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"Who's bright idea was it to rob a bank again, oh yeah there's."


21 years ago...

"Excellent No.8 !" Sir Reginald Hargreeves said proud of the young blonde girl who had successfully frozen over the test dummy. She was in her uniform able to get personal lesson with her father, she loved it when he would take her for lessons. She smiled brightly at her father and but looked down knowing she could do better.

"Daddy, I could do better than that." as he said "I know you can which is why you must work harder No.8 people's lives are at stake." as she nodded and said "I'll do better daddy." as he smiled and said "That's my girl." as he said "Now run along." as she nodded and skipped to her room.

She went inside as she went to her dollhouse after playing as she noticed her sister on her bed look at her hand in disappointment. She knew her dad must have yelled at her.

"What's wrong Eliza ?" she asked her sister as she rose her eyes and said "Dad yelled at me, I only shatter half of the glass cup's he gave me." as she asked "How do you know how to control your powers so well Penelope ?"

Penelope walked over and said "I just know, and I have to keep my emotion in check, you should try doing the same." as Elizabeth said "Your right, I almost failed the mission." as Penelope gave her a side hug as she said "You'll do great I know it." as she smiled and said "Thank you sis." as Penelope gave her a pink fluffy bunny as she said "He gives me strength I know he'll give you strength." which is when there mother poked her head in and said "Good night girls. It's past bedtime." as they said "Yes mommy." as they got in bed as Penelope got in her bed and said "Good night Liz." as Elizabeth said "Good night Penelope." as Grace smiled and turned the lights off.


Penelope was back in her old bedroom as she went to Elizabeth's bed and picked up the fluffy pink bunny she smiled at it.

She sat down on the tiny bed and smiled as she ran her finger over it, when Elizabeth walked in she rolled her eyes thinking she was going to be alone as Penelope sighed and spoke up "This was your favorite."

"Yeah." she grumbled as she added "You name it Mr. Fluffy." as Elizabeth said "I know, it wasn't that long ago." as she sighed and rose up and said "I'm sorry for what happened in the living room." as Elizabeth gave a eye roll and took the bunny from her hand as she went to her bed and laid down on it and brought the bunny to her chest looking away from her sister.

Penelope sighed as she added "Um, well all be down in a bit for the funeral, you could wear something nice." Penelope had changed into black collar dress with puffy sleeves and gold earrings along with a long black coat with black heels as Elizabeth said "I"ll go naked." as Penelope sighed grabbed her black umbrella and closed the door...


Penelope was downstairs drink of water in hand as she looked up at her brother's Five's panting he wen't missing years go and she missed him greatly. She siped her water and smacked her lips she put her hair behind her ear which was in a bun. She didn't want any of that to happen for what went down with Eliza, she always tired to be nice to her but she always let it go down in a bad way. She sighed as she put her hair behind her ear.

"Miss Penelope ?" she heard as she turned to see Pogo.

"Oh hello Pogo." she said as Pogo said "You look very lovely." as she smiled and said "Thank you." putting her glass down. "Are you ok ?" he asked knowing how she felt about her father as she sighed and said "Yes I'm ok, probably the only one who's going to miss him." as he said "Your siblings didn't get to have what you had, you have to realize that." "I understand it's just, how did he died, Luther said your the one who found him." as he nodded as he said "Heart Attack." as Penelope said "That's understandable." as he said "You and Miss Elizabeth ?" as her eyes narrowed as she said "I- I don't even know." as he said "You'll get through to her."

"I know thanks." she said to him as he nodded to her and said "Your welcome." as she smiled and went to the library to write her speech.


Elizabeth laid in bed she held her bunny close. The small bed still fit her and sighed which is when she heard a knock on the door as she turned to see her sister Vanya.

"Vanya ?!" Elizabeth said now wide awake as Vanya smiled and waved "Hi Liz." as Elizabeth rose from bed and rushed to hug her big sister.

"Gosh it's been to long." as Vanya chuckled and said "Yeah it's been a while." as Vanya sighed. Elizabeth knew something was wrong. "What's wrong ?" as Vanya said "Well everyone in the family hates me." as Elizabeth said "I don't hate you." as Vanya looked at her sister and smiled a bit. Elizabeth smiled to and looked away to hid her blush as Vanya sat down on the bed and said "I can't believe he's gone." as Elizabeth pulled out a cigarette and smoked it as she said "I'm not and I'm glad." as Vanya smiled.

Elizabeth took it out of her mouth and handed it to her, Vanya took it and smoked it she coughed a bit.

Elizabeth chuckled and took it back and said "No more for you." as Vanya nodded and drunk water.

"How have you been ?" Elizabeth asked her as Vanya said "Well nothing really you ?" as Elizabeth said "Well I work as a waitress and stay in a crappy apartment my neighbors suck to so yeah." as Vanya laughed

"Yeah, he's gone and not coming back." as Elizabeth said "Aside from that, tell me how have you've been ?" as she said "Same as you, just been doing my own thing." as Elizabeth said "I respect that." the two laughed at one another.

21 years ago...

" In five, four, three, two... This is Jim Hellerman, reporting live for Channel 2 News outside of the Capital West bank at Main and Sixth. A group of heavily armed men stormed the bank not three hours ago, and took an unknown number of hostages."

"Hey, get them behind the counter!" a man in a british accent shouted as he rounded up many hostages, a loaded gun in his hands.

"Now you've put me in a position where I gotta do something I don't want to do." that's when Alison who was wearing a school uniform and a black and white mask calmly walked over to the men, arms behind her back not giving a care in the world. The man turned to her upset at her careless attitude

"Hey, get back with the others !" he yelled to her as Alison took a step closer and said "I heard a rumor."

"What? What did you say ?" he asked her as Alison took another step closer a smirk on her face as she cupped her hands to her lips and said through a whisper voice "I heard a rumor....that you shot your friend in the foot."

The man's eyes gazed white as he turned around and shot the next guy in the front twice. The hostages screamed in panic.

Suddenly the sounds of smashing glass as Luther the "leader." of the group jumped down from the rooftop into another armed robber, slamming his head against the counter using his super strength to throw him through the window.

Diego ran through the far end of the bank, a confident grin on his face as he shouted "Guns are for sissies. Real men throw knives !" as he threw the daggers, the dagger curve them at the last second landing them straight at the man's chest who was behind the counter.

Elizabeth laughed at Diego she thought it sounded so silly what he said as she said "Really Diego that's the best you could come up with ?" as Diego looked at her rolled his eyes and spat "Shut up ok ?! it sounded cooler in my head." as Elizabeth rolled her eyes before taking a gun from his hand and twisted a robber's hand back as he yelled as she smirked and kick him back to the counter his face's cracking on the glass.

"Both of you stop." they heard as they saw Penelope fixing her jacket as Elizabeth rolled her eyes as she said "Let me guess you already took out four ?" as Penelope flipped her hair and said "Don't be jealous Liz." as Elizabeth flicked her off as Penelope rolled her eyes before catching a gun's punch.

"Really you would hit a little girl like me, you really are a bad guy." as her eyes faded blue and her hair to it's white as she clenched his fist as his hand began to freeze over with frost and ice as he tried to pull away but her grip was to tight as he froze over competently turning into a ice statue before falling down onto the ground breaking into pieces .

Penelope let out a frosty breath as her finger tips froze over with frost. Elizabeth kicked a man in the stomach as she said to her sister "Please I'm not jealous of you what's there to be jealous off." as Penelope stuck her tongue out at her before she rolled her eyes as Elizabeth did the same thing back as she said "So you turned him into a popsicle I can do so much worse, let me show you what's really impresses."

Elizabeth then skipped over to a bank robber, who realized he was in danger as he raised his gun to her.

Elizabeth laughed mockingly as she crossed her arms and said "Seriously, you going to raise that tiny old gun to me, haven't you got anything better big boy ?" he rose a brow at her as she said "It's to quiet in here now, let me turn up the volume." and with that she let out a powerful shriek sending the man back he covered his ears along with everyone else in the room. His eyes now bleeding as a part of the building came down onto him crushing him. Blood poured from under the rocks. Some of the blood getting on Elizabeth's cheek and face.

Elizabeth stopped you could tell she didn't want to take it so far, she put her hand over her mouth but she lost control like always as Diego said "Nice going Liz." obsessively sarcastic as Elizabeth eyes dropped. Penelope sighed.

The man on the counter seemed to come back to his senses after seeing Penelope and Elizabeth murder his friend as he aimed his gun at them and said "Get back you freaks !" as Penelope folded rose her brow as Alison said "Rude." as Penelope nodded in agreement.

"Hey, be careful up there, buddy.." Diego said as Alison added "Wouldn't want you to get hurt." as Diego and Alison riddled him up as he said "Or what ?" he taunted to them as Penelope said "We warn you." smile on face.

The man who was clearly frustrated and unloaded most of the the magazines sending them everywhere which is when Five popped up behind him punching him in the face with a newly replaced weapon.

"Ooh! That's one bad*ss stapler!" as Penelope laughed out loud at the comment causing Five to turned to them with a her.

Luther then took charge again as looked around at the bank and said "They shouldn't be here to seen this." the siblings nodded.

They all nodded and began to show the scared hostages out of the buildings as they ran out. Ben then turned to them timidly as he asked "Do we really have to do this?" as Luther said " Come on, Ben. There's more guys in the vault." as he sighed and said "I didn't sign up for this."

Elizabeth noticed his timidness as she said grinned to him and wrapped her hands around his neck he turned to her and said "It's ok Ben, just go to your happy place ok." as she whispered in his eyes "Even though I know your happy place is me." causing Ben to blush a bit as she winked at him as she said "We'll be waiting for you ok ?" her smiling turning soft as she said "And after that we can go get donuts."

"Sprinkled ?" he asked her as Elizabeth titled her head and said "Sprinkled." with a grin as the siblings smiled to him as well as he took in a deep breathe as he went in and closed the door behind him.

And with that Ben did his part, large tentacles were barely visible through the blood stained walls and with that bodies were thrown against the room and the screams getting louder and louder until it stopped.

Penelope sighed before catching a sight of another men behind him one that they missed as she noticed he was trying to get away as she said "I got this one !" as she rushed to catch him before him. Elizabeth noticed and said "No I do !" as she made sound waves come over her hands as she blasted it at the man, but that's when Penelope also sent a powerful blast of ice and frost at him. "NO !" the other siblings said to him.

The two powerful attacks both collided with one another mixing into a powerful more ultimate blast sending all of the kids back hitting the wall. They all groaned the guy almost got away but Five pop up in front of him and hit him in the forehead with a gun as he passed out on the groan.

Penelope rose up from the ground and then remembered what happened "Ugh Liz what the h*ll ?!" as Elizabeth turned to her as she added "I said I had that, I didn't need you to bug in." as Elizabeth said "You already got to get somebody, I wanted to get somebody to !"

"You could have gotten somebody else !" as Elizabeth folded her arms and said "I don't care, I wanted him." her eyes going to their sliver. Penelope took that as a challenge as she made ice spikes appear in her hands as she narrowed her eyes at her sister. Elizabeth stood tall before Luther said "Guys enough !" the sisters broke their stare as Five said "Yeah so stop you idiots."

They both rolled their eyes not only at Five but each other as Elizabeth looked back to see Ben covered in blood head to toe as she said "Ben." going to him and hugged him ignoring the fact that he was soaked in blood as she asked "Are you ok ?" he nodded slowly to her, though she knew he really wasn't.

The others laughed at her competently changed in attitude, not seconds ago she was angry but now she was ok.


The kids came out of the building having taken care of all the thieves inside. They lined up on the stairs waiting for their father to arrive. Many reports came up to them asking them millions of questions, just like their father asked them to. Penelope waved to them as Elizabeth noticed and stood in front of her sister. Penelope's eyes sparked as they fought a bit to get in front of the camera that was pointed at them.

"Stop it you to." Diego hissed to them as Penelope and Elizabeth rolled their eyes as Penelope grumbled "Attention Seeker." as Elizabeth hissed "Attention hogger." as Elizabeth turned to Ben as she cupped his hand and said "Don't Focus on them, focus on me." Ben blushed bright red at that but did as he was told....

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