036 Eternity

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Later in the morning, much to her dismay, she had to leave the figuratively hallowed grounds of Figure Eight despite all her wishes and trudge on over to the Chateau for word about John B's reappearance had been conveyed by her brother.

When faced with the inevitability of Georgie leaving his arms way before he was ready to let go, Rafe Cameron had scowled and whined and all but begged her to stay back.

He'd followed her down the hall like a lost puppy hot on her trails, murmuring furiously about how "unfair" it is that she doesn't seem to be too intent on keeping up her end of the deal.

She'd turned on her heel, jabbing a finger at his chest.

"I didn't agree to spending eternity with you, Rafe".

She'd tried to come off unaffected by the words leaving her mouth, trying to overlook the fact that her heart did in fact like the idea of spending eternity with him.

Wouldn't that just be awfully foolish though?

His own eyes had widened, staring down at the golden haired girl in amusement.

"So I gotta put a ring on you to make you stay?", he had ever so selfishly declared, arching his brows as a faint smirk overtook his lips.

She had groaned and stepped back, swatting at his chest, shaked her head and walked away.

He'd followed her again, helplessly watching her as she slipped her sneakers on and fluffed out her hair in an attempt to look presentable enough.

"Just another hour".

He'd reached for her hand but she had stepped clear of his touch, forcefully maintaining firm distance between them.

He'd scowled again.

"Have a good day", she had stubbornly smiled and turned away pulling the door open and marching right out, walking a long meandering walk to The Cut.

Her legs had begun to feel like jelly by the time her feet hit the wooden dock, hair flowing back with the breeze, soft footsteps thumping out on the wood as she made her way to the trio gathered at the end of the dock.

Her eyes spot John B lying on his back and fiddling with his now uncovered wrist, his plaster from a few days before thrown to the side.

Kiara's gaze grazes her, quickly flinching away before she could make a lasting eye contact.

Stay mad, I guess — Georgie rolls her eyes, plopping right down beside John B.

She chances a glance JJ's way but he seems a little too preoccupied with his joint to look back at the new arrival.

"Are you okay?", she sighs looking down at John B.

He throws her a frustrated glance, massaging his wrist with his forefingers as he sighs out.

"Ward got the gold".

He says it so softly that she almost thinks she misheard him but the expression on her friends' face absolutely does not project otherwise.

"What?", she asks confused.

He sighs again as if that is the only way he could ever try and come close to experiencing peace.

"He got the gold. I went back to Crain's garage. That tunnel under there filled with gold bars? It's all empty now, like it never even existed in the first place. Plus the property's been put under the Camerons' listings. So, yeah. We lost the gold".

No. That's not possible.

No. They found it.

No. They deserved it.

Ward Cameron killing Big John Routledge. Ward Cameron taking John B in. Sarah Cameron joining their "team".

Ward Cameron upsetting John B. Ward Cameron stealing their gold.

Sarah Cameron nowhere to be found.

Too calculated to be a coincidence. Not a coincidence at all.

It's her.

She did this. She ruined their lives. And they're the ones who'll pay for it while she rests in her magestic Figure Eight mansion drinking mimosas and sunbathing all while daddy goes around stealing and turning their treasure into mere cash to pay for the jewels resting on her collarbones, the shiny metal hanging from her the piercings in her ears, the gems on her rings.

"What a fucking mastermind", Georgie whispers incredulous averting her gaze to the wood under her calves, chipping away bit by bit.

Just like their future.

"He's the biggest piece of shit on this entire island", John B exhales, eyes wandering.

She shakes her head, "Are we still supposed to act like Sarah didn't have something to do with this? It's one thing to tell him about the gold but helping him steal it? That's so wrong on so many levels. We trusted her".

As if emitting a direct reaction to her words, his eyes cut back to hers in an instant.

"Sarah didn't do anything. This is Ward and Ward alone. She has nothing to do with this".

She rears back, mouth falling open.

"You have got to be kidding me. You can't seriously be defending her right now!".

"Here we go again", JJ mumbles taking another hit of the joint.

John B leans back on his elbows, "Georgie, I am telling you this isn't her fault. I get that you've always had issues with letting a Kook in but this is me stating what is merely a fact. Don't you trust me anymore?".

Her lips part, words of protest resting on the tip of her tongue ready to be spewn out whenever desired.

But her heart holds her back for some unknown reason, her mind going blank and for the first in forever, Georgie Maybank is truly without words.

She doesn't know whether it's the deep rooted defiance swirling in his honey brown eyes or the love she sees glinting through his pupils when he mentions the Cameron girl but there is something holding her back from really voicing out her thoughts.

Loud running footsteps sound behind her and they all turn their heads to find Pope running towards them, his white dress shirt unbuttoned at the top, the tie around his collar undone and flying about as the breeze sweeps past his rushing frame.

"Guys! Guys! Oh god, I ran all the way here", he heaves out heavy breaths, doubling down with his hands on his knees.

"You alright?", Kiara frowns.

"How'd the scholarship interview go?", Georgie perks up earning an exaggerated shake of the head.

"Don't ask".

"Awesome", JJ grumbles completely turning back to face the others.

Pope ignores him, "JB . . . look, I'm sorry, dude. About everything".

"It's fine", John B dismisses him.

"But . . . . but I don't have a lot of time, and—", deep breaths, "and I have information that is tactically relevant".

Now all eight pairs of eyes are focused on him.

"So, before I had my interview, my dad said he was going down to the private airstrip to cut palms for Cameron's big plane. Because it was too heavy, it needed a longer landing strip to take off".

"So, I'm there sitting in my interview,
thinking to myself, 'Hm. Why would Cameron need a longer airstrip to take off? What could be so heavy to weigh it down?'", he animatedly gestures around with his hands.

"Gold!", John B sits up immediately.

"That's right. Exactly. Guys, this is our chance but it leaves tonight, and we have to go", Pope looks around at everyone.

"Guys, we can't give up now", Kiara states glancing at all of them.

The thrill. The thrill of the chase, of the treasure, of the gold. The anticipation. The adrenaline rush.

It's all coming back in a furious flood of emotions.

"What's the plan, big man?", JJ turns to John B grinning from ear to ear.

"We're gonna go steal that shit back".

The Maybank siblings eye each other in a millisecond of decision making, weighing out their options silently.

And then as if on cue, both of their mouths break out into playful smirks.

They live for this, they always have.

"Let's do this!", Georgie jumps up followed by Kiara who frantically gestures for them to stand up.

"Come on, boys!".

its so unfair how jj doesnt have a twin sister in the show, it would've been so fun i just know it

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