24. james ocean

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(introducing, james ocean)

(seggsy man. if you know who this is, I love you)

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ·❉· ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

"I'm James Ocean, Violet, I'm your uncle."

Violet stood there in shock, not wondering what this man was up to because her parents never mentioned that she had an uncle.

"No, that's bullshit, my parents would have told me I had an uncle." Violet was fuming, wondering why a stranger would appear at her doorstep. Hawk was angry too, wanting to get this man away who was scaring his girlfriend.

"You have no proof about being her uncle. Get the hell out of here before I make you." Hawk's voice became dark and sinister, slightly scaring Violet.

"Yeah, well, this birth certificate begs to differ." James pulled out the piece of paper from his pocket and showed it to Hawk with sass.

Snatching the paper away from him, Hawk glared at him once more before bringing his attention to the paper.

"Well, you definitely are my uncle. I have your sass. Why did my parents not tell me you existed?"

"Well, they thought it was a bad idea at the time because I was in a very bad place then. Like jail bad." James held his head in shame and Violet felt light sympathy for him.

"What did you do to get you in jail?" James was hesitant to speak at first, but he eventually built the courage to talk.

"Well, I was young and stupid. Being a teenager, obviously had some rebelliousness in me, but mines was really bad. I hung out with the wrong group and it cost me half my life. When I went to jail, your father, my brother, told me I was going to be an uncle. I was distraught at first because I knew I would probably never meet you." To Violet, James seemed genuine and she could tell he went through a lot.

"So, I stayed on good behavior and I got an early release on my parole. Just so I can meet you."

Violet wasn't sure what to say since she has never been in a situation like this. She kept staring at James and the more she stared, she could see the resemblance between him and her father.

"You look like dad," Violet barely said above a whisper.

James smiled slightly and thought about something before speaking up.

"Do you want to grab lunch? To like catch up? I would like to see what my niece has been up to her whole life." Violet smiled and nodded her head, wanting to know more about James.

Meanwhile, Hawk stood in disbelief that his girlfriend would go out to lunch with a stranger. He did not like the idea at all of his girlfriend going out to lunch with James.

"Sure, it is nice to get to know the uncle I never knew. Let's go to this coffee shop around the corner. They have the best pastries."

James nodded his head in approval and started to grab his things.

"Would you boys like to come too? It is great to get to know my niece's boyfriend and friend."

"How did you know I'm her boyfriend?" Hawk questioned in confusion, feeling suspicious.

"Trust me I have a good eye when it comes to boys and I can tell my niece picked a good man. No offense to your other friend." Violet laughed at her uncle.

"Yeah well this is Hawk, my boyfriend and that's Demetri, my best friend."

"Nice to meet you both, now come on guys, let's get going."


At the coffee shop, Demetri and James sat on one side, and Hawk and Violet sat on the other.

"Okay guys, what would you like to get. I'll buy." Violet could tell James was a nice and sincere guy.

"What can help you guys with today?" The waiter had his gaze on James the whole time and Violet noticed how nervous he got around the waiter. It reminded her of Martin and David.

Once the waiter left, Violet couldn't help but smirk at James, his face evidently red from blushing.

"James, did you think he was cute?" Violet questioned her uncle, not really sure if he was gay or not.

"I-I mean, he was o-okay looking I suppose." James' stuttering gave it away for him. Violet gasped in happiness, happy for him.

"Oh my gosh, that's so cute James! My butler is gay as well and you just remind me of him."

James' eyes lit up hearing that Violet's butler was gay. Violet noticed his expression, but she immediately told him Martin was taken.

"Sorry Uncle, but he's taken." James sighed slightly, but he didn't really care.

"Well, moving on to a new subject I was wondering-"

As Hawk was about to speak, Martin ran into the coffee shop, looking distressed. Violet looked towards the front, surprised to see him here. She got up from her seat, running towards her father figure.

"Martin, what's wrong, why are you crying?" Martin jumped slightly, not expecting to see Violet at the same coffee shop during the same time too.

"Vi, what are you doing here?"

"Long story, but what happened, are you okay? Why are you crying?"

"David broke up with me." When Martin said this, Violet felt anger in her chest. She thought David was the one for Martin but apparently, he wasn't.

"What?! Why?"

"He said he found someone else." Violet shook her head in disgust.

"Well, come on, I have someone you should meet." Martin furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.


"My uncle, it's a long story."  Walking back to the table, Violet could see Martin's eyes light up at the sight of James.

"Uncle James, this is my butler, Martin. Martin, this is my uncle, James Ocean. "

Violet noticed how her uncle had a humongous smile on his face. Definitely a flirtatious and contagious smile.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you." James got up and shook Martin's hand. However, Martin just stood there frozen at the sight of this gorgeous man.

Martin was so starstruck, he could barely even talk. Violet gently slapped him on the shoulder, getting him out of his trance.

Martin put his mouth to Violet's ear to whisper something.

"David who? James is way hotter."

okay but like fuck david. james is sexier asf 😌 i also got my covid shot and I have a huge migraine. side effects are a bitch jsdjsfhdsj

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