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- Pilot

Amelia, Clarke, Finn, Octavia, Jasper and Monty were currently walking through the forest following after the blonde who was leading them towards Mount Weather. The dark haired beauty couldn't help but be memorised by the beauty of the nature around them as she's always dreamed what it must be like to be on earth and now that it's come true she's awe-struck.

The Carter girl has read books about earth it was completely different from the Ark, it was much more colourful and was surrounded with all sorts of flowers not noticing that Finn had picked up two purple flowers placing them in Octavia's and Amelia's hair causing an amused smile to appear on Lia's lips shaking her head in amusement.

"Now, that my friend is game" Jasper muttered to Mounty watching Finn place the flowers in the two girls hair causing Mounty to raise his brows pointing towards the purple flowers and pointed out, " That, my friend, is poison sumac" The two brunettes immediately shook their hair getting rid of the flowers as Octavia eyes widened glancing at the two boys over her shoulder and curiously questioned, " What! it is?"

Monty chuckled lightly at the two girls antics before he let out a sigh and explained, " The flowers aren't poisonous. They're medicinal. Calming, actually" Amelia glanced over her shoulder with a curious look on her face with a frown as she stared at Monty and questioned, " How do you know that?"

"His family grows all the pharmaceutical on the Ark" Jasper answered for his best friend causing Amelia to hum as she nodded her head in acknowledgment when Clarke turned around with a look of frustration on her face and called out, " Hey, guys! Would you try to keep up?"

Amelia rolled her eyes as she jogged over towards the blonde slinging her arm around her shoulder with a grin on her lips and commented, " Come on, Clarke. How do you block all this out? We used to dream what it would be like to be on earth don't you remember we used to spend hours picturing what it would be like"

"Well, it's simple. I wonder, why haven't we seen any animals?" Clarke questioned with a frown as she darted her blue eyes between the five of them and continued, " Maybe, it's because there are none. Maybe we've already been exposed to enough radiation to kill us. Sure is pretty though, come on"

"why does she always have to be such a buzz kill" Amelia muttered under her breathe with a roll of her eyes causing Finn to chuckle in amusement at the brunette's comment as she continued speaking, " it'll do her some good if she lets loose from her serious and broody thing she has going on"

Octavia scoffed as she narrowed her eyes at Clarke in annoyance and whispered under her breathe but the rest of the group heard her, " someone should slip her some poison sumac" Jasper snorted at Octavia's commented as he gazed at the brunette longingly causing Amelia to send him a teasingly smile knowing the boy has a thing for the girl.

"I gotta know what did you two did to get busted" Finn spoke up after a couple moments of silence glancing at Jasper and Monty over his shoulder causing the two boys to share a look before Monty informed, " Sumac's not the only herb in the garden, if you know what I mean"

"Someone forgot to replace what we took" Jasper pointed out sending a knowingly look to Monty who huffed in disbelief throwing his arms up in exasperation turning to look st Jasper and muttered, " Someone's apologised like a thousand times" Amelia chuckled lightly as she looked between the two and commented, " Oh, I can totally see you guys doing that. You'll be the guys people go to when they want to her high"

"How about you, Lia? What did they get you for?" Jasper curiously questioned staring at the brunette who frowned as she looked between the two boys and resorted, " have you not heard the stories about me?" The two boys shook their head in confusion staring at the girl in curiosity, " Nope. What actually happened?"

Amelia sighed heavily as she walked next to Finn and informed, " My father was ill and none of the doctors would help him. I took it upon myself but it didn't go as planned as I got caught and ended up knocking out about 4 guards"

"Wait. I've heard about you - you're Andrea Carter daughter" Monty spoke with a look of awe and amazement on his face causing Amelia to nod her head in confirmation but before either of the two boys could ask anymore questions she ran over towards Clarke who was crouched down on the ground gesturing for them to come over.

The group of six all crouched down watching a Grey deer who was eating grass causing an beaming smile to appear on her lips at the sight when Finn raised his brows at the blonde girl and sarcastically asked, " No Animals, huh?" Finn slowly moved away from the group and towards the deer only he stepped on a branch causing it to snap.

The deer turned around to face the group of teenagers causing their eyes to widened as they all gasped in simultaneously when they noticed that the deer had an extra head before it rushed away further into the forest causing Amelia to exchange a look of horror with Octavia and Clarke and muttered, " What the actual fuck?"


"You know what I'd like to know?" Finn trailed off with a thoughtful expression as he, Amelia, Octavia, Clarke, Monty and Jasper continued walking through the woods, " why send us down today, after 97 years? What changed?" Amelia glanced over her shoulder at Finn as she hummed in agreement and stated, " believe me, I think everyone is thinking the same thing. Maybe because this is the easiest way to get rid of us and to see if earth is actually survival"

Octavia rolled her eyes listening in on their conversation before she began to spin around a tree in hopes to gain Finn's attention as she commented, " who cares? I'm just glad they did. I woke up rotting in a cell and now I'm spinning in a forest" Octavia smile dropped from her face as she watched Finn walk past her not even the slightest interested in her causing Amelia to send her a sympathetic look knowing the crush the brunette had on one of her closest friends.

"Maybe they found something on a satellite. You know, like an old weather satellite or..." Monty suggested shrugging his shoulders casually when Clarke interrupted him with a shake of her head and informed the group, " it wasn't a satellite. The Ark is dying. At the current, population level there's roughly three months left of life support. Maybe four, now that we're gone"

Amelia grabbed Clarke hand squeezing it in reassurance with an sympathetic look on her face as she stated, " So that's the secret they locked you up to keep? And the reason they floated your father?" Clarke smiled sadly as she stayed silent for a moment before she continued to explain, " My father was the engineer who discovered the flaw. He thought the people had a right to know. The Council disagreed. My mother disagreed. They were afraid it would cause a panic. We were gonna go public, anyway, when Wells..."

"What? turned in your dad?" Monty finished with a look of confusion on his face sharing a look with Jasper causing Clarke to nod her head in confirmation as she continued speaking, "Anyway, the guard showed up before we could. That's why today. That's why it was worth the risk. Even if we all die, at least they bought themselves more time."

"They're gonna kill more people, aren't they?" Monty curiously questioned with a frown on face causing Clarke to remain silent which made Amelia turn her attention to the blonde shooting her a look but before she could say anything Octavia beat her to it, " Good. After what they did to me, I say float them all"

Amelia eyes widened at Octavia comment as she scoffed in disbelief and scolded the brunette, " Octavia!" The brunette smirked tauntingly before grabbing her best friends hand dragging her towards the rocks only for them to gasp in awe at the sight of the river in front of them.

Amelia beamed brightly as she began to take her clothes off causing Octavia eyes to widened as she curiously questioned, " Er, Lia, what are you doing?" The dark haired beauty glanced at Octavia over her shoulder and commented, " Oh, come on O. What do you think I'm doing? I'm going for a swim"

Octavia hesitated biting her lip before she sighed in defeat as she wanted to do something reckless and this was the perfect opportunity after being locked away for so many years. The brunette then walked over to stand next to Lia and began taking her own clothes off - the two girls were now only in their underwear looking down at the river with a look of excitement of their faces.

"Oh, damn, I love Earth." Jasper muttered staring at the two girls with a look of awe on his face. Monty, Finn and Clarke followed his eyesight only for their mouths to agape in shock especially Clarke who eyes widened at the actions of the two girls, " Amelia! Octavia! What the hell are you guys doing?"

Amelia grinned glancing over at Clarke with a mischievous glint in her eyes before grabbing ahold of Octavia's hand and jumping off the cliff and into the water. The dark haired teen felt the cold water hit her skin as she sunk under the surface before poking her head out of the water running her hand through her wet hair.

The two girls turned to look at one another splashing each other giggling loudly when the rest of the group rushed towards the edge of the cliff with Monty calling out, " Octavia! Lia! We can't swim!" Octavia raised her brows grabbing Amelia hand pulling her up to stand beside her and resorted, " I know, but we can stand!"

Amelia giggled as the water only reached up to their stomachs before her eyes connected with Finn's with an taunting smirk, " What you waiting for Spacewalker? Are you going to continue staring or are you gonna join us" Finn chuckled lightly as he removed his jacket and was about to take the rest of his clothes off when Clarke stopped him, "Wait. There's not supposed to be a river here."

"Well, there is. So take off your damn clothes." Finn replied rolling his eyes at the blonde as they all began taking off their clothes when Jasper eyes widened in horror walking towards the edge noticing something moving under the water heading towards the two girls.

Jasper averted his eyes back towards Octavia and Amelia and frantically called out, "Girls, get out of the water! Get out of the water now!" Amelia frowned in confusion as she stared at Jasper before slowly turning around only to see a giant snake making its way towards the two girls.

"Octavia!" Amelia yelled out in horror watching as she snake grabbed ahold of Octavia and pulled her under the water. The dark haired girl glanced around trying to search for the giant snake who took her friend when Finn's eyes widened in fear and shouted, " Lia! Get out of the water!"

Amelia scoffed as she turned to glance at Finn and resorted, " are you crazy! No way in hell am I leaving her alone with that thing! I'm going to help her whether you like it or not!" Finn groaned as he held out his hand for Amelia to take and replied, " Lia, this is not the time to be stubborn"

"Amelia!" Jasper yelled out with a look of fear in his eyes watching as another snake grabbed her ankle pulling her into the water causing her to struggle to get free trying to kick her legs free as she screamed loudly as she resurfaced the water but it didn't take long until she was dragged back under.

Finn was about to jump into the water to rescue the two girls but Clarke stopped him placing her hand against his chest and exclaimed, " No, wait. If we distract it, it might let of of them. help me" the four of them pushed a large rock into the water causing the two giant snakes to let go of the two girls instantly.

"Amelia! Octavia! Get to the shore now!" Jasper demanded loudly as Amelia gasped loudly trying to calm herself down and catch her breathe from being down in the water for so long. It didn't take long until Jasper and Finn both jumped into the water to help the two girls back to shore.

Finn picked up Amelia bridal style carrying her out of the water placing her down on the rocks inspecting her injuries but she was hardly hurt she just had a scratch on her ankle unlike Octavia who had a deep wound on her leg and was bleeding quite heavily causing Clarke to rip a piece of Jasper shirt before she tied it tightly around her leg to keep pressure on the wound and to stop it from bleeding.

"Thank you, thank you" Octavia muttered gratefully staring at Jasper as she brought him into a tight hug as Amelia turned her attention to Finn who wrapped her into a hug and quietly whispered, " Thank god, you're okay" the dark haired girl pulled away from Finn when Monty looked at his best friend and teasingly commented, "Note to self, next time, save the girls." The group of six laughed loudly sighing in relief that it was all over and none of them were injured that badly - well apart from Octavia.


The next morning, the group of teenagers was standing on some rocks near the lake, Finn and Jasper was standing above them as they had found a robe they use to swing across the lake safely without being attacked by a giant water snake that had tried to kill both Octavia and Amelia.

" You wanted to go first. Now quit stalling." Clarke yelled out to Finn with an impatient look on her face causing an amused grin to appear on Amelia's lips as she placed her hands on her hips and teasingly called out, " Yeah, don't be a pussy, Finn. Mount Weather awaits. If you're scared I'm sure Octavia and i can show you how it's done"

"Shut the fuck up" Finn resorted laughing lightly in amusement at the brunette's comment with a shake of his head watching the two girls snicker quietly to themselves when Jasper quietly told him, " just hang on until the apogee and you'll be fine" The Collin's boy frowned in confusion as he turned his head and curiously questioned, " The Apache? Like the Indians right?"

Jasper shook his head in response and corrected Finn, " Apogee, not Apache" Clarke rolled her eyes in frustration getting tiered of the two boys stalling and muttered, " He knows. Today, Finn!" Finn saluted Clarke with a grin before grabbing into the rope tightly and replied, " Aye aye, captain. See you on the other side"

Finn grabbed onto the rope tightly about to swing across but was stopped by Jasper was staring at Octavia wanting to impress the girl and called out, " Wait! Let me. I can do it" Amelia nudged Octavia with her brows raised causing the brunette to shove the dark haired girl with a roll of her eyes when Finn hummed with an impressed look on his face and spoke, " I knew there was a badass in there somewhere"

Jasper held onto the vine letting out a heavy breathe looking over across the lake trying to find the courage to jump, " Hey, it's okay to be afraid, Jasper. The trick is not fighting it" Jasper sighed heavily with a grin on his face taking in Finn's words and added in, " See you on the other side"

Amelia chuckled with an amused look on her face watching Jasper as he jumped off the rock and swung across the river landing on the other side on his hands on knees causing him to quickly climb onto his feet and yelled out, " we are apogee!" The group of five teenagers cheered loudly for Jasper with exciting grins on their faces as Amelia cupped her hands around her mouth and yelled, " you did it Jasper!"

Jasper began jumping up and down before noticing a sign that was on the ground causing him to pick it up before showing the rest of his friends and exclaimed, " we did it! Mount Weather" Amelia gasped loudly placing her hand on her mouth at the sight of Jasper being hit with a large wooden spear through his chest embedded him into the tree.

Amelia eyes widened as she grabbed Octavia's hand tightly in her own as it took her a moment to realize what had just happened and frantically yelled out, " Jasper! Jasper!" Octavia dragged Amelia with her to hide behind a rock with the rest of the group as they all looked around trying to find who it was that threw the wooden spear into jasper's chest.

Amelia soon came to an conclusion that it wasn't any of their own people it was someone who had lived on the ground. Someone who knew how to kill and grew up down here and only realized how dangerous this situation is as she softly muttered under her breathe, " we're not alone"

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