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[ chapter five - nothing ]
season five, episode sixteen

THE LOUD WHINES of a baby was what woke Abi up. She rubbed her eyes, rolling in the top bunk slightly as a low groan escaped the fourteen year old's lips. Baby Judith babbled loudly, her voice volume showing she was being bounced lightly.

"Beth!" Abi spoke annoyed, rolling to the edge of the bed to see her big sister hugging the child against her body. "It's really early, just put her to bed."

"I tried," Beth laughed slightly at her sister's tired voice, the voice cracks being both from lack of sleep and puberty that was slowly hitting her. "It's impossible. Plus with all the new kids here you're gonna have to get used to waking up early"

Just a week ago, Rick, Daryl and others had gone to Woodbury to take the Governor's life, instead being met with the people of Woodbury. Now they lived in the prison with them, doing chores or going on runs to show their gratitude. Of course, many children came. Only two were close to Abi's age, Lizzie and Patrick. Unfortunately, Lizzie was two years younger than her, Patrick two years older. They both won in the height awards though. Carl had always teased her for how short she was, Glenn sometimes joining in. The blonde didn't mind—most of the time she found it funny.

"At least I don't have to chores," Abi smirked, head resting on the edge of the bunk bed.

"My chores are caring for Judy, so," Beth stuck her tongue out, Abi mimicking the action as both sisters giggled quietly.

"Isn't Zach going on a run today?" Beth nodded as an answer for the question. "Ain't you worried for your boyfriend."

"He-well, kinda, but he'll be fine. Daryl's there, Sasha and Maggie too. And, don't tease me now, when you find someone to love, I'll be teasing you." Beth remarked as Abi just rolled her eyes at her sister's statement.

A moment of silence joined the two—the only noise being the fuss Judith was making before Abi grew a small smirk.

"So you looove him?"


ABI GREENE believed she should get a medal every time she was able to put baby Judith Grimes to sleep without any fuss. She felt like a proud parent when the baby would lie down and slowly drift of to the hanging toys above the bed and her own thumb in her mouth.

The blonde found herself downstairs, breathing uneven as she stared outside the starry window. Her body moved back and forth as she wished to be at the meeting—to know what was happening. What if Deanna truly didn't want Rick in Alexandria anymore, would they all just get thrown back out there?

Her mind raced at the same slopes as her heart as her eye frantically followed the outline of every star, more seeming to appear the longer she looked. Abi felt as if her throat had closed in on itself, overlapping the inside skin repeatedly as it villainously trapped any air escaping out her lungs.

Now the girl's fingers sat on the windowsill, drawing circles in the dust as her eyes still looked into the night sky as if searching for something—searching for her.

Nobody had expected Beth Greene to say the day she did, nor the way she did. And nobody expected her younger sister to have to watch, not even the little girl herself.

Stop it.

Stop thinking about it.

Every time the Greene focused on not thinking about her older sister, she thought about it. Her time to grieve had been cut short by her time to move—silence having been her go to for that. She didn't have to explain her problems, explains her feelings. Abi just guessed they'd never catch up with her.

A small flicker of light brought her attention to the streets, casting away the stars and fire pit from the meeting. She squinted, catching sight of a person standing in the streets. Surely everyone would either be asleep or at the meeting, right?

The girl could make out a high ponytail sat on the person's head, the outline of hospital scrubs across their body. Abi shook her head, looking again as the figure still stood their, hands by their side as they seemed to move slowly. Walker.

Abi stumbled back across the living room, hands shaking as she gulped loudly. How did a walker enter Alexandria? She quickly moved back towards the window, checking to see if anybody else was in it's path—so she could go outside and kill it herself.

Her breathing was rapid as she moved towards the coat rack, grabbing the correct dark green jacket to place over the turquoise mess the people of Alexandria called pyjamas. She felt inside her pocket, actions still slowly as she winced slightly at the feeling of the jacket pressing against her forearm slightly, waving it away as she ignored what was underneath.

Abi's body relaxed slightly at the feel of the cold blade buried inside her pocket, grabbing it as she cautiously opened the door. Knife set in her right hand, Abi began to walk out, still on high alert of any adults catching her—she would never hear the end of it from Maggie if the woman was to find out Abi had left the house, even if it was to kill a walker.

When she turned back around, the confusion on her face was inevitable. The walker was gone. She couldn't have taken long enough that it had left her eyesight, so what happened?

Abi groaned in annoyance, the bags under her eyes showing from previous lack of sleep, the girl knowing they'll just get worse tonight. She walked back in, wondering if someone else had caught it before her, maybe not wanting Deanna to see it.

Her jacket was of in no time, her slow walks matching the speed of a walker as she plopped onto the couch, knife placed on the floor. The sounds of growling caught her attention, head whipping up as it seemed closer—too close.

Abi held back a shriek as she saw somebody standing in the corner of the room, heart thumping loudly as any other sounds of the night were drowned out. She could only hear her heart as if it had replaced her brain. Body frozen in it's pervious state, her nails gripping deadly into the edge of the sofa, eyes widened as they stared fearfully at the stilled creature.

Ponytail hanging from it's head, messy as it stood low, as if hiding inside the darkness of the room. Abi's pulse raced—her body felt as though it were some kind of sleep paralysis. Except, this was real, it was happening.

Abi held her breath in terror, keeping her body still as she reached back for her knife, eyes slowly tracing the non-moving walker.

The ponytail was a light colour, the moon and lights outside shining the back of it as the creature seemed to have something pouring from it's head. Abi squinted, hand still moving towards the blade in her pocket as she kept staring forward.


It dripped onto their clothes, some form of blue hospital scrubs. Abi mouth gaped slightly as a choked gasp exited in a breath.

"No," whispered Abi as her hand betrayed her, dropping to the ground as she seemed to lose control of any movement or noise she made.

The tears that had built up in her eye sockets now began to drip slowly down her face, leaving a long trail of wet to be a reminder of what she was seeing. Abi felt bile rise in her throat as she glared at the undead body of her sister, tears dropping at a rapid pace as her eyelids refused to shut.

She felt like she was spinning, like the world stood still as the room kept moving without it. Turning again and again as Abi was left with the body, the body she had no clue of it's realness or not.

"No, no, no." She continued, raspy voice still in a whisper as she now choked on her never ending tears. You were gone, you're meant to be gone.

Abi tried to blinks the remains of Beth away, silently reminding herself that it wasn't her, it wasn't real. But it felt so real.

The figure refused to move, nature refused to allow her to wake up from what she hoped was a terrible, terrible nightmare.


It seemed to move, not towards her, or away from her, the figure of Beth Greene started to move around, Abi's teary eyes squinting again, both in fear and confusion.

"Abi!" A voice snapped her eyes away, head turning to Carl, the boy knelt beside her as he violently shook her shoulders. "What happened?"

"I-" Abi's head went back to where the figure was, realising it was no longer there. "Nothing, just a bad dream."

She could feel the tears more clearly now, the damp spot on the top of her shirt. Carl looked at her again, more demanding of a proper answer through his eyes than his words.



author notes-

This wasn't properly proof read, if there's any spelling mistakes or sentences that don't make sense please tell me!!

The whole thing in the beginning is gonna be in the prequel "memoirs of a dead girl'!! I just thought it'd be an interesting way to start the book :)

I got the idea of Abi hallucinating Beth from @KyleNew8

This is my final chapter that I needed to do a full rewrite on, theme and spelling mistakes will be all I'm checking on the others !!

The next few chapters are going to be the episode that's half in black and white so I have no clue how to do that. (also new oc coming soon).

byee <3

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