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also, italics are flashbacks :)


"YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!" the jedi grumbled as she was pinned down once again by her best friend. the male laughed and offered her a hand, which she swatted away.

"that's what, the third time i've beaten you? come on, vana, you've got to step up your game." the male teased, stepping back to give her space to stand.

"you say one more word skywalker and i will haunt your dreams," vana threatened as she stood again.

"you already do," he smiled. the doors slid open to reveal obi-wan kenobi and commander cody, the soldier who was like an older brother to her.

"you seem to be doing well, given that you did just crash your fighter a few rotations ago." the jedi smirked, giving his daughter a look.

"anakin challenged me to a spar, and whether or not i like to admit it, he beat me every time." she panted, clipping her lightsabers back to her hips.

"yeah, i beat her like, five times." anakin laughed.

"three!" vana argued.

"whatever, i still beat you."

"with all due respect, sir, maybe you'd do better off with a blaster instead." the commander decided he made jokes now, and his said joke even made obi-wan laugh.

"oh shut up,"


her hands were clad in heavy, durasteel handcuffs and her mouth was covered with some sort of mechanism to prevent her from talking; they were acting like she'd spit fire out of her mouth to defend herself.

she was led into a ship, and she cast a look back at the house she had settled at, knowing that the bad batch were watching her get taken away. vana was scared for her and her friends' lives. her eyes were locked on the floor as she was sat down. dread welled up in her chest, causing her eyes to sting with tears. she couldn't lose it now, even if she had held it in ever since the order had been given. she remembered her past, the times she spent in her father's quarters just talking, the moments with her mother on mandalore, and how many pranks she and anakin pulled as padawans. why couldn't things go back to normal? why couldn't things go back to when life was simpler?

the ship jolted and she picked up her head, feeling an oncoming headache press into her temples. she closed her eyes a moment as she was prodded to stand. the blonde walked off the ship, her eyes flicking around the compound. it was all so...clean. her eyes slid back to in front of her and she realized where she was immediately based on who was standing in front of her: kamino. she didn't fight those who held her, but her stomach cramped with anger when she made eye contact with the kaminoans. she wanted them to feel her pain, her misery, and how she had lost everything.

"vana kenobi, i didn't think i'd see you back here so soon." lama su commented. vana's eyes hardened, but she didn't dare try and speak with the mask on her face. she was led down the stark white hallways, hallways she once ran through as a padawan. as she passed by clone troopers, grief hit her hard. she inhaled sharply as she walked, trying not to visualize her brothers under those helmets. she remembered each room and what they once held, and as she thrown into the brig, she even remembered being down there with her master.

the brig scared little vana. she didn't want to venture down to a place where criminals were held. her master reassured her nonetheless, telling her that she'd be right there.

vana watched as her master walked into the cell, her demeanor calm and strong. vana was outside the cell, her eyes looking up at the two clones who guarded the entrance. she was so little compared to them; she hoped she grew up to be as strong as they were. in no time, her master emerged and grabbed ahold of her padawan's hand.

"it wasn't so bad, now was it?" the togruta woman grinned. vana shook her head.

"not at all!" she exclaimed, proud of herself for being able to even be down there with all of the criminals. master ti was also proud of her, and knew that instant she'd be as strong as she hoped to be.

memories flooded her mind as her mask was removed. her chest tightened as a strong feeling of deja vu overcame her senses. her eyes flicked down to avoid her tears being seen. she bottled up her emotions ever since the order, and now that she was being thrown into an environment that triggered memories, it was beginning to crash down on her; she couldn't lose it now.


crosshair didn't think he'd ever be in charge of an interrogation. he was told to bring one of the new troopers down to the brig with him to interrogate a new prisoner. he wasn't fond of the idea, but he followed orders anyway.

the two troopers walked into the brig, and it took everything in crosshair not to hesitate. the woman before him, locked away in the brig, he knew her. he met her on kamino a few years ago, and she was smaller. he didn't say a word, nor did he act like he knew vana.

they walked into the cell, the woman picking up her head. crosshair saw the despair in her eyes, the exhaustion. he didn't sympathize, he was making an observation; that's what he told himself.

"so, you're vana kenobi?" the other trooper started. the woman didn't respond, just say there in silence.

"not very impressive, unlike your parents. your father was a jedi master, and your mother was a dutchess. all you ever amounted to be was a jedi knight. how disappointing." he spat; he knew what he was doing. vana scowled, feeling her heart twist; he was right.

"we're not here to interrogate her about her family," crosshair reminded the trooper. he shrugged and kept going.

"where are the other jedi?" he asked. vana knew he was going to ask that.

"what others? you killed them all." venom laced every word that spilled from her mouth.

"oh, you know i didn't kill them. the clones did, but there has to be more out there. they weren't all killed, you're proof of that." he sneered. the trooper was enjoying this way too much. crosshair, on the other hand, wasn't.

"i don't know if any survived. if any did, i don't know where they are." she honestly stated. vana didn't want to know where they were either. as much as she missed her father, she didn't want to put his life in jeopardy.

"you're lying,"

"how? i've been living on dantooine ever since the war ended and the empire claimed it's victory. i've not seen a single jedi since then, and even if i had, i would never say where they were." vana snapped back, glaring daggers at the trooper.

"let's try something else," crosshair spoke up, his voice sending a shiver down her spine, and not in a good way. "where's omega?"

"how am i supposed to know? i've had no contact with anyone since the war ended." she lied.

"we know that you were hiding her in your house on dantooine, do you think they're still there?" crosshair threatened. vana scowled and clenched her jaw.

"you're going to kill your own brothers to get the girl. what's so special about her anyways?" vana spat, turning her sorrow into anger.

"you can't feel it? how she's different?" crosshair countered, taking a step towards her. she swallowed; she knew there was something different about omega.

"you have felt it. so, general, what is so special about omega?" he mocked her past way of life, and while doing it, begged the question she asked earlier. she didn't answer, keeping her mouth screwed shut.

"tell us where they are, and they won't be killed. if you don't tell us, the rest of your friends die." the other trooper threatened. crosshair stepped back, and looked at the trooper's back. there was a small moment of clarity; crosshair felt his heart twist at the threat of killing his brothers. he didn't want them to die, and he knew vana didn't either.

"i've been threatened with worse things. i don't doubt you'll try to kill them, but i do doubt how successful you'll be." vana kept her tone even, leaning back against the wall. hands were gripping her collar in mere seconds, hoisting her up off the bench she was sitting on.

"you don't think we'll kill your friends? we've killed the rest of them." he growled. she stared at him, keeping her expression calm.

"you didn't do anything to my friends, the clones did. your threats are empty. nothing you say will get me to tell you their location." she snarled. vana was set back down, but a fist collided with the side of her face. she felt water rush to her eyes and heat gather in her cheeks. she felt something running out of her nose; she wasn't sure it was blood or snot. she turned back to face the two troopers, her face scrunched up with annoyance.

"i can assure you, you will be the end of the kenobi and kryze line. you will not survive." the threat didn't feel empty that time, but she kept her mouth shut as they exited the room. vana watched as they descended, and as soon as they were out of view, she cried.


i wanted to wait to post this but i just couldn't; i was on a roll with the music i had playing so yeah. if you want an idea of the vibe listen to 'deja vu' by olivia rodrigo and there you have it :)
anyways, as always i love you guys and thank you so so much for the support. you guys are the best and motivate me to keep updating. stay safe and healthy loves!

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