as they come. And I just ask because I care alright, Missy. Anyways is this a bad time?" Batwoman asked.

Barbara felt embarrassed as she covered her face with her hands because of her outburst and regretted it immediately.

"No. Fuck, I'm sorry, Harleen. It's just.. Hard adjusting, you know to everything." Barbara answered with sincerity.

"I understand, Babs. No need to apologize. I've had my fair share of moments just like yourself." Batwoman said.

"Thanks, Harls. So what's up?" Barbara asked.

"I'll let my husband explain this one to you instead," Batwoman said.


"Oracle. You there?" Batman spoke.

The crime-fighting duo had gone down the cargo elevator as Joker had done moments earlier fleeing from them. They were now walking through the dirty and dimly lit hallways of the Arkham Maximum Treatment while noisy alarm sounds echoed all around them.

"Loud and clear, Bruce. What's going on?"

"The Joker has escaped custody. He's running free through the Asylum as we speak." Batman informed her through his earpiece that was embedded into his cowl.

"Do you need anything? Is my father okay?"

"He's safe, Barbara. But I do need to know if anything unusual has occurred on Arkham Island as of late. Anything that the Joker would be after." Batman asked.

"I'll check. Just let me get set up first."

Barbara has gotten back into her wheelchair by this point and wheels herself over to a nearby shelf filled with her favorite classic literature books and graphic novels that belonged to her Jason.

"And here I thought the scuffle at Gotham City Hall would be the last we would hear of the Joker for tonight," Barbara said.

"Crime doesn't take breaks, unfortunately." Batwoman comments.

"And neither do we, Harls," Batman stated.

"If only we could go through the drive-thru like last time huh, Brucie? Because Mama is hungry and needs a pick-me-up fast. I mean this is overtime for heaven's sake." Batwoman said.

Batman sorts through the back pockets of his utility belt and pulls out a snack for Batwoman to munch on.

"Here you go. I brought it just in case for times like this." Batman said.

Batwoman's eyes lit up like Christmas trees as she took the bat-themed snacks from her husband's grasp and chowed them down.

"When Joker said you had Bat Snacks inside of your utility belt I thought he was just joking for a second there," Batwoman said.

"I'm always prepared, Harls. You know that more than anyone." Batman stated matter of factly.

[My head cannon Bat-Snacks = Fruit Snacks, Gushers, any type of candy].

Batwoman smiled fondly at her brooding husband and kissed his cheek. "Indeed my beloved Dark Knight."

Batwoman then let out a cute burp and covered her mouth with her red gloved hands as she blushed a light shade of pink embarrassed by her actions.

"Oops sorry..."

Batman smiled just a tiny bit and shook his head at his wife's antics.

"Never change, Ms. Quinzel."

Batwoman rolled her eyes playfully at her husband and bumped her hips into his.

"Hey, It's Mrs. Wayne now and don't you forget it, Mister."

"I wouldn't dream of forgetting such a thing, Harleen."

"Good boy. Because I plan on being your wife and being with you for a long time, Brucie. Because I still want four littleโ€”"

Bruce let out an amused chuckle and spoke.

"โ€”One step at a time, Harleen. Let's just hope we make it past this one night preferably with our lives okay? And then we can talk about that some other time." Batman said.

"Okay, Brucie," Batwoman said and smiled.

The redhead snorted out a laugh loving the batter between the two bat-themed heroes as she was listening in on them through her phone speaker and then opened the neck of an antique Shakespeare bust. Lastly, Barbara takes off her glasses as the scanner lights from the antique bust go ahead and scan her emerald green eyes.


The interior of the Clock Tower gets transformed into Oracle's secret base as her furniture and belongings get lowered into the floor and from the floor rises a computer desk with monitors and other cutting-edge technology. Finally, three large holographic displays are lowered as they display her Oracle emblem. Barbara puts her glasses back on and wheels herself over to the computer desk. She types on the keyboards and accesses through the databases on everything relating to Arkham Asylum.

"I'm accessing the data now. Hmm, it looks like there's nothing out of the ordinary regarding Arkham Island. Sorry, Bruce." Barbara said with a hint of dismay in her voice.


"Damnit." Batman cursed under his breath.

He hated not knowing what the Joker's motives were going to be as it made him far more dangerous and unpredictable. Whatever the clown has cooked up for Gotham isn't going to be pretty.

Harleen started to replay the moments leading up to the capture of Joker. Her Bruce was right the battle in Gotham City Hall was far too easy and the fire at Blackgate reeked like foul play. She started to put the pieces together and piped up.

"Earlier in the night there was a fire in Blackgate Prison. From what your mother said in the report, most of the inmates who were unharmed had been transferred over to Arkham Asylum and many of them are part of Joker's crew. Coincidence anyone?" Batwoman said with a raised eyebrow.

"The fire wasn't an accident. It was foul play. Joker wanted his crew to be transferred over to Arkham Island. So that when he arrived here he would put his plan into motion and take over the Asylum." Barbara spoke with horrific realization. "That psychotic brilliant bastard..."

"There's still more to this, Oracle. Because it yet doesn't answer the question as to why he would go through all that trouble," Batman said.

"I don't know, Bruce. Maybe he missed being home or something. After all, sometimes the clown does stuff just for shits and giggles you know. He's like a wild dog chasing cars he wouldn't know what to do with one if he catches it." Barbara explained.

"That's just what the Joker wants you to think of him, Babs. I know firsthand what he's dangerously capable of and he's a schemer even if he tells you otherwise." Batwoman retorted back.

Batman nodded in approval with his partner Batwoman and spoke.

"Agreed. There's always more than meets the eye with the Joker. We'll find out what's he planning. Hopefully soon."

Barbara sighed and rubbed the numbness on her forehead. "It's gonna be a long night at the office, huh, guys?"

Then suddenly out of nowhere, all the lights in the Asylum were shut down followed by static waves that had appeared on nearby TV monitors around the poorly-conditioned hallway brick walls of the Asylum. Batman and Batwoman were instantly on high alert as the emergency backup lights were turned on and a loud distorted chime came from the intercom followed by maniacal laughter.

"Ding. Dong. Ladies and gentlemen. Do I have your attention now?"

While the Joker appears on the TV monitors to begin his evil monologue Renee and Elen are doing as instructed by Batwoman and getting help by making their way out of the Intensive Treatment and towards the Medical Facility.

"I'm here to declare myself the new warden of Arkham Asylum. Now some of you might be asking yourselves why. And if you do I might just shoot you point blank in the face for asking that ridiculous question. But to answer your stupid question because I'm the only one fitted to run this damn place that's why..."

On the other side of the Intensive Treatment, Jim Gordon and some Arkham guards are trying to keep order by getting the busted-out inmates back into their cells.

"Me! The Clown Prince of Crime, the Joker. Besides who's more crazier than me fitted to run this joint anyway? Polka-Dot Man?" Joker said and bellowed out a humorous laugh.

"Hey leave my friend out of this." Batwoman comments

"He has such a huge ego. But unfortunately, he's got a point there." Renne comments rolling her eyes.

"That old fart Sharpie never quite got the hang of running this place but don't you worry your dear old uncle Joker is here to make things right. It's time that the mad dogs take over the madhouse. For too long we have been oppressed, bullied, and disgraced inside these walls. It's time for us to rise! Show our captors no mercy, reign free, and cause as much mayhem as possible. Remember to have FUN, there's no point in all this if you can't enjoy it. Your master and commander signing off. too-da-loo!"

Batman and Batwoman hear the chaos around them rising in the Asylum. Cell doors open without power and inmates ambush the Arkham guards, as a full-scale prison riot commences. From prisoners burning toilet paper and causing destruction on the property to writing graffiti onto the Arkham walls and casing fights between each other.

"Well, that doesn't sound good." Oracle comments stating the obvious.

"Yeah, no kidding," Batwoman said.

The bat-themed partners walked further into the corridor and stopped dead in their tracks as they saw a horrible sight unfolding in front of their very eyes. There were what looked to be a married couple who were Arkham guards sprawled on the dirty cold floor while holding hands and with smiles carved onto their faces. Joker teeth were also chattering around their corpses and Joker's signature graffiti marked the walls.

"Oh my goodness.." Batwoman said and covered her mouth horrified.

Batman kneeled to their level and checked the couple's pulse. He then shook his head and spoke sadly.

"I'm so sorry. But they're dead.."

"They never stood a chance. Those poor souls." Batwoman said her voice steeped in sorrow.

Harleen shuddered to think what had happened to them as Bruce inspected the markings on the wall.

"He used their blood to do all this," Batman said and gestured to the Joker's graffiti on the wall.

"What's happening? Is it my dad?" Barbara asked her tone slightly rising in worry.

"W-We found something... A married couple in their early twenties working as high-security guards for Arkham..." Batwoman began speaking and couldn't finish her rundown as she was too saddened and deeply affected by this tragedy.

"What about them?" Barbara asked.

"Joker went on a killing spree, Oracle. The couple didn't make it out alive during the encounter with him," Batman said.

"Oh no, that monster..." Barbara said crushed to hear the devastating news. She could see everything that Batman and Batwoman were seeing live through the high-tech lenses in their bat cowls.

"They look just like you two," Barbara commented.

Batman stayed silent for a few moments as he clenched his hands into a fist and was raging inside of himself. The site of this horrific act brought back painful memories from his past that involved his parents. For Harleen it showed just how foolish and sick in the head she was to ever think that a psychotic murdering clown would ever love her. To even be reminded of once having feelings for him made Harleen so sick to her stomach that she still couldn't believe that she had let him play with her like some doll and manipulate her into doing his bidding.

"Everywhere that madman goes death is sadly going to follow," Oracle stated.

"We'll just have to keep on following the trail that he left for us. Eventually, he'll slip up and we'll find him. This madness will end tonight. Mark my words." Batman said while gesturing to the bloody trail left behind by the Joker.

Batwoman nodded and got herself back together as best she could. "The Joker won't be that far ahead. We'll stay in contact, Barbara"

"Ditto, Harleen. Good luck to the both of you out there," Barbara said and hung up the call.

"We don't believe in luck..." Batwoman said.

"We believe in ourselves..." Batman said.


The Joker finished his epic monologue and stood up from the mic, still wearing his straight jacket and half mask.

"Someone get this thing off me now," Joker said.

He spreads his arms out and Punchline begins to unstrap the straight jacket from Joker as she finally pulls it off.

"Ah, that's much better. Finally, I feel comfortable in my skin." Joker said and turned around to face his woman.

Punchline grinned as her hands came and unstrapped the half mask around her boyfriend's mouth. She slowly pulls the mask off of Joker's face revealing to her his trademark bloody smile.

"I sure have missed that smile of yours, J-Bear," Punchline said.

"And I've missed those 'assets' of yours very much," Joker said as his purple-gloved hand went over to caress her behind.

"Oooh, Joker..." Punchline moaned.

"Is everything in place, Punchy?" Jokerz asked.

"Mhm, just like we planned, J-Bear."

"Excellent, My dear. Oh, what would I do without you?"

"Oh, I'm sure you would have managed it somehow, Jacky. But even a clown has his needs now and then and besides what's a joke without a punchline," Punchline said.

Joker smiled at his woman and held her in his arms. "Oh, indeed, Punchy. Finally, someone who understands the joke. Let's go and check out those recruits. Mark my words Batman and Batwoman die tonight."


Speaking of the Cape Crusaders Batman and Batwoman had stumbled upon a situation in the pacification chamber.

"Release him, Zsasz! You'll only end up in more trouble if you continue!" An Arkham guard yelled.

"Oh, thank God. Batman. Batwoman. Zsasz has completely lost it. He's got Officer Mike strapped to an electrical chair." Another Arkham guard spoke.

"Wait here. We'll get to him." Batman said.

"You can't. He'll kill Mike if he sees anyone trying to get close."

Batman looked amused and spoke. "Trust us. He won't see it coming."

The couple then pulls out their high-tech grapple guns and aim them at the ceiling above. They're then pulled up to the ceiling and disappear into the darkness effortlessly blending into their surroundings. A shirtless
Zsasz paces around the room abnormally while Mike the office guard is currently strapped to the electroshock chair bloody and bruised. Mark screamed in pain and contorted in the electroshock chair feeling another wave of high-voltage electricity run through his body.

Zsasz has his entire body from head to toe covered in tally marks as each mark represents a victim that he has killed. Lying next to him nearby is a dead orderly lying in a pool of blood.

"Oh, this feels wonderful," Zsasz said and was using a razor to cut the tally mark of his latest victim into his skin.

"But this won't," Batwoman remarked.

Then a Batarang was thrown from the darkness and into Zsasz's right hand which was holding the remote controller to the electroshock chair. Zsasz screams from the wrenching pain and drops the controller.

"Ugh! Batman?! Is that you? Show yourself!" Zsasz called out.

"Now's your chance. Take him down." Batman instructed.

Batwoman then glides down from the darkness and glide kicks Zsasz through a nearby glass window. Right after that Batman lands next to Mike and swiftly uses his gauntlet blades to cut the straps off of the Arkham officer. Zsasz struggles to get up off the floor as tiny glass shards pierce his exposed body.

"Stand down, Zsasz," Batwoman warned.

Zsasz glares at her and then pulls out the Batarang from his right hand, spilling blood.

"You'll pay for that Bat-Whore! Blood for blood!" Zsasz exclaimed and charged at her with full force about to attack with the blunt object.

"I have a special place reserved for you only, Batwoman!" Zsasz bellowed out.

"Too bad you won't be able to mark it down, Zsasz," Batwoman remarked and got in a defense stance ready for a fight.

But then Batman butts in and grabs the right hand of Zsasz which holds the batarang and twists it leading to it breaking.

Zsasz yells from the pain as Batman then takes the turntable medical light and bashes the light against Zsasz's head which knocks him out. Zsasz is finally down. Officer Mike breathes in a sigh of relief and gets up out of the chair.

"Thank you, Batman. Batwoman. Thought I was a goner for sure."

Batwoman crosses her arms and pouts. "Hey, no fair. I had him, Hubby."

Batman had a hint of a smile on his face as he went to handcuff Zsasz. "Sorry, Batwoman. I couldn't help myself. I'll let you handle it next time though."

"Yeah, you better, mister," Batwoman said with a half smile.


Joker and Punchline walk through the large metallic opening gate and enter the supermax holding cell which holds the more violet patients of the Asylum. The main grid catwalk rises from the depths below and connects to the central platform for them. The psychotic couple walks forward as more grid catwalks expand from the central platform to the doorways of seven other cells which were heavily armored using bulletproof glass and iron steel doors.

"Punchy, do you have the party list?" Joker asked.

"Yeah, right here, J," Punchline answered as she also carried a rather large colorful sack filled with valuable items.

"Wakey wakey boys and girls. You've all been so nice this year that Mr. and Mrs. Clause have decided to bring Christmas earlier than usual." Joker announced.

The commotion from the deranged couple gets the attention of the occupants of the supermax holding cells. Punchline then pulls out a crumbled piece of paper from her bra that has names jotted down in a list and written with crayons. She hums a playful tone and skips around the creepy silo room. Joker takes center stage and Punchline begins to read off the party list.

"Our first lucky contender for tonight is a man who has a fondness for riddles, puzzles, and the color green. Edward Nygma aka The Riddler!" Punchline introduced.

The rusty metallic cell door slides open and reveals to them indeed the Riddler who's wearing a bright orange jumpsuit. Edward's ginger hair is a mess and he sports a five-clock shadow as his cell walls are filled with green question marks.

"What is the meaning of this?" Edward asked cautiously while getting up off his bed.

"Geez, Ed. You look like crap. Arkham hasn't been that kind to you I see." Joker comments.

"Oh, put a sock in it, Joker. For once you do something right in releasing me from that wretched basement trap." Edward said.

"You're very welcome, Ed," Joker said with a grin.

Punchline skips over to another supermax holding cell.

"Next on our list is a blonde bombshell with a taste for blood and violence. The Mafia princess with the hots for dummies Peyton Riley aka The Ventriloquist!"

Her cell door slides open and out from the shadows appears a tall curvy woman wearing a bright orange jumpsuit. Peyton Riley, red ruby lipstick, blonde hair in a messy bun, and a large bandage covering her injured right eye.

"Where is he? Where is Scarface?" Peyton demanded.

"Geez, Blondie. Don't get your panties in a bunch. You'll see him soon." Joker said and turned his back away from her.

"I want him now!" Peyton growled getting dangerously close to the Joker.

She was about to pounce on the clown and attack when Punchline quickly got in between them and pressed her samurai sword against Peyton's throat.

"Take one more step closer to my J and I'll have no choice but to slice that pretty little throat of yours, Blondie," Punchline warned.

"I'm not scared of you, Bitch. As you said earlier I have a certain taste for the wicked and perverse men of this city just like yourself. So bring me my man now!" Peyton ordered.

"Correction he's a doll, not a man, Peyton," Edward said.

The two crazy women glared at each other for a few tense moments as none wanted to give the other an opening to attack.

"Oh, this is gonna be good..." Edward commented grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"Shut up, Ed!" Punchline said.

Joker sighed and gave in to Peyton's demand.

"As much as I would like to see this little catfight unfold firsthand I am on a very tight schedule so I'll do what you so nicely asked but only this one time. Do it again and Punchy won't hesitate to end you." Joker said and gestured for his girl to back off as he did need Peyton alive to fulfill his evil plans for killing Batman and Batwoman tonight.

Punchline begrudgingly took a few steps back and put the samurai sword back into her sheath. Joker slicks back his hair and fixes his tie as he goes over to Peyton and smooth things over.

Joker grins and circles the blonde bombshell playfully like a predator with its prey.

"You're a rare beauty, Peyton, Baby," Joker said using his charms.

Peyton rolls her eyes and crosses her arms angrily. "Back off, Joker. FYI I'm already taken."

"You shouldn't be ashamed of who you truly are..." Joker whispered.

He then moved his gloved hand over to Peyton's right eyepatch and removed it slowly, revealing her blind and scarred eye.

Punchline is jealous of the affection Joker is giving to Peyton and glares daggers at them.

"...There you go. Now you're complete. Like a beautiful butterfly." Joker said with a sly grin.

Peyton gasped and blushed as she untied her messy bun hastily.

"No one can see me like this. Only him." Peyton whispered.

Her long golden locks instantly flow down to her shoulders and the damaged right eye is hidden behind her blonde hair.

"And keep your hands to yourself, Clown, or you'll have to answer to my lover," Peyton warned.

"Oh, that reminds me. I brought you a special gift. Punchline! The gift!" Joker said.

Punchline rolls his eyes and snarky remarks. "I'm coming. I'm coming. Geez, no need to yell, J."

Punchline takes the colorful sack and pulls out a reasonable-sized wooden dummy that has a scar over its right eye and is wearing a 1950s gangster outfit accompanied by a fedora hat and Tommy Gun. It was the infamous Scarface.

Peyton's demeanor instantly changed as her eyes lit up like Christmas trees and her smile grew ever so wide.

"Scarface!" Peyton exclaimed.

"Oh, brother. I don't know why she's getting so happy. It's a fucking doll." Punchline whispered.

"Now, Punchy. Play nice." Joker said.

Punchline gives the dummy to Joker who then hands it over to Peyton. She kisses Scarface passionately for a few moments.

"Ahem..." Riddler awkwardly coughed interrupting her.

Peyton takes the wooden male doll and shoves her hand into it.

"That reminds me of our special night in Gotham, Punchy." Joker comments.

Punchline blushed a shade of pink and gasped.


Peyton throws on her Scarface voice by speaking from the stomach and sounding like a male Italian mobster.

"Sugah! Oh, aren't you a sight for sour eyes? They locked me in a metal box and threw away the key. Those animals." Scarface greeted.

"I've missed you very much, My Love. No one will ever separate us again!"

"Damn straight! Mr. Scarface is back and better than ever."

Riddler snickers from seeing Peyton interacting with the dummy and Scarface notices this taking huge offense.

"Aye! What are you snickering at you four-eyed nerd?" Scarface asked.

"Sorry for my amusement, but I just find all this very, uh, ludicrous," Edward answered.

"What you say? Ludicrous? You're insulting me and my broad. You better wipe that stupid grin off your face before I rip off your head and piss in your grave." Scarface exclaimed.

Peyton gasped and spoke. "Mr. Scarface! Language!"

Edward snickered and grinned. "I would love to see you try that, Dummy."

"Dummy?! Who are you calling a dummy, Dummy? Oh, that's it, Nygma. I'm gonna teach you something about respect. Where's my fucking Tommy gun?! I'll waste this jabroni right here and now!"

Joker laughed hysterically. "Oh, how I do love family reunions. But the show must indeed go on. Punchline!"

Punchline then hops over to another supermax holding cell.

"Well, next on our party list. He's the real-life flying rodent, Dr. Robert Kirk Langstrom aka... Man-Bat? Oh, shit!"

The rusty metallic front door to Man-Bat's supermax cell had opened to reveal absolutely nothing as if his cell had been abandoned recently.

"What is it, Punchy?" Joker asked getting slightly impatient.

"Oh, no, J. He's gone."

"Gone? What do mean gone? People don't just vanish into thin air, Punchy?" Joker said.

"Well, why don't you see for yourself then," Punchline said.

Joker steps closer and inspects Man-Bat's cell.

"What the hell? Where is he?" Joker asked.

"Professor Strange had taken him earlier, Joker," Edward answered.

"Wait, that bald goof? Taking from my batch of super criminals! Who the fuck does he think he is, huh?" Joker said his anger beginning
to rise.

"Calm down, J-Bear. He's still here remember? We'll get our hands on that bald asshole soon enough. Just stick to the plan." Punchline reassured him by laying a delicate hand on his chest.

"Yes, of course, Punchy. You're so smart my little Asian pear. No one is going to escape my wrath while I'm in charge of the Asylum." Joker said.

He leans forward and gives her a wet kiss. Punchline reciprocates the kiss as she bites his lip and gets a taste of his blood. She grins and pulls back breaking the kiss.

"Mmm, you never disappoint, J," Punchline said and licked her lips.

"Likewise. Now let's continue forward, my dear. I'm on a tight schedule remember?" Joker said.

Punchline nodded and let out a giggle as Joker smacked her behind giving his lover extra encouragement. She happily skipped over to another supermax holding cell and spoke.

"Whew, this guy gives me the creeps. Do we have to, J?" Punchline asked pouting adorably.

Joker smiled and nodded. "Yes, my dear. I've never really been a fan of his concoctions but we need him too. It just wouldn't be a party without him tonight."

Punchline sighed and did her introduction. "Fine. Last but not least the man with a master's degree in the field of fear and a surprisingly high death toll, Dr. Jonathan Crane aka Scarecrow!"

The supermax cell door slides open and out from the shadows appears the notorious Dr. Jonathan Crane. He had slick-back brown hair, emerald green eyes, bad skin, and sported a scruffy-looking beard.

"My my my he sure has changed a lot recently, J," Punchline whistled and commented on Crane's appearance.

"Indeed. Have you been taking a few doses of Bane's venom, huh, Dear Boy?" Joker asked grinning liking what he saw from Crane.

Johnathan set his literature book to the side which he was reading from and got up off the bed.

"Rumors say that he made a deal with the devil to look like that." Riddler comments.

Crane was surprisingly very tall now and looked far more athletic than before with a broad chest and shoulders to match as he also wore a bright orange jumpsuit just like the rest of the supermax inmates.

[Johnathan Crane's appearance in this story will resemble his time in the hit cartoon series The New Batman Adventures]

"About time, Joker. I was wondering when you were going to show up," Johnathan said and took off his glasses.

"Oh, Crane. I'm only..." Joker looks at his wrist where his fake watch is and points to it smiling. "...a few hours late. Were you beginning to think that I had forgotten all about you? Oh, no, my dear boy. You're a vital part of this plan too."

"And what exactly is that plan, Joker?" Crane asked.

"Well, I'm glad you asked, Crane..." Joker begins and starts to circle them.

"You see I've taken over our precious home Arkham Asylum. Unfortunately, Batman and his sidepiece Batwoman are here. So I need you guys to stop him or at least slow him down." Joker explained.

"Okay, comedian. I appreciate you for getting me back with my sugar. But what makes you think that we'll do that for you, huh?" Scarface said.

"Do I honestly have to spell it out for you guys? Vengeance. Don't you all remember? Batman and Batwoman are the ones who captured and sent you here in this hell hole in the first place. If we can team up together then they won't stand a chance and will be rid of the Batman and Batwoman forever..."

"It was Robin and Nightwing who actually sent me hereโ€”" Edward began but was cut off mid-sentence by an accidental backhand slap from the Joker who wasn't done talking.

"Ow," Edward winced rubbing the back of his head.

"As I was saying... Batman and Batwoman can't beat us all at once if we just team up to take them down. Together we can make
this the most awful of bad days in their miserable lives and go down in history as the ones who successfully offed Batman and Batwoman. Because as we all know, you only need one bad day to end up like us crazies." Joker finished with an evil grin.

"Here here."

"Very well I suppose I'm in too."

"Tonight they will be sleeping with the fishes."

"Excellent. Now let's get this plan into action shall we," Joker said and laughed wildly.


And that's the end of chapter two in my Arkham Asylum Batquinn book. Do you like the story so far? pretty good, huh? Anyway, I'm glad you guys are reading, liking, and enjoying my many books as I honestly don't update that much. Oh and before I forget credit to the user Jarol-Tilap for inspiring me to write this awesome Arkham story.

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