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"It burned while I cried."

GETTING READY AT THE BEACH HOUSE WAS SOMETHING I HAD MISSED. It might sound stupid, but something about putting beach clothes on a beach house comforted me in a weird way. I always try to be sure to make every second on this home count, everything that happens is either a gift or a lesson.

Belly: "So, where exactly are you going out to?" -she asked, showing off a big grin as her expression.

My eyes focused on her features, she was so grown already. My age gap with Belly, isn't that big, but sometimes I felt like I was much grown then her. Her face had blossomed into a much mature one, but in my eyes she has always been beautiful. She shined, I didn't get how no boys wanted to be with her. Her beauty was simple but yet so mesmerizing, her personality and beauty both were amazing.

Nova: "Belly, do you want to come with me? I'm going to the bonfire, I don't think Tate, would mind me inviting someone."ย 

Belly: "I can't go out today. I promised your mom and my mom, that I would watch the movie with them." -she replied, her tone came out saddened, making me walk towards her.

Nova: "Hey, don't be afraid to say no once to them. They'll understand you wanting to go out, you're almost sixteen...you should be able to grow up and have fun."

Belly: "Thanks, Nova. But it's fine, I'll stay home this time. We can hang some other time, right?"

Nova: "Of course! In fact, I was going to invite you to a new ice cream shop they opened around here." -I reassured, brushing some strands of hair behind her ear.

Belly: "That'll be great, let me know when you're done getting ready. I'm gonna head down to the pool for a bit."

I nodded, watching how she left my room quick after. My room was right beside Belly's, we were never aloud to have sleepovers in each other's rooms because of the boys. To me it was so unfair since they slept in the same room for a long period of time. The boys once told our moms me and Belly, only talked about making out with boys which made them separate us.

Now I think it's time for us one day doing a sleepover, hopefully it's not destroyed by one of the boys once again.

I took a hold of my phone after getting ready, I decided to wear a floral dress accompanied with some sneakers. Mom, had brought me the dress before arriving to the summer house, I couldn't help but decide to wear it since she looked extremely happy to see me buying similar clothes to hers.

Ethan: "Are you ready?" -he asked, right after answering my facetime call.

Ethan Alvarez, my best friend since kindergarten. Crazy? A little. We have been inseparable since we met, the only guy I feel safe with besides my brothers. Thanks to him I always get a A+ on Spanish class, he always wants to help even if I say no.

Nova: "Yeah, I am. I'm just waiting for Tate, to get here. How about you?"

Ethan: "I'm already done, I think I'm heading down already though." -he answered, walking throughout his house seeming to be desperate to find something.

Nova: "What are you looking for?"

Ethan: "I can't find my car keys, I think Samantha, hid them from me again."

Nova: "You should tell your mom, maybe she knows." -I requested, receiving a nod from him.

I looked outside my window, noticing some headlights shining the front porch. Instantly this made me smile after realizing it was Tate, already home.

Nova: "Hey, I'll let you know when I'm there. Tate, just pulled up."

Ethan: "Okay...wait, wait, wait!" -he shouted, startling me before I could hang up the phone call.

Nova: "Jeez! What's up?"

Ethan: "Is your brother coming?" -he asked, making me sigh, but later on stare confused at the phone screen.

Nova: "Which one?"

Ethan: "Jeremiah, is he coming?" -he questioned, beginning to blush by just the mention of the name.

I only smiled over how shy the boy seemed to ask the question, making me begin to laugh over the amount of cuteness.

Ethan: "Stop laughing and answer my question, Merl." -he said in between laughter, readjusting his glasses better.

Nova: "First of all don't call me Merl, ever again. Second, I don't know if he's coming or not...hopefully he isn't."

His smile only faded away, making him throw his phone towards his bed aggressively. The sound of fake sobbing in the background made me laugh, making me receive a death stare from him.

Ethan: "Okay, thanks for telling me, I guess. I'll see you there, love you."

Nova: "Love you more." -I replied, hanging up the phone call.

Instantly I ran downstairs, placing kisses on Laurel and Mom's cheeks. They only chuckled over how fast I was being, eventually waving me off. Tate, waited patiently outside of his car, he held onto a pot filled with flowers inside making me frown my eyebrows.

Nova: "This is...new." -I mentioned, suddenly getting interrupted by the boy, kissing me passionately.

My cheeks began to burn by just the feeling of his touch rooming through my back, he only continued to kiss me more. But suddenly the sound of the backyard's gate opening gained our attention. I quickly pushed Tate, away, looking behind me to see all of the boys approaching our way.

Steven: "So this is the famous Tate, guy." -he spoke, only laughing while walking right beside Conrad, who seemed pissed still.

Nova: "Where are you guys going?"

They all just smirked at each other, eventually glancing back to me with what looked like the most evil stare possible. My hands dropped from Tate's neck, making their way towards my waist since I was getting annoyed already.

Nova: "You guys are so annoying, you act like 5 year olds." -I argued, taking a hold of the flower pot Tate, had brought.

Tate: "That's for your mom, babe. Someone told me she loved them a lot, I got her peonies...her favorites."

I smiled over the sweet touch, kissing his cheek gently only to look back at the boys once again. They all just stared filled with cringed expressions, just what I wanted.

Nova: "Thanks, I'll make sure to deliver them to her."

Tate: "Deliver them?"

Nova: "Yeah, I'm sure one of my dear brothers can do that for me." -I stated, glancing behind me once again.

I then walked towards Conrad, handling the pot to him. I could've sworn I was being mentally stabbed by him so many times, the way he was staring at me intimidated me. But this didn't stopped me from giving him the flowers.

Nova: "Just so you can stop being such an asshole to me." -I whispered, handling him fully the flowers in a quick way.

This action made some of the water inside the pot splash onto his clothes. He closed his eyes shut probably holding the grudge to splash some water onto me as well, thankfully he didn't. I gave the two other boys a fake smile, walking back towards Tate, who only stared completely confused.

Nova: "Let's go, we have something fun to do." -I declared, entering his car right after my sentence.

The whole drive to the beach was surprisingly quiet, I was expecting a loud and fun ride but it was weird. Tate, wasn't a quiet boy, he was one of the most energetic persons I knew. A total party animal, no fears at all...literally. Driving somewhere with him consisted in loud music playing on the car's radio, or a very random but fun talk.

But none of that happened, instead he seemed uninterested in talking. It made me wonder if something bad had happened on his home, he doesn't have a good relationship with his parents.

Nova: "Hey, is everything okay?" -I asked, placing my hand on the back of his neck, slowly rubbing to try and comfort him.

Tate: "Yeah, everything's fine. Why wouldn't it be?"

Nova: "You're just really quiet, you're never like that." -I explained, seeing his expression change.

The car suddenly stopped, making me look in front of us already seeing the beach inches away from us. This accompanied by a large group of people and the big fire already formed in the center of the beach.

Tate: "We're here...come on."

I saw how he exited the car, beginning to wait for me in front of the vehicle while staring towards the distance. My brain still had a lot of questions surrounding it, but I tried paying no mind to it since Tate, seemed to not enjoy being interrogated.

I exited the car followed by a sigh, quickly joining him and taking a hold of his hand as we walked towards the beach.

Everyone automatically cheered by seeing Tate, pulling up to the area. His big smile allowed me to see he was actually doing okay, helping me calm down and not worry too much. I walked towards the nearby table filled with drinks, taking a hold of two bottles.

As I was about to walk back to Tate, my tracks were suddenly stopped by someone standing right in front of me. That someone being Steven, who had a slight smirk beaming on his face. My eyes widened completely, almost making my hands fail over how terrified I felt over seeing him here. If he was here...my brothers were here too.

Steven: "Well, well, well...look who's here. You know, I didn't see this one coming from you, Nova." -he teased, taking a hold of one of the bottles in my hands.

He quickly opened the bottle, instantly taking a sip from it. My eyes got smaller since I grinned them over how angry I was, only seeing how he laughed victoriously.

Steven: "What? Cat bit your tongue or something? Or wait, let me guess...did Tate, swallowed your tongue over all of the making out sessions you guys had?"

My face cringed quickly after his comment, making me slap his arm abruptly. He grunted slightly but began to laugh once again.

Nova: "You know, you can sometimes be so immature. Has anyone ever told you that?"

Steven: "Oh so she's speaks? I really thought your tongue was gone already." -he joked, patting my head a couple of times.

My eyes rolled annoyed, soon after they started to look around the beach in search for my brothers. Finally, I spotted one of them...Jeremiah. He was already waving at me from the distance, his arm was placed across some random girl's shoulder.

Nova: "Where's, Conrad?" -I asked, still holding eye contact with Jeremiah, who blew kisses my way.

I glanced up to Steven, who looked around the beach as well. He continued to drink some of the beer he stoled from me, eventually looking back at me.

Steven: "Planning to beat your boyfriend's ass somewhere." -he replied, chuckling over him seeing what Jeremiah, was doing.

Nova: "Great. So this is the only thing you guys can do? Ruin someone else's date?"

Steven: "Wait, what? Oh come on, don't act like you once didn't do the same to, Conrad." -he argued, sounding completely defensive quickly.

Steven: "Remember how you and the rest of us almost ruined his theater-drive-in date?"

I sighed completely defeated, making him laugh over my expression. As I was about to speak once again, I was suddenly interrupted by a girl, who took a hold of Steven's arm. But this wasn't just some girl, it was Shayla Wang, one of the most popular girls in Cousins.

Shayla: "Hey, everything okay? I kept waiting for the beer." -she questioned, soon after smiling my way after noticing me.

I smiled back slightly, still feeling confused over the situation. The pair seemed kinda close, but they still talked like they were just getting to know each other.

Steven: "Oh, yeah...sorry about that. I got kinda distracted, here you go." -he apologized, handling her the other beer I had on my hand.

He then waved goodbye to me, walking away while holding the girl's hand. I couldn't believe what I was feeling though, I felt slightly sad by what just happened. I have a boyfriend and I'm happy with him, but part of me still felt something for Steven, and it terrified me since I fully thought that was over.

As I looked around the beach once again, I couldn't find, Tate. He was completely gone, no sign of him anywhere and none of his friends were here either. My heart completely shattered, but I tried not to show it.
I quickly grabbed another beer bottle, and one bottle turned into more bottles. I had completely forgotten how many I had drank, my stomach hurt and I felt nauseous.

I took a sit near the beach's shore, suddenly feeling a hand reach for my shoulder. I turned around aggressively, slapping the hand away only to see it was Ethan, looking at me with a worried expression.

Nova: "You finally came." -I smiled, pulling him down to the sand.

Ethan: "Yes I did, and you smell like a giant beer bottle. What's going on? You never drink that much."

I placed my head on his shoulder, feeling his hand touch my arm gently. I stayed quiet deciding not to answer, since I knew I would just cry if I explained what had happened.

Nova: "Did you saw, Jeremiah?" -I asked, grinning by the thought of Ethan and Jeremiah, building a relationship.

The boy, couldn't see my expression but if he could've I know he would just start to blush right there and then.

Ethan: "Yeah, he's with a girl though."

Nova: "And?"

Ethan: "I don't think he's into me." -he replied, making me scoff.

I glanced up at the boy, grabbing his face gently. He only frowned his eyebrows as I gripped onto his cheeks, making his lips get smushed together.

Nova: "There's something called bisexuality, Ethan."

Ethan: "Yeah I know, but he has never gave bisexual vibes." -he explained, looking behind him to take a look at, Jeremiah.

Nova: "Well, trust me. Jere, is bisexual...we've talked about it."

I then looked around the beach area after hearing screaming and whispering, I searched for what could've cause the commotion instantly seeing Belly, laying in the sand.

Nova: "Oh shit."

Ethan: "What?" -he asked, looking back to see what I was seeing.

We both stood up from the sand, walking closer to where Belly, was. I stopped my tracks after seeing how she started to argue with Conrad, he looked annoyed by the girl's presence. And I knew that if I showed up, that would just get him more pissed.

Ethan: "Is that, Belly?" -he whispered, smiling as he took a look at, the brunette girl.

Conrad: "You're such a brat."

Belly: "Well you're an asshole!" -she argued, crossing her arms annoyed.

Jeremiah: "Belly! You came! Great, we can all hang out, you guys."

The blond boy, approached quickly, smiling brightly by just seeing the girl.

Steven: "I'm about to take her home."

Jeremiah: "What?"

Nova: "Uhhh absolutely not, she can stay here with me." -I interrupted, pulling her with me gently.

Steven, death stared me fully annoyed, trying to pull Belly, with him.

Steven: "Yeah, we're leaving. Are you kidding me?"

Jeremiah: "Okay, Steven, chill out. Come on."

Nova: "Thank you." -I mumbled, grabbing Belly's hand carefully.

The two siblings continued to fidget with each other, but Belly, was able to slap his hand off.

Jeremiah: "Go-go hang out with Shayla, or something." -he stated, pointing at the girl, who held Steven's hand.

Shayla: "Let's go...come on."

I stared at them carefully, noticing how they seemed to have actually known each other already. Maybe Steven, didn't say anything actually, he knows that we're all curious and not very good secret keepers.

Steven: "Fine. But just stay right here and don't talk to anybody." -he demanded, making the girl, roll her eyes annoyed.

Jeremiah: "Okay. All right. Chill."

We watched how he then walked off with Shayla, leaving me and Jeremiah, chuckling. Suddenly Belly turned around only to throw her middle fingers towards Steven, screaming a big "fuck you" to the boy.

Nova: "It's okay, calm down." -I reassured, holding her shoulders to help her chill out.

Jeremiah: "Wow. Listen, for one, I'm really happy that you're here."

Belly smiled nervously at Jeremiah, suddenly looking behind the blond one, after hearing someone call his name.

Jeremiah: "Okay, I will be right back."ย ย 

Nova: "Jere, wai-"

The boy, ran off towards a group of girls, leaving me with the words stuck in my mouth. I glanced to my left seeing Ethan's saddened expression as he saw Jeremiah, walking away.

Nova: "Ethan you know Belly, right?" -I asked, cutting the awkward silence surrounding the area.

He looked towards me, glancing at Belly, only to nod in agreement while smiling at the girl.

Ethan: "I met her on one of Susannah's, Fourth of July parties." -he mentioned, waving at the girl, shyly.

Nova: "Can you guys go over to the shore then? I'll join you once I'm done getting some drinks for us."

They both nodded, walking away towards the area me and Ethan, were earlier. I looked down to the sand, glaring at Conrad, who already stared at me annoyed as well.

Nova: "Way to go, Connie." -I whispered, walking away from him to head over to the beer table.
After talking for quite a while with Belly and Ethan, the girl decided to walk off to take some air. She mentioned how she wanted some alone time so we respected her, but we still made sure to watch over her from afar. She had began to talk to this guy, she seemed to be enjoying talking to him.

Ethan: "So, how are you?"

Nova: "What do you mean?" -I asked, seeing how he took the beer away from my hand.

Ethan: "You're clearly not having a good time, you seem sad and angry at the same time. What's going on?"

I sighed already feeling nervous to speak, the whole expressing my feelings thing is hard for me. I hate that awkward feeling of wanting to cry in front of someone, I don't want to make them feel sad or uncomfortable by my feelings...so I choose the keep them.

Nova: "I'm just stressed out with unpacking, that's all."

Ethan: "Okay, that's clearly a lie. You unpacked today cause you literally texted me about it, and you never get stressed about unpacking."

He placed his arm around my back, resting his head on my shoulder carefully. I took deep breaths before trying to tell what was happening, but nothing was coming out of my mouth at all.

Ethan: "Is this about, Tate? Where is he? I haven't seen him anywhere around here."

Nova: "He dumped me right when we got here, I don't know where he went. He didn't even bother to text me or call." -I explained, beginning to tear up.

He held me even tighter as he heard my voice breaking, placing his hoodie on top of me to help me with the coldness.

Nova: "Conrad, was right. He's always told me how much of an asshole he is, and to stop accepting his apologies but I just can't."

Ethan: "Why?" -he asked, rubbing my back as I cried out.

Nova: "Cause he's the only boy that helps me forget abo-"

I stopped speaking after realizing what I was going to say, instantly looking around the beach while cleaning my tears.

Ethan: "What was that? He helps you forget who?"

Nova: "No, nothing." -I said, rubbing some sand off of my knees.

Ethan: "Meryl Nova Fisher, when would you stop hiding stuff from me?"

I stayed looking at him for a couple of seconds, seeing how concerned he actually looked for me. I couldn't help but feel bad over hiding so many stuff to him, I know he cares so much but I can't help struggle with my feelings.

Belly: "Nova! Your brother is fighting someone!"

I looked back abruptly, seeing how Belly, ran towards the bonfire area. Loud screaming could be heard a few steps away from us, making me stand up quickly.

Nova: "Please don't be Tate, please don't be Tate." -I mumbled, walking rapidly towards the fire.

Fortunately, it wasn't Tate. He was fighting some other dude I didn't knew, they were constantly pulling onto some bottle of beer. I could tell from the distance how Conrad, was drunk, I was instantly mad from the sight.

Conrad: "You're not taking my fucking beer, dude."

Unknown boy: "Relax, it's one beer!" -he snapped, pushing Conrad, back.

I was going to try to pull the pair away but Ethan, quickly took a hold of my arm.

Ethan: "You can get hit, don't." -he stated, pulling me beside him once again.

Conrad: "Yeah, and it's my fucking beer."

Belly: "You guys, you guys, you guy-"

The girl was suddenly hit abruptly, and in a blink of an eye she was on the ground.

Ethan: "Get hit just like that." -he mentioned, quickly sitting dow beside Belly, to make sure she was okay.

I walked towards Conrad and the random dude, approaching from in between them. The boy only pushed me back towards Conrad, thankfully being caught by him before I could fall.

Jeremiah: "Guys."

Conrad: "What the fuck is wrong with you?" -he snapped, but was quickly cut off by him receiving a punch.

Nova: "Conrad!"

I held onto his face to make sure he was alright, but I was then pushed gently aside. He then began pushing the jumper, constantly screaming at him.

They had continued to heat things up even more by hitting each other, Jeremiah, then approached quickly trying to break the two apart.

Jeremiah: "Guys. Hey, hey, hey. Break it up. Come on." -he demanded, pulling the pair aside.

Suddenly the sound of police sirens inches away from us made everyone scream, I ran towards Ethan, quickly being pulled by him to the parking area of the beach. I got fully separated from the rest of the group, not even being able to see where they went exactly.

Ethan, drove me around the town for a while. He decided to get me food, he was trying his best to get me sober before I arrived home. I ate some food and minutes later I was finally at the house, just pulling up to the front porch.

The group had arrived already, there was also still lights on at home. One thing in particular that fully terrified me was the cop car leaving our house. My eyes widened automatically, instantly darting towards Ethan, who shrugged his shoulders.

Ethan: "Good luck, best friend. I'll see you soon?"

Nova: "Yeah, thanks also...for everything literally."

Ethan: "No problem." -he grinned, passing me my water bottle gently.

Nova: "Good night."

Ethan: "Good night, beautiful." -he replied, watching how I approached the house carefully.

The sound of the car driving off made me look back completely scared for my life, I could already hear arguing coming from inside. I wondered who was the one arguing, could it be Mom or Laurel? I didn't want neither.

I opened the door slowly, hearing the voice go completely silent. Then I instantly made eye contact with a worried but angry Laurel, making me sigh completely scared.

Laurel: "Where the hell have you been? If your mother was awake at the moment she would've been terrified over the situation and not seeing you here."

Nova: "I'm so sorry, Aunt Laurel...I was just getting some food with my friend. He wanted me to get sober." -I apologized, walking inside completely.

Everyone else was standing at the entrance of the hallway, completely silence over probably all of the scolding they received.

Laurel: "So you were drinking as well? Were you at the bonfire?"

Nova: "I literally told, Mom."

Laurel: "You told us you were going on a date, not to a bonfire with underage drinking." -she snapped, glaring at everyone.

She then walked closer to the rest of the group, raising her arms up completely annoyed.

Laurel: "How could you guys be so irresponsible?"

Steven: "Mom, It wasn't a big deal. Alright, seriously. The cops were just looking to break up the bonfire." -he spoke, approaching the woman, carefully.

Laurel: "Not a big deal? I would say, getting picked up by the cops for underage drinking is a pretty big deal, Steven."

We stayed quiet for a while seeing how Steven, seemed to be smelling something. He smiled slightly, making Laurel, frown her eyebrows completely confused.

Steven: "Were, were you guys...smoking tonight?" -he asked, smiling towards his mom.

Laurel: "What? Keep your voice down, Susannah's asleep on the couch."

Steven: "Wha-I wasn't yelling, you were-"

Jeremiah: "Just so you know Laurel, I didn't drink tonight. I was the DD, I swear." -he reassured, looking around the room, but got completely ignored.

Laurel: "You guys are the oldest. What the hell has gotten into y'all?"

Nova: "What? I didn't know they were just going to show up to the bonfire, they didn't even told me."

Laurel: "And when did you leave the house without telling anybody? And what the hell are you wearing?" -she asked, once again ignoring what we had to say.

I glanced at Belly, who sighed annoyed while pulling her dress down. She shook her head side to side, looking at me slightly embarrassed.

Belly: "It's Taylor's...and why am I the only one who's not allowed to go out?" -she asked trying to changed the subject.

Laurel: "It's not that you're not allowed, it's that you should've told us that you were going! And how did you even get there?"

Belly: "I walked." -she mumbled, lowering her voice since she knew that would just get Laurel, more mad.

Laurel: "Jesus. You know better than to walk that far down the beach, alone late at night."

Belly: "Can you stop treating me like a kid?" -she argued, sighing already completely done with the whole conversation.

Laurel: "If you wanna be treated like an adult, you need to act like one."

Conrad: "Then maybe you guys should too." -he argued, glaring at Laurel, who only stared back at him completely shocked.

Nova: "Conrad."

Conrad: "Shut up." -he whispered, continuing to look up to, Laurel.

Laurel: "What does that mean?"

We all stayed quiet waiting for Conrad's response, which never resonated in the hallway. He only stayed silent, waiting for the woman, to speak once again...which she did.

Laurel: "I hope you realize. This night could have ended a lot different, if your family, wasn't your family."

Jeremiah: "We're sorry, Laur." -he apologized, shrugging his shoulder while staring at the rest of us.

The woman sighed shortly after, rubbing her forehead filled with frustration. We all just stared at the ground completely embarrassed, hoping that the conversation would end soon already.

Laurel: "Just...go to bed guys."

We all walked off one by one, no other words coming out of our mouths. What had happened was embarrassing, we hadn't been scolded like that in so long which brought so many memories to me. I went over to my room, and changed my clothes completely. There was no other idea running through my brain, except for wanting to sleep. I didn't have the energy to shower since my whole body was cramping for no reason.

I did went to Belly's room to drop off a bag of beans that was cold, only to help out with the bruise that was sooner or later gonna show on her cheek. She hadn't finished brushing her teeth, so I took that as my opportunity to drop the bag in her nightstand. I smiled by seeing Junior Mint, peacefully sitting in her bed. Later on, made my way back to my room, remembering everything that happened today.

It was such a long day filled with chaos but fun, memories brought back that I had completely forgotten. Feelings that I've forgotten came back as well, my face couldn't help but go red by just simply thinking of, Steven. Why does this always has to happen? Why can't he just stay as my friend in my brain? Why is he...Steven?

End of chapter.

Sofia's notes:
This chapter was so fun to write hehe, the bonfire scene on the show has a spot in my heart for an unknown reason to be honest ๐Ÿ˜ญ

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and are also enjoying how the story unfolds :) I know nothing really juicy has happened but I hope some of the moments fill up your heart a little bit!!

Love you all, please don't forget to vote if you enjoyed and would like to support!! It means so much to me ๐Ÿฉต I'll see you soon

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