002 Polo

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002 !! POLO

A light buzz can be heard throughout the restaurant, waiters and waitresses hurrying around to get the Kooks whatever they want.

Kooks, Kooks, Kooks.

It's always the Kooks.

Perhaps Georgie wouldn't have any issues with them had it been 'normal' circumstances.

After all, it's not their fault they're either born into money or earn their entire estate from scratch.

But it's the attitude.

Their ego speaks volumes for their entire fucking personalities. They treat the Pogues as if they were born to do manual labour and obey their every damn command.

And the kids are even worse.

The adults maybe can be tolerated because well, they are the ones earning all that wealth but their kids act like they're fucking royalty always marching around Kildare County in those $200 polo shirts and wallets loaded with free cash.

And it doesn't help that half of them are literal perverts who act worse than animals.

"Georgie, table number two needs your attention", Rory, one of her fellow coworkers, side glances at her as she goes over to another table trays full of steaming food in hand.

Georgie's eyes snap to the table in the corner, her temper already rising at the sight of the group seated there.

She grabs her notebook and weaves through the tables, jaw set in place.

"Hi, what can I get you?".

Six pairs of eyes turn to her, two feigning indifference and one shining with the glint that'd make you punch them straight in the jaw.

"Whatever you'd like", Kelce half smirks leaning forward on his elbows.

Georgie swallows.

Don't, Georgie.

"Nothing then?", her lips barely stretch into a smile.

Topper coughs to hide his bubbling laughter while Kelce's eyes widen in embarrasment, jaw almost dropping at the blonde's reply.

"I'll get a cheeseburger and soda", Topper suppresses his smile.

Georgie hums raising a brow at Kelce who purses his lips with squinted eyes.

"I'll take the same".

"Okay", Georgie flashes him a teasing smile, Topper snickering in the background and Kelce huffing quietly.

"And what would you like?", she turns to the sapphire blue orbs staring her down.

His slicked back hair, the multicoloured polo perfectly fitting his muscular frame and those eyes, oh my, those eyes always seem to hold a little secret of their own.

A kingdom residing inside that mind of his.

Georgie gulps quietly, the power of his gaze weighing her down.

She's not one to be nervous - especially around Kooks - but oh god is Rafe Cameron intimidating.

Nevertheless, to Georgie, he's just another egoistic spoiled brat living off his rich dad's money and spending his days playing golf and drinking cocktails at the country club.

Shallow is one word to describe people of his kind.

"I'll have the same".

His voice comes out husky, the rasp sending chills down her spine though she maintains her composure.

She's talked to him before it's no big deal.

Georgie nods turning away and walking to the back and into the kitchen to inform the chefs of the order.

Evening comes sooner than expected, five o'clock being the most anticipated hour of the day since that is when Georgie's shift ends.

She pats down the rest of the counter, cleaning the leftover mess when the blond boy - keeping true to his promise - comes walking into the The Wreck.

"Chop, chop. Grab your bag and we're off".

"Gimme a minute", she mumbles setting the rag down and going off into the employee room.

She pulls her bag from the tiny locker alloted to her and moves out following JJ to his bike parked right out of the restaurant.

It takes less than twenty minutes for the two to reach HMS Pogue - Kiara, Pope and John B who are already sat chatting there greet them with beers upon their arrival.

Georgie shakes her head when Kiara extends a cold beer bottle in her direction.

"Woah, someone's being good", JJ pops off the bottle and takes a large swig.

"I don't like getting drunk every day of the week unlike you", she rolls her eyes, attention quickly being caught by the book settled on Pope's lap.

"When do you ever get drunk?", John B laughs.

Her stomach fills with butterflies at the sound.

She sneaks a glance his way, his caramel coloured hair sitting tousled over his head, a lazy smile on his while his eyes are fixed on Georgie.

A little smile involuntarily crosses her lips, his own turning into a goofy grin at the sight of her.

"Georgie", Pope snaps her out of her daze.


"I've been trying to solve that math problem we were working on last week and look at this", he turns the notebook her way.

She knits her brows, gazing at the rough solution scribbled over the white of the page.

"Wait, oh my god this makes so much sense. You substitute the variable and add the—".

"Answer to equation one!", he claps his hands together.

"Pope, you're a genius!", she exclaims with a mind boggling smile.

"Excuse me? You were the one who gave me this idea! See, that first part. That's from your solution!", he points to the top of the page.

"Why are we talking about school when we should be planning to get shit faced?", JJ whines throwing his head back and accidentally hitting it against the boat rail.

"Because we intend on getting through high school", Pope rolls his eyes closing the notebook and shoving it into his bag.

"Okay, let's stop arguing and talk about the worst thing that could ever happen during this time", Kiara leans forward.

"What?", Georgie frowns.

"A hurricane. It's coming tomorrow, I swear to god this world keeps getting worse and worse every day".

"Why are you so worked up about a hurricane?", John B chuckles straightening himself.

"Uh, hello? Fishes? Plants? Trees? They die because of hurricanes. Seriously, John B", she scoffs.

"How was I supposed to know?".

"You have got to be kidding me", she shakes her head in disbelief.

"Kie, if we wanted an environment lesson, we could've just asked Pope. Trust me he does a better job at boring us than you do", JJ butts in going to lay his head on Pope's shoulder but the latter moves out of the way in offence.

"It's not my fault I'm smarter than you", Pope furrows his brows.

"You keep tellin' yourself that", JJ pats his shoulder.

"Seriously though, guys. We have to be careful tomorrow", Kiara glances at JJ and John B who easily wave her off.

"We'll be crashing at yours tomorrow, John B. I ain't gonna stay in that weird old shack with my dad during a hurricane", JJ states taking another swig of the beer.

The thought of being stuck with John B during a hurricane sounds so appealing to Georgie that she finds herself eagerly nodding at JJ's statement.

"Mi casa es su casa", John B shrugs.

Maybe tomorrow's her chance.

Maybe being stuck together during a hurricane will finally awaken John B's long lost feelings for her.

After all, he did kiss her all on his own in fourth grade, right?

Oh, I hope to god.

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