Chapter 3 - Cα΄‡ΚŸΙͺα΄€'s α΄€α΄›α΄›α΄€α΄„α΄‹

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The next day, Celia, Chad and Mindy walked into school together when Celia was stopped by her track coach "Hey Celia, could you stay late tonight for the race in a couple weeks?" The coach asked the girl "Yeah sure. I'll come by after school" Celia told her coach "Thank you so much" Coach Jones said as she ran off.

Celia and Mindy walked towards their math class where Liv and Amber were waiting for the girls "We got a sub today" Liv told the girls as they approached them "Yes!" Mindy told the girls gaining little laughs as they walked into class together.

When the bell for break, Celia walked out of class where Chad was waiting for her "Hey Cels" Chad said walking towards her "Hey Chaderella" Celia told him smiling "Not this nickname again" He said putting his arm around her shoulders "It's funny though" Celia told him laughing "I start calling you celery again" He said looking down at her smiling "No please I'll stop" She told him with a pleading look. They stopped outside where their friend group was sitting "Hey" Celia said sitting next to Amber "Hey Cels" Amber said putting her head on Celia's shoulders "They're all trying to get your girl" Wes told Chad "Been like this for ages" Chad said sitting next to Wes grabbing his water bottle. "We should all hang out later" Liv told the group "Can't tonight. I've got to meet with coach Jones for the track race in a few weeks" Celia told the group resting her head on Amber's "What about after then?" Liv asked "Sure. Where though?" Celia asked "I could ask our mom" Mindy said pointing at Chad "Yeah that's fine" The group said when the bell went.

Celia and Amber got up together since they had science together "I'll meet you outside your class at lunch" Chad said kissing Celia's cheek "See you later" Celia grabbing his arms before Celia and Amber walked off together towards the second block "So, what time do you have track?" Amber asked the Riley girl "Uh I think it's after school till 8 usually" Celia told her "I'd die if I had to run for that long" Amber told her "Well we usually just sit there for an hour and talk then we run and repeat" Celia told her laughing "So that's why she has a soft spot for you" Amber told her hitting the girls arm. Once they got to the class Celia's coach pulled her out of class and asked for her to come later and Celia agreed.

Celia and Mindy walked out of english together where Chad was standing waiting for the girls "Hey Chad" Celia said walking towards her boyfriend "Hey celery" Chad told the girl laughing at her face drop "I thought we agreed to not use those nicknames" Celia said hitting his arm while Mindy was there fake puking at the couple "Come on I want pizza" Mindy said pulling Celia as Chad followed close behind them. When they got to the table Celia put her fries on the table and sat down with Chad next to her "It might have to be later when we hang out" Celia told the group "Coach wants me there later then usual so it will be on later" Celia said putting some fries in her mouth "I'll pick you up then" Chad said stealing his girlfriend's fries "You don't have to I'll just get an Uber" She told the boy "There's a killer on the loose so I think I'll pick my girlfriend up" Chad told her stealing more of her fries "Fine. I'll message when I'm in the changing rooms then" Celia told him "And I'll be there right away" Chad said.

Running practice

At 6, Celia walked into the changing rooms changing into her sports bra, black running shorts and the schools track teams jacket. While she walked out onto the track and saw coach Jones standing there on the phone as Celia approached slowly not trying to eavesdrop on her teachers conversation when Celia stepped on a twig her teacher turned around with tears in her eyes. "What's wrong" Celia asked stepping forward "Celia you have to run now" Her coach told the girl "Why? What's wrong?" Celia asked her coach with a look of worry "Celia go now and don't turn back please" Coach Jones yelled trying to get the girl to leave "I'm not leaving y-" Celia was cut off by her coach "Celia please" Coach pleaded the girl "I'm not leaving you" Celia told her trying to grab her coaches arm when she was pushed back "Go please Celia" Her coach said "I'm doing this for you, your friends and family" Coach Jones finished off "Go down swinging" Celia said stepping back from her coach "Go down swinging" Her coach said as Celia started running when she heard a painful scream as she turned back to see her coach being gutted alive by the asshole in the mask "go Celia now run" The voice in Celia's head told her as she started running to the changing rooms locking the doors behind her hiding in the showers when her phone started ringing as she answered it not looking at the caller's name. Dumb decision 1.

"Hello Celia" the voice rang "Who the fuck are you" She spat into the phone "I'm the person who knows you're little secret" The voice said in an evil tone "You're lying" Celia spat in annoyance "i would never lie" the voice said "like when I say I want to gut you like a fish" The voice said again "Well come on then" Celia said trying not to cry "I would but I want you're father to see me gutting his daughter or should I say adoptive daughter" The voice said laughing "Leave him out of this you asshole" Celia said with pure anger "oh poor little Celia doesn't want her dad hurt" The voice rang "I swear to god if you touch him I will kill you" Celia told the caller "Aww look at you trying to be big and strong but you're nothing. Just a little weak girl" The voice said as it rang "Oh fuck you. I could easily kill your ass" 'Cekia said with pure hatred "Well before you even touch me you'll be gutted" The voice told her "Well if you want me that bad, come and get me asshole" Celia said as she hung up going to open the door to run when she was thrown back by the guy in the mask "Well hello Celia" Ghostface said at Celia trying to stand up "Fuck you asshole" Celia said as she stood up trying to run when she was stabbed in the stomach "Wrong decision" The voice said as Celia held down on the wound putting pressure on as she ran behind the lockers when she heard the knife against the lockers "Come on out Celia" He said as Celia held back sobs "I just want to play" The voice send as the mask person turned the corner as Celia moved the opposite way towards the door and running towards the exit of the school.

When she got there the doors were locked "Oh fuck" Celia said to herself as she saw Ghostface running towards her slicing her arm open as she moved making the person run into the door "Oh shit that must of hurt" The voice said as she ran towards the upstairs area when she turned the corner to see the mask person opening doors when they saw her and started to run after Celia as she sprinted banging on classroom doors seeing if teachers were in there when she saw the fire alarm "pull the fire alarm" The voice said as Celia pulled the fire alarm. As she turned the corner towards the roof to open the doors when the mask person grabbed her trying to bring her back into the building as she kicked the bar knocking both of them inside. When Celia tried getting up when Ghostface grabbed her ankle slashing her ankle open as Celia sobbed in pain while kicking them in the face as she ran towards the door shutting it and running down the stairs and climbing over walls as she got to the edge of the roof to see the masked killer running towards her with their knife as she ran backwards getting into a running position and sprinting across the platform and jumping over the two roofs onto the second blocks roof while the killer stood on the opposite side staring her down turning their head "Smart move Celia" The mask told her "Thanks I guess" Celia told them as her phone went off "Might wanna answer that" The killer told her as Celia pulled out her phone to see Chad's name pop up "Little boyfriend is probably worried since you pulled the fire alarm. Stupid move" The killer told her laughing "Fuck you" she told the killer as they stepped back to jump "Stay the fuck back" Celia said running towards a pole and grabbing it to defend herself "FUCK YOU ASSHOLE" Celia yelled at the killer "We'll see each other soon Celia" The killer said disappearing "What the fuck does that mean?" The voice in her head spoke again as she looked down to see her coach hanging from the flag of the school.

Celia's phone rang again making her jump when she saw Chad's name as she answered "Where are you cels?" Chad asked the girl as she groaned in pain "What's wrong Cels?" He asked as she heard him moving "Don't come to the school" She told him "I'm already here" He told her "Call 911 now and lock your car" She told him as she started moving towards the stairs with the pole in her hand "I'll see you in a minute" She said as she hung up the phone putting it in her shorts pocket "Hello??" She called "Come on asshole" She yelled only for it to be echoed as she walked towards the exit when she heard the sirens getting closer as she walked outside towards the flag where her teacher was hung from gutted with her intestine hanging out as she sat at the bottom next to the blood pool from where it was all dropping "I'm so sorry" Celia said as she put her head in her hands "CELS??" She heard Chad scream "Oh Cels" Chad said running towards he when he saw the pool of blood next to her while he looked up to see the coach hanging from there as cops and paramedics ran towards her with the cops going in the building and the paramedics going to Celia's aid when Sheriff Hicks walked towards her "Celia?" She called out walking towards the girl as she broke down in Chad's arms "Get her in an ambulance now with cars escorting them" Judy told the other cops as Celia stood up only to be sat back down with paramedics putting her on a gerney towards the ambulance with Chad behind them when loading her in one of them said "Sorry sir you can't come with us. Family only" "He can come please" Celia said as her voice broke "Hurry up then" The paramedic said to the boy as he hoped in watching the person patch up some of her wounds from then onwards his only thought was killing that asshole who hurt his girlfriend.

When they got to the hospital Celia was seen straight away and taken into a room with Chad being questioned "I was waiting for her to finish practice when I saw the fire alarm go off and I tried to text her and she didn't answer so I rang her still no answer till the 5th time" He told the cop "Now can I call her dad" He asked "Yeah you can call him. Thanks for your help" The person told Chad as they walked off. While Chad sat down in the waiting room dialing Dewey "Hello?" Dewey's voice rang "Hello Mr Riley" Chad said holding back tears "You can call me Dewey son" The Riley man said "What's wrong?" Dewey asked "Uh Celia was attacked at the school" Chad said as tears fell down his face "I'm on my way. Make sure they don't let anyone in her room till I'm there" Dewey said as Chad heard noise in the background "Is she okay?" Dewey asked the boy "She was stabbed in the stomach and her ankle was cut open" Chad said "Well the last ones new" Dewey said "I'm leaving now. I'll be there 10 minutes tops" Dewey told his daughter's boyfriend as he hung up the phone.

Chad called Mindy since he was the only one they could trust and she rushed there to comfort her brother and to see if her best friend was alright "She'll be fine Chad" Mindy told her brother "I should have been there to protect her" Chad said as he let more tears slide down his face when Dewey stormed in looking worried and angry "Dewey" Chad said standing up putting his hand out only to be pulled into a hug "Thank you for calling me" He said into the hug "Of course" Chad said as he brought Dewey to where Mindy and he were sitting.

The doctor who was treating Celia walked out "Celia-Tatum Riley-Weathers family" The doctor called out "Here" Dewey said walking towards the doctor with Mindy and Chad behind him "She's okay. She put up a good fight with a cut to her ankle that will probably scar and one stab wounds" He said as Dewey spoke up "Can we see her?" "Yeah follow me" The doctor said as they all followed him towards Celia's room.

When they walked Celia was sat in the bed looking pale with a magazine in her hand "Hey" Dewey said quietly scaring Celia "it's just us" Chad said as Dewey moved towards the chair next to her while Mindy and Chad sat on the bed next to hers when Celia just started crying "Oh babygirl" Dewey said standing up pulling his daughter into his arms "The person it isn't just one" The voice in her head said "there's two again how unoriginal" The person said again. When Sheriff Hicks walked in "Hello Celia" She said "Is it okay if you tell me what happened" She asked "Yeah it's fine" Celia said wiping her tears away "What did the person look like?" Judy asked the girl "There were two" Celia said gaining looks from everyone in the room "How do you know?" Dewey asked his daughter "They looked different" Celia said "They had different heights and body weights" She said "The one that attacked my coach was smaller and the one that attacked me downstairs was bigger but there was one upstairs that chased me and threw that knife at me was the one that attacked coach" Celia said as Judy wrote everything down "This will help loads Celia. Thank you" The Hicks women said as she walked out "You were so brave" Dewey said "You were fucking badass" Mindy said "You're gonna have those badass scars to show off" She carried on gaining a painful laughing from Celia "Don't make me laugh" She said smiling when the doctor walked in "Hey Celia, there's a spare bed in Tara Carpenter's room and she was wondering if we would move you there?" He asked "Yeah that would be nice" Celia said "When do I get discarded?" She also asked "Well if you want tomorrow. But I will have to give you some pain medication to help with the pain" The doctor said "Yes please I hate hospital" Celia said gaining a few laughs.

Celia moved into Taras room and when she was rolled in she saw Sam and Richie there with Sam looking at his face "Celia oh my god" Tara said "It's only two stab wounds nothing compared to yours" Celia said laughing "What happened to him" Celia asked when the doctors left "He got in a fight with a drunk man. Bruised nose and his forehead is swollen" Tara said as Celia replayed the moment where Ghostface ran into the door "Cels? You still with us?" Tara asked Celia as Dewey, Chad and Mindy walked in "Yeah sorry" She said waving her hand to her dad, boyfriend and friend.

Celia's whole life was about to change with the voice in her head to the people she could and couldn't trust. Who knows her secret except for her dad and mom? Also like Wes said will they all survive this?


heyy!! Idk if I like this chapter so please let me know. So who do you think the voice in Celia's head? Also again thanks for all the support on my tiktok and on here. ALSO RIP COACH πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ

Words - 2838

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