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โ•ฐโ”ˆโžค โ [There are so many lines that I've crossed unforgiven] โž

AFTER CLASS, KIM JI-AN FINALLY got to talk to Soo-jin, the two catching up on everything. Ji-an was also officially introduced to Jug-yeong, finding out the girl was transferred a few days before her arrival. It didn't take her long to notice the way Jug-yeong acted around Su-ho. She knew she was in no position to be jealous, Su-ho was not her boyfriend anymore and he had the right to do whatever he pleased, but she couldn't stop the weird feeling that formed in her gut every time she saw Jug-yeong sending longing gazes to Su-ho.

Nonetheless, she wasn't about to give a terrible impression, still addressing the girl politely to not come across as rude.

Now the four girls were sitting in the lunchroom, Jug-yeong and Soo-ah sitting across from Ji-an and Soo-jin. The four girls were chatting about different things before
Jug-yeong changed the subject. "That kid Han Seo-jun seems kind of scary."

Ji-an choked on her drink, "S-scary?" She laughed while wiping away the juice that had fallen down her chin. "Seo-jun can be many things, an idiot, a man-child, annoying, obnoxious, imbecile, a little piece of sh-"

"Okay, that's enough." Soo-jin stopped Ji-an from finishing. "We get it."

Rolling her eyes, Ji-an said, "What I'm trying to say is he's not scary." Jug-yeong observed
Ji-an in curiosity, the girl seemed to know a lot about the owner of the helmet she had in her possession. She made a mental note to ask later about her relationship with the boy. Maybe if the two are close Ji-an can return the helmet instead of her and that way, avoid having to confront the boy herself.

Soo-ah ignored Ji-an's comment, keeping up with her story "He does have the bad boy image. There's a rumor that he didn't just take time off but was suspended for almost killing a kid in a gang fight."

Jug-yeong's eyes widened in shock. "Really?"


Soo-jin intervened, stopping Soo-ah from scaring Jug-yeong even more. "What are you talking about? He took a leave for family reasons." At the girl's words, Jug-yeong visibly relaxed.

"And? Gossip is gossip." Soo-ah defended herself with an innocent smile gracing her lips. Soo-jin and Ji-an chuckled at the girl's antics.

"Is that her? The angel transfer student?" A random guy asked his friends as they were grabbing food, his eyes settled on Jug-yeong.

"Yes. Isn't she pretty?" Another guy responded, his attention moving over to Ji-an who was quietly eating her food. "And that's Kim Ji-an. She's been away for over a year and she came back today. She looks even better than before."

"Awesome, she even eats pretty." Jug-yeong, stopped midway through her bite of food. Her eyes traveled over to Ji-an, analyzing the way she cut the food in pieces before following her movements.

Ji-an, who had been trying to ignore the boy's comments, looked over at Jug-yeong, realizing the girl was copying the way she ate. "Just because they think the way I eat is pretty does not mean you have to act the same."

Eyes wide like a deer caught in the headlights, Jug-yeong slowly placed her food down her cheeks tinted a light shade of pink. "If a boy likes you, he should do it because he likes you by who you are and not by the person you're trying to be. So just be yourself and don't pay attention to what others think." Jug-yeong slowly nodded and hesitantly went back to the way she had been previously eating.

Moments later the four were done with their food. There were some minutes left before the lunch period ended so they had decided to leave earlier and just walk around the halls. As they were about to leave Jug-yeong announced, "I have something to do. Please wait here." Confused, the three remaining girls nodded watching Jug-yeong stroll over to Su-ho's table.

With narrowed eyes Ji-an watched the girl place Su-ho's favorite drink in front of him. Painful memories went through her head as she remembered she had been the one to introduce him to it. He used to make fun of her for always drinking it until one day she forced him to try it. Su-ho took a liking to it and since that moment it became his all-time-favorite.

Pushing away the memories she watched the two have a small talk before Jug-yeong walked back towards them, with a small grin on her face. Not aware of the change of mood in the three girls who had watched everything unfold. "Done. Let's go."

The girls decided to not question anything as the four linked their arms together and started walking out of the lunchroom and towards the hall. Soo-jin, who had noticed Ji-an's sullen expression, asked, "Ji-an have you talked to Su-ho?"

The addressed girl looked down, a sigh escaping her lips, "No." Ashamed for not confronting the boy she glared at the ground. Running away from things wasn't something she usually did which made her want to punch herself for her cowardness.

"Why?" Soo-jin asked.

"What am I supposed to say?" She snapped, "Please take me back, I miss you?" Her attention moved away from the floor and to Soo-jin. "He's the one that should start the conversation, not me. I'm not the one who stopped texting without an explanation."

Soo-jin and Soo-ah shared looks as they listened to Ji-an talk while Jug-yeong frowned at the confession. Curiosity getting the best of her, she asked, "Uh- what happened?"

Soo-ah looked at Ji-an, waiting for a nod of approval. As much as she liked Jug-yeong and spread gossip around, she wasn't about to spill her friend's personal life without her permission. She knew Ji-an was still sensitive to anything related to Su-ho.

With Ji-an's nod of approval Soo-ah spoke, "Before Ji-an left, she used to date Su-ho."

Jug-yeong blinked twice. "Oh." Now, this complicated things. In the few days she's been in the school she couldn't help but develop a small crush on the boy. Even if Ji-an and Su-ho weren't together anymore, she did not know the history they share, but she wanted to. So gathering the courage she asked, "Do you.. Do you still have feelings for him?"

This question took Ji-an by surprise. If she was being honest she never really asked herself that question. "I- I don't know. Maybe? I know I miss him and wish I could do something to fix our relationship."

Soo-jin grimaced, "You can do something about it If you just talk to him." Ji-an knew
Soo-jin was right, avoiding Su-ho wouldn't solve anything. But if she was going to approach him, it wouldn't be that day. She just wanted a peaceful day of school and not one filled with some drama that would ruin her day.

Ji-an looked over at Jug-yeong who had fallen oddly silent after her confession. The girl seemed to be deep in thought as she stared blankly at the floor.

โ†ถ*เณƒโœงหš. โƒ โ†ท

Tired, Ji-an arrived home ready to go to bed after that stressful first day of school. Even though the day wasn't as bad as she had expected it to, the feeling of anxiousness was still present. She knew the cause was because she still hadn't faced Su-ho, making her sigh in defeat. As she was going up the stairs an old, too familiar voice spoke, making her slightly jump in surprise. Ji-an had been so caught up in her own thoughts that she failed to notice the person sitting in the living room.

"Aren't you going to say hello?"

Ji-an turned around her left hand resting on the railing while the other gripped her backpack strap. "Hey." She mumbled, quietly.

Ji-hun placed a hand over his heart, a fake look of hurt covering his handsome features. "You know you walked right past me, completely ignoring me."

His dark wavy hair was styled in its usual messy state and he was dressed in the expensive designer clothes he always wore.

"It's a skill that took time for me to master but over the years I've learned how to ignore useless things." Her voice was soft but still holding an edge to it.

"Okay, now that one hurts." He pointed an accusing finger at her. "Mother wouldn't be happy if she hears the way you're talking to me." He paused for a few seconds, offering a smile that Ji-an knew was fake. "You may not believe me but I've missed you little sis."

Rolling her eyes Ji-an said, "Yeah, you're right I don't believe you because you only act like this when you want something. So please cut the bullshit, and just say what you want to say." By each second her patience ran thinner and thinner.

He grinned. "You know me so well don't you?" A sigh escaped his lips as he nonchalantly stood up from the couch, placing his hands in his pockets. "I need money"

"Money?" Ji-an laughed in disbelief. "The real question here is when don't you need money." She shook her head, "You really haven't changed."

"Come on, cut me some slack."

Ji-an rolled her eyes. "why don't you ask mom? She's the one that always does whatever you ask. I'm sure she'll be willing to help."

Since Ji-an could remember, Ji-hun has always been her mother's favorite. Always fulfilling her brother's whims and leaving Chin-Sun to take care of her. Most of the time her father was away on business trips but when he came back he always made sure both of his kids had his undivided love and attention. But he changed, the power and money got to his head and completely changed him into the shell of the man he used to be.

An annoyed expression took over her brother's face as he avoided eye contact. For a moment she was confused at her brother's body language before a look of realization crossed her face.

"She said no." Her brother's silence was the answer she needed, making her smile in amusement. "How sad." Ji-an tilted her head, brows furrowed. "What makes you think I'll give you any money?"

"Well, I know you've been pretty successful with your part-time job as a model. I did some research, and I learned they pay good money." He explained.

She raised her brows. "And?"

"And, I really, really need the money. I'll pay you back. I swear!" He was lying, the way he kept blinking with each word gave everything away. It was his tell and Ji-an knew it, because she had it too.

The girl couldn't help but laugh, "Pay me back? How stupid do you think I am? I know you won't return it. You never do."

"Oh come on!"

Ji-an refused. "No, I am not giving you anything." She would not fall for it, not this time.

"Please, I'm begging you! I owed money to some people and if I don't return it soon, bad things are gonna happen so just help me out!" Ji-hun pleaded, something he never did unless he was in need or in big trouble.

"I'm sorry but that's your problem not mine. If you need money go find a job instead of sitting around doing nothing." And with that the girl turned around walking away and ignoring her brother's shouts after her.

Closing the door of her room with a loud bang. The girl threw her backpack on the bed and went over to her vanity grabbing a hair tie and placing her hair in a tall ponytail. Ji-an's previous plan of staying home went out the window the moment she saw her brother. So changing out of her uniform and putting on some sweatpants and a hoodie. She decided to go to the comic book store she used to visit with Su-ho. A distraction was the very thing she needed, and what could be best to take her mind off things than a good horror comic book?

With a goodbye to Chin-Sun, Ji-an got out of the house, walking to the nearest bus station. The chilly breeze felt pleasant against her warm skin as she waited patiently. It didn't take long for the bus to arrive and drop her off at the station nearest the comic book store. The sound of the bell ringing as she opened the door was the only thing that could be heard in the silent store.

Ji-an paid little mind when she saw no one on the counter, knowing that the owner was probably making a ramen bowl or something. She had known him long enough to know half of the time he would spend it eating, instead of working around the store.

She couldn't control the smile that made its way into her face when she looked at all the bookshelves. Everything seemed to be the same, making her sigh in content. It made her feel at peace knowing that one of her favorite places hadn't changed since her departure.

Walking towards one of the bookshelves she scanned the titles before grabbing the one she was looking for. As she turned around to walk back to the register she collided with a hard chest, causing the book to fall out of her hand and into the floor with a loud thud. She felt herself start to fall to the ground, closing her eyes as she waited for the impact. But instead of feeling her body collide with the ground, hands wrapped themselves against her waist pulling her back against the person's chest.

A few seconds later she opened her eyes, about to thank whoever saved her from having to walk around with a sore butt, when her words were caught in her throat the second she made eye contact with the eyes she used to love staring at.

"Lee Su-ho..."

โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€Šโ†ถ*เณƒโœงหš. โƒ โ†ท หŠโ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”



gotta love a cliffhanger.

What do you guys think? Any ideas on how this interaction would go? ๐Ÿ‘€

I know there wasn't any Seo-jun content this chapter but I promise in the next one there would be plenty of Seo-jun and Ji-an.
Here we got to see a small glimpse of
Ji-an's family life, which would be something important later on in the story.

Also, leave some ship names for Seo-jun and Ji-an. I want you guys to choose it.

Don't forget to comment and vote see you next chapter!!! <3333

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