XIII. Wedding gift

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( chapter 13 )

Y/N wasn't sure why she was so adamant about coming along. But the high from last night had not faded away.

The girl clutched the reins of her horse, face pulled tight in concentration. She wasn't used to riding on something as luxurious as a saddle.

Y/N was in the middle of the others, Nanami still not fully on board with having her tag along. He had insisted on a formation that kept her at the heart of them all.

One thing the prince had gotten wrong about her was that she was used to this, she knew what to do in the forest, how to make a fire, how to set up camp.

This was what the children at the orphanage did for fun, of course, the only difference now was that her life was in danger.

She clutched the reins tighter, dawn was approaching steadily over the horizon.

Just a few hours prior the had fetched horses from the farm stables. Though they were not as fine as the military ones, they were sturdy enough for the journey.

She had made an effort to carry a bag of toiletries and enough supplies for a week, not quite sure what exactly they'd be doing.

Dressed in loose trousers and heavy boots with a cap pulled low over her eyes she fit in just fine. Mama had reluctantly let her go when she promised it was just palace business.

But Y/N remember when she had pulled her aside, old face tired as she had taken both her hands into her own.

"Listen to me my dear, please stay safe"

"Of course, I will ma, it's just a small trip, I'll bring something back for the kids"

The older women reached into her pocket.

"I have something I wanted to give you, it being your birthday soon"

Y/N blinked, it had completely slipped her mind, she was turning 19 in a couple of weeks.

Mama pressed a small trinket into her hand, wrapping her fingers closed over the small cool chain.

Y/N held it up to the light, it was a small emblem the shape of a moon. It was faded, yet shined like with a strangle glow under the kitchen lights. Mama seemed to be wrestling with her words before she inhaled stretching her lips into a smile

"I had it made a while back as a wedding gift before you were born, I never really wore it but one day it'll be of value to you"

The older woman said, her eye trained over Y/Ns shoulder

Y/N's eyes trailed over to Nanami who was busy scratching out writing on a pad of paper. His face was achingly serene as a strand of hair fell over his bandaged temple. She blushed, snapping back around, no way mama had thought she was meeting up with a boy.

If only she knew Nanami was no ordinary man.

"Thank you, Mama, it's lovely but not anytime soon"

Y/N jolted out of her stupor as the horses broke into a slow canter. The outline of a village was beyond them.

She touched the chain at her chest muttering a small prayer as they pulled to a stop.

Y/N made a move to hop off but Nanami stopped her, taking her hand and allowing her to step down gracefully.

"You can't do any of that, your highness, I'm not a girl anymore"

She said with a strained frown, but he didn't meet her eyes.

"Old habits die hard"

Y/N wanted to protest, the wary side glances from the other two partly aiding it.

She didn't want them thinking she was weak, so she turned back to Nanami.

"Yes, but they'll have to stop for now, with all due respect I can take care of myself, your highness"

She dipped briefly in a curtesy before heading back to unsaddle her horse, very much ignoring the look on Nanami's almost always unreadable face.

The four made their way into town, looking more like a band of thief's than travelers with business.

"What exactly are we looking for"

Gojo muttered glaring at Getou, the kingslayer cast a hard glance in his direction.

"Listen, prince boy, I know you're the king's lapdog but you don't go ordering me around, so watch your tone"

"Who the hell are you calling a mutt you-"

"Is that the orphanage"

Y/N stepped forward between them and pointed at a relatively large building, at first glance it looked more like a prison with barred windows and unkempt grass. It wasn't like the one she grew up with but the balls and jump rope that lay strewn in front of it gave it away.

"Good eye, Y/N"

Nanami said appreciatively

"We should get going"

Gojo stepped forward but Nanami raised a hand halting his stride forward, he looked tired, frowning down at his royal guard.

"I don't think it would make sense for all four of us to just march in, it'll raise suspicion and word will travel to the wrong ears"

"Why don't I go in, not in this...obviously"

Y/N offered, Nanami shook his head.

"Not safe"

She blinked.

"It's an orphanage!? They're children?!"

Getou raised a hand one on his chin as he squinted between the two thoughtfully.

"Actually...I may have an idea"

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