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instagram stories !

2 ๐—

" ๐•ปink or white?".

Harry hums thoughtfully leaning into the laptop screen as Darlene stays seated on her couch patiently staring at him through the screen of her phone watching him decide on the colour of the cradle she'd sent him the link for.

With innumerable preparations to be made for the baby's arrival, Darlene just could not go back to vacation mode in LA โ€” she kept losing her mind several times a day every time a new thought regarding their very very late planning ( she's only in her fourth month of pregnancy ) popped into her head.

And so, she'd decided to head back to London without Harry since he's still needed in Los Angeles for filming and begin planning without him physically present there.

She would've had a massive fit by now had it not been for the fact that Mia had decided to move in with her because obviously.

"We're painting the walls yellow, right?", Harry runs a hand through his hair, the tired circles under his eyes visible even through the phone screen.

Darlene frowns, "Yeah, uhm. Harry?".


"You okay? You look sleepy".

He sighs and sits back nodding quietly.

"I'm fine. Just a little . . . tired. I miss you".

A smile tugs up her lips, "Never pegged you for the codependent kind".

Harry laughs scratching behind his ear, "Shut up".

She turns back to her laptop with the smile firm on her face.

"So pink or white?".

He bites his lip, "Pink. It's cute".

"I know right? Plus the daisies on the side? That's literally perfection".

"And the tiny bear at the bottom", he points to an area on his laptop screen, "I love that", he shakes his head with bright excited eyes.

Darlene nods returning to her screen to add the cradle to her cart.

"We've cleared the room, by the way", she remarks referring to the room in Harry's house that they'd ultimately decided upon to be used as the nursery.

Making the decision to move into Harry's place was a . . . rather difficult one but at the end of the day, it made sense.

Her apartment isn't nearly big enough for a kid to grow up in and Harry had happily let her spruce up his house with her touch to help her feel more comfortable there.

"We?", he replies in an annoyed tone.

She rolls her eyes.

"Mia and Joe helped obviously".

He groans.

"Darlin', come on. I thought I told you stay away from all the heavy lifting".

"Would you stop it? If it's not a bother to me then I honestly don't understand how it's a bother to you. Besides, I only removed a table or two", she shrugs.

He narrows his eyes, "Why don't I believe you?".

"Because you're overdramatic", she mumbles turning back to her cart on the furniture website.

"I really really need to get back home, God knows what you've been doing there all alone".

She huffs, "I'm not alone".

He playfully rolls his eyes, "Okay, now the mobile. I've got some ideas, check your messages".

She purses her lips but silently obliges.

i need to stop babysitting so much, the baby fever's getting to me

Bแบกn ฤ‘ang ฤ‘แปc truyแป‡n trรชn: Truyen2U.Pro