โ€ข. โœฟ .โ€ขยฐChapter 9โ€ข. โœฟ .โ€ขยฐ

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Isuel pov

You and Gustav were strolling quietly through the Celestial Gardens. A few of the in-betweeners were conversing with their guardians.

Gustav sighs deeply."I'm sorry you couldn't cross, Isuel. Our guardian directed someone to your body. What was left of it became fish food. But your parents recognized your clothes, and you still had your sling bag with your IDs in, draped over your body. I'm sorry, but you can now have a proper burial, and your parents can find closure. " He appeared depressed.

You gulp painfully, "So, because of the rule-breaking... I cannot cross over at all. My soul/spirit will be a wandering soul. I never knew my fate. Why? Why Gustav? I thought completing the missions would be enough. I've been successful in both missions." Your eyes were filled with anguish and tears.

He looked at you calculatingly and said, "It's not all lost... Isuel.Just because you can't cross over now doesn't mean it won't happen later. "

You throw your hands in the air, exasperated. "How will that be possible? I'm a spirit without a destiny. It's like I'm a ghost haunting people and places. What good is in that? "

You were pacing up and down, biting your lips.

"Is it so difficult for you to listen, Isuel? Remember, I told you you'll have to make a difficult decision when the mission is finished." He looked into your teary eyes.

You were suddenly shocked when Gustav drew you in an embrace, "... what..."

Gustav smiled a little, "Just enjoy my caring side for a minute, will you? ...and don't get ideas. "

You click your tongue and snort, "Phff! as if you were that attractive. "

"Hey... I'm the most sought after in this realm," he rebukes you, but a small smile lingers at the corners of his mouth.

"Ok, Mr. Stud...er...thank you. So what decisions do I need to make?" You furrowed your brows as Gustav released you from the hug.

"Now we are talking. I just gave you enough time to rant and rave, cry and fry...come, there is someone I want you to meet. " He grabs your hand and pulls you behind him. You shriek at his sudden movements.

You're too tired and sad to protest against Gustav, so follow him blindly until you reach another white room. What is with these people and whites? Maybe some colour will make them less dull and uninteresting.

When you enter, your eyes widen in shock. The spirit body turned with a wide smile.

You look at Gustav in awe and at the body you occupied for a periodโ€”the real Yoona. You could never get tired of looking at this stunning spirit/body. Gosh, but she is so beautiful that you suddenly feel a tad depressed as you remember Gustav's words, that you're not good-looking at all, but you know you're not ugly...but you're not stunning either ...looking at Yoona makes you feel ugly and worthless like you felt all your life through. You went through countless boyfriends just to be found attractive and desired. But you never had any real happiness.

Your life was meaningless. You and your friends decided to study for your business degrees and planned to start a firm after your graduate studies.

You left home when you were 18 years old to work different jobs. You even stayed with your long-term boyfriend for four years, but two years ago, he died in a work-related accident. He loved you, and you planned to marry him, but his life was cut short. And you were unhappy and never found peace after his death.

You find solace in partying, drinking, and hanging up with eager guys. You live mechanically. You became a very sassy, straight-talking, unbothered girl, not regarding anyone's feelings. You hate being around people. But strange enough, your friends stood by your side even with your sour, sarcastic attitude.

Now, you feel deflated again. Part of your plan was reuniting with your friends and boyfriend when you crossed over. What else is left for you...?

Gustav looked sorrowful when he tapped into the train of your thoughts. He saw the pain and loneliness you had to endure for years as your parents were not there for you.

He embraces you in a side hug, "Don't think like that, Isuel. Don't mind my words. You are beautiful, and you have a personality which I love. You are the only soul with which I can put up for eternity...but there is more to life for you than this. "

He led you deeper into the room, and Yoons stood quietly, observing the two of you with a wide smile.

When you look at her, you smirkโ€”thinking of your mind's encounter with her. She smiled back. Gustav smirked and gestured for you to meet Yoona in her glorious form.

You look at Gustav inquiringly," Gustav, why is Yoona in this realm? Did she die? "

Yoona smiles, "Not yet. I'm still in my unconscious state. My spirit had been hovering around the hospital for a few days, and the guardian captured it and brought me here for a mission...but I didn't want to live anymore, and I didn't want to die just yet because of my parents. I was between choices, and Gustav gave me a reason and a way out...but you sat with my answer. " She smiled widely as Gustav nodded in understanding.

Yoona nodded, "Yes...I wanted to leave my body for good and die and cross over...but my soul was bound. Before I decided to end my life. I visited the beach, and in my sorrow, I yanked off the silver pendant and threw it into the ocean. But...I didn't understand the power of light. The guardian's found the silver pendant. "

You couldn't comprehend what is happening right now. "So you're not dead yet, but you're not conscious either---I don't understand what it has to do with me." You look bemused at Gustav.

Yoona chuckled a little, "Isuel...the choice I made was to die peacefully, but because you had my brother's pendant, you were bound by a promise to him. That is why both of us couldn't find peace...me to die and cross over... You died but couldn't cross over, and Gustav saw my dilemma. And I had a deep, dying wish---to meet Jungkook! "

"Oh my gosh!!... I knew you knew the boy. You were holding back on me, you rascalโ€”my word. You wanted to meet the depressed and sad boy. Ok...now I understand. Smooth move, Yoona. You completely smote him... well done!"You gleefully clapped your hands. This girl is so cool.

Yoona giggles, "Yeah... he is very handsome, but he fell for you, Isuel. He loved my appearance. Most boys do. But he fell for 'Isuel.' Your personality...the way you articulate my thoughts into words... You went in for the kill. I wanted only a peck or a hug. But girl. Isuel wanted him badly! I steer your desires into action. You fall for each other. "

"Oh my gosh, "you blushed as Yoona and Gustav laughed. "O well. It's a pity I'll never see him again. I'm going to be a lonely wandering soul---" you regretfully state.

Yoona looked surprised at you to Gustav, "You didn't tell her ?"

"Tell me what!?" You look at a smirking Gustav with raised eyebrows.

Gustav waved his hands dismissively. "Well, Yoon. I just wanted her to suffer agony for a while. She made assumptions, so I let her wallow in her sorrows for a while. "He wiggled his brows at Yoona, who snickered.

You pursed your lips with irritation, "...What...why?"

"It was really funny watching you tap into the other side of your" not so nice "personality. But now that the joke is on you and it is over, let's get down to business as to why Yoon is here. We don't have much time," he clapped his hands.

You gave him one of your most dirty, stinky looks, "You are so evil...and I hate to like you, Gustav." You pout as you fold your arms around your torso.

"Same here...but I'm going to miss you...oh, depends on your choice," he uttered nonchalantly. You furrow your brows at Yoona's amused eyes on you.

"I love your dynamics. You two are so alike," she grinned. You and Gustav snort and look at Yoona.

"Okay, first and foremost, I want to thank you, Isuel, for releasing me from my pain, allowing my spirit to meet Jungkook, and allowing me to see the in-between realm, even if only for the mission. I'm sorry if I purposefully made you fail your mission... but I needed you to help me with my choice."She suddenly looked sorrowful.

So, Yoona was responsible for your failure to cross over. But she is so adorable, and you didn't want her to feel bad. You'll forgive her just because she lent you her beautiful spirit body. Teenagers.

Gustav grinned, "So, Yoona made a choice. She is going to accept death and cross over to be with Yong, who is waiting anxiously for her to decide her fate. Two escort guardians are already dispatched to transport her to the "glorious place".

You looked puzzled, "But why Yoona? You still have life in your body. What about your parents, who can't seem to let go and lose another child? ...what about the boy you like so much? You promised him not to forget you. He promised, and now you are leaving. I don't understand."

Yoona sighed, "Isuel...I lived a half-life for almost four years. I lost my other half, my anchor, and I love my parents, but living without Yong isn't an option. If I choose to live and use the power of the gold pendant... I might not be the same. I will be a vegetable-an invalid. I'm already dead in the eyes of my doctors. My spirit keeps my body alive right now...and I choose peace and Yong. I ask for forgiveness for my selfishness ...but I'm free now. You gave me freedom when Jungkook gave my mother hope. " You look at her in awe. For an 18-year-old, she sounds so mature.

She looked at Gustav,"Tell her about her choices, Gustav."

You turn to Gustav with a bit of fear.

Gustav gestures for you to take a seat. Well, it must be massive, "Isuel.. thank you for helping not two but three people find hope. Your missions were dual and linked, but you unconventionally pulled them off in one moment. You cannot cross over due to your physical contact with the Earthbound. You formed an emotional link with him. So, because the power of the golden necklace gave you another chance of transformation ...but it's called 'soul swop'.Come back as a pure, different human (man or woman), or transform into an animal you choose. But your soul needs a body, almost like reincarnation. "

Your eyes widen, "W... what is my fate to be reincarnated? How can I choose from that? I don't have a favourite animal. They die soon, and I don't want to relive their lives like some human with a mediocre life. It may turn out even worse than mine. I don't want to be in someone's womb, as a baby, or a toddler, or a man. What choice do I have, Gustav? Either way, my life is over! " You cried out in agony. This isn't very good.

Gustav tries to soothe you, "Isuel...that was the option. But because of your connection with Yong. Yoona had a very lucrative idea."

"Huh! ..." You look tearfully at a smirking Yoona. She waggled her eyebrows.

She smiled as she gestured to her spirit body, "You love my spirit body, do you?" She raises one perfect eyebrow at your stunned face.

You roll your eyes, "Of course, Yoona! You are a goddess. You have the most beautiful face. With your long, luscious hair, expressive eyes, and full lips, ugh, you made me sound so gay now...but yes! You are gorgeous. Look at your thin, well-formed legs. You are fit, talented at dancing, and innocent and untainted. Why give it all up?... You perfect!" You look flabbergasted.

If you look like her, you are halfway to success without doing anything. It's so easy for pretty people.

Yoona smiles, "Thank you for the compliments. I never felt that special, though. No, being pretty is not easy, but thank you. Isuel. I have a choice...the glorious place and being with Yong. You have a choice, human or animal. I want you to swap souls with me...but Gustav will copy all my important memories into your soulโ€”memories to help you cope with my family life. Obviously, in the first few months, you'll have to rebuild your life...you don't have to be in a strange human body with a questionable background or be reincarnated as a donkey. You could just be me', a healthy me, and you could meet Jungkook again. So what do you say?"

"But what if I become Yoona, and she never recovers, and she is a vegetable, and her parents put her in an institution?" You ask, worried. "That will be worse...and I might be reborn as a centipede. Oh, gross! " You scrunched up your nose.

Gustav grins. "Yeah, with an animal choice, you don't know what you will be...you might just open your eyes in the mouth of a predator...so what are your chances?"

Yoona and Gustav looked at you with held breaths.

You closed your eyes and made your decision.

โ€ข. โœฟ .โ€ขยฐ

In the earthly realm, it was two weeks later. You, Gustav, and Yoona stood in her empty hospital room. Your heart aches as you see her suffering. Her body was connected to so many tubes and oxygen tanks that her heart monitor looked suspiciously weak.
Yoona's eyes were teary as she looked down on her still body. She had to finally leave and say farewell to her life as it is.

"So, what's going on right now?"You asked.

Gustav looked solemn, "Her parents chose to switch off her life support today in half an hour. Yoona needs to be back in her body as soon as possible. We don't have much time. Her doctor will arrive with her parents in a few minutes. Yoona has to die naturally so that her spirit/soul will be pure and ready to cross over. Two guardians are waiting at the door. When the nurse starts switching off the life support machines, her heart will stop for a few seconds, and she will wait for a few seconds to confirm her death. Her body will suddenly jerk violently to eject her spirit, and at that precise moment, you need to take her place...the sound of the restarted monitor will alert the doctors. You will be resuscitated. You, Isuel, will get the connected body, soul, and spirit with the earthbound body. Your body will twitch, accepting the new spirit and opening your eyes to a new environment. Are you ready? "

You looked scared, and Yoona looked expectantly. She was so ready to go. You don't know what to expect on the other side. You inhale deeply, and you both nod. You don't have much time.

"Yoona...safe travels and enjoy the glory of a good place' be at peace now....and my dearest Isuel, I'll miss your sassiness--go and restore your new parents' happiness...knowing that you freed Yoona's soul and reconnected her with Yong," Gustav says to both of you.

"Thank you, Isuel." Yoona's spirit floated to you and gave you a big hug." You'll love your new family. Please enjoy your new life...but keep my body in mind. I'm a health-conscious -girly -girl, so no drinking, smoking, or excessive partying...ok, make your parents proud. They are smitten with you. And your best friends have always been by your side, waiting...they adore you...please be more open, okay? I'm sure you'll add some new colour to the house...You are going to be so spoiled. I'll visit you in your dreams. "

You were both sobbing. Gustav rolls his eyes at the overly emotional girls.

She released you from her embrace.

"Oh, and give this to that special "stranger boy" if fate makes you meet each other. " Your eyes widen as she places the golden pendant around your neck. That is if you meet...

"Come on, your parents are already on their way with the doctors," Gustav said impatiently.

You all took your positions as you saw the double doors open. Yoonas' beautiful parents followed the doctor and nurse, who looked heartbroken. They beheld the crying mother and her father, who embraced each other.

Yoona floated to her distraught parents and embraced them with her spirit body. "Don't be sad, Appa, Eomma. I'm giving your daughter back. I'll be with Yong. You will be very happy again. " Her voice sounded like a soft echo in the wind...

The doctor nodded to the sad nurse, "Ready..."

โ€ข. โœฟ .โ€ขยฐ

a/n: I hope you love this chapter. Yoona and Isuel made life-altering decisions.

Do you think it was the right decision for Isuel to make?

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