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(<`▽')―━━☆⌒*. ( TRYING NEW THINGS ! )

"Oh, Lance," Romelle pouted softly. The gentle whine of her accent sounded throughout the dingy car. "I feel as if I'm going to burst open. Can we stop for today?"

"We're already here, Romelle," the human answered, brushing off her complaints. "Last place, I promise!" He opened the door of his car giddily, making sure that his wallet was on him unlike the last stop.

"We've eaten so much!" She groaned, remaining sat in the passenger seat like a rock at the bottom of a rushing river. "It's dark out and I look awful, and—"

Romelle yelped as Lance opened her door, unbuckling her seatbelt and dragging her out of the car. He practically dragged her limp body across the parking lot and towards the front doors of the establishment before them.

Romelle had only been on Earth two months following the defeat of the Galran Empire, but every moment was just as joyous and wonderful as the next. Earth was so different from the Altea she grew up hearing tales of, and of the colony she spent her formidable years in, and that's why everything was like an adventure.

Although she lived with Allura and Coran in their shared apartment (the start of a new Altea, they liked to say on darker days), Lance had taken her under his wing with ease. Even if he still had things to learn about the planet he had disappeared from, things that had changed or evolved, he still had that welcoming personality and basic enough knowledge of his home to help her.

Romelle still wore pink. Lots of it. She wore it for all of the Alteans who didn't get the chance to see Golden Hour on Main Street. She wore it in her skirts, in her socks, in her crop tops, in her eyeshadow. It was overwhelming at times, but she didn't care.

And anyways, according to Shiro and Lance it complimented her blonde hair and blue birthmarks nicely.

Today, Lance wanted to catch up on all of his favorite fast food places. They had been eating since noon, taking only a few quick rests over the past seven hours.

Romelle glanced up lazily at the neon sign casting a soft glow down on the pair. The colors bounced off of their skin nicely, not obstructed by nearby headlights.

The split second of an angelic embrace ended as the two opened the glass door and bounced inside. Romelle looked around just as she had with every other building they went to. It wasn't that busy since dinner rush had already ended and everyone was headed home, but the odd person or two still lingered.

"Oh, how I missed you pretzel sticks with zesty queso," Lance moaned as he looked up at the hanging menu. Romelle sighed, her eyebrows furrowing.

"Lance, I really am not feeling too well," she insisted heavily.

"Oh, c'mon! Just get something small, you won't regret it!" Before she could respond, he was already taking his order at the desolate front counter. She paid no mind, eyes scanning carefully over the menu and prices. Even though Lance had been paying all day, she didn't want to drain him.

"Your turn, Romey," Lance called, stepping out of the way. Romelle walked forward carefully, and locked eyes with the girl behind the register.

Without warning, the alien felt her heart stop. Her pointed ears twitched with nervousness and her blue marks darkened with a small blush.

"Uhm... where are we again?" Was all she could spit out. The cashier wasn't sure if she could laugh at first, not wanting to offend a customer and get in trouble, but the nervous look on Romelle's face made the giggle slip out.

"This is the Dairy Queen," she smiled.

"A queen of dairy?" Romelle huffed. "Does she have any acquaintance with the king of burgers?"

"No, we have no affiliation with Burger King," the human politely informed, having to pick up the slack as Lance wondered off. She winked slyly, leaning forward to whisper. "Our kingdoms have been at war for awhile." When Romelle realized that all of it was a jest, she felt her face burn. "Anyways, what can I help you with today?"

"I— I'm sorry, I don't know. I'm not that hungry."

"Oh." Romelle glanced around nervously before her eyes landed on the worker's nametag. Brook. "Well, how about a Blizzard? We're known for them, and since it's just ice cream you can put it in your freezer for later."

Romelle paused, before nodding. "Sounds wonderful."

"Awesome. Any specific flavor in mind?"


"How about the Snickerdoodle Cookie Dough Blizzard? You look like a snickerdoodle person."

"Whatever you recommend."

Brook nodded, tapping at the screen before her and announcing the total. Once the transaction was complete, the human woman disappeared out of sight. Romelle felt her body sag in disappointment, not only out of embarrassment but she felt strangely intrigued by this employee.

She was back within minutes, flipping the filled cup upside down and making Romelle gasp in horror.

(<`▽')―━━☆⌒*. ( AUTHOR'S NOTE ! )
well girlvember worked out so well. happy valentines day

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