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AS CHARLOTTE AND ASTRA ARE HUGGING FOR A WHILE. Laurel, Belly's mom calls all of us to eat. And they let go of each other slowly and all of them get out of the pool going inside all wet.

Laurel is sitting in the middle of the table eating her food. Everyone claims their seat. The seats have towels in them so they can all dry off.

The boys sit together and the girls do also. As they're eating it gets a little bit silent.

"There's gonna be a fair today at 7:00, if you guys want we should all go?" Jeremiah mentions.

"I mean it's almost 7:00 anyways, I'm in." Taylor agrees with Jeremiah.

Steven nods and sides with Taylor so does belly.

Charlotte looks at Astra and asks her. "Are you gonna go?" Astra looks at her plate while talking to her,

"Well basically everyone's already going so? Yea sure." Charlotte nods.

"Me and Astra are in!" Charlotte says out loud. Astra looks at Charlotte smiling a bit

Conrad sighs "So am I, I'm in." Laurel gets up and starts cleaning up the plates.

"Great! Then I'll be here by myself." Everyone looks at Laurel. "Would you like to come with us mom?" Steven suggests.

"Nah, I got better things to do. You guys have fun." Laurel says as she goes to put the plates into the sink to wash later.

"Welp we only have ten minutes left before the fair starts so we kind of have some time to change and basically do whatever." Jeremiah says to everyone.

"Then what are we doing? let's go!" Belly says smiling and runs with Taylor into their rooms.

The boys do the same. And so does Astra and Charlotte.

Taylor helps belly with her makeup and Charlotte helps Astra with her hair.

Taylor then helps Astra with her mascara in the bathroom.

โ€” Astra's POV

"SO HOW DO YOU LIKE IT SO FAR? Cousins is not that bad right?" Taylor asks me. I reply back smiling a bit then shrug. "Yea it's not that bad." We both laugh a bit.

"Okay, I finished with your mascara. Do you like it?" Taylor says. I look in the mirror. "I love it! Thanks Tay."

We both smile. "You're welcome Ash." I give Taylor a hug as a thank you. She hugs me back.

I'm glad she's my sister. Even tho were exact opposites. I'm very grateful to have an amazing sister like her.

โ€” Charlotte's POV

AS ASTRA AND TAYLOR ARE IN THE OTHER ROOM Belly says looking down at her clothes in confusion. "I have no idea, what to wear."

I look down at her clothes to see if I can try to find an outfit for her.

I figure out an outfit she can wear. "How about this pink floral tank top with.. that pair of shorts ! And you can wear that with your pearl necklace-" I stop talking and realize.

That pearl necklace was the one that Susannah gave belly for her 16th birthday.
I blink back tears a bit.

" The pearl necklace.. That goes perfectly with the outfit. Thanks Charlotte."

Belly says as she looks down at the necklace then she looks up at me giving me a bit of a smile.

I smile back at her knowing she loved Susannah as much as I did.


THE BOYS KNOCK ON THE GIRLS DOOR,"Are you girls ready? Come on let's goo!" Steven says in a sarcastic voice.

Taylor and Astra get out of the bathroom. "Almost ready!!" The girls all quickly change.

We get out of the room and say bye to Laurel. "Bye be safe!" Laurel yells out, sipping her green mug as we rush to the car,

picking a seat. The boys sit in the front and the girls sit in the back together.

Since there's very little bit of space in the back Charlotte is a bit on top of Astra's lap.

Astra doesn't move at all so she doesn't make Charlotte uncomfortable.

On the way to the fair Taylor puts her music playlist and all the girls vibe, singing the lyrics to the songs.

The boys laugh but vibe anyway. After few minutes later they finally make it to the fair.

"We're here!!" Jeremiah yells out and everyone gets out of the car. We all run and see all the fun rides we're planning to go on.

"Let's go to a roller coaster first! Come on!" Jeremiah says running with belly and Steven.

Conrad and Taylor run after them as Charlotte and Astra walk a bit, "Hm, which ride do you think we'll go on next?" Charlotte says asking me a question.

"I.. have no idea!" Astra says laughing a bit, Charlotte laughs with her and the pair run together to meet up with the others.

As we're meeting up they start talking to a boy with brown curls. "Charlotte, Astra this is cam- Cameron!"

โ€” Astra's POV

AS WE'RE BEING INTRODUCE to this cam Cameron I can see him smiling at Charlotte. I try not to think about it so much. Me and Charlotte both say hi to him.

"Cameron do you think you could get us on a ride again?" Jeremiah says smirking. Cameron smiles and puts up a vomit clean up caution sign.

He gets us on the ride and it starts. Charlotte puts her hands up and I do the same and we both laugh together making eye contact.

โ€” Charlotte's POV

AS IM ON THE RIDE I see Cameron smiling at me a bit, but I do nothing about it and smile with Astra waving my hands up in the air.

We all get on more rides having fun. After all those rides we take a break to go and get food. We go to the food court and get some pizza. Cameron pays for the pizza

and we get our own table. "Finally some food!!" Taylor says smiling and takes a slice of pizza. We all smile as Cameron once again smiles, looking at me.

I smile a bit back and look over at Astra to see her sipping her lemonade. "What is that strawberry lemonade?"

I ask Astra in confusion seeing the lemonade with pink in it. She looks up at me as she sips her lemonade then stops. "It's, strawberry lemonade. Why you want some?" Astra says handing me the lemonade.

I look at her then the lemonade and figured why not. "Yea sure!" I then take a sip of the lemonade she was sipping on. I then taste the lemonade. It was very cold and sweet and a bit sour with the strawberry in it.

"Do you like it?" Astra says looking up at me a bit. "I love it! It's actually really good."

I take more sips of her lemonade and see everyone stare at us. Even Cameron is stunned me and Astra shared a drink.

"What?" Me and Astra both say in sync. Everyone starts laughing. This might've been the best night. I definitely needed this.

I have never been happier, I only have ever felt happy when Susannah was around. I could feel she was watching over me and the rest of us. I still miss her til this day.


The Charlotte and Astra content in this story ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคญ was very excited they shared a drink while writing that part.

I added Cam Cameron in this cause why not? I needed him in this story and this was very fun to write!!

And follow my TikTok @.heartxowp and don't be a silent reader and vote for another part !!

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