26. tory with a "y"

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⭑·゚゚·*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*·゚゚·⭑

LEXI WAS PICKING OUT AN OUTFIT FOR the beach club event, tearing apart her newly filled closet.

Johnny went to her room to see what all the commotion was about and stood there, with wide eyes, looking at the scattered clothes on the floor.

"Woah kiddo, what's happening here? Looks like a war in here."

"I don't know what to wear to the beach club." Lexi was panicking and Johnny just laughed, knowing how the beach club was like since he used to go there as a teenager.

"Well, just wear something comfy I guess."

"Wow, thanks Johnny, you're a lot of help," Lexi said sarcastically to him.

Johnny smiled then walked out of her room to get another bottle of beer.

Lexi had a frown on her face when Johnny opened the beer. She didn't like it when he drank especially if it was to relieve stress. She knew how he acted when he was drunk and she didn't like to see him that way.

Johnny noticed her uneasiness and carefully studied her to try and figure out what was wrong.

" Hey, what's wrong, you okay Lexi?"

"I-It's just, I don't really like it when you drink Johnny. I've seen you drink before and it hurts me to see you like that. I know I probably don't have a say about this but hopefully, you can-"

"I'll stop."

Lexi froze at her words when Johnny said that. She was actually shocked he didn't fight back on this.

"I'll stop, but it might take a while."

Lexi went up to Johnny and hugged him.

"Thanks, Johnny."

"No problem, kiddo."


"Wow, this place is bigger than I remember." Lexi got out of Daniel's car and walked with Sam and Robby.

"You alright?" Lexi turned her head towards Sam who was talking to Robby.

"Yeah, I just... kinda use to work here."

"Really? When?" Lexi asked her brother not knowing this information.

"Couple days last summer wasn't a great fit. "

Lexi parted ways with Robby and Sam and decided to get some cake because, well, it's cake.

As she was grabbing a slice, she saw Aisha with another girl who had blonde frizzy hair.  Lexi thought she was gorgeous, but wouldn't even think about anything since she was with Hawk.

"Hey Aisha, I'm so glad to see you." Lexi smiled and hugged her.

"Oh, my gosh Lexi, are you okay, I heard what happened with you."

"Yeah I'm doing okay, the wound is still a little fragile, but other than that I'm fine." Lexi made eye contact with the blonde girl and she gave a small smile.

"Oh, Lexi, this is Tory, she is our new member of Cobra Kai," Aisha said, introducing her.

"Oh my gosh, wait, we have another girl in Cobra Kai?! Thank god, it was getting a little too much with all the toxic masculinity around."

Tory laughed at Lexi's comment and stuck out her hand for Lexi to shake. "It's nice to meet you. You seem pretty cool."

"Thanks, I better hope I am since my dad is your guys' sensei. "

Aisha's mouth dropped open. "Wait, your dad is Sensei?! How- what-"

"It's a long story, but that's for another time."

Aisha nodded and a smirk was plastered on her face." Tory, this is also Hawk's girlfriend."

Tory smirked and looked at Lexi up and down. "Wow, he has good taste. If you ever need boy therapy, I gotcha girl."

"Wow, I think I just made a new friend. Thanks, Tory, I appreciate it."

"No problem don't mention it. I can tell we are going to be great friends."

The trio smiled at each other until Lexi spoke up again.

"Now if you would excuse me my lady cobras, I'm going to finish this beautiful slice of cake."

Tory and Aisha laughed at Lexi before walking off.


Hawk wanted to hang out with Lexi, but she told him that she was busy being at the beach club.

So to improvise, Hawk decided to go on the beach so they can finally see each other.

The couple took a walk on the beach, talking about how practice was at Cobra Kai training that day.

"So yeah enough about practice today, how are you feeling princess, like overall?"

"I think I'm doing pretty good. My wound still hurts, but it's manageable. "

Hawk was glad she would be getting better, but he was talking about how she felt living with Johnny.

"How is it living with sensei?"

"It's pretty good actually. I know I haven't known him as a dad for a while, but I definitely consider him as my father figure."

Hawk smiled at his girlfriend, happy that she was finally smiling. However, he wanted to say something to get it off his chest, but he didn't know how to say it to Lexi.

She seemed to notice Hawk's uneasiness and asked him what's wrong.

"Hey babe, you okay? You don't look too hot there."

Hawk knew he had to get it off his chest at some point, so he decided to do it now.

"Lexi, I hope you don't look t me differently, but I have to ask something to get it off my chest."

Lexi's heart dropped, wondering what this question could possibly be.

"Do you or have you ever had feelings for Miguel?" Hawk said tentatively, hoping Lexi wouldn't think of him any different.

"What?" Lexi laughed at Hawk's preposterous question, thinking it was a joke, but when she saw the serious look on his face, she knew he meant it.

"Wha- Please, Eli, I never had feelings for Miguel and I never will. The only feelings I have for him are a best friend or brother bond. I love you Eli, and only you. You're my little birdy."

Hawk smiled that she called him birdy, a nickname he always adored. "Elexcia LaRusso or Lawrence, I-I don't really know-," Lexi and Hawk chuckled.

"I love you so much, I would literally die for you and I mean it. You are the reason why I am still living today and the reason why I am smiling. You are my world, Lexi."

Lexi had tears in her eyes when Hawk said this. He chuckled slightly and wiped her tears.

"I love you so much, Eli, you are my everything."

Lexi couldn't even talk anymore. She kissed Hawk and he kissed back immediately. The couple felt like they were in a movie, air blowing in their faces, with the sun shining on them.

"I will never leave you, Lexi."

"Good, because I don't plan on leaving either."

Next chapter is the mall fight so yes...let's see how that goes with Hawk and Lexi.

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