23. unexpected guest

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‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ·❉· ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

VIOLET FELT BETTER THAN EVER now that she was starting remission. Hawk has always been by her side ever since and it was starting to annoy Martin. Having two loud, wild teenagers will certainly be something to be annoyed about.

"Martin, tell him to bring me back my ice cream. He ate it without my without permission."

"No, no, no, you said I can have some."

"Yeah, but I didn't mean you can eat all of it."

Martin was rolling his eyes and rubbing his temples, clearly annoyed by the two teens who were bickering at each other.

"Children, solve this yourselves. It's just ice cream." Hawk and Violet whipped their heads so fast towards Martin, offended that he said ice cream wasn't important.

"Did you just say ice cream was not important?" Violet's mouth was in an o shape and Hawk did the same.

"Please tell me you did not just say ice cream wasn't important." Hawk stood in shock, not believing the words that came out of Martin's mouth.

"Ugh, I have no time for children like you guys. I'm going to hang out with David and you guys can go do whatever."

Violet and Hawk smirked and winked at each other, but Martin knew how these hormonal teenagers act.

"DON'T do that thing though. Dirty teenagers," Martin said, whispering the last part, but Hawk and Violet heard him loud and clear.

Violet and Hawk took a second and stared at each other before bursting out in laughter.

"Don't worry Martin, we can handle ourselves. We'll probably just invite Demetri over or something." Violet gave Martin a hug before he left.

"Alright, now that Martin is gone, what should we do now?" Hawk walked closer to Violet slowly and seductively then placed his hands on her waist.

He started to lean in for a passionate kiss until he gently slapped the back of her head, making Violet pop out of her trance.

"Hawk, what the fuck, I thought we were having a moment." Violet kinda wished that moment didn't end.

"Sorry princess, we told Martin we wouldn't do any funny business." Hawk kissed Violet's temples and went off to the fridge to grab a drink.

"You're such a tease." Violet rolled her eyes and plopped herself on the sofa.

"I texted Demetri to come over and he said he'll be here in about ten minutes." 

"Okay cool, I'm going to start making the smoothies."


Around ten minutes passed by and Demetri arrived with Taco Bell in his arms. When Violet opened her front door, her eyes widened with joy to see the Taco Bell bag.

"Oh my gosh, I love you so much for bringing this. Come on in." Demetri went into Violet's house, in awe of the beautiful home he stood in. He hasn't stepped foot in her house ever since they were kids.

"Hey bro," Hawk said from the kitchen who was almost done making the smoothies.

"Sorry I was a little late guys. Traffic was horrible and also I had to go with the speed limit."

Violet just laughed at her friend and went to the kitchen. She was caught off guard when she felt arms caress her waist. He started to gently place small kisses on her neck.

"Not now love, we have guests. Or a guest. Besides, you said no funny business remember?" Hawk fake pouted kissed her neck once more before going to his friend and gave him a bro shake.

"Alright guys, let's have a movie night like how we did when we were kids," Demetri suggested which Hawk and Violet quickly agreed.

"Oh my gosh yes, that would be great. I want to feel like a kid again."

"What movie should we watch?" Violet was rubbing her imaginary beard on her chin which earned laughs from Hawk and Demetri.

"How about Tangled? That movie is great and I've been on a Disney high lately," Hawk said in a high pitched-fan girl voice.

"Awww does the prince want to watch some princess movies?" Violet had a baby voice which made Hawk flip her off.

The trio had their attention fully on the TV screen, watching the scene where Flynn and Rapunzel were on the boat seeing the lights.

Violet was in awe, hoping one day Hawk would take her out on a date like this. However, her thoughts were interrupted by someone ringing the doorbell.

"I"ll get it." Violet got up and Hawk took this as an opportunity to slap her butt which made her glare at him.

"That is very inappropriate Eli. Do that when I'm not here." Hawk just laughed at him and continued to watch the movie.

When Violet opened the door, there stood a man with a well-built figure, who seemed to be in his mid-thirties. He dressed in fancy clothing and was pretty handsome as well.

"Hi, are you Violet Ocean?" The man said with a charming smile, which made Violet feel less threatened by him.

"Umm, depends who's asking?" Hawk heard the commotion and went up to Violet's side, standing protectively next to her.

"Who the hell are you and why are you here?" Hawk gripped Violet's waist tighter, preparing to pull her behind him, not sure of this guy.

"I'm James Ocean, Violet, I'm your uncle."

I'M SO SORRY FOR ANOTHER CLIFF HANGER FJKDSJFDSJF. Life has been stressful oh my my. I just need a break from life.

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