Chapter Five

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          IN THE END IT WAS ONLY RHYSAND THAT HAD JOINED THE FOUR OF THEM WITH THE EXCUSE THAT THEIR OTHER TWO MEMBERS WERE OFF HANDLING COURT BUSINESS. Perhaps it was better this way, not too much strangers for Willow to get used to. Once her nerves had ebbed away, she decided that she felt comfortable in their company. They were funny, talking amicably amongst themselves and didn't hesitate to pull Willow into conversation.

The food was the best thing she had ever tasted, much like the food Feyre had offered her when she had first awoken in The Town House. Willow never knew how much she enjoyed potatoes before she tasted the ones that were offered to her here.

"They're not going to run out, you know." said Mor, watching her eat in amusement but that amusement died down when Willow furrowed her brows. "We have lots more, take as much as you want."

"Mor," warned Cassian, shooting the blonde a glare.

"It's okay." offered Willow, knowing that Mor meant nothing by it. "I'm sure it looks funny, but to be fair these are the best potatoes i've ever eaten. Seriously, what magic was put into these?"

"Got them from the best farmer in the city." said Feyre, resting her head in the palm of her hand as she set her fork down. "I could show you around Velaris tomorrow, if you'd like?"

"I'd like that very much, thank you." nodded Willow, taking a sip from the wine they had filled her goblet with and it was already her second one. "This is also very good."

Cassian's lips quirked up at that and watched the healthy glow that had appeared on her face from the food and drinks she had consumed. He couldn't help but feel prideful at the fact she managed to feel comfortable around them in such a short time, especially after what she had been through. His family usually had that effect. 

"Don't have too much of it or you'll have a splitting headache tomorrow." grinned Mor, taking a sip of her own wine. "Unfortunately, I know this all too well and it isn't fun."

"Yeah," exposed Cassian with amusement as he glanced at his blonde friend. "you should see her after a night out at Rita's. Can't tell the difference between her fingers and toes."

"Have you seen yourself?" smiled Rhysand, leaning forward in his seat with his elbows resting on the table as he offered Willow an amused wink. "Crashed right into the side of the mountain and tore your wings."

Willow furrowed her brows and glanced behind him to look at his wings, at least the parts she could see from the angle she had on him. 

"Rita's?" questioned Willow after a second. 

"A pleasure hall in the city." explained Feyre. 

"Ah," nodded Willow, but if she was being honest she had no idea what she was talking about it. Willow had never been to such a place before but she pretended that she knew what they were talking about it. Willow didn't want to them to explain every single to thing her, she already felt like a burden enough.

Mor and Rhysand, who were cousin's, fell into a heated discussion about the pleasure hall but Willow couldn't really focus on it. Instead, she felt the buzz of the evening ebb away as she stared at her empty plate. It had been a great evening, but as she found herself a moment to think her mind went back the The Winter Court and her father and what he would do once he found out what had happened. 

Would he try to find her? Would he call her back that The Night Court had no choice but to deliver her to him? Would she lose this tiny spark of hope now that she had found it?

"Willow," It was Cassian who had softly spoken her name and she blinked before meeting his gaze to her left. His brows were pulled together and he leaned towards her but stayed a respectful distance away. "are you alright?"

"Yeah," she offered him a weak smile. "just tired, I guess."

"Want me to take you back to the town house?" offered Feyre.

"No, it's okay." she shook her head and took another sip of her wine.

Cassian didn't want to press further, he was careful with her and he knew she needed that. Willow didn't think she radiated it but he could see her fear, no he physically felt it. Rhysand shot him a glance in warning and the Illyrian knew exactly what he was referring too. He could burst out in anger, not here and definitely not in front of her.

Instead, Cassian gave her a comforting smile which she returned.

Rhysand and Feyre shared a glance, one that went unnoticed as the High Lord clasped his hands together. "I think we're going to retreat for the night, I have a very early morning tomorrow. As do you, Cassian." He gave his general a pointed look and the Illyrian pressed his molars together at that, sitting up straighter. 

"Yeah," said Cassian. "I forgot."


IT WAS PERHAPS THE BEST SLEEP SHE HAD EVER GOTTEN IN HER LIFE. If she were to die on this mattress she'd thank the heavens for it, she never wanted to get out of bed. Willow pressed her cheek further into the pillow and stretched her limbs underneath the covers.

Her stomach was still full from dinner the night before and Mor had been right, she did feel the buzz of the wine still. Perhaps she had drank a bit too much of the wonderful liquid. The woman didn't care, she felt very comfortable right now and well rested.

The sun had already come up and as she glanced out her window she would have guessed that it was around noon.

Feyre had said she was going to show her around Velaris today and she was actually looking forward to see the place they had all been raving about the previous night. She could hear faint sounds from outside, the city coming to life. Feyre would be expecting her soon. But for now, the allure of the bed was too strong. Willow let out a content hum, considering staying under the covers just a little longer.

But the curiosity tugged at her. Velaris. The City of Starlight. Everyone had spoken of it with such awe, their eyes gleaming with fondness. She had seen glimpses of it on the journey here, but today, she would finally experience its beauty up close.

With a reluctant sigh, Willow slowly peeled herself from the warmth of the bed, stretching lazily as she stood. The sunlight kissed her skin and she wrapped her arms around herself.

Willow padded over to the small wardrobe at the corner of the room, her bare feet cool against the hardwood floor. She ran her fingers along the neatly hung clothes, searching for something comfortable yet presentable. Her eyes landed on a soft, loose-fitting tunic in a deep shade of blue and a pair of black pants.

The brunette pulled the tunic over her head, it was light and breathable. The trousers hugged her hips just enough to keep them in place and then she slid on a pair of neat black shoes underneath, which seemed comfortable enough for walking around. 

As she descended the stairs, the sounds of the townhouse greeted her—a distant clatter of dishes, soft conversation, and the scent of fresh bread and tea drifting from the kitchen. It felt cozy, welcoming, like a home she had never had before.

When she reached the bottom, Willow saw Feyre sitting in the sunlit dining room, already waiting for her. The High Lady looked radiant, her casual grace evident even in simple attire much like she was wearing.

Feyre looked up from her cup of tea, her lips curving into a warm smile as soon as she saw Willow. "Good morning," she said, her voice soft yet full of energy. "Or should I say afternoon? I hope you slept well."

"Uh, yeah. Sorry about that," Willow apologized, rubbing her arm sheepishly. "I think that wine did more damage than I thought it would."

Feyre chuckled softly, her smile warm and reassuring as she rose to her feet. "Don't apologize for getting your rest," she said, her tone light. "Everyone deserves a day to sleep in, especially after a night like that."

Willow smiled in return, her tension easing at Feyre's easygoing nature.

"I thought we could have something to eat before heading out," Feyre continued as she made her way to the table, gesturing to the spread. "There's a lot to see in Velaris, and I want to make sure you're well prepared for it."

Willow's stomach gave a soft rumble at the sight of the freshly baked bread, the ripe fruit glistening with juice, and a pot of honey, golden and inviting. She hadn't realized how hungry she was until now. Even after that big meal the night before.

"Thank you, Feyre," Willow said, her eyes lighting up as she sat down, grateful for the spread before her. She reached for a slice of bread, spreading a thin layer of honey over it and taking a slow, satisfying bite. The sweetness melted on her tongue, and she let out a contented sigh. "And thank you for last night, too. It was nice to be in the company of your friends."

Feyre smiled, her expression softening at Willow's words. "I'm glad you felt welcome," she said, leaning back slightly in her chair, her cup of tea cradled in her hands. "You are always welcome here. Mor, Cassian, and the others—they can be a lot, but they care deeply. Once you're part of this family, they don't let you go."

Willow's heart warmed at the thought. "It's been a long time since I've felt anything close to that." But it felt natural, sitting there with Feyre, the ease between them as if they'd known each other longer than just a short while.

Feyre's gaze softened even more. "Velaris can be a refuge, a place to start again. We've all needed that at some point."

Willow felt a surge of emotion she wasn't quite expecting, but she nodded, grateful for Feyre's understanding. 

"Thank you," Willow said again, her voice quieter this time but filled with sincerity. "I didn't realize how much I needed that."

Feyre reached across the table, giving Willow's hand a reassuring squeeze before letting go. "You're welcome. Now, finish up. We've got a city to explore."

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