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" ๐–‚here you headed so early?".

Quinn straightens up before properly tugging his sneakers on and runs a hand through his hair, glancing at Trevor idling by the staircase.


"For what?".

"Do I need your permission to leave, Zegras?".

"No", Trevor twists his mouth, stepping closer making the oldest Hughes sigh in annoyance.

He doesn't like people questioning him especially when he's got his entire course of action figured out and he'd rather not explain what he's about to do. It also comes with a deep sense of 'I can handle it, always' and his aversion to everything that could be labelled as prying.

He minds his own business and he is still waiting for the day when people start doling out the same treatment towards him.

"Meeting someone?".

He rolls his eyes because he knows that Trevor's trying to rile him up just to get him to spill.

"I'm going to the market".

"Oh, what for?".

"Dammit, Trevor. I'm getting flowers".

"For . . . . who?".

"Cassie", Quinn replies curtly and turns on his heels, pulling the door open to exit only for Trevor quickly shove his shoes on and hurry behind a clearly irritated Quinn.

"Cassie? Why?", Trevor grins and Quinn suddenly feels the urge to tape his mouth shut.

He keeps his gaze ahead.

"She got the job she applied for. Told me so last night. I thought I'd get her some flowers. Y'know, as a congratulations", he shrugs hoping that silences him.

But Trevor has never been one to keep his mouth shut.

"Really? Wow. That's amazing. She's leaving 'Variety' then?".

"No", he side glances at the twenty-two year old keenly paying attention to him, "she got a transfer. To Canada".

"Canada, huh? Toronto?".

Holy fuck, let it go.

"Nope", Quinn stuffs his hands in his pockets.

He doesn't know why exactly he's being so evasive but he can guess.

He has seen the way Trevor has been so enthusiastic about pushing him with Cassie every chance he gets and Quinn has been praying that it's not because the younger boy's took it upon himself to get them together.

Quinn can manage his love life just fine by himself, he doesn't need Trevor to play matchmaker.

"Then where? Montreal? I bet Cole would love hanging out with her regularly".

"Noโ€”what?", Quinn halts and so does Trevor, "Vancouver. She's thinking about moving to Vancouver. And she wouldn't like hanging out with Cole anyways".

A smile tugs up Trevor's lips and Quinn immediately knows he has said too much.

He huffs turning away and resuming his walk.

Trevor follows.

"That's the best news ever. You must be so happy to have your best friend live in the same city as you again".

"Do you not listen to anything I say? She's still thinking about it. It would be a huge change".

"I know but I think she'll take it".

"Don't be so sure".

"Eh", Trevor lifts a shoulder, "I have a feeling".

"Yes, because Cassie's career choices depend on you feeling something".

Trevor smiles, undeterred by the sarcasm.

"You'll see".

Quinn snorts but refrains from saying anything.


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