♠ 32

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"I know whatever decision she'll take.. It will be correct.. Because love is never wrong it's always right.. I trust her more than I trust myself"

Manik pushes Nandini inside the room and Nandini gets shocked to see the room.

She sees a big and beautiful room with a girl sitting in a corner near the curtain. She slowly takes her step closer to her but Manik held her wrist and nods in a no.

Nandini stands there itself while Manik approaches the girl. Nandini is curious to see who's she as she can't see her face.

"Meera..." Manik called out in a low and soft voice.

Nandini is shocked to see her. She's the same portrait girl and the girl who she met accidentally few months back.

"What happened? Why you haven't finished your food till yet?" Manik asked sitting on the floor besides her.

"I-I was scared.." Meera said and hugged him. "I was scared.. he came back.. again bhai sa.."

"Bhai sa?" Nandini uttered out of shock.

"I told you na.. he can't come here baby. He's in the prison.. I caught him. I promised you na... that I will kill him He can't harm you anymore.." Manik said to Meera with a small smile.

Nandini is just looking at both of them with a shock. She don't know what to say or do.

"See, your bhai sa fulfilled.. your promise. Now it's your turn.. Come out from this shell now... Till when you will keep yourself locked and away from everyone Meera?" Manik said with moist eyes.

"I-I want to sleep bhai sa.. Please go. I want to.. take rest.." Meera said moving to the bed.

Manik just nods being upset. He then turns her gaze towards Nandini to see her standing there confused. Manik then covers Meera with a blanket and leaves holding Nandini's hand.

Both enters their room. Manik directly moves to the window while Nandini just stares him.

She slowly approaches him and calls him out softly. "Manik.."

But he didn't replied and just keep looking out. Nandini then makes him sit on the bench and sats besides him. "Why you never told me that.. She's.. I mean that Meera is your sister. Why you didn't tell me anything about her? And why... she distances herself from everyone? Why she lives there alone?

"Meera is my sister and.. Manav's twin" He spoke. "Like you being the only daughter, Meera was also loved by everyone.. She's apple of everyone's eyes and my sunshine.. We all were so happy together, Everything seemed so perfect until Naman entered her life.."

"Bhai sa? What's his and Meera's relation? He never told me or Ishaan about her..." Nandini said.

"Naman and Meera were together.. They loved each other.. Or it's better if I say she loved her.. because from his side, it was never love. They used to meet secretly without knowing any of us... But one day she told me about them. I was angry at first.. but agreed for her happiness.. And after a week we leave for an ashram for some donation and also to meet Naman as she told he will also be coming there... I don't know to call that as the best day because I saw you first time there or the worst dat because.. I lost my everything that day.."

"What... do you mean.. You saw me?" Nandini asked confused.

"If you remember, months ago you were at an ashram with Naman and Ishaan for some donation.. And you fell down a cliff saving a small cat.." Manik said.

"Wait.. How do you know all that?" She asked confused.

Manik gave her a weak smile. "Because the person who saved was none other than me.. I was also present there and arrived for some donation and other important work disguised.. That's when I saw you and I fell fo..."

"And you fell..." Nandini said as he stopped in between.

Manik ignored her words. "After saving you.. I went for some donation and other work while Meera was with some soldiers and maids exploring the area.. After about more than an hour, we came back to leave but couldn't find Meera anywhere around.. I asked Manav to look for her at the right side while I searched for her in some another side.. I searched her inside the ashram when I.. I found her in one of the room.." His voice started breaking. Nandini held his hand. "I saw... I saw her covering herself.. in a blanket like a ball.. I was shocked to see her condition.. I turned to see no one around.. There was no one inside the ashram. It's just when I heard a woman's sob and saw her approaching me... She told me that.. Few people come and looted all of them and killed our soldiers and maids.. I then requested her to help my sister.."

Manik eyes gets filled with tears. "After a while I entered the room.. As soon as I approached Meera.. She hugged me tight.. And.. and told me that.. she.. was.. she was raped.." A lone tear escapes through Nandini's eyes.

"Who... who did that..?" Nandini asked with a lump forming in her throat.

"Your moron brother and friend!" Manik said in anger and hurt visible in his voice.

Nandini's grip loosens on his hands. Which Manik smirks at her. "What happened? Not able to believe! But it's the truth. Meera herself told me about them! Naman and Veer had raped her! And that's the reason I want to kill that bastard!!"

"Manik! Don't you dare use these words for him! He's not like those men! He can't do this ever..." Nandini said a bit louder.

Manik chuckles. "What happened now? Don't able to believe? Where is your I'll help you attitude? Tell me! Nandini, I don't care if you believe me or not but I won't leave him! Because of him, she has distanced herself from all of us.. She didn't step out of that room once from months.. She believes that she's at fault falling for such a person.. Why? Because of Naman and Veer! She didn't allow anyone of us to touch her.. Even maa couldn't touch her too! And you know the worst,she just tried to kill herself twice just because she thinks.. that she's just a burden on us now! Just think how would we all have felt when she said those words..."

"I understand your pain Manik and I want to help you but.. Trust me bhai sa and Veer can't do that! I know them very well.." Nandini said with tears in her eyes.

"Ask your brother about it if you don't trust me but remember Nandini.. you have to decide.. Him or Me! Either choose your brother or me!" Manik said with pain and anger in his eyes.

Nandini looks at him with tears. "Manik.. What are you saying? I can't choose anyone from you two.."

"That's the reason I keep pushing you away from me because I know.. that it would be difficult for you to choose between me and Naman.. But now you have to Nandini.. You have to.." Manik said and starts leaving the room when Nandini held her wrist.

"Manik please... Don't do this to me please.. I can't choose any one of you. You should investigate the full matter again.. I'm sure there must be some... misunderstanding... Bhai sa is not like those men. Trust me Manik, he's.. " She was cut off by Manik.

Manik held her by shoulders and look into her eyes with anger. "Do you think I'm mad! I would just destroy your whole kingdom and take such a big step of killing them without knowing the full truth! I'm not stupid Nandini.. to kill innocent people and hurt them! Whatever I'm doing is right and no one can stop me! It's just now you who have decide whom you trust.. Me or Naman!" Manik then pushes her and starts leaving.

But he stops in between by her voice. "I can't Manik..." Nandini said sitting on the floor helpless.

Manik turns to him. "You have to.. You have to choose Nandini... Either me or Naman. You can't stay with both at the same time.. Who ever you will choose I will respect your decision and you could stay with your choice.." Manik said.

"He's my brother Manik..." Nandini said with tears.

"He's my enemy Nandini.." Manik said
with tears filled eyes and leaves the room. Nandini just stares at him leaving. Her vision got blurry due to tears that are welled up in her eyes.

Nandini then moves to the prison area to meet Naman and to get her answers. She sees Naman sitting in the prison holding her head.

"Bhai sa.." She called him out softly and tears in her eyes.

Naman looks up to see Nandini standing with teary eyes. She entered inside and hugged him tightly and cried her heart out.

Naman gets worried seeing her crying like this. "Nandini.. what happened to you? Why are you crying? Did that Manik did or said something to you.."

"Bhai sa... I don't know what to do.. I just feel so helpless right now.." She said still crying.

Naman breaks the hug and wipes off her tears. "Nandini.. Look at me. What happened? Tell me at least. Why are you crying and how were you in these months? Did Manik and his family hurted you? And how's Ishaan and choti maa?"

"Everyone are fine bhai sa... Manik and his family isn't bad. They never hurted me.." Nandini said.

Naman then looks at her attire and his gaze falls on her hairline filled with vermillion. "Nandini.. Are you married?" He asked shocked.

Nandini just nods in between her sobs leaving Naman shocked. "When did it happen and whom did you married?"

"Ma-Manik..." She said in a low voice.

Naman gets angry. "Nandini.. I'm not in a mood of hearing your stupid jokes! Don't mess with me and tell me whom you are married to and when?"

"I'm.. I'm not kidding bhai sa. I'm married to Manik and I'm his wife.." Nandini said and told him everything that how she got married to him.

Naman cups her face. "I'm sorry Nandini.. Because of me you have to live with him in this forced relationship and.. Ishaan and choti maa are also suffering!"

Nandini holds his hands. "No bhai sa.. Manik isn't bad. He's very nice.. He never hurted me and not even let anyone hurt me too.. And Ishaan is well too. In fact Manik himself trains him..."

Naman gets angry hearing her words.
"Do you even know.. what are you talking about and whom? He's my enemy, our enemy.. Who destroyed our lives and now wants to kill me! I'll not leave him if I came out from here once!!"

"He's my husband now bhai sa.." She said with teary eyes.

"And he's my enemy Nandini!" Naman said with anger.

"I-I know bhai sa but.. Trust me he's very nice person and.. he never harmed me instead he cared for me and even helped me.. fighting my fears.." Nandini said making him understand.

"So, you have come here to praise Manik?" Naman said in anger.

"No bhai sa.. I'm just.. Ok leave it. I won't talk about him but please listen to me.." Nandini said to which he nods. "Bhai sa, I want you to ask you.. that why did you... you did that with.. Meera?"

"Meera?" Naman asked confused. "Who's she?"

"You.. you don't know Meera?" Nandini asked.

"No! I have heard this name for the first time from you.. Who's she?" He asked her.

"She's Manik's sister. He said that you along with veer has.. raped her.." She said.

"What the hell!" Naman shouted. "Wait.. don't tell me that you came here to.. ask me all this?"

Nandini didn't said anything.

"I can't believe Nandini that you think all this about me.. It's been just months you are living with him and you trust him! Great!" Naman said in frustration.

"No bhai sa I'm not doubting you.. I just want to know what's the truth?" She said with moist eyes.

"Nandini.. do you think I can do something like this?" Naman said with moist eyes. Nandini shakes her head in no and hugs him while crying.

"Shh.. don't cry Nandini.. It's ok. Everything will be fine.. You just take care of yourself choti maa and Ishaan. Don't worry..." Naman said pecking at her forehead. "Now go and.. don't cry"

"I promise bhai sa.. I'll bring you out from here by proving innocent.." She said with a weak smile to Naman and then leaves.

Nandini then goes to Gauri's room and dictates her everything leaving her shocked too. She cried her heart out to her.

"Gauri.. I can't understand that what should I do. Manik said bhai sa is wrong.. bhai sa says that he doesn't even know Meera.. I don't know who to trust and who to not.." Nandini said crying.

"We will figure out something.. You stop crying first..." Gauri said.

"When Gauri?.. We don't have the time that's the main problem! The day after tomorrow Manik will.. give bhai sa death sentence" Nandini said between her tears.

"I'm with you.. You just stop crying and take rest for sometime, please.." Gauri said and made Nandini lie on the bed. "Please rest for sometime..."

It's night. Everyone had the dinner except Manik and Nandini.

It's night, everyone went to their rooms. Manav comes to his room to see Manik in his room standing in the balcony.

"Bhai sa..." Manav said moving towards him.

"Manav, can I stay with you in your room tonight?" Manik asked.

"Yes, bhai sa.. You don't need to ask me but.. Why? I mean why are you sleeping here?" Manav asked.

"Manav.. I can't see Nandini like this.. I know she's hurt but I can't help her too. And maybe she just needs some time alone to know.. what's right or who's right!" Manik said.

"Are you angry at her?" Manav asked.

"No Manav.. Why should I'll be angry with her? I just want to give her some space... I just thought to spend these two days with her peacefully but... It's ok, I guess its what written in our fate.." Manik said in a low voice.

"What if she chooses Naman over you? What you will do then?" Manav asked.

"I'll still love her.. I already told her that I'll respect her decision whether it's in my favour or not.. It's not like that I won't be hurt if she chooses Naman, I'll be but... It's her choice and I know whatever decision she'll take.. It will be correct.. Because love is never wrong it's always right.. I trust my Nandini more than I trust myself" Manik said with a small smile and lies on the side of the bed thinking about Nandini.

Here Nandini too decides to sleeps with Gauri.

"Because I don't have words to say.. I don't have answer to his questions that whom I choose! I want him near me, with me but at the same time I want to stay alone too... I just don't understand Gauri that whom should I choose! If I chose bhai sa then I'll lose my love forever and if I choose my love then I'll lose my brother forever.. I just don't know... Manik never lies and I trust bhai sa a lot.. I'm not able to figure out who's wrong.. Where is the misunderstanding..." She then takes a deep breath. "You please sleep peacefully.. I'm fine. Don't worry about me, I'll sleep " Nandini said lying on the side of the bed thinking about Manik.

It's almost midnight. I'm missing her.. I should at least check on her once. I'll just go and see her face once without disturbing her sleep.. Till I can't see her, sleep will remain far from my eyes and my heart will not be at peace. I'm just habitual of sleeping wrapping my arms around her. Manik said to himself and moves to their room.

Should I just go and check on him? Don't know he is sleeping or still worried. I should go once.. I'll just see him from distance and come back. Now, I just can't sleep without him too.. I'm habitual of sleeping on his shoulders.. I will just visit him once without disturbing him. Nandini said to herself and leaves for their room.

Here's another update!

Hope you like it.

How's it?

How was Manik's past?

Whom do you think is saying the truth? Manik or Naman?

Whom do you think Nandini will choose?

Will Nandini be able to prove Naman innocent or he'll be sentenced to death by Manik?

What will happen when they will bump into each other?

Few words for Manik?

Few words for Nandini?

Please vote and leave your comments.

Thank you❤

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