♠ 22

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"About Manik, I won't even let you touch him choti maa and I don't care about myself because Manik won't let anything happen to me.."

After a while the roka ceremony take place and as forced by Iravati, Vidhi agrees for marriage too.

As the ceremony gets over, Vidhi leaves. It's night when the whole family is sitting together, discussing about what to do next.

"Manik, Vidhi agreed for doing marriage with you.. What if you both get married?" Rajeshwari asked being worried.

"Maa, nothing will happen and don't you know your daughter in law? She will never let this marriage happen. Trust me.." Manik said with a smile.

"Manik, you now go and take rest. You must be tired too.." Dev said and everyone went to their respective room.

Manik moves to his room but couldn't find Nandini. Manik moves out of his room and asks the soldiers about Nandini who told that they saw her going to the left side.

Manik goes and then gets to know Nandini is with Ishaan. Manik is just going to enter the room when he heard Nandini and Ishaan talking.

"Try to ask jija sa then please.. I am missing him badly. He's always there for me whenever I need him but why not today.." Ishaan said crying while hugging Nandini.

"Ishaan.. don't cry please.." Nandini said rubbing his back and trying to control her tears.

"Whenever I'm in a bad mood, he just massages my hair and I feel so relaxed but now I don't know where is he!" Ishaan said wiping off his tears.

"Can I massage your hair?" Manik ask standing on the door with a small smile.

Both Ishaan and Nandini turns to see Manik on the door. Manik moves inside and sits besides Ishaan. "See, Ishaan I can't tell you both anything right now.. I'm really sorry for that but trust me I'm not doing anything wrong. I'm sure that if you were at my place, you would have done the same"

Ishaan just gives him a small smile. "Can I massage your hair.. Manav says I'm good at it.."

Manik then moves to Ishaan and massages his hair while Nandini smiles at the duo. After sometime both Manik and Nandini leaves for their room.

Nandini gets herself changed into some comfortable attire and silently lays down on her place. Manik too lays down on his side.

"Nandini.. Do you want to talk?" Manik said looking at her.

"It's ok Manik, I'm not going to ask you anything.. I understand. It's just I miss bhai sa.." Nandini said with a small smile.

"Nandini I'm not saying anything against Naman but I just want you think once that, if Naman hasn't done anything wrong, which forced me to do all this then why is he hiding? Why he is not coming in front of you all?" Manik said softly trying to make her understand.

Nandini too thinks about Manik's word knowing that he's right somewhere. I think maybe Manik is right.. If bhai sa didn't did anything wrong then why is he hiding? Why don't he just come in front of us? Why he keeps escaping from us? What had he done?

Manik held her hand which breaks Nandini's chain of thoughts. "Everything is gonna fine soon.. I promise.."

Nandini too hold his hand and both sleeps holding each other's hands.

Next morning, the day was going well and normal as usual. Nandini and Gauri were sitting together and talking.

"I think I should tell Manik about my past everything.." Nandini said picking up the flowers from the basket.

"But princess, you only said that telling him about your past can spoil your relationship.." Gauri said.

"I know Gauri, but I don't want to begin us, while hiding something. I want him to know everything about me, whether it's good or bad.. And I don't know how will he react but I'm sure he would listen to me without going to any conclusion.." Nandini said making the flower garland.

"As you wish princess.. I'm sure Our Majesty will trust you.." Gauri said with a smile. Nandini smiled back.

It's about afternoon when Nandini is going to her room to talk to Manik knowing that he's not busy right now.

Nandini was leaving for her room when she bumps into Iravati.

"I'm sorry.." Nandini said and starts leaving.

"Where are you going in such hurry?" Iravati asked.

"I'm going to my room.. to tell Manik about my.. past.." Nandini said.

"Huh? Seriously, you are going to tell him that you killed your mother" Iravati said smirking. Nandini just nods.

I can't let Nandini tell everything herself. If she'll tell Manik, I'll be exposed which is not good for me. I can't let her do this. If Manik should get to know about her past then he'll get to know only what I'll tell him not Nandini. Because Manik will not leave me knowing what I did with her. I have to stop her anyhow.. Iravati thought being tensed. Nandini again started leaving.

"Nandini, you shouldn't tell him all this right now.. Your relationship has just started going well and by telling him about all this, your relationship may get spoiled.." Iravati said showing her fake concern.

Nandini for a while get stunned by her sudden changed behaviour. "Why are you showing your sudden fake concern.. Is it because your reality will come back in front of Manik.."

Iravati gets angry. "You have started speaking a lot and I very well know that Manik has only taught you all this.."

"I'm sorry but I don't want our relationship to start with hiding secrets.. That's why I'm going to tell him.." Nandini said.

Iravati smirked. "Fine then, don't blame me for what going to happen next.. To you or to your Manik.."

Nandini gave her a small smile. "I got scared of you earlier... But now, I'm not. About Manik, I won't even let you touch him choti maa and I don't care about myself because Manik won't let anything happen to me.." She gave her a small smile and left.

"I won't let you do anything Nandini because telling your past to Manik is dangerous for me and everything will be destroyed.. All the games I played till now and everything.. I have to stop her anyhow.." Iravati said to herself in anger.

Nandini moves to her room but couldn't find Manik. She waited for some minutes but he didn't came back. Nandini then moves out to see Gauri approaching her. "Princess, you are called in the court.."

"Court? But what happened suddenly?" Nandini said to Gauri.

"Don't know princess, I wish it's nothing serious.." Gauri said.

Both of them moves to the court to get a big shock. They saw Vidhi and a man lying in the blood.

"What is this?" Nandini asked shocked.

"I also don't know.. Some soldiers found them dead at the backside of a village" Manik replied.

"But, who killed her and who's this man with her?" Gauri asked.

"Maybe he's the one, who she loves.." Ishaan said.

"Yes maybe but the point is who killed them?" Manav said being confused.

"The one who asked them to do this drama.. As we all know it very well, Vidhi was never interested in getting married with me and there's a possibility that she must have denied and the one asked her to this drama killed her!" Manik said.

"Yes Manik. It can be true.. But we have to find out the truth soon, so that we will get to know who's behind all this!" Dev said.

"Maa, I'm leaving with Dev for investigating in this matter. I may get late, so you all take care" Manik said to Rajeshwari and then leaves not before glancing at Nandini.

Nandini quickly moves to Manik blocking his way. "Manik, please try to come soon today.. I have something important to tell you.."

Manik gave her a small smile. "I'll try. Take care.."

Manik then left with Dev. It's almost late night when Manik came back. Everyone has already slept. Manik too moves to his room being tired. He enters the room to find no one. Where's Nandini at this time?

Manik check in the room properly, in balcony but couldn't find her. He then moves to Gauri's room to ask her about Nandini but she too doesn't know where she is. Soon everyone started searching for Nandini but couldn't find her anywhere.

"Where the hell she's? We have searched the whole palace..." Manik said being tensed and angry.

Just then a soldier came running to Manik. "Greetings our Majesty, but we saw her leaving out of the palace few hours ago.."

"What?" Manik said being shocked. "Why did you let her go?"

"I'm sorry Our Majesty but she said it's really important and you called her.. She showed us a letter too with Royal stamp and so we let her go"

"I didn't called her.." Manik replied being shocked.

"Manik, don't worry.. We will find Nandini, let's go.. It's already late" Dev said and both left out of the palace along with Manav and Ishaan.

They searched for her in village and kingdom but to find no clue of hers. Manik was moving to some other place to look for her when Manik spots Nandini's bracelet. He then starts searching for Nandini around there and spots a small house there. He was leaving but something stopped him. He then thinks to check once inside as he can feel presence of Nandini around.

Manik entered the house to find no one. He then sees a locked door. He tries to open it but knowing it's locked he leaves it and is about to go when he saw something from the window of that room.

Manik peeped inside the window to see Nandini lying on the floor unconscious. "NANDINI!" The

Manik breaks the lock with a rock and with the help of Manav, Dev and Ishaan. The room is filled with darkness. As soon as the door opens Manik rushes to Nandini. He pats her cheeks to make her conscious but in vain. His eyes were filled with tears seeing Nandini like this.

"Dev.. please get some water from that pot.." Manik said holding Nandini in his lap.

Dev gets the water from the nearby water. He's going to give the glass of water to Manik but then stops. "Dev, give it! What are you looking at!" Manik said angrily.

"Manik we can't offer this water to Nandini.. It's poisonous.." Dev said looking at the water.

"What?" Ishaan said being shocked.

"How do you know bhai sa?" Manav asked Dev.

"I have read about these poisons and medical plants and that's why it's easy for me to recognize it by its smell.. Manik let me check Nandini, I hope she must be fine.." Dev said approaching Nandini. Dev checked Nandini's pulses.

"What.. happened? She's fi-fine right? Tell me!!" Manik asked with moisture eyes and holding Nandini in his arms.

"Manik, I-I think she drank this water" Dev said leaving a shocked Manik.

"Manik, we have to hurry and take her back to the palace before anything happens to Nandini.." Dev said.

Manik nods and quickly picks up Nandini in his arms and made her sit on his horse. All of them leave for the palace.

Manik quickly takes Nandini to his room on reaching palace and calls Vaidh ji. The vaidh ji comes and starts examining her while everyone wait outside the room.

"Manik, don't take tension.. Nandini will be fine" Divya said.

"Manik don't worry..." Rajeshwari said.

"But Manik, why Nandini leave the palace at night?" Kalyani said.

"She never do that and specially at night because she's scared of darkness" Ishaan said.

"Everything was planned! Nandini was called out using my name or something and then she was poisoned. I'll not leave that person due to which Nandini is in this condition.." Manik said being hurt and angry.

The vaidh ji comes out. "Our Majesty, we can't say anything right now about her health but yes I can say she's out of danger. She has given poison in that amount only which could make her weak and sick but not that much that it could kill her.."

"I knew it, someone did it on purpose.. Firstly Vidhi and that man's murder then this incident with Nandini.. Both are linked and I won't leave that person who has hurt my Nandini.." Manik said angrily.

"And bhai sa, the room in which was locked and occupied with darkness. I think we have to increase the security. Someone wants to harm her and all of us.." Manav said.

"Yes, we have to tight the security.." Dev agreed.

"When will Nandini wake up?" Rajeshwari asked being concerned.

"I can't say anything right now.. but it's good if she wakes up in few hours otherwise maybe the poison will leave it's effect on her.." Vaidh ji said.

"She'll be fine na.. If she didn't wake up soon then.. She will.." Manik said stammering with tear filled eyes.

"I have given her medicine by mixing in water and as much as I checked her she should wake up in few hours.. The medicine I gave her will have it's reaction on here and she'll be suffering from fever.." Vaidh ji said.

"Fever?" Manik said.

"Yes, our Majesty.. It's necessary as the poison will be released in the form of sweat from her body.. I have to do this because she's unconscious. And if the poison has, spread all over her body then it may take her long to wake up.."
The vaidh replied. "You can call me as and when you need me.." She then leaves.

"Maa, you all too go and rest.. I'll stay with her.." Manik said.

"Beta, you are tired.. you go and take rest, I'll stay with her.." Rajeshwari said.

"Please maa..." Manik said in a low voice.

Rajeshwari nods and wipes off Manik's wet eyes. "She'll fine, trust me.."

Everyone then leaves. Manik then enters the room to see Nandini lying on the bed unconscious. Manik moves and sits besides her holding her hand when a lone tear escapes through his eyes. "Nandini... please wake up for me please.."

Here's another update!

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Who do you think has killed Vidhi?

Who must have did this to Nandini?

What will Manik going to do now?

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