three | astronomy

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Cressida stepped out of the shower, a white towel wrapped around her body. She grabbed her toiletry from the wooden cabinet and applied the toothpaste onto the bristles of her toothbrush. The song that was playing in her dormitory had just ended and she heard the familiar tune of her favorite song beginning to play, so she raised her toothbrush and leveled it with her lips, using it as a microphone.

"She's a Killer Queen! Gunpowder, gelatine. Dynamite with a laser beam. Guaranteed to blow your mind!"

She began brushing her teeth, the words becoming muffled as she sang obnoxiously and danced around the bathroom.

"Someone turn that bloody record off before I start hearing this song in my sleep."

"It's called taste, Natalie!" Cressida called out from inside the bathroom, finishing up and putting her toothbrush back in the cabinet, opening the door connecting to their dorm. The warm air quickly filled up the wide Slytherin dorm. The Slytherins had a very grand atmosphere in their common room, but also a quite cold one.

"But you've played Queen on repeat for the past hour," Natalie complained from her bed where she was hanging upside down, her short hair and arms dangling off the edge.

Iza hummed from the windowsill seat, adjusting her pillow so that she'd be more comfortable. "She has a point, y'know."

Cressida gasped dramatically, placing a hand on the skin that was still visible from her towel. "I thought you were supposed to be on my side, Iza."

"Personally, Queen is great," Nelina stated from where she was reading a book.

"Thank you, Nelina." Cressida blew the light-haired girl a kiss, then moved over to her dresser. "Plus," She began, opening a drawer and grabbing her uniform and robes. "It's Queen, everybody likes Queen." Before Natalie could say anything more, Cressida went back inside the bathroom and closed the door.

"Rude bitch."

Cressida chuckled to herself, putting on her black tights. She had already received a schedule for the classes she would be taking this year, and today was the day the students could meet their teachers and have nearly half an hour to learn about their classes' material. She was happy with her classes chosen, they sounded enjoyable. Her favorite was Astronomy — which was going to start soon — and then came Defense Against the Dark Arts. Pushing her excitement aside, she finished buttoning her white dress shirt and hurriedly put on her green and silver jumper. She opened the door and was met with the face of her roommates again.

"Are you ready yet?" Nelina asked, sitting up from her leaning position and sending her a questioning glance.

Cressida nodded. "Let's get going, then."

Nelina gently closed her book and put it aside on her nightstand, standing up and stepping out of their dorm. Cressida was about to follow her friend when she heard Iza call her name. She peeked her head back inside the doorway. "Yeah?"

Iza rolled her eyes, pointing to the tie on her bed. "Your tie, genius." Cressida let out a sound of surprise, running back inside the room and grabbing her tie. Before she left, she gave the dark-haired girl a quick hug and waved at Natalie. As she was leaving, she could hear the brunette say something along the lines of 'good luck.'

She met Nelina at the bottom of the staircase, who was waiting on her. "Forget your tie again?"

"Seems like I always do."

Before they left, they admired the aura of their common room.

The Slytherin common room was a long, low underground room with rough stone walls and a smooth ceiling. Round, lamps were hanging on chains. The fire crackled under an elaborately carved mantelpiece provided heat to the space, and several Slytherins were silhouetted around it in carved chairs. It was almost like a dungeon — extending partway under the Great Lake, giving the light in the room a soft green tinge. The common room had many low-backed black and dark green leather sofas; skulls; and dark wooden cupboards. It was decorated with tapestries featuring the faces of famous Medieval Slytherins. Different creatures are seen from the windows, and the sounds of running water at night give a comforting feeling.

Taking in a deep breath, Cressida began walking toward the exit accompanied by Nelina, and the two left their common room and headed to the Astronomy tower.


When the pair had reached the tower, they were glad to know they weren't late. Cressida spotted Atlas, and told the other girl she would sit with him knowing she'd move to sit with Lily Evans — a girl Nelina had befriended in her fourth year — she moved to where Atlas was seated.

"Saved you a seat." He gave her a wink, letting her sit down.

Cressida chuckled. "Thanks." She let out a happy sigh. "Can't lie, I'm excited for this class."

"Really?" He asked, sarcasm lacing his tone. "I didn't even notice." Cressida sent a kick at his ankle, making him scrunch his face in pain. "That's the same one Nelina kicked, you tosspot."

Cressida gave him an unbothered look, raising her middle finger. "You asked for it."

The brown-haired boy glared at her, "Lorenzo's here, did you know?"

She sighed deeply, running a hand over her face. "Kind of figured. He congratulated me on the pitch when I was looking for Carter."

"You okay?" Atlas asked genuinely, sensing she was a bit tense. She nodded, reassuringly.

"Yeah, it's just—"

He interrupted. "You don't have to explain it to me, I get it."

Cress waved him off. "No, Atlas, it's fine. He's just been so supportive, I feel... I don't know, bad?"

Before he could ask why, their professor clapped loudly, and the class quickly became silent.

"Hello, students." She began. "I expect most of you already know me, but if you're new, my name is Celeste Campbell, and I'll be teaching you for your Astronomy course. This class is mixed between all houses," She pointed to the different robes some were wearing.

"Therefore, I do not want to see any competition between you. To ensure this, we'll begin a two-week-long project starting tomorrow, and your partner will be from a different house."

Professor Esther began explaining what their class would look like throughout the year, and what they were required to do for their project — research a constellation of their choice and write a ten-page essay about it.

Cress and Atlas were more than glum upon hearing the news that they couldn't work with the same house and were even more annoyed when the professor announced that she had already picked partners.

She had begun reading off names from her list, but Cressida didn't pay any mind, it was of no interest to her. That was until she heard Atlas's name being called, and who he was partnered with.

Remus Lupin.

She stared blankly at the boy, who was focused on a book that lay on the surface of his table.

She didn't have anything against Remus in particular, in fact, he was the one she favoured most out of his friends. But, Atlas being partnered with the boy meant she'd have to deal with the other three twats following him around like lost puppies. Therefore, she'd have to be in the presence of Potter for two weeks.

She looked back at Atlas, and he gave her a shrug. With a sigh, he patted her shoulders and packed his things, walking over to where the sandy-haired boy was sitting.

Cressida sat with her chin rested on her palm as she waited for her name to get called, praying to Merlin it would be with someone tolerable.

"...O'Connor with Palmer, Laurier with Potter..."

The raven-haired girl almost fell from her chair, snapping her head towards the professor. "Professor, is there any chance I could be partnered with someone else—"

Professor Esther shook her head, giving her a pointed look. "It's been decided, Cressida. Deal with your past."

Cressida groaned, straightening her posture. She was not moving to where he was seated, either he moved or they wouldn't get the project done. She heard a snicker behind her, and when she turned around, she was met with the face of Lorenzo. The Gryffindor boy stopped laughing once she glared at him, and he gave her two encouraging thumbs up. Rolling her eyes, she faced back to the front with her arms crossed.

James gave Sirius, who was sitting next to him, a questioning look. "Mate, she looks pretty decided." The long-haired boy mumbled. "I don't think she'll come here."

The bespectacled boy let out an annoyed sigh. "Yeah, apparently not." He grabbed his belongings and stood up quite aggressively before walking over to where she was sitting on the opposite side of the room.

Dropping his things on the wooden table, he looked at her expectantly. "Well, I'm here. What are you waiting for?"

The girl let out a scoff. "You're doing this too, just so you know, Potter."


wc: 1,468.

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