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(<`▽')―━━☆⌒*. ( FEELING NEW THINGS ! )

"Not hungry?" Allura's curious voice spoke up, forcing Romelle to snap out of her trance. Allura looked ethereal in the light of the sun, even with crumbs on her hoodie and a plastic straw between her lips. Anyone was stupid to disagree with the proven fact she looked perfect at all times. No exceptions.

The blonde looked over to her white-haired friend and also princess of her people, shrugging lightly. "I'm just not in the mood for fast food today."

"That's quite understandable. I only have it once every other spicolian movement," she said the statement confidently, but after catching the gaze of a confused child who had overheard them, she froze. "Er, I meant every other week."

Romelle hummed absentmindedly, looking back towards the front of the restaurant longingly. "When is Coran supposed to get here?"

"Hm... I'm not sure—"

Allura cut herself off just as the man himself walked in, taking flamboyant strides to get to them. He took his time to wrap each of them up in a loving hug, the affection normalized between them after all that they had lost, or almost lost.

He sighed happily as he scooted into the booth beside Allura, looking across to Romelle curiously. "Not hungry?"

"No," she grumbled. The mixture of the trio's accents were starting to catch the attention of other customers, and only continued when they caught sight of the pointy ears and colorful marks. They were not hateful gazes, more so curiousity than anything. Aliens had only been a proven thing and given free roam on Earth for about two months now, after all. "Do you realize how much I ate yesterday?"

"Romelle, you have the metabolism of a Horshinakar on Fahbnig's Day. One more meal won't hurt you."

"No, I—"

"Let's go," Coran obliged, popping out his seat and grabbing Romelle's wrist. "Keep it on lockdown, Allura!"

The two made their way to the front register, walking patiently for someone to assist them. After only a few short moments, the girl from the night before appeared.

"Coran, hi!" She smiled widely, genuinely happy to see him. It wasn't her customer service smile.

"You two know each other?" Romelle blurted. She felt herself blush after the statement, horrified at her slightly harsh tone. Brook simply laughed and nodded with delight.

"Coran's a regular. My favorite one, in fact. You all are so much more polite than humans, I swear."

"Oh, you make me blush," the aforementioned giggled, running a hand through his amber locks.

"Anyways, what can I get for you?"

"Today I'll have the Cheese GrillBurger combo!" Brook nodded and tapped at her screen without so much as a pause. She had the layout memorized. She smiled in success, before looking up at Romelle through her eyelashes.

"And for you?"

All of the oxygen escaped out of Romelle's lungs as the two stared at one another. Eventually she snapped out of it, saying the first thing she saw on the menu.

"Ah, I'll do a four piece chicken strip basket," she said as fast as possible. And without giving her time to reply, Romelle turned on her heels and made her way back to Allura.

The butterflies were choking her at this point.

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