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"WE'RE coming with you guys," Lonnie declared, Winter nodding in agreement from next to her.

Winter was not close to Jay or Carlos at all, but she still wanted to help them. Carlos and Jay's eyes widened, both not expecting to see Lonnie... let alone Winter Frost in front of them.

Both Carlos and Jay let out nervous laughter, shaking their heads overdramatically as though the notion was ridiculous.

"What?" Jay scoffed. "We don't need swords," he was eyeing Lonnie's sword bag, obviously not really meaning it, "at the..." he was at a loss for words, looking to Carlos for help, but Carlos was equally as flustered, "...waffle hut?"

Winter quirked a brow, looking to them as though they were idiots. "Really?" She said with a tone of disbelief. "Even if that were true, you realize that you're not allowed off campus past curfew."

Jay cursed while Carlos narrowed his eyes at Jay's mess up. "Great going, dude!" Carlos flicked Jay on the back of the head before Lonnie spoke up.

"You're going to the Isle to rescue, Ben, we already know," Winter nodded along, "and it's either you take us, or we're going to need to tell Fairy Godmother."

Jay and Carlos both looked as though they had seen a ghost at Lonnie's threat.

"Yes, in fact, I actually like that idea better. Let's go tell Fairy Godmother..." they knew Winter would do it too by the way she started turning toward the Headmistresses office.

"Ugh, wait! Fine, you can come!" Winter's shoulders slumped in disappointment.

Winter turned around and forced what she tried to play off as an excited smile, but in reality it made her look as though someone had a dagger to her throat.

"Haha, fantastic!" She gave breathless laugh, Jay and Carlos glancing at each other nervously.

They knew as well as everyone else at Auradon Prep that Winter was not the most athletically inclined. That would be her downfall at the Isle because at the Isle it was not books and smarts that got you anywhere, it was who was stronger, you or the other guy. However, they had also never actually seen Winter use her powers, but they heard enough about it to know that she was apparently an incredible force.

Hopefully, that was true because, at the Isle, Winter would need them.

"Come on then, we don't have time to waste," Jay nodded, Carlos, Lonnie, and Winter following after him.

They came upon the magical limo, and soon enough, they were off. It was Jay driving with Carlos in the passenger seat and Lonnie and Winter in the back. Winter and Lonnie's eyes were wide as they finally passed through the barrier, the world around changing, literally.

Winter now understood why her father never delivered winter to this place.

"So, Winter," Jay spoke from the front, Winter ripping her eyes away from the poverty filled Isle to meet Jay's gaze in the rearview mirror, "we haven't seen you much outside of class and study hall, where have you been hiding?" It was a lighthearted tease, one that Jay meant in a friendly manner.

Winter shrugged, a small smile gracing her lips.

"Around," she answered calmly, her eyes going back to look out the window.

Jay rose a brow, glancing at Carlos who only shrugged.

The ride was finally over as Jay pulled to a stop in an alley that was far darker than any place Winter had ever seen in Auradon. Jay and Carlos hopped out of the limo followed by the two girls.

Winter looked around with curiosity and slightly horror etched onto her features. Yes, she had always been curious about the Isle, but never enough to want to visit.

'This was all for the good of Auradon,' she had to remind herself, 'save the King and go home'.

"Lonnie?" Mal and Evie said together, their voices rising with even more surprise when they saw Winter. "Winter?"

Lonnie wasted no time bounding up to the two and giving both of them a hug. "We made them take us," she smiled while Winter awkwardly stood a few feet away.

Evie rolled her eyes knowing that she would need to be the one to initiate any sort of contact with Winter.

"Oh, c'mere," Evie sighed pulling Winter, who was always a few degrees colder than average (but everyone liked that), in for a hug.

Winter smiled slightly, hugging the blue-haired girl back. Once Evie let her go, Mal hugged her next.

"Hey, Winnie," Mal had taken up to calling Winter by the name of 'Winnie' too.

"I'm so glad you guys are here," Mal smiled while pulling away from the girl who looked simply too doll-like and fragile to be here.

But they all knew the truth, if things got messy, Winter was a powerful alliance to have.

"Yeah, welcome to the Isle," Evie nodded just as Jay and Carlos approached with the swords.

Winter rose a brow when she noticed Dude trailing behind Carlos, the talking dog must have snuck with them.

"Ooh, let me see," Mal grabbed the 3D copy of Fairy Godmother's wand that the two boys' had printed earlier.

Winter had not been able to get a good look at it in the limo, but seeing it now, she was slightly shocked. It looked exactly the same, the only difference was that this one had no magic.

"It's exactly the same," she whispered causing Mal to nod.

"Yeah, but Uma's smart, she'll catch on quick,"

Once the ride was over, Jay and Carlos had taken the time to explain the situation in full for Winterfell and Lonnie.

Uma sounded pretty intense if Winter was being honest.

"Alright, let's do this," Mal nodded, everyone turning around and walking into a large pipe that led to who-knows-where.

Winter made it a point to stay right by Evie and Mal, her eyes wide as she took in the sights around her. She felt bad that these four had to grow up in such a horrible place, she had barely been there five minutes and she already wanted to go home.

She reminded herself not to panic too much, she had control of the winds and technically, she would be fine slipping through the barrier. Her title and powers as the Winter Princess allowed it.

The pirate's bay was nothing like Winter had ever seen before. Then again, when she visited the waters, she usually froze it over (she was not the best swimmer either). The water reminded her of ice skating, other than running, ice skating was the only other physical activity she was capable of.

The bay was crawling with sketchy looking people, many keeping mean scowls on their face. Boards were used for the flooring of the docks, a few pirate ships tied to posts. There were barrels and random crates scattered about, the smell of sea salt heavy in the air.

She stayed behind Evie; Lonnie was just behind her and Jay behind them both.

"They're here!" She heard a male voice shout from the large pirate ship tied to the docks.

She imagined it must have been hard for the pirates to be stuck to the little waters surrounding the Isle. Pirates enjoyed exploring the seas, but here they were, stuck to this small area.

"WELCOME!" An accented voice of an origin that Winter could not identify yelled.

Peeking from behind Evie, Winter's breath started in her throat at the sight of an extremely attractive pirate with his arms outstretched and a crazed grin written across his face. The first thing she noticed about him was the eyes that resembled a stormy ocean.

The next was the muscular fitness of his body. Then it was the large pirate hat covering what she saw were tresses of hair darker than night itself, then it was the rough pirate-wear outfit that added onto his good looks.

Her stomach churned, her throat was dry, her heart clenched, and her body shook. Yes, she was a sucker for romances, she loved watching the happy couples of Auradon Prep. Sure, she had thought that some guys were cute before, but never had she felt like this.

This was foreign territory.

No guy at Auradon Prep had ever attracted her as this pirate was.

He had a hook on his left hand, but she could see that it was not actually replacing a hand as both his hands were gloved. However, unlike her own soft blue gloves, his were leather and rough-looking, nor did they cover his fingers as hers did.

She subconsciously rubbed her gloves, imagining just how different the two pairs were to each other. Many silver rings adorned his fingers and surrounding his beautiful eyes was a scary amount of eyeliner. So much that it made him look like a true pirate.

Somehow, even that managed to intensify his looks.

Winter could tell even from here that he was much taller than herself, he had four or five inches on her at least. Winter was not necessarily short either, she was taller than Mal and Jane, but just shorter than Evie. She supposed she was average as Mal was slightly under average in height, but she could also kick anyone's ass.

"FINALLY!" Winter's attention was taken away from the gorgeous pirate to a girl around Mal's height who stepped in front of him.

Bright blue braids, dark skin, pirate's clothing, this was the Uma she had heard so much about. Again, Winter was slightly taller than Uma, but Winter knew Uma would have no problem beating her up.

Well, that would be if Winter decided not to use her powers, of course.

Her eyes strayed back to the handsome pirate who was laughing while circling a tied up Ben.

Oh yeah, there was her reason for being here, the King of Auradon was tied to a pole on the pirate's ship.

"Oh..." Winter sighed, "what have I got myself into?"

Evie tossed her a worried look but soon all their attention was back on the pirate crew. They were standing on the docks while the opposing crew was still on the ship. Swords and other metal clanked to make a rhythm.

"Great, so villains sing too..." Winter rolled her eyes, her lips pursed in annoyance as she sensed yet another song coming. "How are they even going to have a rap battle at a time like this?"

She should be used to it by now as she had grown up around people randomly breaking out into song, and at this point, it was completely normal to everyone, but she still found it quite strange. She stayed behind Evie in the back, not intending to become apart of the battle that was about to take place unless they truly needed her powers.

Other than that, she would only get in the way.

"Let's get this party started, I swear I'm cold-hearted..." Uma was singing.

"And so the singing begins," Winter mumbled to herself with annoyance, placing her hands on her hips with an unimpressed look in her eye.

She looked left and right, her eyes widening when everyone started dancing. Both Evie and Jay who were at her sides jumped forward leaving her alone on the behind upper dock; however, Winter made no move to follow as she was fine where she was.

With a heavy breath, Winter plopped down on the wooden floor of dock in boredom. She wouldn't lie, it was a good song they were singing, and their dance moves were on. Plus, it made everyone look totally awe-inspiring.

Her eyes rounded through the singing, moving from Mal who now had the floor to try and find the really hot pirate. She would never approach him and most definitely would not touch him (he'd probably hook her if she tried anyway), but she could still admire from afar.

She wondered what his name was. She mentally slapped herself, she had never acted like this before, like some love-sick teen with a crush.

But in all honestly, was that not what was happening? She was a teen with a crush starting to develop on some unnamed pirate.

She found him standing on the plank of the ship with a tied up Ben in front of him. She cringed, feeling bad for Ben but at the same time, her eyes barely strayed from the pirate with a crazed grin. He was doing some kind of jig behind Ben, seeming to easily keep balance on the plank.

Ben looked nervous as the cute pirate behind him jigged, laughing in his ear while constantly teasing him with letting him fall into the murky Isle waters. Winter did not even want to imagine what was beneath the waves, god forbid she somehow fell down, she would probably end up freezing the water upon contact by pure instinct.

It was then the newly dyed brunette noticed more than just how hot the pirate was, rather she looked to how he rested his chin on Ben's shoulder, Ben himself keeping a sad look. Winter bit her lip, eyes trailing down the wild pirate's legs stopping at where his jeans were rolled.

His feet were huge!

Winter nearly slapped herself from where her thoughts were going. What was wrong with her!

"Bad," Winter scolded herself, something that went unheard by everyone over the loud singing.

As much as she wanted the pirate to notice her, she also really hoped that he did not.

Lonnie and Carlos flanked Mal's sides, Lonnie was more excited than ever to finally get some real action. Her mother was Fa Mulan, after all.

Pirates swung across the ship, using ropes, banisters, and anything else they could. Uma wore a cruel smirk across her face, waving her sword wildly, and the pirate who had caught Winter's eye repeatedly twirled Ben around on the plank.

Winter watched as Mal turned around, a nervous expression on her face. Lonnie, Evie, Jay, and Carlos formed a small circle around her, Winter staying in her spot sat down watching them.

Suddenly, Mal turned away from her circle.

"Okay look," she stormed forward, "this is not a conversation. It's a do or die situation!" Mal motioned to Ben where the hot pirate simply gave a loud laugh, releasing Ben and walking away from the plank leaving Ben there.

As Mal sang, Winter watched as the pirate walked from the plank to behind Uma with a wild smile on his lips. She leaned forward slightly, her big brown eyes wide and swimming with some emotion that Winter herself was unable to comprehend.

However, if anyone had turned to look at her, they would all notice the glimmering look of a girl with a crush.

"So that's your big speech, aye? An empty ultimatum?" Uma questioned, looking behind her to where the pirate was standing.

Winter tilted her head, a feeling of dread eating at her when Uma touched his chin affectionately, winking as a sign for him to take it away. She wondered at first if they were perhaps a couple, but something about the way they acted around each other was simply too much like brother and sister.

It was more alike to the way Winter herself acted with her cousin Soren or even Jonah.

"All it takes is one swing and I'll humiliate him," the pirate smirked walking in front of Uma and closer to Mal causing the purple-haired girl to back up with a nasty glare painted across her pretty features.

"Matter of fact make one wrong move and I'll debilitate him..." he had walked up to Mal, using his hook to tauntingly grab a piece of her hair.

Jay moved closer to Mal's right side, a protective aura about him.

"And if he even starts to slip I'll eliminate him!"

The pirate grinned viciously, moving back from Mal and toward Uma. He suddenly turned back around to Mal, an almost deranged expression on his face.

"ALL IT TAKES IS ONE WRONG LOOK AND I'LL..." Winter's mouth was open as she watched the pirate, her soul completely taken with the wildness of him.

"Harry," Uma pulled him back from lashing out at Mal, "we get it, chill."

He smirked, blowing a mocking kiss toward the VKs.

Winter's heart stuttered, so his name was Harry. She played around with his name in her head, trying to figure out whose child he was and whether she had heard of him or not.

They continued to sing, Winter watching as Harry stormed behind Uma to keep the rest of the crew in check. She figured from his and Uma's close nature and the obvious hold he had on the crew that he was pretty important.

Harry had moved back to the plank, mocking Ben. Winter forces her gaze away from Harry to look down at her... friends.

Her hair was still pulled up and out of her face tightly, Winter choosing this moment to stand up, but still making sure to stay back. She and Lonnie had not changed before they left the school, so they still looked extremely Auradon-like.

Though, Lonnie's tracksuit blended in far better than the wool sweater and leggings that Winter was wearing.

Carlos handed Mal the fake wand, Mal storming forward ready to hand it over.

"Hey!" Everyone looked at Ben.

"We don't have to choose, we don't have to light the fuse! Mal, whatever you choose, it's gonna be a lose-lose, there's gotta be a better way!" Winter hummed at Ben singing, watching as he begged Uma to reconsider.

Harry got a look as though he were amused that Ben would even try negotiating with Uma.

"Make the trade, or walk the plank!"

Winter sighed as the singing and dancing finally came to a close. It was odd, lyrics and dancing usually came to everyone naturally, but Winter always fought against it.

She just did not see the point.

Harry was holding Ben extremely close to the edge, one more hair of a centimeter and Ben would be fish food. Mal sighed, moving forward to finally give Uma the wand.

"Hold on," Uma stopped Mal with a smirk, "too easy. Why don't you give it a test drive?"

Everyone's face went pale, nervous glances going around. Winter gulped, that was not a part of the plan. Uma was not supposed to ask for a test run.

Before anyone could speak, a sudden movement caught her attention. Dude was scampering up by Carlos's feet, an idea suddenly hit her.

Breathing out, she leaned down.

"Evie," she whispered catching the blue-haired girl's attention along with Jay's and Lonnie's.

Winter nudged her head in the direction of the dog, Evie's eyes lighting up as she understood Winter's idea. A few seconds later and the idea was silently spread among the entire Auradon Prep group, Mal turning to Uma with a smile.

"Okay," Mal pointed the wand in the direction of Dude, "although it seems absurd, turn your bark into a word." She waved the wand, pointing it toward Dude.

They all waited in anxious silence, waiting for Dude to speak up. However, Dude only blinked at them.

"Oh my god, we're going to die..." Winter breathed in a worried tone when she realized Dude had no plans of speaking anytime soon.

Mal's right eye twitched. "Talk, dog!" She hissed.

Dude opened his mouth, and everyone from Auradon sighed as the now familiar voice of the dog came.

"Does this vest make me look fat?" He questioned earning a laugh from Uma's pirate crew and sighs of relief from the others.

Even Uma cracked a smile as Dude continued to talk.

"Give me the wand!" Uma hissed, holding her hand out impatiently.

But Mal was not having any of it. "Give me Ben!" She snapped, now officially done.

Everyone went silent, Winter still waiting to see what would happen. Uma shrugged, motioning to Harry and Ben.

"Harry!" She called. "Bring him over!"

With a smirk, Harry obediently brought Ben to Uma, leading him away from the plank. Once they arrived, Mal held her hand out with a raised brow. Uma growled, turning to Harry.

"Cut him loose, Harry," she ordered.

Harry groaned before stepping back, drawing his sword from his waist. "I never get to have any fun."

Once again, Winter swooned at what she now perceived as an extremely thick and pirated Scottish accent. Harry cut Ben's ties just as Mal handed Uma the wand.

Winter, as much as she was swooning over Harry, prepared to run just as the plan was. However, Ben, not knowing the wand was fake, argued against it, but Mal continued to push him back.

"Yeah!" Uma cried, all of them gathering around her and Harry, all of them excited to finally break down the barrier.

Winter could not stop the amused look on her face as Uma pointed the wand upward. "By all the power of the sea, tear the barrier and set us free!" She screeched, everyone, waiting to see the barrier break.

Winter tilted her head at Harry, almost feeling bad that he would probably never be able to come to Auradon. Well, that was if Ben never chose him as another VK. Sighing, Winter's arm was grasped by Evie who was rushing everyone away.

When nothing happened, Uma's face contorted to one of panic.

"NO!" She yelped, bringing the fake wand down and snapping it against her knee.

Just as Uma thought, the wand snapped easily meaning it was, in fact, fake. If it were real, Uma would not have been able to break it like that. Winter watched as Harry's eyes blazed with amazing untapped wild anger.

She would hate to be on the other end of his rage.


She is.


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