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Previously on IABYH
-Hoseok's and Y/n's relationship had been exposed by an attention seeking interviewer.
-Y/n gets lots of hate and things don't look good.
-Hoseok wants to tell Y/n about her memory loss but Jin is against it.
- Jisoo has something important to talk about with Hoseok.


Jhope's POV

"It's about Y/n," Jisoo let out nervously.

I eyed her suspiciously. "Is something wrong-"

"No- I mean, yes," she said quickly. "I..." She was hesitant as she stared down at the floor. "I know that what that interviewer did was wrong, but... His words. They won't leave my mind." She looked up at me. "He wasn't lying, was he?"

"Jisoo..." I started, sighing. Now was not the time.

"I was right, wasn't I?" She asked. "You did know Y/n before. Before tenth grade. I was there, Hoseok," she said. "When Jimin called Y/n over to his dance class to meet you. I saw it from afar while waiting for her. And that's not the only time you two saw each other."

I opened my mouth to speak but Jisoo quickly interrupted, seeing my lazy expression.

"Don't even try to deny it," she said. "Ever since I got here, I could tell you've been hiding something. What is it that you so badly didn't want Y/n to know, but now you suddenly do?"

"Look, Jisoo. No offense but this has nothing to do with you. So I'm not going to answer your questions-"

"Nothing to do with me? I'm her friend! I knew her before you did. You really don't remember me, do you?" Jisoo said and my expression turned to a confused one. "Y/n's friend from the resort. Ring a bell? Way before then, I met Y/n at a resort. We've been friends since then and I remember her talking about this new friend she made. I couldn't remember his name at the time but I do now. Jhope. Someone she cared about so much and enjoyed his everyday company. And now I hear something about you two knowing each other long before. You tell me that's not a coincidence. And she really doesn't remember someone who was that important to her?" She paused, searching my eyes for any answer. "What's going on, Hoseok?"

My eyes were wide with shock as they began to well up with tears. It took me a while to form words at all. "S-she said that about me?" Was all I said. It was the only thing I could think about.

Jisoo only looked me confused as she saw my hopeful yet sorrowful expression. "Hoseok?"

"All she ever did was be there for me and I almost killed her," I said in a daze, more to myself than anyone else. I was getting lost in my own thoughts. I looked up at Jisoo with tearful eyes. "What's wrong with me?"

"You what?" A voice spoke and this time it wasn't Jisoo's voice. It was Y/n's.

My eyes grew wide and so did Jisoo's. "Y-Y-Y/n..." I stuttered. "What are you-"

"Don't ask me that question. You guys are the ones talking outside my door," she reasoned but then turned serious once again. "You almost killed me?" She asked carefully.

"I..." ...didn't know what to say.

Suddenly, Y/n burst out laughing. "Why are you both so serious? I'm kidding. I know you didn't mean it in that way," she said.

Jisoo and I both let out a breath we didn't know we were holding. Jisoo laughed pretending Y/n was right but when she caught my eye, she gave a small glare, knowing it wasn't meant in that way.

I took a deep breath, coming to my senses before opening up my mouth to speak. "Y/n," I let out and she instantly went quiet, hearing the seriousness in my voice. "It wasn't a joke... I think it's about time you know the truth," I said calmly, although my heart was beating rapidly. I turned to Jisoo. "We'll speak later. I want to talk with Y/n alone."

Jisoo nodded and said her goodbyes. Anyone could see the guilt in her eyes. She felt bad for letting it come to this point. But it had to happen.

As soon as she left, I turned back to Y/n. Her expression was filled with concern and worry. "Hoseok, is something wrong?"

"Let's go inside," I suggested, already putting my arm around her and walking her in.

Today was the day.


We were sitting on her couch. The air was quiet and she took a while to process my previous words.

"You're kidding, right?" She asked softly, a hint of a helpless smile on her face like I was telling a joke but she knew I wasn't.

"No," I answered. "I know it's a lot to take in but it's true. You lost your memory, Y/n."

"And you pushed me off a balcony and left me there to die?" She asked. "You expect me to believe that?"

I was silent.

"You're kidding, right?" Her voice began to falter. "The Jung Hoseok I know would never do that. He wouldn't. You wouldn't... Right?" She looked up at me hopelessly, tears filling her eyes.

It was hard for me to just sit there and watch. My heart was beating rapidly as I watched her reaction. Her eyes kept searching for an answer in my own.

"You're being serious..." She said, realization taking over and she slowly looked away, trying to accept the reality. "Then why... Why are you only telling me this now?" She asked and I noticed a tear fall in her lap.

I rushed to her side and tried to wrap my arms around her but she pulled away and I stopped.

"D-don't," she whispered softly. She looked up at me with tearful eyes. "Why?"

"I was afraid, Y/n. Of this. That you would react this way. That you would hate me," I said. "But I... I can't do this anymore. Pretend that I was born this hopeful. I wasn't. The reason I am were I am today, is because of you. Because you became my hope. Back in tenth grade, I just wanted to do the same for you. I... I wanted to thank you, Y/n. For being you," I said, cupping her cheek with my hand as we both looked to each other with tearful eyes. "And I wanted to say sorry... For taking those memories from you."

She looked weakly at me and we stayed quiet for a while. "Why did you just leave me there, Hoseok?"

Before I could answer, the sound of knocking abruptly disturbs our conversation.

"Yah, Hoseok, are you in there?" It was Yoongi. I completely forgot. I was supposed to meet him and Namjoon downstairs to visit that horrible interviewer. "I'm coming in." Without waiting for an answer, he opened the door and entered, Namjoon and Jin following behind him.

I quickly wiped my teary eyes and Y/n did the same. I cleared my throat. "Ever heard of privacy?" I asked.

"Ever heard of locking the door?" Yoongi retorted, plopping down onto the couch opposite us. Yoongi smiled lightly and sympathetically at Y/n as he leaned his forearms on his thighs. "How are you holding up?" He asked sweetly.

She smiled lightly despite her earlier state. "I'm alright," she answered, so softly it was barely audible. My eyes lingered to the ground. My heart hurt seeing her in this condition. And I just made it worse.

Everyone in the room seemed to be a little down. Jin broke the depressing atmosphere.

"Hey, don't worry, okay?" He sounded, smiling. "The four of us are going to fix this," he said, wrapping his arm around Namjoon, who smiled as to show his support.

Y/n smiled back weakly. I was surprised she wasn't bringing up earlier's conversation yet. Maybe she wasn't ready to speak about it yet.

"Jin, you're coming with?" I asked. "I thought you were going to stay and take care of Y/n."

"I can take care of myself," Y/n sounded softly.

"Well, whether she can take care of herself or not, I already saw Jisoo down the hall and told her to let the others know they should check on her every now and then," Jin said. "I'm her brother so I want to know why that interviewer had to hurt her like this too," he explained.

I nodded.

Y/n looked down. "I'm really... fine," her voice cracked. It was obvious she didn't want the others seeing her state. I kneeled down in front of her, covering her a bit and tucked some hair behind her ear.

"I know it's hard, Y/n. All of this. But we'll make it through. I'll give you time to think about what we talked about, okay? I'll be back as soon as possible. I promise," I whispered and kissed her nose lightly before leaning my forehead against hers briefly.

She nodded slightly and our eyes met for a few seconds before the eye contact broke. "I love you," she whispered. My heart skipped a beat.

"I love you too," I whispered back. If there weren't people here, I probably would've kissed her but I didn't. I smiled lightly at her before standing up and turning around. "Let's go, guys," I said aloud. The others nodded and we headed towards the door.

They all said goodbye as they left the door. I was the last to leave. I took one last look at her as she looked to the ground in a daze. 'I love you,' my heart whispered silently before I shut the door behind me.


Third-person POV

Jisoo had probably knocked on Taehyung's and Jungkook's apartment door for two minutes now and still no answer. She could only hear them cheering from inside. They were probably playing another game. It seemed as if that was all they during their free time. "You guys!" She shouted through the door and knocked harder.

"Guys, I think there's someone at the door," she heard Jimin say.

No kidding, Jisoo thought to herself.

Footsteps were heard walking towards the door before the door opened slightly. Almost as soon as Jimin's head peaked out, it slipped back in and he ran to the other side of the room to shield himself behind Jungkook on his swivel chair.

Jungkook looked down at him quizzically. "What's up with you?" He asked as Jisoo made her way inside and Jimin tugged onto the back of Kookie's t-shirt.

Jimin immediately looked up at Jungkook with terrified eyes. "You don't need to know!" He answered and went back into hiding. Jungkook turned away slowly and completely perplexed.

Taehyung stopped watching too and rather turned to Jisoo, deciding to ignore the situation. "Hey, Jisoo," he smiled up at her. "In case you're here for Jungkook, I'm just saying he's mine today, I-"

She laughed. "I'm not here for Jungkook," she said. She bent down a bit to get a better look at Jimin. "And I'm not here to beat you up again, Jimin."

Jimin crept out a bit from behind Jungkook.

"Not yet, at least," she smirked. "Anyways!" She exclaimed before she got sidetracked again. "Hoseok and the others went to go see that mean interviewer so we should take care of Y/n while they're gone," she said.

Taehyung immediately stood up. "Should we go now? I've been worrying about her all day," he said.

Jisoo nodded and they were about to make their way out when suddenly Jimin stopped them.

"Guys, I think we should wait a while," he said, standing up and lifting his phone for us to see. "Yoongi just texted me. He said she doesn't look like she'd like to be surrounded by people for a while. Maybe we should give it an hour or so?" He suggested.

Taehyung's eyes became sad. "But Y/n..." He tried to say something but his voice faltered.

Jungkook and Jimin gave him sympathetic looks. They knew how close he was with Y/n, being best friends ever since first grade. They had a special connection different to the others.

Taehyung sighed. "Alright..."

Jisoo felt bad for him too. But she knew Y/n needed the time. Hoseok must have told her what he's been hiding for so long. Although she was curious, it wasn't for herself but rather Y/n. She thought it was the right thing.

But why couldn't she help but feel guilty?


Jhope's POV

The interviewer walking into his office in a particularly chirpy mood. He'd just gotten back from another interview. I couldn't help but want to wipe that smirk off his face.

"You seem to be very happy today," I sounded on the other side of the room and he almost jumped at the sudden realization of my presence. Not just mine but Namjoon, Yoongi and Jin too. He quickly recovered and smirked again.

"Well, I have been getting a lot of views lately," he smiled menacingly.

"Let's cut the small talk," Yoongi started. "You know why we're here."

The interviewer stared back knowingly. We'd waited for quite some time for him to show up since we'd arrived in the middle of his show. Finally he'd finished and we could talk, even though it wasn't an arranged meeting. But this man didn't seem to care either.

"We want to know why you did it," Yoongi spoke. "What you did was wrong on so many levels. You didn't say anything about asking those kind of questions. You lied to us. You did this live on purpose."

"And what if I did? I'm sure it won't affect you too badly," the interviewer said.

"But it affects my sister," said Jin. "You didn't have to bring my sister into this. Do you have any idea what this is doing to her? The hate my sister is getting, even as we speak?"

The interviewer laughed.

Namjoon then spoke. "You didn't want us here. You were waiting for an opportunity like this," he said. "A scandal that could make your show famous. That's why you called us here. Your show was dying."

The interviewer applauded him. "True leader with an IQ of 156," he said. "That's right. And honestly," he turned to Jin. "I couldn't care less about your sister. She should've seen this coming sooner of later. It was her choice to date an idol-"

"No! It was nobody's choice to fall in love," I said. Now it was my turn to speak. "I'm in love with her and you're slowly breaking us apart. The world is breaking her. Because of you, she's hurting. Do you have any idea how much it hurts to see the one you love being hurt and you can't do anything to fix it? Have you ever loved at all? Because I have and I would give anything to see her happy again."

Even after all my heartfelt words, the man had the audacity to smirk at me. "You think she's hurting because of me?" He asked. I looked up at him questioningly. "Young man, you're the reason she's broken. Take a look at yourself. You're an idol. A doll. You're not supposed to love or have feelings. The second you do, you're done for. So don't blame me. I just help the world see through a better light."

I was silent. Something in his words seemed to make sense. Maybe he was right. This was my fault to begin with.

"That aside, was there anything else you came here to tell me? That it was my fault? Because I think we're done here," he said, taking a seat behind his desk and leaning back. He pretended we weren't even there anymore as he looked through some paperwork and I began to feel hopeless.

That is until I heard Yoongi scoff. He walked towards the man's desk, stopping just in front of him.

"Oh, no, we're far from done, mister," he said, resting his palms on the man's desk, somewhat towering over him to seem more intimidating. "Don't you dare blame my friend for this. Idol or not, we're still human and you can't tell us what to do and who to love. Because most importantly, that's my job. My feelings. My life. And that applies to every idol or any person in general. So don't you dare say it was Hoseok's fault. There's a limit and you just crossed it. You played with our fame and you played with our privacy and I will sue you." Making sure he understood his words, he stared at him for just a bit longer before backing away. "Fix this. Or else this won't be the last of when you see us," Yoongi finished, glaring at the man before turning to leave and we followed, each of us, too, glaring at the man.

As we reached to bottom floor, I took out my phone only to notice I had eleven missed calls. All from Taehyung. I immediately called back.

"Taehyung," I said as he answered. "You called? What's wrong?"

"It's Y/n," he said. "She's gone. All her things are gone too. I think she left, Hoseok," his worried voice sounded. My eyes widened.

Jin looked at me with bewilderment and I realized he must have been able to overhear the conversation. "She's gone?" He sounded. Now Yoongi and Namjoon were paying attention too.

"T-thank you for telling us," I said and hung up. "She's gone," I confirmed.

Namjoon seemed worried. "What? Where to?"

"That's what I intend to find out. Can we please all split up?" I asked as we exited the building. "She could be anywhere and we have to be fast," I said, my body shaking and I spoke extremely fast, pacing around. "Where would she be though? Where-"

"Hey, calm down," Namjoon said as he stopped me and put his hands on my shoulder.

"I can't calm down!" I exclaimed, pushing his arms off. It wasn't his fault but I wasn't in the best mood. "This is all my fault!"

"No, it isn't," said Yoongi. "It's that interviewer, okay? Don't let him get to your-"

"No!" I shouted, my eyes teary. "I told her something I shouldn't have."

Seeing the guilty look in my eyes, Jin immediately knew. "You told her."

I looked up at him slowly. I couldn't say a thing.

Jin let out a huge sigh and his breath became shaky. "You actually told her? I told you not to!"

"Told her what?" Namjoon asked.

Jin ignored him and came closer to me instead. "Didn't I tell you there was a reason? Why can't you just satisfied with that and leave it alone?"

"Then what was the reason?" I yelled.

"It's not real memory loss, okay! She forces herself to forget it because she was too traumatized. Whenever we brought it up she would have trouble breathing and she'd have a panic attack and cry like crazy. She was terrified at the thought of the resort. So much that she forced her way out of ever remembering it," he let out and I became quiet. "And she was doing so well too. She's probably off frightened somewhere now."

Frightened of me. I did this to her. It was my fault.

"I need to go to the airport," I said in a daze. "If she took her things she must be leaving."

Quickly we all rushed out to find our car. We needed to get there fast.


I was at the airport. Finally. I ran throughout the place. We all split up looking for her. I looked at all the possible flights and I didn't know where she might be so I looked everywhere. And called every two minutes.

I'd almost lost hope when suddenly I heard the sound of her phone ringing not too far from me. I turned her way and saw her decline the call as she stood in line for the gates to open.

"Y/n!" I ran to her and she turned my way, shocked at my presence. I pulled her into a huge hug before she could say anything. "Y/n," I breathed.

"What are you doing here?" She asking as the hug ended.

"To stop you, of course! I thought we were going to get through this together," I said. "I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry I had to tell you what I did earlier. Are you okay?"

"I'm not okay, Hoseok..." She replied. "How can I be? This is all too much. It's too much," she started to sob, her tears erupting like a volcano. "Everything, Hoseok. I can't deal with it. All these haters and this publicity. I can't cope. Maybe you can but I can't. And I can't count on you to save me. You'll just- you'll just leave like you did when we kids. I need to leave," she cried.

Now I was shaking too. "I'll never leave you, Y/n. I promise you. Back then- Back then I was just a stupid kid who was a coward. I wasn't thinking. Y/n-"

I started as I heard her fragile voice cry. "J-just... Let me go, Hoseok. Please," she pleaded. "I can't anymore," she sobbed louder but still none of us cared who was watching at this point. I held her tightly to my chest and let her cry. We stayed that way for a while. "Hoseok..." She said as the sobs became less. "Hoseok, I love you... Like more than anyone I've ever known. And you treat me amazing and you love me and care. You're my hope," she voice cracked as she released from the hug. "But..." She hand landed on the bracelet on her wrist.

"No... Y/n, don't-" I started but she already did it; she unclipped the bracelet on her wrist and held it out to me. The bracelet I told her to wear as long as I was her hope.

"But you need to be so many other people's hope too. I can't take that from them, Hoseok. They're more than me. Bigger than me. And it's easier for me like this too," she said.

"Shut up," I said. "Shut up and put the bracelet back on, Y/n. We're going home," I said, taking her wrist but she pulled back.

"I'm not!" She said. "I'm not going," she said and held out the bracelet again as an announcement was heard in the background that they were allowed to come through now. "It hurts. It's too much," she said and shoved the bracelet in my hand. "So take it. Your ARMYs need your hope more." She took her suitcase and turned around, leaving me speechless.

Leaving me alone.

Leaving me hopeless.


(A/N: hiiiiii, omg I'm like half asleep and I didn't put much effort into that last part I'm sorry, but I needed to update. I might edit it later. Sorryyy. Goodnight guys, I'm out✌❤❤❤)

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